Google maps

Google maps without any marker


HTML markup


Class “ct-mapBox–disabled” – responsible for not displaying google marker in the form box.
Attribute data-marker=”false” – makes marker invisible (if you want make it visible use value “true”)



Google map without any marker

Google map without any marker

Google maps with mapBox


HTML markup


Attribute data-mapImage=”../assets/images/demo-content/map-image.png” – allows you to set any photo into mapBox



Google map with mapBox

Google map with mapBox

Google maps – data attributes explanation

— data-location – use it for display your location on the Google map (e.g. can be a string: “New York”, or cords: 40.7198584,-74.0021416)
— data-height – use it for height adjustment
— data-zoom – use it to set the zoom


JavaScript – for both version

<script src=””></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/init.js”></script>