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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

  • Not sure why the code HTML tag didn’t work but you should get the idea.

    Please try again.
    You probably tried logging in while I was tearing things apart trying to identify the issue.

    The issue:

    Commenting/removing line 185-199 solves the issue so I’m assuming that it’s somewhere there.

    Widgets / Appearance>Customize broken:

    * Renders form
    * @param array $instance
    * @return string|void
    function form($instance) {

    if (!isset($instance['child'])) {
    $instance['child'] = array();

    if (!$this->childShortcode) {
    $this->renderShortcodeForm(array($this->shortcode), $instance);
    } else {
    $shortcodes = array();
    $childInfo = $this->shortcode->getChildShortcodeInfo();
    $max = count($instance['child']);
    if (!$max) {
    $max = isset($childInfo['default_qty']) ? $childInfo['default_qty'] : 1;

    for ($x = 0; $x < $max; $x++) {
    $shortcodes[] = $this->childShortcode;
    $this->renderShortcodeForm($shortcodes, $instance);

    Widgets / Appearance > Customize fixed by commenting out the specified lines.:

    * Renders form
    * @param array $instance
    * @return string|void
    function form($instance) {

    if (!isset($instance['child'])) {
    $instance['child'] = array();

    if (!$this->childShortcode) {
    $this->renderShortcodeForm(array($this->shortcode), $instance);
    } else {
    $shortcodes = array();
    $childInfo = $this->shortcode->getChildShortcodeInfo();
    $max = count($instance['child']);
    if (!$max) {
    $max = isset($childInfo['default_qty']) ? $childInfo['default_qty'] : 1;

    for ($x = 0; $x < $max; $x++) {
    $shortcodes[] = $this->childShortcode;
    $this->renderShortcodeForm($shortcodes, $instance);

    Thanks for the reply.

    /wp-admin/customize.php seems to be broken as well.

    Same issue, solution?

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    This reply has been marked as private.


    Rev slider also causes Error 500 upon activation.