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General Information

Thank you for purchasing Test! We’re very pleased that you have chosen our theme to build your website and we’re trying our best not to disappoint you! Before you get started, please check out these documentation pages. Test can only be use with WordPress which we assume you already have installed and ready to go. If not, please check out WordPress Codex.

Requirements for Test

Before using Test, please meet the following requirements:

  • essentials to run WordPress – here you can find more information – in case any doubts regarding the server, contact your host provider,
  • latest version of WordPress, which you can download here,
  • create secure FTP and Database.

What’s Included

When purchasing our theme from Themeforest, you need to download the Test files from your Themeforest account. Navigate to downloads tab on Themeforest and find Test. Below you’ll find a full list of what is included the .zip file, along with a brief description of each item.
Test Folder contains:

    • {theme}.zip – main installation folder
    • {PSD_included}


All of our items come with free support. For some help you can reach to our dedicated support forum. Free support is limited to questions regarding the themes features or problems. We provide premium support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations of your theme, feel free to contact us on premium@createit.pl.

For free support, follow the steps below

  • Step 1Click Here to create a free forum account. You’ll need your Themeforest purchase code, which can only be received when purchasing the theme from Themeforest.net.
  • Step 2 – Enter your Themeforest Purchase Code, an e-mail and a password.
  • Step 3 – Once you have an account, sign in to the forum and get started.
  • Step 4 – Find your theme on a forum home page.
  • Step 5 – Create new issue by clicking on a button at the right.

Before You Post On a Forum

We urge you to follow the steps below, before you post a new topic on the forum, to speed up your request. It’s in everyones interest and will benefit in making the entire forum more efficient:

  • Step 1 – Always check the Documentation and the Knowledgebase Section. Most questions are already answered in those areas.
  • Step 2 – Always use our Forum Search before you post, it’s possible that your issue has already been brought up and answered.
  • Step 3 – If your question hasn’t been brought up, please post a new topic. Always be as specific as possible. Creating a topic requires entering the live URL to your home page or page that shows the issue in question. It also has bars for WP and FTP login info, which aren’t required, however, providing us with your login information can save a lot of time for both of us. Login credentials are securely stored and accessible only by our support staff.
  • Step 4 – We usually answer questions in 24 hours on working days. However if you don’t get any answer in 72 hours bump up your question or send us an e-mail.

Our support hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM UTC +1 on Monday to Friday.

Premium Support

We can create your website from scratch, redesign it or just extend the current ones. For more information, please take a look at our website.

Typical issues covered by Premium Support:

  • Custom CSS
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins
  • WordPress Installation with Theme configuration
  • Server configuration
  • Site structure modifications
  • Graphic adjustments, etc.
  • WordPress general howto’s


There are two ways to install the theme: through WordPress, or via FTP. But first, you need to download the Test files from your Themeforest account. Navigate to downloads tab on Themeforest and find Test. Click the download button.

For more information check also this article from Knowledge Base.

Installation via Administration Panel

If Test files are downloaded from your Themeforest account, you can start an installation by using WordPress administration panel.

Once you’ve logged in to your administration panel go to Appearance > Themes. Depending on your version of WordPress you’ll see Add New or two other tabs: Manage Themes and Install Themes.

Themes section

Themes section

Here you’ll find instructions how to proceed with 3.9.0 and lower versions of WordPress.


If you’re using newer version, follow steps below to install the theme:

  • Step 1 – click on Install Themes tab
    Install Themes tab

    Install Themes tab

  • Step 2 – choose Upload option to upload .zip file
    Upload theme

    Upload theme

  • Step 3 – choose {theme}.zip from you computer.
  • Step 4 – once the file is chosen click Install Now
    Install theme

    Install theme

Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

If you get the following question message when installing Test.zip file via WordPress, it means, that you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP or call your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.

Installation via FTP

To install Test via FTP, follow steps below:

  • Step 1 – Unarchive {theme}.zip file
  • Step 2 – Access your host web server using FTP client
  • Step 3 – Find directory wp-content > themes
  • Step 4 – Put folder Test in directory wp-content > themes
Installation directory

Installation directory

Learn more:

WordPress codex – FTP clients

Import demo content

The fastest and easiest way to import our demo content is to use Theme Options 1-click Demo Importer. It will import all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, theme options, assigned pages, and more. We recommend this approach on a newly installed WordPress. It will not replace content such as posts, pages, portfolio, etc. and delete current menus, but configure them and replace theme options. By that, if you have created some posts, pages or portfolio content before an import, you won’t loose them.

To import our demo content, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – install and activate plugins listed in Recommended Plugins message {warning}
    Recommended plugins

    Recommended plugins

    and WooCoomerce plugin, if you’d like to use shop functionalities.

  • Step 2 – setup Media thumbnails sizes in Settings > Media to recommended values:
    • Thumbnail size: {thumbnail_size}
    • Medium size: {medium_size}
    • Large size: {large_size}

If you’re using WooCommerce product images sizes in WooCoomerce > Settings > Products

  • Step 3 – navigate to Appearance > Theme Options > General – 1-click Demo Import
  • Step 4 – click the Import demo content button with multipage or onepager version.
    (WARNING:The image below is only an example of how the 1-Click Demo section might look like. Depending on the theme, the amount of images and/or tabs of the import demo contents, this option might look different.)


    1 click to import demo content

    1 click to import demo content

  • Step 5 – importing can take a few minutes. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it will be loading, you will see message with indicating progress.

Learn more:

Common errors with “1-Click Demo Import”


You can use Pages to organize and manage any content on your website. You can create multiple pages on your website for different types of content or setup onepager with scroll-to-section menu.

Create pages

To create a new Page follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – select Pages > Add New
  • Step 2 – add Title
  • Step 3 – add content – we recommend you to create page content using shortcode generator or by modifying demo content
  • Step 4 – choose page attributes:
    • Parent – if you want to create subpage
    • Template – you can choose one of defined page templates: {templates}
    • Page order
  • Step 5 – choose template settings
  • Step 6 – click Publish to make your page public.
Page attributes

Page attributes

Template settings

Template settings

Learn more:

WordPress Pages

Onepager setup

Test has the ability to make one page site with a scrolling to sections menu. Most sites are traditionally setup with individual pages, each page with its own content. One page site allows you to put all the content on one page, and the menu items will link to each different section of the page. Think of it as a full site but all on one page. Please read below for information on how to set this up.

Create A New Page With Your Content And Anchor Points

    • Step 1 – Navigate to the Pages section of your admin and click Add New.
    • Step 2 – Create page with all sections. Each section should begin with [chapter] shortcode or any other html element with unique id, for example :
    • Step 3 – 2. In Appearance > Menus create new main menu (using Custom Links option), where URL will be section id with “/#” sign, for example : /#services or /#about.
Add new menu item

Add new menu item

Menu items

Item details

And your onepager menu is ready. Remember to choose Theme Location Primary Navigation to your menu.

