Pages Theme Options

To create a standardized template for each page some of the settings you can set globally. You need to go to Appearance > Theme Options > Pages and choose from several options: You can change the following settings: show title on pages show breadcrumbs on pages show comments show comment form

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Homepage setup

If you have added some pages via Pages > Add new you can choose one and set it up as a homepage. Use {homepage_setup} and choose from the list your homepage. Remember to click Save changes at the end of editing. {homepage-screenshot}

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Onepager setup

{Theme} has the ability to make one page site with a scrolling to sections menu. Most sites are traditionally setup with individual pages, each page with its own content. One page site allows you to put all the content on one page, and the menu items will link to each different section of the page. […]

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Create pages

To create a new Page follow the steps below: Step 1 – select Pages > Add New Step 2 – add Title Step 3 – add content – we recommend you to create page content using shortcode generator or by modifying demo content Step 4 – choose page attributes: Parent – if you want to […]

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You can use Pages to organize and manage any content on your website. You can create multiple pages on your website for different types of content or setup onepager with scroll-to-section menu.

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