Creating Header

The header can be created in each Section on the page by adding in the Section Settings  text to the Header (2).

Adding heder

Adding heder

The header have 9 styles that can look different depending on the theme flavor you will be using. You can also choose to don’t use any of the style for the header by choosing the blank option (1).

Header style

Header style

Header styles (Burger Lover):

Header style

Header style

THEME HEADER SIX header also requires to set in Section Settings option
Curved_header to yes
Curved header

Curved header

Creating two part header (Seabreeze)

To part header

Two part hader

Two part header like the one you can find in Seabreeze flavor, can be created by adding to header text vertical bar in place where you want the text to break.

Adding vertical bar

Adding vertical bar