Translate WPL (Realtyna)

WPL already have language files in its folder. It can be found on this path: /wp-content/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/languages.

You can find the PO and MO files of the available languages that WPL have provided.

To translate WPL in WordPress, copy the PO and MO file of the language you would like to use. Then Paste the file in the WP language folder, path: /wp-content/languages/plugins.

To active the language translation, follow Translate using WordPress Settings tutorial.

For Languages that are not found in the WPL Language Folder


If the language you would want to translate your WPL is not found in the WPL language folder, you can make a new PO and MO file using Poedit.


To use Poedit, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Install Poedit software on your computer.
  • Step 2 – Copy a PO file of the default language used by WPL (e.i. wpl-en_US.po), and rename it.
  • Step 3 – Using the Poedit software, open the renamed PO file and then translate the strings.
  • Step 4 – Once done translating the strings, save the file. Once saved, it will create a PO and MO file.
  • Step 5 – Copy the new PO and MO file to the WordPress language directory, then change the language of WP to activate.