Forum Replies Created

  • Hello!

    I am sorry that you had to wait for so long for this answer.
    Usually it is better to start new ticket. I mean we will finish this question here it is not a problem 🙂 . But sometimes when the tickets go from one suppoerter to another one (Julka started it now I am helping you) ppl could get lost in so long converation.

    About another question. As far as I know we don’t have this kind of plugin in our plugins familly, but I will wish you best luck with finding free one 🙂 I think the plugin would be the easiest way to work it. Should it be opened in another window it is a hard question. Some ppl say that it is in the best manner when it is opening in the same window. But in my opinion it is a lot easier when it is opening in new window. I am just clicking the right mouse button and open links in new window so it don’t botter me how it is oppened by plugin

    As a little adversiting I say that you can also try to ask our for creating you that kind of plugin. Unfortunately it isn’t free but this is the resolution if you won’t be able to find anything free to use.

    Hope I could help 🙂

    Best wishes,


    Sorry that you have to wait for so long for the answer.

    The correct theme is installed now. If you check the theme details it’s look like this.

    Unfortunately at the end we do not support parralax video slider in mobile version – I am really sorry for bringing you that kind of answer 🙁

    I didn’t notice any kind of errors on mobile version when I visited after the reinstall of the theme.

    Unfortunately probably some of the widgets were lost after I reinstall the theme. I am really sorry about it. Somethimes this kind of things happen in wordpress after this kind of changes.
    The only thing I can do is promise that I will help/ or recreate on my own all the lost widgets if you point what was lost or changed.

    Best reagrads,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Magda.

    Hello !

    1. Oh st is really sad to hear 🙁

    2. And about the updates – Mostly it is. We are doing our best to keep all of ours theme to be compatible with the newest wersion of WordPress. But If you are not sure about updating to the newest version you can always ask 🙂

    Best regards,


    Oh thank you, same wishes for you 🙂 !
    If anything new will bother you don’t hesitate and ask. We are happy to help 🙂
    Also if you like our theme and support 😉 don’t be shy and rate Secundo Theme on ThemeForest !

    The lines are gone now.

    best regards,

    Hello Victoria!

    Oh I understand now! I am happy that I could help 🙂

    Best regards,

    Hello !

    Wait wait let’s retract probably I didn’t understand what you wish me to do let’s fix it!

    Please tell me again you wanted to be removed.
    Did you wanted to remove the Titles/Headers of the widgets ?

    or you wanted just to remove the lines:

    For now I remove the code removing the titles. So for now only the lines aren’t visible.

    Best reagrds,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.

    Hello Victoria!

    1. I am really sorry for this mistake I made – I put there the correct code that won’t make the ‘e-mail’ look weird. It is this one:

    2. I put the changed code in the custom style 🙂 Now it won’t remove the Categories title.

    3. Unfortunately I am not able to help you with this issue. The plugin you are using is made by third party script not us. Don’t get me wrong I just think that they will help you better than me 🙂 HERE here is they support page. I hope you will found the solution for your issue there :).

    Best reards,


    I am not able to check why there is still wrong version of the Pluto. Could you please send me the FTP login and password? You can do that by the comment but remember to check it as private so no one else will see this.

    But for now I can guess that the reason for this is that probably you change the name of the inside catalog and you didn’t change the name of the main catalog. This causes a conflict between our Pluto and the free WordPress Pluto theme.

    Best reagrds,

    Hello !

    I fixed the issues.

    The Socials in footer are now centered as you wanted 🙂 And I added the code to the Custom Styles .

    The second Issue about the titles so:
    There is no way to do this by options so again I added the code so now the lines are gone ! .

    But if I mistaken and you wanted to to remove the whole titles keep the code removing the lines and add this one also:

    You will have no titles or lines in this widgets

    I hope this is the answer you were looking for 🙂


    1. Humm… It probably sound crazy but could you like draw it or something I really have hard time to understand.
    For now the socials in footer are centered ( text-align: center; )
    Is it that the icons aren’t in the same line ?

    I am really would like to help but I don’t understand how you wish it to look.

    2. No unfortunetly I am not able to add this kind of line to Get in Touch Latest Tweets ect. They are custom plugins and incompatible with our theme style 🙁

    Best regards,

    Hello !

    I am really Happy that you loved our theme – you make it really pretty looking 🙂
    But the questions !

