3.1. Media Sections
Orlando supports media sections with Slice effect, Push effect, Particles effect, slider effect, Parallax, KenBurns effect and videos.
3.1.1. Slice Effect:
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<!--This is the slice effect--> <header class="ct-intro-topImage"> <div class="bg-img"><img src="{{@blog.cover}}" alt="Background Image"/></div> <div class="ct-intro-title"> <h1 class="ct-u-colorWhite ct-fw-600">welcome. <small class="ct-u-colorMotive ct-fw-300">We have a passion for design and code</small> </h1> </div> <div class="bg-img"><img src="{{@blog.cover}}" alt="Background Image"/></div> </header> <button class="trigger" data-info="Continue"><span>Trigger</span></button> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/intro-effects/classie.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/intro-effects/slice.js"}}"></script> |
3.1.2. Push Effect:
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<!--This is the push effect--> <header class="ct-intro-topImage"> <div class="bg-img"><img src="{{@blog.cover}}" alt="Background Image"/></div> <div class="ct-intro-title"> <h3 class="ct-u-colorMotive ct-fw-600 ct-u-hrMid"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Xperiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont<br>emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> </div> </header> <button class="trigger" data-info="Continue"><span>Trigger</span></button> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/intro-effects/classie.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/intro-effects/push.js"}}"></script> |
3.1.3. Particles Effect:
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<!--this is particle effect--> <section class="ct-mediaSection ct-u-borderMotiveBottom" data-height="100%"> <div class="ct-mediaSection-inner"> <div id="particles-js"></div> <div class="ct-u-displayTableVertical"> <div class="ct-u-displayTableCell"> <div class="container text-center" data-stellar-ratio="0.5"> <h3 class="ct-u-colorMotive ct-fw-600 ct-u-hrMid"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Xperiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont<br>emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="ct-sectionButton ct-js-btnScroll" href="#section1"><span class="ct-sectionButton-circle animated pulse activate infinite"><i class="fa fa-angle-down animated activate bounce infinite"></i></span>Continue</a> </section> <div id="section1"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/jquery.min.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/ct-mediaSection/jquery.stellar.min.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/ct-mediaSection/init.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/particles/particles.js"}}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{asset "js/particles/init.js"}}"></script> |
3.1.4. Flexslider:
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<!--this is flexslider effect--> <section class="ct-mediaSection ct-u-borderMotiveBottom" data-height="100%"> <div class="flexslider ct-flexslider--controlsVertical ct-flexslider--controlsWhite ct-js-flexslider" data-animations="true" data-height="100%"> <ul class="slides"> <li data-bg="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage4.jpg"}}"> <div class="inner ct-u-paddingBoth100"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5"> <span class="h2 ct-fw-300 ct-u-colorMotive animated" data-fx="zoomIn">01</span> <h3 class="ct-u-colorWhite ct-u-hrLeft animated" data-fx="fadeInUp"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Experiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite animated" data-fx="zoomInDown">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> <a href="../demo/buy.php" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-primary text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="800">Buy Orlando Ghost</a> <a href="/about-us/" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-default text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="1250">About us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li data-bg="{{asset "images/demo-content/orlando-slider-image-2.jpg"}}"> <div class="inner ct-u-paddingBoth100"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5"> <span class="h2 ct-fw-300 ct-u-colorMotive animated" data-fx="zoomIn">02</span> <h3 class="ct-u-colorWhite ct-u-hrLeft animated" data-fx="fadeInUp"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Experiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite animated" data-fx="zoomInDown">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> <a href="../demo/buy.php" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-primary text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="800">Buy Orlando Ghost</a> <a href="/about-us/" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-default text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="1250">About us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li data-bg="{{asset "images/demo-content/orlando-slider-image-3.jpg"}}"> <div class="inner ct-u-paddingBoth100"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5"> <span class="h2 ct-fw-300 ct-u-colorMotive animated" data-fx="zoomIn">03</span> <h3 class="ct-u-colorWhite ct-u-hrLeft animated" data-fx="fadeInUp"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Experiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite animated" data-fx="zoomInDown">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> <a href="../demo/buy.php" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-primary text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="800">Buy Orlando Ghost</a> <a href="/about-us/" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-default text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="1250">About us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li data-bg="{{asset "images/demo-content/orlando-slider-image-4.jpg"}}"> <div class="inner ct-u-paddingBoth100"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5"> <span class="h2 ct-fw-300 ct-u-colorMotive animated" data-fx="zoomIn">04</span> <h3 class="ct-u-colorWhite ct-u-hrLeft animated" data-fx="fadeInUp"> <small class="text-uppercase ct-u-colorWhite">We create unique and inovative</small> <span class="ct-fw-300">User</span> Experiences </h3> <p class="ct-u-colorWhite animated" data-fx="zoomInDown">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dont emet suspendisse, condimentum porttitor cursus duis neclim.