• Facebook
  • Twitter

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure

The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

CSS files and structures

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Fonts/Imports
2. Body
3. Preloader
4. Icon Box
5. Dividers
6. CTA
7. Accordion
8. Product Box
9. Slick Corusel
10. Gallery
11. Modal
12. Footer
13. Hovers
14. Lists
15. Person Box
16. Blog
17. Twitter
18. Custom Checkbox
19. Contact
21. Counter
22. Progress Bars
23. Media Query


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • UAcademy uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Text Decorations
  • Font Style
  • Colors
  • Border
  • Position
  • Background Colors
  • Images
  • Text Size


There are four variations of top bar:

Default (no extra class needed)


Topbar - Default

Topbar – Default color version


— ct-topBar


HTML markup

Dark (ct-topBar–dark)


Topbar - Dark

Topbar – Dark color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–dark


HTML markup

Motive (ct-topBar–motive)


Topbar - Dark color version

Topbar – Motive color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–motive

HTML markup

Transparent (ct-topBar–transparent)


Topbar - Transparent color version

Topbar – Transparent color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–transparent

HTML markup



Nawigation example

Nawigation example

There are several options for menu and topbar scrolling effects

HTML markup

The following javascripts are required for the effects above:
Learn More:
You fill find whole documentation of plugin in < script src="assets/plugins/headroom/init.js"></script>



There are four sizes of buttons:

  1. btn
  2. btn-xs
  3. btn-sm
  4. btn-lg

Each can have one of the following variations:

  1. .btn-default
  2. .btn-primary
  3. .btn-primaryDark
  4. .btn-success
  5. .btn-info
  6. .btn-warning
  7. .btn-danger
  8. .btn-dark
  9. .btn-link
  10. .btn-loadMore
  11. .btn-transparent
  12. .btn-bordered–dark
  13. .btn-bordered–Light

HTML markup:

Slick Slider

There are three version of this slider in the UAcademy

Default (no extra class needed)


Slick Slider - Default version

Slick Slider – Default version

HTML markup

Title bigger font size (ct-slick–titleAboveBig)


Slick Slider - Title bigger font size version

Slick Slider – Title bigger font size version

HTML markup

Title smaller font size (ct-slick–titleAboveSmall)



Slick Slider – Title smaller font size version

HTML markup

Standard navigation for slider (ct-slick-defaultNavigation)


Slick Slider - Default navigation

Slick Slider – Default navigation

HTML markup

JavaScript markup for all of the sliders

Item slider settings


This sidebar is used in the UAcademy blog page


Blog Sidebar

Blog Sidebar

Classes (widgets):
— ct-search-widget (class used for search bar)
— ct-widget-categories (class used for categories in blog)
— ct-widget-latestPosts (class used to show latests posts)
— widget-flickr (class used to show flickr)
— tagcloud (class used to show tags)
HTML markup

Product box

This UAcademy has 2 versions of Product box

Default (no extra class needed)


Product Box - Default version

Product Box – Default version


HTML markup

Inline (ct-productBox–inline)

This style will set the image to the left and content on the right side.


Product Box - Inline version

Product Box – Inline version

HTML markup

Price Box


Pricing Box

Pricing Box

HTML markup


Portfolio in UAcademy is using Isotope + Magnigic Popup


.ct-gallery-filters (isotope navigation)

HTML markup

Person Box

This UAcademy has three versions of Person Box



Person Box - Default version

Person Box – Default version

HTML markup



Person Box - Inline version

Person Box – Inline version

HTML markup

Inline Description


Person Box - Inline Description version

Person Box – Inline Description version

HTML markup

Icon Box

UAcademy comes with several types of Icon Boxes:

Screenshots for button variations

iconBox - Transparent version

iconBox – Transparent version

iconBox - Solid border version

iconBox – Solid border version

iconBox - Solid big version

iconBox – Solid big version

iconBox - Small transparent inline round version

iconBox – Small transparent inline round version

iconBox - Small transparent dark inline version

iconBox – Small transparent dark inline version

iconBox - Image version

iconBox – Image version

— ct-iconBox (core class)
— ct-iconBox–small (define size of iconbox)
— ct-iconBox–Big (define size of iconbox)
— ct-iconBox–solidBorder (on hover border changed to dark green)
— ct-iconBox–solid (on hover background to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidBlue (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidYellow (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidRed (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidDark (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–withImageGreyScale (grayscale on hover)
— ct-iconBox–transparent (transparent background)
— ct-iconBox–inline (icon to the left, title to right)

Example of markup





One type with different sections

— ct-prefooter
— ct-footer

HTML markup


Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!


Contact form


Options (can be changed in HTML) :
Mail Subject – just change value in :
Success Message – change successMessage div content
Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Common Problems

Where I can edit my contact form/newsletter email addres?
You can define where we should send messages from your contact form and newsletter in file HTML/assets/form/config.php

Form config

Form config

Add your email address instead of recipient@mail.com and it’s ready to use!

Google Map Plugin

Maps in UAcademy are created with our premium Map plugin. Here: link you will fin full plugins documentation.

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Elite Author
We are elite
Who we are

Hi, we are createIT. We create IT. Web applications and websites to be precise.

And we are REALLY good at it.

Get to know us at www.createIT.pl
Thanks for buying!