
All of our items come with free support. For some help you can reach to our dedicated support forum. Free support is limited to questions regarding the themes features or problems. We provide premium support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations of your theme, feel […]

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What’s Included

When purchasing our theme from Themeforest, you need to download the {Theme} files from your Themeforest account. Navigate to downloads tab on Themeforest and find {Theme}. Below you’ll find a full list of what is included the .zip file, along with a brief description of each item. {Theme} Folder contains: {theme}.zip – main installation folder {PSD_included}

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Requirements for {Theme}

Before using {Theme}, please meet the following requirements: essentials to run WordPress – here you can find more information – in case any doubts regarding the server, contact your host provider, latest version of WordPress, which you can download here, create secure FTP and Database.

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General Information

Thank you for purchasing {Theme}! We’re very pleased that you have chosen our theme to build your website and we’re trying our best not to disappoint you! Before you get started, please check out these documentation pages. {Theme} can only be use with WordPress which we assume you already have installed and ready to go. If […]

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