The fastest and easiest way to import our demo content is to use Theme Options 1-click Demo Importer. It will import all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, theme options, assigned pages, and more. We recommend this approach on a newly installed WordPress. It will not replace content such as posts, pages, portfolio, etc. and delete current menus, but configure them and replace theme options. By that, if you have created some posts, pages or portfolio content before an import, you won’t loose them.
To import our demo content, please follow the steps below:
- Step 1 – install and activate plugins listed in Recommended Plugins message {warning}
and WooCoomerce plugin, if you’d like to use shop functionalities.
- Step 2 – setup Media thumbnails sizes in Settings > Media to recommended values:
- Thumbnail size: {thumbnail_size}
- Medium size: {medium_size}
- Large size: {large_size}
If you’re using WooCommerce product images sizes in WooCoomerce > Settings > Products
- Step 3 – navigate to Appearance > Theme Options > General – 1-click Demo Import
- Step 4 – click the Import demo content button with multipage or onepager version.
(WARNING:The image below is only an example of how the 1-Click Demo section might look like. Depending on the theme, the amount of images and/or tabs of the import demo contents, this option might look different.)
- Step 5 – importing can take a few minutes. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it will be loading, you will see message with indicating progress.
Learn more:
Common errors with “1-Click Demo Import”