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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

  • Hello Magda!

    Thx a lot for fix it.
    I tried the solution of UTF-8 but it was something I did try before and then clean back the code but the chars are still gonna show up like in this IMG..

    No big deal, dont want to waste all of your time so if you have an idea i’ll try it again, but if you dont have.. i’m fine!!

    Awesome take care

    Hi Magda,
    I just saw your answer ’cause I thought you were not gonna answer before a few days.. I was wrong. Thanks a lot for the prompt work..

    Anyway yes now it works correctly I have just a minor problem.. letter like è or ò common in Italy only show up like that “messaggio: è solo una prova del cazzo”..
    How do you think I can fix it.. it was supposed to be “è”

    for the other problem you are correct I would like the menu in the same original position, but i messedup with something that I cant come up back to fix it.


    I have naother problem, I changed somthing in the menu and I cant take back down to the original place. Could you help me?