    When you add the code to the Appearance > Theme Options > Code > Custom Styles It won’t physically appear in the Style Sheet CSS you have in your project but it dosn’t mean it will be ignored.

    I fixed the issue with the ‘read the rest’ as well. I checked how the other post were written and I discover you used the div instead of p element I make the changes That was the reason why the element was in the another line :). Now it is pretty as the rest of the posts.

    The Changes for the widgets: I am nor sure if I understand whitch element we are talking about. If I misunderstood just say and we will figure out the real solution ! 🙂 I will give the solution for this element:

    To make this changes you need to change the style:

    You can add it to the custom Style ( Appearance > Theme Options > Code) And it will work 🙂

    I fixed the issue with the socials element in footer as well I add the code arelady 🙂

    The last thing is the blog category issue – it is fixed now. The issue was the slug of this cattegory. Now it is post-in-sp4nish .
    Look at this you can see that the slug is added as a class. On the right you can see some classes that were resposive for the bug. The [class*=”span”] mean if I find a class with word span in it I will add this styles. And Because The SPANish have word span in – it was breaking the page. In other worlds you will need to be aware to not use slugs with word span in it 🙂

    If I missed some of you question I will fix it as fast as possible,

    I hope this are the answers uou were looking for 🙂


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.


    Yes, you need to install the theme manually.

    Please check again Julka’s Here link. It contains answers for most of your questions.

    You do not need to worry about your content – it won’t be lost, because you will do the update manually not automatic so it won’t be overwritten.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Magda.


    I hope I understand correctly the issue you want to be helped with.
    To remove the colored bar
    You need to add:



    To remove color of this element just add

    The size of the logo on the page depends on the size of the image that is added to the Appearance – Theme Options – Main. The logo was changed to the bigger one I found in the Media – I hope you don’t mind :).

    I hope that this answer was helpful for you.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Magda.
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Magda.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hello unfortunetly I wasn’t able to get on you page because it’s not available. Please check this issue because otherwise it is impossible to get a closer look on your issue.
    If I understand you correctly you want to add or remove this type of categories according to Decima theme.
    This element isn’t a menu but a widget (like footer elements). So to modyfy it you should go to the Appearance – Widgets. All the widgets used in shop menu are in product Listing section. . There you can add new elements to the menu or modyfi the one already added there.
    I hope this is the answer you were looking for. I you aren’t satisfied with this answer please don’t hesitate to ask again we will be glad to help you 🙂
    Best regards,

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to log in to your website using WordPress admin panel with login and password you gave us. Plese check them and send us the correct one. You could do this by private message so no one else will see it.
    For now I can suggest you to add some code in Custom CSS. You can find this option in Apperance – Theme Options – Code
    for the black search section add
    #MainNav nav .navbar-collapse .navbar-search #navbar-search{
    background: #3b3b3b
    border: #3b3b3b
    this class will change the color of the search bar when focus
    #MainNav nav .navbar-collapse .navbar-search #navbar-search:focus{
    border-color: #fff
    background: #fff
    for the button menu
    #MainNav nav .navbar-collapse .navbar-nav > li > a{
    color: #fff;
    when you hover ower the text
    #MainNav nav .navbar-collapse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover
    color: #00008c
    I hope this is the answer you were looking for :). Otherwise please check the login and password for administrator account so we will be able to check the issue a little closer.
    Best reagrds,

    Witaj !

    Widzę, że udało Ci się samemu rozwiązać ten problem!
    Oczywiście jeżeli tylko pojawi się jakiś nowy problem (czego Ci oczywiście nie życzę) nie wahaj się i pisz do nas od razu !

    Z poważaniem,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.
    Best regards,



    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunetly we have a slight overhead of supports but dont’ wory! In max 1-2 days we will take care of every issue.

    Best regards,


    I am sorry if my request upset you. But the Visual Composer is breaking the page and creating this issue. And i am really recommending you to stop using it.
    As I remeber it probably you wanted the header that look and act similar to the ‘About Us’ in Secundo page.
    This are the shortcodes from that page – that will help you create your own page without VC.