Homepage setup

If you have added some pages via Pages > Add new you can choose one and set it up as a homepage. Use {homepage_setup} and choose from the list your homepage. Remember to click Save changes at the end of editing.

Pages Theme Options

To create a standardized template for each page some of the settings you can set globally. You need to go to Appearance > Theme Options > Pages and choose from several options:

Pages Theme Options

Pages Theme Options

You can change the following settings:

  • show title on pages
  • show breadcrumbs on pages
  • show comments
  • show comment form


Test is loaded with options for the blog. It offers many different options for you to present your blog posts, along with several different blog post layouts. In addition, there are numerous theme options and shortcode options that allow you to customize how posts are displayed.

There are several ways to display your blog posts, we will cover each method as well as describe blog post types, post options and theme options. The following sections will cover each of these aspects of the blog.

Creating blog posts

No matter which method you use to display your blog posts, first thing you need to do is create them.

Test offers several blog post types:

  • Standard
  • Aside
  • Image
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Quote
  • Link
  • Gallery
Post formats

Post formats

Follow the steps below to create a blog post

  • Step 1 – navigate to Posts in your WordPress admin.
  • Step 2 – click on Add New to make a new post. Create a title and insert your post content in the editing field. You can use any of our VisualComposer elements inside the post.
    Add new post

    Add new post

    If you want to use some additional fields, choose them from screen options at the top of the screen.

    Screen options

    Screen options

  • Step 3 – add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.
  • Step 4 – add Tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.
  • Step 5 – for a single image, click the Featured Image box, select an image and click Set Featured Image.
  • Step 6 – for a Gallery, insert more than one Featured Image, each image will be a slide in the gallery slideshow. Slides will be order by the date when the images was added to Media
  • Step 7 – for a video post, paste the iFrame embed into the Video Embed Code field, file url to M4V file url or OGV File URL or Direct video url from Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion
  • Step 8 – create an excerpt – Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts


  • Step 9 – once you finished, click Publish to save the post.

Blog index page

The most popular way of displaying blog posts is to setup blog index page. There all of your posts will be displayed and ordered by publish date.
To set the page as your post page, navigate to {blog_setup} and choose Blog index page from the ones you created.


On Blog index page you will see only your posts, so don’t add any other content to it.

Blog Theme Options

When using the assigned blog page as described above, all the options you can select are located in Appearance > Theme Options on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from such as layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has a title and descriptions to help you understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be set here in theme options when using the assigned blog page.

  • Index – these are mainly for the assigned blog page, you change here:
    Blog index theme options

    Blog index theme options

  • Single – these options all apply to the single post page, not the main archive page.
    Single Post Theme Options

    Single Post Theme Options

Recent Post Shortcode

The second blog method that we cover is our custom recent post shortcode. This shortcode is unique because it offers more compact design options that can work more efficently on pages with other content. This short code is a fantastic method because it allows you to place your blog posts on any page, assign custom categories to display, and so much more. You can use the short code as many times as you want, and on any page or post.

Below you can see how Recent Post shortcode will be displayed on your page:


The theme comes with a custom post type for portfolio. Portfolio pages configuration is described in Options section.

Creating portfolio items

Test is loaded with several options for displaying portfolio items. It offers many different options for you to present your portfolio. In addition there are numerous theme options and shortcodes options that allow you to customize how portfolio is displayed.

But first, you need to create your portfolio items. To do that, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – navigate to Portfolio items and click Add New
  • Step 2 – create Portfolio Item title and content – you can use Test shortcodes to build content
  • Step 3 – add Tags from the right side.
  • Step 4 – add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.
  • Step 5 – set portfolio item an order number if you want to display your portfolio item in a specific order
  • Step 6 – choose featured image in Featured Image box
  • Step 7 – set as many Portfolio settings as you want
  • Step 8 – click Publish to save portfolio item

Learn more:

How to add multiple images to portfolio gallery?

Portfolio index page

One of the many ways of displaying portfolio items is to setup portfolio page. All of your portfolio items will be displayed there, ordered by publish date.
To set the page as your portfolio index page, navigate to Appearance > Theme Options – Portfolio and choose Portfolio index page from pages that you created.

Portfolio Theme Options

Test includes a highly advanced theme options panel organized into sections that allows users to customize many different aspects of the theme. There is a Portfolio section of theme options that allows you to personalize different forms of the portfolio items; the date formats, single post page settings, and so much more. The posts tab is organized into 2 sections; General Portfolio Options, Single Portfolio Options. See the information below for the description and screenshot of each section.

  • General portfolio options – these are mainly for the assigned portfolio index page because the portfolio shortcode has many of them built in. However some do apply.
  • Portfolio item options – these options all apply to the single portfolio page, not the main index page. They apply to both assigned portfolio page, and the portfolio shortcode.

Portfolio shortcodes

If you want to display your portfolio items in more places than portfolio index page – you can do it in several ways by Portfolio shortcodes.

Portfolio shortcodes

Portfolio shortcodes

Every shortcode goes with several parameters, that allows you to sort or filter items in a few ways. On the following screenshots you can find part of available options.

Full of possibilities you can find on our demo page – you can preview parameters that we used after importing demo content. You can also use shortcode generator and use as many Advanced filter options as you want.

Advanced filter options

Advanced filter options



Navigation Menu


In Test you have the ability to add jobs using a dedicated tool for this purpose. You can both: create separate Career page if you want to display more jobs or use jobs shortcode to put single offers anywhere on the page.

You will find Jobs section in main WordPress sidebar – above Portfolio

Jobs section

Jobs section

Create jobs items

Test is loaded with several options for displaying jobs items and offers many different options for you to present it. In addition there are numerous theme options and shortcode options that allow you to customize how jobs are displayed.

    To create jobs item, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – navigate to Jobs and click Add New
  • Step 2 – create Job Item title and content – you can use shortcodes to build content
  • Step 3 – add Tags from the right side.
  • Step 4 – add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.
  • Step 5 – set job item an order number if you want to display your jobs items in a specific order
  • Step 6 – choose featured image in Featured Image box
  • Step 7 – set as many Job settings as you want
  • Step 8 – click Publish to save job item

Jobs index page

One of the ways of displaying jobs items is to setup Career page. All of your jobs items will be displayed there, ordered by publish date.
To set the page as your jobs index page, navigate to Appearance > Theme Options – Job and choose Jobs index page from pages, that you created.

Jobs Theme Options

Test includes a theme options panel organized into sections that allows users to customize many different aspects of the theme. There is a Job section of theme options that allows you to customize different aspects of the jobs items; date formats, single post page settings, and so much more. The job tab is organized into 2 sections; General Options and Single Item Options. See the information below for a description and screenshot of each section.

