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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

  • Thank you for update. Works perfect now!!

    Have a nice day!

    Hello again!

    Do you have any update about the issue with parallax on Internet Explorer?


    Thanks for your reply, however, i will try to find a solution too but if you have any update please let me know because i need it asap.

    Best regards

    Are you sure that check it with Internet Explorer? I have opened that with 3 different ie browsers but the issue with parallax performance exist..

    Hello again,

    I want to ask you one more question.

    I observe that when open my site with ie the parallax is not works properly. The parallax effect is not smooth. When open your demo works fine. Do you know what happening?


    Do you have any idea how i can add different style on parallax section?

    Hello, thanks for quick reply..

    I would like to inform you that i have upgrade the theme to the latest version 3.3 but neither now i can add attribute id or attribute class at the following section.

    [parallax overlay=”#4394a3″ opacity=”0.3″ imgsrc=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/slide_1.jpg”]
    [parallax_text title=”Οι ειδικοί μας κοντά σας”] [/parallax_text]

    For example, i would like to do something like that
    [parallax id=”home” or class=”home” overlay=”#4394a3″ opacity=”0.3″ imgsrc=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/slide_1.jpg”]
    [parallax_text title=”Οι ειδικοί μας κοντά σας”] [/parallax_text]

    Is it possible? I need to add a class on parallax section for different style.

    Thanks in advance