How to get tokens, ids and page name

API tokens are unique identifiers of an application requesting access to your service. Each API has got different specs for tokens or ids. Note that you should be careful and create test application fot that purpose. Do not do this with your main account. In this plugin pinterest is public so it doesnt need any authorization or application. Twitter should be set for read-only app like it is presented below. However Facebook and Instagram should have their own test accounts due to security.

How to get a Facebook Access Token (token)
Here is the whole proccess of retrieving access token:

Example Page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


How to get a Customer Key and customer secret
Here is the whole proccess of retrieving access token. You should care about first step where you obtain these keys.
What is very important is that you should set your application to Read-only. If you dont have it set yet go to your application and change it. This is for your security.

Example Page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


How to generate an Instagram Access Token (client_id)


There is no need to get tokens or other secure keys.

Example page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


There is no need to get tokens or other secure keys.
Example page

A sample how to get the id of the page (in this case it’s number no string). Simply, click on any photo of your favourite social and go to the link and retrieve id as it is below in the picture. If social doesnt display, that means it’s not full public.