  1. General jobs options – these are mainly for the assigned jobs index page.
    Jobs - general options

    Jobs – general options

  2. Jobs item options – these options all apply to the single job page, not the main index page. They apply for both assigned jobs index page, or the jobs shortcode.
    Single Job options

    Single Job options

Jobs shortcode

The second method we cover to display jobs is our custom jobs shortcode. This shortcode is unique in that it offers more compact design options that may work better on pages with other content. This shortcode is a fantastic method because it allows you to place your jobs on any page, assign custom categories to display and so much more. You can use the shortcode as many times as you wish, and on any page or post.
Below you can see how Jobs shortcode will be displayed on your page:
Jobs shortcode

Jobs shortcode

General Overview



Surely you can not wait to start working on your new website. And reading documentation is probably the last thing you want at the moment. Guess what? We prepared a little shortcut for you! If you feel intimidated by the number of features that this theme offers, you can use this simple screenshot-description to easily customize your website. Check out this link {general-overview-link}.


Some functionalities of the Test are available because of plugins we used to create it. Once Test is activated in your WordPress admin panel you should see notification about bundled plugins we recommend to install – they are included in Test package – so you don’t have to do anything more than click install and activate.

We can’t guarantee Test’s compatibility with third party plugins. If you want to avoid unexpected bugs and errors use as little plugins as possible.

Below you will find the list of plugins we recommend you to use with Test.

Visual Composer

REMEMBER: Test is not compatible with VC Fronted Editor

Test can be easily customized with Visual Composer.

Simply drag and drop elements to build your page content. We prepared components which will help you determine main structure of the webpage – easily set up backgrounds, colors and styles for whole sections as well as lots of various smaller components which you can freely put wherever you want.

How to start?

We recommend you to use row as essential element of page structure.



You can edit following row attributes:

Click pen to open edition tools

Click pen to open edition tools

  1. Header text
  2. Level of header
  3. Header alignment
  4. Header font style
  5. Section type – determines section background, you can choose from predefined color styles: white, grey, dark grey, dark blue, motive or effects: pattern, parallax, kenburns, video
  6. Padding – top, bottom or both
  7. Padding size – if you don’t want to have padding, choose None
  8. Section height
  9. Type of section layout – boxed or wide
  10. Onepager element and ID – if you want to use section for scroll-to-section navigation
  11. Custom class – if you want add custom CSS styles for element

You can also check additional options in tabs: General, Design Options and Animations

Row parameters

Row parameters

Once your section row is created you can choose number of columns in section, their width and optionally offset value.

Section grid

Section grid

If you want to create full_width element you need to choose 1 column greed in section and set it as full_width element.

Click pen to edit column.

Click pen to edit column.

Full width column

Full width column

Once you set up your section – you can put inside it as many components as you want.

Learn more:

For more information about Visual Composer, please check articles below:
How to install Visual Composer
Visual Composer demo
Visual Documentation


  1. Activate plugin “WooCommerce”
    After activation you will see notification about installing WooCommerce pages:
    WooCommerce pages

    WooCommerce pages

    Click on Install to import following WooCommerce pages:

    • My Account
    • Checkout
    • Cart
    • Shop
  2. Configure WooCommerce settings
  3. Learn more about WooCommerce

WooCommerce plugin can be translated to any language. Here you can find instructions how to do that.


Test appearance, which you can see on our {demo-page}, is one of many available options. You have a couple of alternatives to customize the way you want it, except changing components’ appearance.

    1. Theme Customizer – navigate to Appearance > Themes and click Customize to open customization panel with options to change colors and backgrounds
    2. Use Custom CSS
    3. Create your own shortcodes
    4. Contact us – we can create your website from scratch, redesign it or just extend existing one – just send us an mail to premium@createit.pl

Uber Menu

Test navigation menu is built with Uber Menu plugin, which allows you to create expanded Mega Menu.

Uber Menu plugin is not bundled with Test files and therefore it needs to be bought separately here. Detailed information regarding plugin installation can be found on Uber Menu online documentation.

Once plugin is activated, please create your menu just like any other WordPress menu and select theme location to apply UberMenu to. We recommend you to choose automatic integration to Primary Navigation

UberMenu settings

UberMenu settings

Now you can create your Menu in Appearance > Menus > Create a New Menu. Additional tab with advanced UberMenu elements, like: row, columns, tabs, dividers, etc. will help you to create expanded menu structure.

Advanced UberMenu elements

Advanced UberMenu elements

Additionally you can edit every menu item individually, by clicking Uber after hovering over an element.

Advanced UberMenu options

Advanced UberMenu options

If you want to use navigation menu imported with 1 click demo import and you are not using UberMenu plugin remember to select Standard Menu as Primary Navigation.

Learn more:

Plugin documentation

Menu Products

Test is dedicated for restaurants and food truck owners. That’s why, the most important section is Menu Products. You can easily add new dishes served in your local. Group them using tags, categories and display anywhere you want in your page content.

Creating menu products

Follow the steps below to create a Menu Product items

    • Step 1 – navigate to Menu in your WordPress admin.
      Add new menu product

      Add new menu product

    • Step 2 – click on Add New to make a new product. Create a title and insert your description.
    • Step 3 – add image via Featured Image
    • Step 4 – set product price, currency and postscript in Menu item setting
      Menu item settings

      Menu item settings

    • Step 5 – add menu categories, tags and order (optional) – on the right hand side of Menu edition page.
    • Step 6 – click Publish to save you settings

For every menu item you can define:

1. Product Tags
2. Product Categories
3. Price
4. Currency
5. Postscript – a small text below product description (e.g. *contains nuts)
6. Featured image
7. Product thumbnail image – Multiple Featured Images plugin must be activated

Menu item options

Menu item options

Learn more:

      Menu currency can be also edited globally for all Menu items via

Appearance > Theme Options > Menu



Menu shortcodes

Once your menu items are created you can display them in your page using Menu shortcodes.

Menu shortcodes

Menu shortcodes

Make it easy

Add some products and then try to paste code below on any page. It will display your newly added items.

  • by [products tag=”recommended” limit=”3″] – 3 product items with tag “recommended” will be displayed.
    Products will have custom appearance for every active theme. Please note that products need to be tagged as
  • by [cat_name=”starters”] display every item with assigned category “starters”.


Burger Lover items with tag “recommended”:

Burger Lover Recommended products

Burger Lover Recommended products

Seabreeze items with tag “recommended”:

Seabreeze recommended items

Seabreeze recommended items

Seabreeze items with category “starters”:

Seabreeze starters

Seabreeze starters

Cupcake items with category “Salty Cakes”:

Salty cakes

Salty cakes

Setting Product order in the menu

Creating your menu you are able to set the order in which the products will show up on the list. Just check this few easy steps!

