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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

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    We’ve tested on our server and we do not have any suspicious high load on our server. We will of course investigate it and optimize it as much as possible.

    Meanwhile I’ve disabled css/js/html minification on your site (it really causes a lot of problems with any external plugins AND causes a high load when trying to minimize big JS files).
    What’s worth pointing out is that W3C cache works really well, site from Poland loads quickly. In order to test cache, please refresh page, view source and at the bottom you will see when cache is generated.

    Please note that you must be LOGGED OUT in order to enable W3C cache. Could you please verify that when you are logged out and page is refreshed, load is OK?

    I am aware that’s not the permanent fix in this case, but a feasible workardoung for now.

    Sorry for your trouble,


    It seems your token has expired. Did you generate a new token? If so, could you please send it to us so we can verify it?

    Please mark your reply as private so only support team has access to it.



    I do apologize for this hold up – it took us some time to figure out those 2 mysterious texts:)
    Everything is fixed now and a proper fix will be updated in next theme update. Of course this file is already patched on your server.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Sorry for this delay – we are currently handling larger amount of supports. This backlog should be sorted in +-2 days.

    It seems that your server blocks these emails because when I use my email it works without any problems. Could you please verify whether you receive new emails now? I’ve slightly modified how emails are sent. Please also make sure to check spam folder.

    Please let me know if that sorted things out – if not, we will find another solution.


    Hi Rich,

    Thanks for getting back to me with this detailed explanation – I must say that was a really nice hack:)

    Regarding your question – you can use shortcode parameter mailto=””. Additionally you can change a subject with parameter subject=”Newsletter”. Both parameters can be also used in contact form.

    Oh! I hope you didn’t forget to rate our theme:)



    Yes – could you please add placeholders to your input fields? For example:

    Placeholder fields will then be used as labels, instead of 1,2,3.

    Thanks and sorry for your trouble,

    Hi Rich,

    There is no need for apologizes – I’m actually sorry that you have to debug it;(

    Anyway, I’ve tested everything and it just works;)
    Currently I have 2 ideas:
    – we can either debug it carefully – in this case I would need to ask you to test it on different browsers, different PC/MAC if possible. If problem occurs only on some machines then browser version and operating system info would help a lot
    – I can always display success message to not to annoy customers, doesn’t matter whether system thinks he send it or not. Please note that this error message only appears after data is validated and is valid but for some reason WP thinks the mail wasn’t successfully send.

    Both approaches can be done at the same time. I can display message: Thank You! We will contact you shortly. when we have a success, and when there is an error: Thank You! We will contact you shortly! (note the “!”).
    They both will be green:) but it ‘buys’ us some time to work it out.

    Again, sorry for all your trouble,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Ok, stay tuned;) I’ll see right now what’s going on..


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    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Rich,

    It seems that your WP installation doesn’t send email messages at all – and that’s why contact form is not working correctly. I’ve tested it by creating a new WP user and trying to recover password – unfortunately I didn’t receive any email messages.

    That has to be an server issue and how function mail is configured. Could you please try to use this plugin and setup any other SMTP account to send emails from? I believe this should solve this issue.


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    Thanks for the info. I can’t connect to your website right now – it seems it’s offline. Is it only me or you have a scheduled maintenance?



    It seems that you’ve embedded jQuery twice – once at the top (which comes with WordPress) and second time at the bottom in the footer.

    Could you please send me:
    – your wp login and password
    – FTP access if possible

    I’ll investigate where the problem is and get back to you.
    Please don’t forget to mark reply “as private” so only support team can view it.

    Thanks and sorry for your trouble,

    Hi Alan,

    I’ve configured your email address at Theme Options – Jobs – Single – “Single job apply form e-mail” to alan@… This should resolve this issue. Feel free to change it to any email you like.

    By default, system should send email without this value set up, but due to some email server configuration, they may be blocked – that what the case here.

    Anayway, everything should work as expected now.



    We are uploading an updated version of Boston right which should resolve this issue. Tweets couldn’t be downloaded due to unusual server setup (server couldn’t connect to your optimalreach domain internally). Additionally latest update will allow you to cache Tweets for X seconds to speed up page loading.

    I wanted to update your theme manually but unfortunately FTP and WP credentials do not work.

    Thanks and again, sorry for the delay,


    It seems that your server is blocking any email which has “From” header set ie. recipient. Right now we’ve modified this shortcode for you and everything should work. Please note that you will be able to still update main theme ie. seafresh without any trouble – all modifications were done in blackangus theme which is a child theme (ie. really rarely updated). Anyway, feel free to backup blackangus theme just in case;)


    Hi Kairuh,

    Your content has been successfully imported. Currently Onepager version is imported though I can import multipager version for you. Problems were caused by server timeouts – we are working on an updated version of importer which shouldn’t have these problems anymore.

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with and I do apologize for any inconvenience.



    We are just uploading a new version of FoodTruck where language files should be updated.
    If you are in a hurry, attached you will find newest POT file.

    Thanks and sorry for your trouble,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Glad to hear that and thanks for find time to let me know;)


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    We’ve changed default order of FAQ from ID to menu order – which of course makes more sense now:)

    As you’ve already noticed, there is no order in case of any WordPress categories. Fortunately there is a great free plugin for that: Please install it and then you should be able to sort FAQ categories simply by drag and dropping them.

    Update has just been submitted to ThemeForest (version 2.2) but it may take a while for them to accept it. In +- 30 minutes

    Thanks and sorry for your trouble,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I see what you mean. You may try this snippet:

    Please let me know is it working for you.



    Ok, I see. In this case theme will notify you when new version comes up and you will be able to see the changelog:)

    It’s me, Alex, by the way:)


    Hi Rayant,

    Ooh:) I see. If that’s the case I’ll discuss this matter today and we’ll try to upload new features on friday.

    One of ideas we had for some time now is to add support for contact form 7. It would allow us to create complex forms with custom email messages etc.

    Stay tuned, you will receive an email notification from ThemeForest when we upload this feature (if you mared “Notify me about new updates” on your TF account).