    [title_row style=”3″ header=”ABOUT US”]

    [paragraph style=”vmedium”]Hasellus sit amet massa et sapien fringilla interdum. Nullam tincidunt blandit volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris et libero eget ante blandit pharetra vitae sit amet neque. Praesent consequat justo vitae purus feugiat hendrerit. Pellentesque euismod semper arcu in commodo. Sed iaculis iaculis mollis. Etiam cursus ultrices pulvinar.[/paragraph]
    [paragraph style=”vmedium”]Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque hendrerit commodo urna sed bibendum. Sed a enim vel ligula condimentum varius gravida ac eros. Suspendisse potenti. Cras molestie, velit vel facilisis lacinia, odio dui mattis massa, at imperdiet justo ligula sit amet mi. Quisque cursus, eros vitae pulvinar blandit, velit sapien tincidunt erat.[/paragraph]
    [paragraph style=”vmedium”]Etiam congue consequat diam sit amet faucibus. Integer nunc velit, pretium a dapibus et, fermentum vitae ante. Donec aliquam mi sed odio congue vel tempus nisl bibendum. Vivamus commodo, nisi at fermentum placerat, velit nisl volutpat lacus, ac laoreet mauris tortor vitae eros. Sed pellentesque lorem nibh. Fusce dignissim sapien et tortor pulvinar vitae dictum urna elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras mattis pharetra varius. Ut pharetra, nibh sit amet bibendum ornare, mauris enim interdum leo, nec molestie arcu metus sed est. Maecenas elit eros, pretium eu tempus id, feugiat vitae metus. Suspendisse placerat nibh eget sapien dignissim at vestibulum lacus vehicula.[/paragraph]

    [row style="2" header="OUR PROCESS"]
    [image_box imgsrc=”” header=”PLAN”][/image_box]
    [image_box imgsrc=”” header=”DESIGN”][/image_box]
    [image_box imgsrc=”” header=”BUILD”][/image_box]
    [image_box imgsrc=”” header=”LAUNCH”][/image_box]

    [row nomrg="yes" header="MEET THE TEAM"]
    [person_box imgsrc=”” header=”DAVID HAHN” subheader=”Marketing Manager” link=”@davidkahn” linktext=”@davidkahn”]Nullam blandit laoreet risus ut iaculis. Proin in lorem vel ligula auctor consectetur lacinia vitae massa. Mauris dictum egestas leo, non interdum mi egestas quis. Vestibulum volutpat, urna nec lacinia lobortis, mauris leo dictum urna, quis rhoncus est libero non libero. Ut eget leo mauris. Fusce risus orci, fringilla at cursus et, posuere nec metus.[/person_box]
    [person_box imgsrc=”” header=”FRANK JEWELL” subheader=”Developer” link=”@davidkahn” linktext=”@davidkahn”]Vivamus odio elit, euismod sed consectetur tempus, eleifend a lacus. Etiam eu rutrum dui. Suspendisse a lectus quis massa gravida sollicitudin. Morbi sagittis egestas nibh vitae consectetur. Ut lectus ligula, rutrum nec molestie nec, egestas in dui.[/person_box]
    [row nomrg="yes"]
    [person_box imgsrc=”” header=”GWEN LARSSON” subheader=”Project Manager” link=”@gwenlarsson” linktext=”@davidkahn”]Integer leo massa, vestibulum non malesuada sit amet, rhoncus non leo. Vestibulum vehicula metus libero. Mauris pharetra placerat turpis, nec laoreet orci consectetur eget. Donec convallis nisl non diam blandit gravida. Sed porttitor bibendum nisl eu suscipit. Donec a mauris velit, sed ultrices sem. Morbi ut justo vitae mauris lobortis placerat ultrices sit amet elit.[/person_box]
    [person_box imgsrc=”” header=”MATT SHIFFER” subheader=”Web Designer” link=”@davidkahn” linktext=”@mattshiffer”][/person_box]

    I hope this will hel you, otherwise please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    best regards,


    I’m sorry but I am not able to check the issue right now.
    After attempting to login to your wordpress account an error occurred.
    Please check the issue because now it’s hard for me to help you.

    Best regards,

    Hello !

    Yes you can’t change this thing in Appearance.
    It’s a class called .main-header in style.css file. So you can change the color there by changing value of the background from #453951 to something else. Also you can just simply add it to custom styles – Custom CSS (as I did for you) and change the value of background there.

    I hope this is the solution you were looking for.

    Best regards,