  • Creating Menu with the use of the Menu shortocde choose yes for Custom order, like on the image below.
    Using custom order

    Using custom order

  • Now you are able to set the order of every single product by:
    1. Going from the WordPress dashboard to the 
    2. Creating new product or or choosing from the ones arleady created
    3. Setting in the Attributes order of the product:
      Order of the product

      Order of the product

Or check our advanced filter options

in shortcodes > Menu > Products > Advanced filter option

Advanced filter options

Advanced filter options


Display all product with “cake” in title or description. Start from the latest one.













WooCommerce for Food Truck


If you were using Food Truck version 2.8 or lower – you will notice some structure changes due to WooCommerce products. You will find your products under the Menu tab on the sidebar menu in admin panel as well as in shortcodes.
All of your previously created products will be saved with their settings, but under new tab – Menu.

Products are now only WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce Products

You can add WooCommerce Product via Products > Add Product

Add New Product

Add New Product

You can use Simple Product option and add only basic information:

    1. Product Name
    2. Description
    3. Category
    4. Tag
    5. Stock keeping unit
    6. Regular Price
    7. Sale Price
    8. Product short description
    9. Product gallery
    10. Product feature image
Product general settings

Product general settings

Variable Product

You can also use more advanced product settings, and show available product variables. To use that option, first create a product Attributes.

Product attributes

Product attributes

To every attribute are assigned terms, which you will use to create product variations.

Attributes terms

Attributes terms

Once you have attributes and terms, you can go to product item edition to create product variations.

    1. Choose from product data Variable Product
      Variable product

      Variable product

    2. Go to Attributes tab and select your attributes
      Product attributes

      Product attributes

    3. Add product variations and click Link all variations once you’re finished
      Setup variations

      Setup variations

    4. Customize your product alternative by expanding variation tab – you can add here different image, dimensions, weight, price, status and shipping class
    5. Remember to save changes once you have finished product edition – now you can see how your product looks:
      Variable product

      Variable product

Add products to Shop page

Once your products are created you can add them to your website. Setup your products index page via WooCommerce > Settings > Products

Shop page

Shop page

Or add your product elsewhere on the website using Shop Shortcodes:

Shop Shortcodes

Shop Shortcodes

Products Listing Widgets

WooCommerce comes with several widgets dedicated to filter your products. You can easily set them in Products Listing Sidebar, which is by default displayed on Shop page:

Shop Widgets

Shop Widgets

Thanks to widgets your customers will be able to filter and sort products:

Shop Widgets

Shop Widgets

WooCommerce Theme Options

You can edit some of WooCommerce settings via Appearance > Theme Options. In WooCommerce tab you will find Global and Cart settings.

Global Theme Options

Global Theme Options

Cart Theme Options

Cart Theme Options

How to disable WooCommerce?

If you don’t want to use WooCommerce Shop and you are interested only in displaying your product in catalog mode just deactivate the plugin in Plugins section:

Deactivate WooCommerce

Deactivate WooCommerce

If you deactivate WooCommerce plugin – Shop shortcodes will no longer work.

Menu setup

Depending on which version of content arrangement you choose, you can create onepager or multipage navigation menu.

To create navigation menu dedicated to multipage websites, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus

    Manage your menus

  • Step 2 – Click on create a new menu, enter menu Name and click on Create Menu button
    Add new menu

    Add new menu

  • Step 3 – From the right side choose pages that you want to add to your menu and click on Add to Menu. Once menu items are added, you can reorder or nest them via drag and drop tool. Remember to click Save Menu when you finish to keep your changes saved.
    Add pages to menu

    Add pages to menu

  • Step 4 – You can easily rename every menu item in item details.
    Rename your menu items

    Rename your menu items

  • Step 5 – Optionally you can add to menu other items, like Links or Categories
  • Step 6 – Check your menu as Primary Navigation to set it up as main menu.
    Primary navigation

    Primary navigation

  • Step 7 – Always click Save Menu after providing any changes.

Using shortcodes

Test is build with shortcodes. Shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects in just one line, that would normally require lots of complicated and ugly code. Shortcode = shortcut.

You don’t have to know Shortcodes list, syntax or available parameters, if you decide to create your website content using shortcode generator, which you can find in your window toolbar. Generator allows you to simply put your images, text and other content to input fields and choose display options from self-explanatory boxes.

In shortcode generator you will find shortcodes for any page content element that you can see on the demo page.

Below you will find description for a few basic shortcodes types, which should give you an idea of ​​the shortcodes possibilities.


Page structure elements: columns, rows, spacers are shortcodes – check Structure section with shortcodes, which help you to create your page grid. Layout generator can be very useful here.

Layout generator

Layout generator


Do you want to add to your page sections headers, blockquotes, a list or simply a link? In section Typography you will find all options available in Test to format text elements.


If you want to put any element to let your users contact or follow you or your profile inside your page content, you will find that in Contact shortcode section. You can easily configure elements like: Google Map, Contact form, Newsletter Form, Social buttons and put them anywhere on your page.


Our themes come with several types of sliders. You can see preview for them on demo page. All available sliders are always in Sliders the section of shortcode generator.

In the shortcode generator you can find also several types for buttons, boxes, portfolio items, bars and other elements. We encourage you to experiment with all available options.

Using widgets

(WARNING:The image below is only an example of how the Widget section might look like. Depending on the theme this option’s content might look different.)

Widgets are small blocks of content, which you can find in theme footer or sidebar. They were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress Theme to the user, which is now available on WordPress Themes to include the header, footer, and elsewhere in the WordPress design and structure. Widgets require no code experience or expertise. They can be added, removed, and rearranged on the WordPress Administration Appearance > Widgets panel.

Just drag and drop the widgets you want, into the right hand side where your sidebars and footer widgets are listed. Simply drag your widgets over to the sidebar or footer column, and then populate the content.
There are various fields and settings you can choose for each individual widget and all are self explanatory. You can also use multiple widgets per footer column, just drag and drop them into place. And you can put as many widgets as you want inside sidebar. Once you have finished populating the widgets, always make sure to hit the Save button to save the settings.

Just drag widget from the left hand side and drop it on the right

Just drag widget from the left hand side and drop it on the right

Size Guide

Installation and activation

Installation via Administration Panel

When {Plugin} files are downloaded from your CodeCanyon account. You can start installation using WordPress administration panel.

Once you’ve logged into your administration panel go to Plugins > Add New




Chose Upload (1), click Select a file (2), {plugin} from your hard drive and click Install Now (3)

Installation via FTP

To install {Plugin} via FTP follow step below:

  • Step 1 – Unarchive {plugin} file
  • Step 2 – Access your host web server using FTP client
  • Step 3 – Find directory wp-content > plugins
  • Step 4 – Put folder {plugin} in directory wp-content > plugins


Creating a size guide

Please note that upon plugin activation there are two sample size guides created, for a quick start you can just edit them!

