Custom Stylesheet (custom.css)

If you want to add a significant amount of custom CSS, the best method is to use a custom stylesheet.

1. Activate the custom stylesheet

In the UberMenu Control Panel, go to General Settings > Assets and activate the Load Custom Stylesheet settings.

This will load the custom/custom.css file after the UberMenu core and skin files, but before the Custom Tweaks from the settings.

2. Use {Theme} custom stylesheet

In theme/assets/less/ubermenu/ you will find custom.css and custom.less files with UberMenu styles dedicated to use with the {Theme}. We recommend you to copy custom.css file into plugins/ubermenu/custom  directory.

3. Adding supplementary styles

If you would like to add additional styles to customize an existing skin, just start adding your custom CSS to the file.

4. Creating a complete custom skin

If you want to create a completely customized skin, you will likely want to disable the existing skin in the UberMenu Control PanelMain UberMenu Configuration > Basic Configuration by setting the Skin to None (Disable)

If you would like a sample skin to begin working with, copy the custom-sample-skin.css file into your custom.css.