Global settings

You can change View360 plugin options via View360 > Global Settings

Global settings

Global settings

You can manage there the following options:

  • Width – You can change Width of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Height – You can change Height of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Number of frames – You can change Height of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Number of frames for standard image – Number of frames per line (when horizontal) or per column (when vertical);
  • Speed – You Can change Animated rotation speed;
  • Duration of stop motion – Duration of opening animation (in seconds);
  • Stop motion time – Delay before View360 starts playing by itself (in seconds);
  • Enable gyroscope – You can switch on the box to enable interaction via device’s built-in gyroscope;
  • Mouse scroll interaction – You can switch on the box to enable interaction mouse scroll;
  • View progress – You can switch on the box if you want to see you strip progress;
  • Responsiveness – If switched to responsive mode, View will obey dimensions of its parent container, will grow to fit and will adjust the interaction and UI accordingly (and also on resize);
  • Cursor type – You can select which cursor to be Hand or Arrow;
  • Draggable Cursor – You can switch on the box if you want switch off the ability to interact;
  • Play Animation on mouse over – You can switch on the box if you want to interact PUT after driving over a photo (Draggable Cursor option is required);
  • Follow the mouse – If your View image motion doesn’t follow the mouse when dragged (moves in opposite direction), set this to true to indicate clockwise organization of frames;