To create a new size guide:

Go to Size guides > Add new in your WordPress Admin Panel


Create a new size guide

Insert a title and content


Fill size guide content

Title will be the name of the size guide. In the content, you can for example describe how a customer can measure its sizes properly.

Fill the size guide

Fill the size guide table content

Fill the size guide table content

In the sections 1 and 3 you can specify a table header and a caption.

To add/remove columns and rows just use the plus/minus buttons (inside red squares on the screenshot). Right, it’s as simple as that!

Fill table cells by just clicking on them and inputing the text.

Everytime you create a size guide there is a basic 4×4 table attached to make your work easier.

If you wish to add or remove added extra table use the Add Table or the Remove Table button (2)

Publish it and go to the next section


Publish the size guide

Assigning a size guide to a product

There are two ways to get the size guide displayed:


You can assign a size guide to one category or a few, by selecting a category on the size guide editing screen


Assign a size guide to a category

Once size guide is assigned to the whole product category or categories you can still disable it for single products by checking option Hide size guide from this product

Or you can assign a size guide to a particular product by using the “Choose size guide” box on the product editing screen:


Assign a size guide to a product

If you select a size guide for a particular product, it will be attached to that product even if the products category has its own size guide assigned.

Size guide settings

On every created Size Guide you can either use the global settings or adjust them separately.

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Size guide tab

WooCommerce > Settings > Size guide tab

Options to choose from:


You can choose one of the existing styles or create a new one (details in Creating a style section):







Hide Size Guide

Check this field to hide size guide when the product is out of stock.
Size guide will be displayed if you allow backorders in products settings.


Open guide with

Choose whether to display a simple link or a button to open the size guide.


Button/link position

You can display it either above the product summary tabs (Description, Reviews etc.), after the ‘add to cart’ button, as a tab or use the [ct_size_guide] shortcode on the Single Product page.


Button/link hook priority

Priority of the action that outputs the button/link. Priority is “Used to specify the order in which the functions associated with a particular action are executed. Lower numbers correspond to earlier execution, and functions with the same priority are executed in the order in which they were added to the action.”

If you choose to display the Size Guide above the product summary tabs or after the ‘add to cart’ button this might help you change the position. The final outcome might depend on other plugins and theme features that use the given hooks. ‘woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button’ hook is not used often, but the ‘woocommerce_single_product_summary’ is commonly used. The basic actions hooked in (almost) every WooCommerce theme are:

woocommerce_template_single_title – 5
woocommerce_template_single_price – 10
woocommerce_template_single_excerpt – 20
woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart – 30
woocommerce_template_single_meta – 40
woocommerce_template_single_sharing – 50

where the numbers mean the priority. The lower the digit is, the earlier the action will be executed. For example, if you display the Size Guide above the product summary tabs, you can display it right under the title by setting the priority to 7 (or anywhere between 5 and 10) or after the price by setting it to 15 and so on.


Button/link label

Enter the text to be displayed in the link/button. Default:  Size Guide.


Button/link align

Choose if the button should be aligned left or right.


Button/link clearing

Allow or disallow floating elements on the sides of the link/button.
More advanced users: if set to no, this option will add a ‘clearfix’ after the button/link.


Button class

You can add any custom class to the button.



Set the margins on the sides of the link/button.


Popup overlay color

Set the color of the background behind the Size Guide popup window.



Set the paddings inside the Size Guide popup window.


Table hover

Option to enable hover effect on the Size Guide table.


Background for hover line

The BG color of the rows and columns of the cell you are hovering.


Background for hover active cell on hover

The BG color of the cell you are hovering.


Responsive tables

Option to enable/disable the responsive view of the table in the Size Guide.

Size Guide Sample with Hover

Creating a style

You can add your own stylesheet to the settings tab using ct_sizeguide_styles filter.


add_filter(‘ct_sizeguide_styles’ , ‘add_sizeguide_style’);

function add_sizeguide_style($current){
$StylesheetURL = ‘http://www.example.com/assets/sg_style.css’; //link to the stylesheet
$label = ‘My custom style’; //name of the style to be displayed in the settings
$current[$StylesheetURL] = $label;
return $current;

This code should go to your functions.php file (or anywhere else you wish).

If you are developing a theme and want your style to be selected upon the plugin activation, simply change the body of the function to:

$current = array($StylesheetURL => $label) + $current;
return $current;

Weekly Meal Plan

Creating Weekly Meal Plans

Test comes with custom post types dedicated to create and publish on website Weekly Meal Plans. From previously created Menu items you can build meal plans for as many weeks as you want to. Every meal plan by default contains areas for every four meal on five days a week, but number of meals, days and their labels can be easily edited in Theme Options.
Just navigate to Appearance > Theme Options > Meal Plan and define you options.

On the image above you can check how to edit days and mealtimes in your meal plans. You can easily edit both here.


Example 1

Your Weekly Meal Plans should contain areas for the following mealtimes: Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Fruit Snack, for every day since Monday till Friday. Options should look like the following:

How to define mealtimes and days?

How to define mealtimes and days?


Meals for 5 days.

Meals for 5 days.

Example 2

If you want to add additional mealtime: Dinner, you need to edit Theme Options (new mealtime always has to be in separate line):

Theme Options configuration for additional mealtime

Theme Options configuration for additional mealtime


Additional mealtime - Dinner

Additional mealtime – Dinner

Example 3
If you want to add one more day with meals to Meal Plans. Navigate to Theme Options, and add new line in Days section.
Theme Options configuration for additional day.

Theme Options configuration for additional day.


Six days meal plan

Six days meal plan

Theme Options

In Theme Options you can also choose, which created Menu Plan should be displayed strightaway and which one next week. Here you can choose two options:
Repeat current – to have the same Meal Plan displayed also next week, or Loop all menus – if you created more than one Menu Plan you can display all of them, one by one.

Creating Menu items

Test allows you to create menu items, which are components of Weekly Meal Plans. You can add here single products, for example: Oranges, Potatos, Chicken Breast. In that way every single menu item can be used in several meals of your meal plan, so it’s more universal. However your menu item base might be larger.

But single menu item can also exist as a whole meal – you can add a description what’s inside. That way, you can add a whole meal to your plan with a single click while creating the Weekly Meal plan.

To create Menu Item – navigate to Menu > Add New

How to add menu item?

How to add menu item?

Here you can define a Menu item Title and Description. You can also add featured image to the Menu item. It will be visible after hovering the product in Weekly Meal Plan.

