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FontAwesome Icons conflicts with 3rd party theme, using GDPR Plugin

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After the latest FontAwesome update (FontAwesome 5) - you may encounter some issues when displaying cookies information.
If you're using Ultimate GDPR Compliance Toolkit for WordPress and noticed the following error when displaying cookie popup:


that probably means that there is a CSS conflict between your wordpress theme and our plugin.
To fix it, follow the steps described below:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard navigate to Ultimate GDPR > Cookie Consent
  2. Go to Preferences tab and find the Custom style CSS field
  3. In assigned CSS area paste the following code:
    #ct-ultimate-gdpr-cookie-popup .fa,
    .ct-ultimate-gdpr-cookie-modal-slider-able li:before,
    .ct-ultimate-gdpr-cookie-modal-slider-not-able li:before {
    font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free" !important;
    font-weight: 900 !important;
    #ct-ultimate-gdpr-cookie-read-more .fa-long-arrow-right:before {
    content: "\f30b";
  4. Save changes. It should be fixed now.

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