Creating Testimonials

To create new Testimonial, navigate to Testimonials > Add New

How to add new testimonial?

How to add new testimonial?

In every testimonial, you can define:

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Author
    4. Socials – add usernames/nicks to social, that you want to display wih this testimonial
    5. Featured image

Remember to click Publish to save your testimonial or Update after every item modification.

Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Testimonials you can set global options for all Testimonials:

    1. Show or hide Tweet button
    2. Show or hide Facebook Share button
    3. Show socials icons
    4. Default tweet share message
    5. Add post permalink to tweet message?
Theme Options for testimonials

Theme Options for testimonials

Remember to always click Save Changes when you finish your changes in Theme Options.