After your menu item is created – remember to click “Publish” to save your changes. Also, after every modification you need to click “Update” to save changes.





Creating Testimonials

To create new Testimonial, navigate to Testimonials > Add New

How to add new testimonial?

How to add new testimonial?

In every testimonial, you can define:

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Author
    4. Socials – add usernames/nicks to social, that you want to display wih this testimonial
    5. Featured image

Remember to click Publish to save your testimonial or Update after every item modification.

Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Testimonials you can set global options for all Testimonials:

    1. Show or hide Tweet button
    2. Show or hide Facebook Share button
    3. Show socials icons
    4. Default tweet share message
    5. Add post permalink to tweet message?
Theme Options for testimonials

Theme Options for testimonials

Remember to always click Save Changes when you finish your changes in Theme Options.

Creating Activity

To create new acitivity, navigate to Activities > Add New.

How to add new activity?

How to add new activity?

In every activity, you can define:

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Activity Summary
    4. Socials – add usernames/nicks to social, that you want to display wih this testimonial
    5. Tags
    6. Categories
    7. Featured image

Remember to click Publish to save your testimonial or Update after every item modification.

Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Activities – Index you can set global options for all Activities index page:

    1. Choose the index page
    2. Define label for More button
    3. Show or hide pagination
    4. Define number of displayed activities
    5. Define labels for meta options
Theme Options for Activities index page

Theme Options for Activities index page

In Appearance > Theme Options > Activities – Single you can set options for every Activity single page:

    1. Page title
    2. Show or hide breadcrumbs
    3. Show Tweet button
    4. Show Facebook Share button
    5. Show socials icons?
    6. Default tweet share message
    7. Image displayed on the page top and its’ position
Theme Options for Activity single page

Theme Options for Activity single page

Remember to always click Save Changes when you finish your changes in Theme Options.

Creating Galleries

To create new Gallery, navigate to Galleries > Add New

How to add new gallery?

How to add new gallery?

In every gallery, you can define:

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Tags
    4. Gallery Images:
      • Click on Set featured image
      • Click Upload files to upload images for the gallery

Remember to click Publish to save your Gallery or Update after every item modification.

Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Gallery you can set global options for all Galleries:

    1. Galleries index page
    2. Gallery index thumbs limit – Number of images displayed in single gallery section on gallery index page
    3. Gallery single page title
    4. Image displayed on the top of the page and it’s position


Remember to always click Save Changes when you finish your changes in Theme Options.

Creating Programs

To create new acitivity, navigate to Programs > Add New.

How to add new program?

How to add new program?

In every activity, you can define:

    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Activity Summary
    4. Socials – add usernames/nicks to social, that you want to display wih this testimonial
    5. Tags
    6. Categories
    7. Featured image

Remember to click Publish to save your testimonial or Update after every item modification.

Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Programs – Index you can set global options for all Activities index page:

    1. Programs index page
    2. Define label for More button
    3. Show or hide pagination
    4. Define number of displayed activities
    5. Define labels for meta options
    6. Programs navbar menu options:


In Appearance > Theme Options > Activities – Single you can set options for every Activity single page:

    1. Page title
    2. Show or hide breadcrumbs
    3. Show Tweet button
    4. Show Facebook Share button
    5. Show socials icons?
    6. Default tweet share message
    7. Image displayed on the page top and it’s position


Remember to always click Save Changes once you finished changes in Theme Options.

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure

The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

Test – Responsive HTML5 Template

Support Our Blog

Thank you for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

Appearing with Animation when element in viewport

Animation can be turn off just be remove “withAnimation” class from body.
– add “animated” class to element and data-fx=”animation-type”. That’s it.

Available animation : http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

  • data-fx=”hinge”
  • data-fx=”bounce”
  • data-fx=”flash”
  • data-fx=”pulse”
  • data-fx=”shake”
  • data-fx=”swing”
  • data-fx=”tada”
  • data-fx=”wobble”
  • data-fx=”bounceIn”
  • data-fx=”bounceInDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceInLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceInRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceInUp”
  • data-fx=”bounceOut”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeIn”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUpBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOut”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUpBig”
  • data-fx=”flip”
  • data-fx=”flipInX”
  • data-fx=”flipInY”
  • data-fx=”flipOutX”
  • data-fx=”flipOutY”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedIn”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateIn”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpRight”
  • data-fx=”slideInDown”
  • data-fx=”slideInLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideInRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideOutRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutUp”
  • data-fx=”rollIn”
  • data-fx=”rollOut”

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1.A. Google Fonts
1.B. Revolution Slider styles
1.C. Magnific popup styles
1.D. Font Awesome styles
1.E Yamm styles
1.F Flexslider styles
1.G Animate css styles
3. Typography
4. Buttons
5. Pagination
6. Alerts
7. Inputs
8. Pophover
9. Header styles
10. Navbar styles
11. Call to action
12. Sections
13. Media sections – video/parallax/kenburns
14. Process circles
15. Person box
16. Service box
17. Pre footer section
18. Footer
19. Articles
20. Counters
21. Blockquote
22. Tabs
23. Images widget
24. Project single
25. Project images
26. Lists
27. Pricing box
28. Accordion
29. Socials
30. Square icons
31. Charts
32. Progress bar
33. Twitter
34. Google map
35. Flexslider
36. Revslider
37. Time circle counter
38. Thumbnail scroller
39. Magnific popup
40. Isotope
41. Helpers
42. D3 swimmers
43. WordPress
44. Media queries, adjustments
45. Motive colors


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Colors
  • Borders
  • Background Colors
  • Triangles
  • Diagonals
  • Shadows

Media Sections

Test supports media sections with Parallax, KenBurns effect and videos.

Parallax Section

We are using stellar.js for the parallax effect. Check their documentation to check which attributes you can use in each parallax section.

Our custom data-attributes for the parallax section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image: Background image for the section.
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. This will help you with the bandwidth, you’re welcome! 🙂

Ken Burns Sections

KenBurns section supports one or more images that you should add inside .media-section-image-container

Our custom data-attributes for the kenburns section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Kenburns it too much for ipads, iphones and so on, so we allow you to fallback to a normal image section. This way your browser won’t crash 🙂

Video Sections

We recommend you to use html5 video instead of vimeo, since in some specific browsers the sound won’t be muted.

Our custom data-attributes for the video section are:

  • data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  • data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  • data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Phones don’t autoplay video, so we just replace it for an image



Progress Bars

This theme has 2 types of layout and all you have to do is change one class. Also, everything is done via data attribute.

Stripped progress bar
  • aria-valuenow: Percentage this bar should have
  • aria-valuemax: Max value
  • aria-valuemin: Min value


We use google font service to include fonts or font face sets.