</p> <a href="/services/" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-primary text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="800">Services</a> <a href="/about-us/" class="btn ct-btn--rounded btn-default text-uppercase animated" data-fx="fadeInUp" data-time="1250">About us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <a class="ct-sectionButton ct-js-btnScroll" href="#section1"><span class="ct-sectionButton-circle animated pulse activate infinite"><i class="fa fa-angle-down animated activate bounce infinite"></i></span>Continue</a> </section> <div id="section1"></div> |
3.1.5. Parallax Section:
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<header class="ct-mediaSection" data-stellar-background-ratio="0.3" data-height="400" data-type="parallax" data-bg-image="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage3.jpg"}}" data-bg-image-mobile="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage3-mobile.jpg"}}"> <div class="ct-mediaSection-inner"> <header class="ct-pageHeader ct-pageHeader--type5 ct-pageHeader--hasDescription ct-u-paddingTop150" data-stellar-ratio="0.5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h1 class="ct-fw-600 text-uppercase"> Blog </h1> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <span> Aliquam erat volutpat. in vitae gravida sem. praesent nec fermentum erat. </span> </div> </div> </div> </header> </div> </header> |
Our custom data-attributes for the parallax section are:
- data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
- data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
- data-image: Background image for the section.
- data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. This will help you with the bandwidth, you’re welcome! 🙂
3.1.6. Ken Burns Section:
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<section class="ct-mediaSection" data-height="400" data-type="kenburns" data-bg-image-mobile="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage4-mobile.jpg"}}"> <div class="ct-mediaSection-kenburnsImageContainer"> <img src="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage4.jpg"}}" alt="demo image"> <img src="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage5.jpg"}}" alt="demo image"> <img src="{{asset "images/demo-content/bigImage4.jpg"}}" alt="demo image"> </div> <div class="ct-mediaSection-inner"> <header class="ct-pageHeader ct-pageHeader--type5 ct-pageHeader--hasDescription ct-u-paddingTop150" data-stellar-ratio="0.5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h1 class="ct-fw-600 text-uppercase"> Blog </h1> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <span> Aliquam erat volutpat. in vitae gravida sem. praesent nec fermentum erat. </span> </div> </div> </div> </header> </div> </section> |
Our custom data-attributes for the kenburns section are:
- data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
- data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
- data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Kenburns it too much for ipads, iphones and so on, so we allow you to fallback to a normal image section. This way your browser won’t crash 🙂
3.1.7. Video Section:
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<header class="ct-mediaSection" data-height="400" data-type="video" data-bg-image-mobile="../assets/images/demo-content/bigImage3-mobile.jpg"> <div class="ct-mediaSection-video embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <video id="video1" muted loop autoplay="autoplay" preload="auto"> <source src='http://orlando.html.themeforest.createit.pl/light/assets/videos/loopbookeh.mp4' type='video/mp4'/> <source src='http://orlando.html.themeforest.createit.pl/light/assets/videos/loopbookeh.webm' type='video/webm'/> </video> </div> <div class="ct-u-displayTable"> <div class="ct-mediaSection-inner"> <header class="ct-pageHeader ct-pageHeader--type5 ct-pageHeader--hasDescription ct-u-paddingTop150" data-stellar-ratio="0.5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h1 class="ct-fw-600 text-uppercase"> Blog </h1> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <span> Aliquam erat volutpat. in vitae gravida sem. praesent nec fermentum erat. </span> </div> </div> </div> </header> </div> </div> </header> |
Our custom data-attributes for the video section are:
- data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
- data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
- data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Phones don’t autoplay video, so we just replace it for an image
3.1.3. How to make available the effect (fragment of Home.hbs file)
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{{!>simply-slider2}} <!--This is simply slider, tis is the same slider like in page-office.hbs file--> {{!> flexslider-effect}} <!--This is the big slider on the main side of tha page, if you want to enable the effect just remove ! and change the wrapper class to " "--> {{!> slice-effect}} <!--this is slice effect, if you want to enable the effect just remove ! and change the wrapper class to ct-pageWrapper ct-intro--sliced and add this class ct-intro-content below --> {{!> push-effect}} <!--this is push effect, if you want to enable the effect just remove ! and change the wrapper class to ct-pageWrapper ct-intro--push and add this class ct-intro-content below--> {{!>particles-effect}} <!--This is the particles effect, if you want to enable the effect just remove ! and change the wrapper class to " "--> <!--If we use a effect like slice or push, all the content must be in this section--> <!--If you have to use a effect like above , you have add this class ct-intro-content--> |