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are often better for cooling We may not necessarily be buying the concept

  • Hi Julka,
    Here is my config.php I don’t what else should i modify? what else should i modify ? do I need SMTP “.

    * Setup mail server config

    //where we would like to send email
    $recipientEmail = ‘’;
    $recipientName = ‘Recipient Name’;

    //Address which will be visible in “From” field
    $fromEmail = ‘’;
    $fromName = ‘Sender Admnistrator’;

    //Validation error messages
    $requiredMessage = ‘Field is required’;
    $invalidEmail = ‘Invalid email’;

    * Advanced configuration – no need to modify

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/vendor/ctPHPMailer.php’);
    $mail = new ctPHPMailer();

    //set your email address
    $mail->AddAddress($recipientEmail, $recipientName);
    $mail->SetFrom($fromEmail, $fromName);

    $debug = true; //if problems occur, set to true to view debug messages

    * For GMAIL configuration please use this values:
    * $mail->Host = “”; // SMTP server
    * $mail->Username = “”; // SMTP account username
    * $mail->Password = “yourpassword”; // SMTP account password
    * $mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
    * $mail->SMTPSecure = “ssl”;
    * More configuration options available here:


    * Config for SMTP server – uncomment if you don’t want to use PHP mail() function

    $mail->Host = “mail.”; // sets the SMTP server
    $mail->Username = “support”; // SMTP account username
    $mail->Password = “Qt”; // SMTP account password
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication – true if username and password required
    $mail->Port = 587; // set the SMTP port (usually 587, or 465 when SSL)
    $mail->IsSMTP(); uncomment it to enable smtp
    $mail->SMTPDebug = $debug ? 2 : 0; // debug messages – set debug to false on production!