Ligh Font used: Open Sans

Open Sans


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  • jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)
  • jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
  • GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1
  • jQuery.appear
  • FitVids 1.0.3
  • jQuery Stellar
  • jQuery tweet
  • Modernizr 2.0.6
  • PageScroller
  • final-countdown.js
  • snap.js
  • device.js 0.1.58
  • chart.js

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


Content / Images Slider.
Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :

  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here:

Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


Just make video responsive.
Documentation: http://fitvidsjs.com/

HTML Markup:

and js:


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/


Below you will find HTML markup for flexslider:

You can change number of flexslider parameters using javascript – learn more about parameters.

Contact form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form

HTML Markup:

Newsletter Form

HTML Markup:

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Twitter Feed

This is live twitter feed. This plugin will grab your latest tweets and display them on page.
Configuration: – just edit twitter/config.php file :

Where can I get these keys, tokens, etc?

Twitter API requires authentication to display tweets from your account.
To twiiter feed work you need to create the ‘application’
and generate 4 special keys for your twitter account via https://dev.twitter.com/apps:
– Consumer key (key)
– Consumer secret (secret)
– Access token (token)
– Access token secret (token_secret)
Video tutorial : “How to create Twitter App”

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Creating Header Blocks

Using Test allows you to add custom area above main content container. In this place you may display the selected Header Block. To every page you can assign separate Header Block.

Header Block

Header Block

To create your blocks navigate in main admin menu to Header Blocks > Add New

Creating header block

Creating header block

Add title and content to your new header block. In block content you can use all elements available in Test. Use for it Visual Composer or Shortcodes.

Using Full width option in column settings allows you to create full width Header Block

Full Width Column with Visual Composer

Full Width Column with Visual Composer

Assign Header Block to page

You can assign to each page different Header Block. Just go to Template Settings while you are editing your page and choose Header Block.

Select Header Block

Select Header Block

Remember to click Update once Header Block is assigned to page.

Installation of different flavours

Catalog Mode


Upon plugin activation the {Plugin} will be enabled. Every product will be by default displayed without Add to cart button, price and without any custom button for {Plugin} information.

To change the catalog mode settings go to WooCommerce > Settings > Catalog mode tab.

General Settings

General Settings

Settings Options:

  • Disable Catalog Mode – You can check this field to disable the catalog mode on all screens, the Add to cart button and all the cart functionalities will be enabled again.
  • Disable for logged in users – Check this field if you want to disable catalog mode for logged in users.
  • Remove Price Tag From Site – Remove the price from all products
  • Remove price tag from not logged in users – Check this field if you want to hide price tag from not logged in users.
  • Create Item list Button – Enable the single product button and his styles.
  • Create shop list Button – Enable the shop list button and its styles.

Catalog Mode Button

When the button is enabled the corresponding area will be displayed below the main settings.

Here you can add your custom styles for a button.

Button custom styles

Button custom styles

The style settings are the same for both item and shop buttons, but the values can be changed separately.

There are 8 buttons included on the plugin:

  • WooCommerce Default – only supports margins, paddings and custom class,
  • flat,
  • minimalistic,
  • basic,
  • rounded,
  • slick,
  • volume
  • solid
Predefined button styles

Predefined button styles

They can be selected from the field Button Style, it’s possible to change the default button’s styles by filling the desired field.

Custom style

To add a custom style, the Custom style needs to be selected in Button style field.

Custom style

Custom style

After that fill the style fields and click Save.
All custom styles including the defaults from the plugin can be added with a custom class, simply add the class string to the Custom class field.

Custom class name

Custom class name

Single product settings

Every single product have the option to enable or disable catalog mode or use global settings from the woocommerce setting bar. You can also disable Catalog Mode for logged in users.

Single Product Settings

Single Product Settings

With this options the products will be differentiated, for example one product can have the “add to cart button” and the price enabled if the option of the catalog mode is set to disable and the other products will continue to have the normal settings.

PlugIn Hooks

The default button can be changed with the ct_catalog.css_template.default (path) hook

If you want to minify the buttons CSS this hook will do it for you,

by default the minify functionality is set to true.

Add custom template button
With the ct_catalog.css_template hook can be added new templates to the plugin


Lets add a new button style to the settings select list:

All done, now have button will have your custom stylsheet.

If for some reason the price need to be hidden or shown there is a hook for that too:

On this example lets hide a price if the value is bigger than 5

Theme Flavours

As you can see on our Demo page Test comes with {variations}.

{parent-theme} is a main theme, which always needs to be installed if you want your website to work correctly. Styles such as {child-theme-1} and {child-theme-2} are child themes, which can be installed additionally (once {parent-theme} is installed) if you want to use {child-theme-1} or {child-theme-2} style on your website.

Child Theme installation is analogous process to Main Theme installation. Every child theme has its own zip package with installation files, which you will find in downloaded package.


You downloaded .zip package with theme files from ThemeForest and want to use on you website {child-theme-2} version of Test.

  • STEP 1: Unarchive downloaded package from ThemeForest
  • STEP 2: Install {theme}.zip file via Administration Panel or FTP
  • STEP 3: install {child-theme-2}.zip package via Administration Panel or FTP
  • STEP 4: go to Appearance > Themes and activate  {child-theme-2}
  • STEP 5: Import demo content for {child-theme-2} Theme

And it’s ready to customize! In analogous way you can install every child theme.

View 360


Global settings

You can change View360 plugin options via View360 > Global Settings

Global settings

Global settings

You can manage there the following options:

  • Width – You can change Width of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Height – You can change Height of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Number of frames – You can change Height of Window Frames (You can also use percentages);
  • Number of frames for standard image – Number of frames per line (when horizontal) or per column (when vertical);
  • Speed – You Can change Animated rotation speed;
  • Duration of stop motion – Duration of opening animation (in seconds);
  • Stop motion time – Delay before View360 starts playing by itself (in seconds);
  • Enable gyroscope – You can switch on the box to enable interaction via device’s built-in gyroscope;
  • Mouse scroll interaction – You can switch on the box to enable interaction mouse scroll;
  • View progress – You can switch on the box if you want to see you strip progress;
  • Responsiveness – If switched to responsive mode, View will obey dimensions of its parent container, will grow to fit and will adjust the interaction and UI accordingly (and also on resize);
  • Cursor type – You can select which cursor to be Hand or Arrow;
  • Draggable Cursor – You can switch on the box if you want switch off the ability to interact;
  • Play Animation on mouse over – You can switch on the box if you want to interact PUT after driving over a photo (Draggable Cursor option is required);
  • Follow the mouse – If your View image motion doesn’t follow the mouse when dragged (moves in opposite direction), set this to true to indicate clockwise organization of frames;

Button Settings

You can set also custom settings for a plugin button:

  • Open view with – select how you want your button: Link, Button or Icon;
  • Button/link position – choose where be placed your button (Above the product summary tabs ,After Add To Cart button,Make it a tab, Embed manually (shortcode), Add Button to Product Gallery);
  • Add Buttons Control – add buttons to control the View360 right and left;
  • Button/link label – enter the text to be displayed in the link/button. Default: view360
  • Button/link align – choose if the button should be aligned left or right
  • Button class – you can add yours class for button (if you add Button_ct you make change color button/border/text);
  • Button/link align – choose if the button should be aligned left or right;
  • Button color – set the background color;
  • Border/Text button color – set the borders and text color;
  • Margins – add marigns;
  • Paddings – add paddings;

Woocommerce Integration

Replace default gallery image – if you want to use View360 as a single product gallery – use the code generated in textarea.

