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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

  • Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate it. As most people have stated on different forums, you guys have tremendous customer support.

    I got the form up and working like a charm.
    There is only one little hiccup however, though it isn’t a huge deal as the info arrives at the desired email addy anyways now which is the primary goal.

    The one hiccup being that when myself or anyone else fills out the form and clicks submit (which now works to send the info)…. when you click submit, the submit button changes color for a second like the form in processing, but then all of the filled out fields still stay filled out, no thank you message, the form doesn’t clear and the page doesn’t reload to indicate to the user that the info was sent. As a result, the teacher for the preschool that I’m helping make the site for was trying it out, didn’t realize that the form actually IS sending the info, so she was spam clicking “submit” over and over thinking that it wasn’t sending.

    As a result, I got about 15 clone messages emailed to me with the same info, where she kept clicking submit thinking that nothing was happening.

    Is there a simple line of code that I can add into the config.php file (sorry, I have very little experience with php) that would tell the contact.html page to reload when the form is submitted?

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I’m using godaddy for my file hosting if that makes any difference.
    Well…. guess I’ll bite the bullet and send you the ftp login info if that helps?

    Thank you so much for your speedy reply Magda, and good morning to’ya 🙂

    Yup, I’ set the path to ./assets/form/send.php before with no luck, so I figure that I must have something wrong with how I have the config.php setup then.

    Here’s what I have in config.php right now.
    I’d like to have the forms emailed to my email addy,, I tried following the instructions in the documentation, where it said to just add:
    $to = ‘’;
    $from = ‘’;
    into the config.php file.

    Here’s what I have in the config.php file at the moment.

    * Setup mail server config

    $to = ‘’;
    $from = ‘’;

    //where we would like to send email
    $recipientEmail = ‘’;
    $recipientName = ‘Recipient Name’;

    //Address which will be visible in “From” field
    $fromEmail = ‘’;
    $fromName = ‘Site Admnistrator’;

    //Validation error messages
    $requiredMessage = ‘Field is required’;
    $invalidEmail = ‘Invalid email’;

    * Advanced configuration – no need to modify

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/vendor/ctPHPMailer.php’);
    $mail->CharSet = “UTF-8”;
    $mail = new ctPHPMailer();

    //set your email address
    $mail->AddAddress($recipientEmail, $recipientName);
    $mail->SetFrom($fromEmail, $fromName);

    $debug = false; //if problems occur, set to true to view debug messages

    * For GMAIL configuration please use this values:
    * $mail->Host = “”; // SMTP server
    * $mail->Username = “”; // SMTP account username
    * $mail->Password = “yourpassword”; // SMTP account password
    * $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
    * $mail->SMTPSecure = “ssl”;
    * More configuration options available here:


    * Config for SMTP server – uncomment if you don’t want to use PHP mail() function

    * $mail->Host = “”; // sets the SMTP server
    * $mail->Username = “username”; // SMTP account username
    * $mail->Password = “password”; // SMTP account password
    * $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication – true if username and password required
    * $mail->Port = 587; // set the SMTP port (usually 587, or 465 when SSL)
    * $mail->IsSMTP(); uncomment it to enable smtp
    * $mail->SMTPDebug = $debug ? 2 : 0; // debug messages – set debug to false on production!


    Help me Obi Wan Magda… you’re my only hope 🙂

    nvm, got it 🙂

    thank you very much for your reply.
    considering that i have literally just started working on their site, I’d have no problem switching gears at this point… I know that this template is also offered in a wordpress format. Would purchasing (i don’t mind the added expense, it’s for a good cause) wordpress version of the template make it easier to get the blog going then?

    I’d assume then that using the WP version of the website it’d be a peice of cake because there’d already be the wordpress theme to use with the blog.