Media Sections

{Theme} supports media sections with Parallax, KenBurns effect and videos.

Parallax Section

We are using stellar.js for the parallax effect. Check their documentation to check which attributes you can use in each parallax section.

Our custom data-attributes for the parallax section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image: Background image for the section.
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. This will help you with the bandwidth, you’re welcome! 🙂

Ken Burns Sections

KenBurns section supports one or more images that you should add inside .media-section-image-container

Our custom data-attributes for the kenburns section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Kenburns it too much for ipads, iphones and so on, so we allow you to fallback to a normal image section. This way your browser won’t crash 🙂

Video Sections

We recommend you to use html5 video instead of vimeo, since in some specific browsers the sound won’t be muted.

Our custom data-attributes for the video section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Phones don’t autoplay video, so we just replace it for an image