CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Animate.css
3. Typography
4. Buttons
5. Menu
6. Forms
7. Hovers
8. Tables
9. Utilities
10. Media Sections – video/parallax/kenburns
11. Accordions
12. Progress Bar
13. Tabs
14. Mixins
15. Select2
16. Wrapper
17. Page Header
18. Footer
19. Socials Types
20. Counter
21. Blog
22. Blog Panel
23. Blog Comments
24. Pricing Boxes
25. Blockquote
26. Sliders
27. Google Maps
28. Widgets
29. Magnific Popup
30. After & before slider(twentytwenty)
31. Templates


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • {Theme} uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements