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Rentica – Responsive HTML5 Template

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Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.See for yourself (resize your browser).If you would like to read more about bootstrap framework click here: Bootstrap Documentation.

1.1. Grid System and Single row structure

The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here
Basic grid HTML:

1.2. Page structure

Below you will find default page structure (default.hbs files):

The most important pages in ghost are home.hbs and index.hbs. The pages are almost the same. Below you can see how looks like the structure of those pages:

This is index.hbs page. Here you can set the four types of blog and the effect for second,3,4..n pages of blog.

Author page in ghost is the page has information about the author, locatiom, posts… Below you can see the structure of the page:


There are three color variations of navigation menu:

  • navbar-default
  • navbar-motive
  • navbar-inverse

To use each of them you need to add proper class to: <nav class="">...</nav>

Navigation bar

Navigation bar

Below you will find full HTML markup:

Page Header

Page header

Page header

HTML markup:

Rent item

Rent item page is created with several elements, which can be used together or separately:

Date Picker

Date picker

Date picker

HTML markup:





HTML markup:




HTML markup:

Checkout Box

Checkout box

Checkout box

HTML markup:

  • dataItemPrice – product price per day;

data-price – Every checkbox and radiobox should have specified this attribute, otherwise script responsible for total price calculating won’t work correctly;
data-name – For radioboxes this attribute should have the same value as form’s ID containing a group of radio inputs.
For checkboxes this attribute should have the same value as input’s [name] attribute.

Required javascript:

Media Sections

Rentica supports media sections with Parallax, KenBurns effect and videos.

Parallax Section

We are using stellar.js for the parallax effect. Check their documentation to check which attributes you can use in each parallax section.

Our custom data-attributes for the parallax section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image: Background image for the section.
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. This will help you with the bandwidth, you’re welcome! 🙂

Ken Burns Sections

KenBurns section supports one or more images that you should add inside .media-section-image-container

Our custom data-attributes for the kenburns section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Kenburns it too much for ipads, iphones and so on, so we allow you to fallback to a normal image section. This way your browser won’t crash 🙂

Video Sections

We recommend you to use html5 video instead of vimeo, since in some specific browsers the sound won’t be muted.

Our custom data-attributes for the video section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Phones don’t autoplay video, so we just replace it for an image

Section Header

Use headers with separator to highlight your sections content.

Section header

Section header

HTML markup:

Icon Boxes

We prepared for you three types of icon boxes.

Type 1

Icon Box - type 1

Icon Box – type 1

HTML markup:

Type 2

Icon Box type 2

Icon Box type 2

HTML markup:

Type 3

Icon Box - type 3

Icon Box – type 3

HTML markup:

Person Box

Introduce the team with nice and simple person boxes!

Person Boxes

Person Boxes

Use simple html markup, with Team Member picture, name, position and links to social media. Each element can be easily modified:

Progress icons

Indicate progress a little bit different.

Progress icons

Progress icons

All parameters can be easily edited in simple HTML markup:

You can use the following data-attributes to change settings:

  • data-font-size=”icon size in pixels”
  • data-icon-color=”color of your active icons”
  • data-active=”how many icons should be activated?”
  • data-total=”number of all displayed icons”
  • data-icon=”CSS class of Font Awesome icon, you want to use”
  • data-delay=”how fast icon should be activated?”

Progress bars

Show the progress with clean and simple progress bars.

Progress bars

Progress bars

Use the simple HTML markup:


There are two types of inputs in Rentica:

Type 1

First type of inputs

First type of inputs

HTML markup:

Type 2

Second type of  inputs

Second type of inputs

HTML markup:


With the Rentica you can use two types of accordions.



Just use the followoing HTML markup:

If you would like to change accordion style to the Second one



Replace class .panel-motive from the markup above with panel-motive-o

Pricing Tables

Create multiple Pricing Tables with different color variations with the simple HTML markup:

If you would like to use table with different color replace  ct-pricingBox--graydarker with one of the following CSS classes:

  • ct-pricingBox–motive
  • ct-pricingBox–gray
  • ct-pricingBox–graylighter

pricing table

Pie Charts

Rentica comes with two types of pie charts.

Type 1

Pie Chart - type 1

Pie Chart – type 1

HTML markup:

Type 2 – Graph Box

Graph Box

Graph Box

HTML markup:

Remember to include the following scripts to your HTML page, otherwise pie charts won’t work correctly.

Figure box

Figure box

Figure box

Create image with caption with simple HTML markup:


Rentica comes with number of variations for buttons.



Use simple HTML markup:

To change button color add one of the following classes after btn class:

  • btn-motive
  • btn-primary
  • btn-warning
  • btn-danger
  • btn-info
  • btn-success
  • btn-graygraydarker
  • btn-graylighter
  • btn-inverse
  • btn-default

If you would like to use button with transparent background and color only in border and text, add to the class, which defines color suffix -o, for example:

You can also change button size with the following classes:

  • btn-xs
  • btn-lg

Add btn-wide to create full width button.


We are using Slick carousel script in our slider.

Just use the simple HTML markup:

And add as many items as you want. In plugin documentation you will find available settings and examples of usage.

Don’t forget to include the following scripts in your html page:


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

  • 1. Media Sections
    2. Datepicker – I use this for calendar widget in blog sidebar.
    3. Gmaps
    4. Headroom – Plugin for navbar options, same is in Diana.
    5. Magnific Popup.
    6. Pagescroller – Onepager navigation.
    7. Owl Corusel – slider
    8. Isotope – gallery categories sorting.
    9. Select2 – overwrite a standard select.
    10. Slider Bootstrap – amount slider.
    11. Device.js – check what device we use.
    12. Appear.js – check a status of element(is in viewport or not)
    13. browser.js – check what browser we use
    14. snap.js – snap event on mobile device


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


Rentica comes with two element with counting functions.




HTML markup:

JS scripts:

Count Down

Count down

Count down

HTML markup:

JS scripts:

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Elite Author
We are elite
Who we are

Hi, we are createIT. We create IT. Web applications and websites to be precise.

And we are REALLY good at it.

Get to know us at www.createIT.pl
Thanks for buying!