Creating a View360

Add new View360

To create new View360 navigate to View360 > Add New in your WordPress admin panel.

Add new

Add new

Define a title – it will be name for your new View360

Define a title

Define a title

Choose Gallery images for View360:

Add images

Add images

You can setup the following settings for every View360

View360 Settings

View360 Settings

Assigning to a product

Assign View360

You can display View360 as a product gallery in product edition page using Choose Gallery for View360 box:

Assign View360 to a product

Assign View360 to a product

Using the Choose location add View360 allows you to setup Button View360 location.

Button position

Button position

You can create a gallery for each product for View360 in box on the product edition page:

Create new gallery

Create new gallery

Product category settings

Since version 1.4 Catalog Mode gives you an option to enable or disable the plugin for every product category or subcategory. By default all categories will get global settings, defined via WooCommerce > Settings – Catalog Mode. However you can change this settings per product category or subcategory.

To enable or disable Catalog Mode per product category you need to navigate to Products > Catogories and choose the category, that you want to edit.
On the left hand side, below the category Description you will find Catalog Mode settings:

Product category settings

Product category settings

You can choose one of:

  • Use Global Settings – selected category will get settings from WooCoomerce > Settings – Catalog Mode;
  • Notice: if you are editing subcategory instead of Use Global Settings you can choose Use Parents Settings – subcategory will use the closest parents settings then.

  • Enable – Catalog Mode for products from selected category will be enabled;
  • Disable – Catalog Mode for products from selected cateogry will be disabled;


If a product has more than one category, and assigned categories has different Catalog Mode settings (for example 1 category has enabled category and second one has disabled Catalog Mode) – Catalog Mode will be enabled.

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Animate.css
3. Typography
4. Buttons
5. Menu
6. Forms
7. Hovers
8. Tables
9. Utilities
10. Media Sections – video/parallax/kenburns
11. Accordions
12. Progress Bar
13. Tabs
14. Mixins
15. Select2
16. Wrapper
17. Page Header
18. Footer
19. Socials Types
20. Counter
21. Blog
22. Blog Panel
23. Blog Comments
24. Pricing Boxes
25. Blockquote
26. Sliders
27. Google Maps
28. Widgets
29. Magnific Popup
30. After & before slider(twentytwenty)
31. Templates


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements

You HTML Template

Magnific popup

Test comes with Magnific popup gallery.

Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup

To use ajax gallery with Magnific popup, please use the following HTML markup:

You can use one 15 hover types:
Check hovers demo here.
You can change hover effects with the following CSS classes:

  • .ct-hover-type1,
  • .ct-hover-type2,
  • .ct-hover-type3,
  • .ct-hover-type4,
  • .ct-hover-type5,
  • .ct-hover-type6,
  • .ct-hover-type7,
  • .ct-hover-type8,
  • .ct-hover-type9,
  • .ct-hover-type10,
  • .ct-hover-type11,
  • .ct-hover-type12,
  • .ct-hover-type13,
  • .ct-hover-type14,
  • .ct-hover-type15


You can load your HTML conent with awesome animations enabled on scroll.

To animate your HTML element, use the markup below:

You can adjust animations with the following data-attributes:

  • data-when
  • data-from
  • data-to
  • data-easing
  • data-crop
  • data-opacity
  • data-scale
  • data-scalex
  • data-scaley
  • data-scalez
  • data-rotatex
  • data-rotatey
  • data-rotatez
  • data-translatex
  • data-translatey
  • data-translatez

And CSS classes:

  • .ct-js-animationDynamic,
  • .ct-js-animation–item

Here you will find full plugin documentation.


Test comes with 7 types of dividers. We designed one for each template style, but feel free to use theme wherever you want.

To add Divider use the following HTML markup:

You can adjust divider style with the following CSS classes:

  • .ct-divider–type1,
  • .ct-divider–type2,
  • .ct-divider–type3,
  • .ct-divider–type4,
  • .ct-divider–type5,
  • .ct-divider–type6,
  • .ct-divider–type7

Section buttons

There are 7 types of section buttons – each for every template style, but feel free to use them wherever you want.

To add button, use the following HTML markup:

and CSS classes:

  • .ct-header-arrow–circle,
  • .ct-header-arrow–circleD,
  • .ct-header-arrow–circleDecoration,
  • .ct-header-arrow–circleDecoration2,
  • .ct-header-arrow–circleDecoration3,
  • .ct-header-arrow–triangle,
  • .ct-header-arrow–shape

Decorations types

In Test you can use one of 7 decoration types. Every styles has it’s own rotate variation.

Use the following HTML markup:

And choose your type with CSS classes:

  • .ct-decoration–type1,
  • .ct-decoration–type1-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type2,
  • .ct-decoration–type2-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type3,
  • .ct-decoration–type3-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type4,
  • .ct-decoration–type4-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type5,
  • .ct-decoration–type5-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type6,
  • .ct-decoration–type6-rotate,
  • .ct-decoration–type7,
  • .ct-decoration–type7-rotate


You can choose from 3 types of Socials:

  • -rounded
  • -square
  • -square with rounded border

Use the following HTML markup to add socials:

And adjust it with CSS classes:

  • .ct-socials–circle,
  • .ct-socials–square,
  • .ct-socials–square-rounded


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • counter(jquery.countTo.js)
  • ct-mediaSections(with stellar.js)
  • flexslider
  • gmaps API
  • isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/)
  • magnific-popup (http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/)
  • scrollme(jquery.scrollme.js)
  • select2.js http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/
  • stacktable.js (http://johnpolacek.github.io/stacktable.js/)
  • before & after slider(jquery.twentytwenty.js)
  • device.js
  • jquery.appear.js
  • jquery.pagescroller.lite.js
  • smoothscroll.js
  • snap.js
  • animate.css


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

Google Map

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)
  • data-icon – adding custom icon to map in html
Google Map

Google Map

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:


All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.



Content / Images Slider.



Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :


  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here:

Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:

Before & After slider

You can use Before & After slider with magnific popup(Ajax).

HTML markup:

CSS class:

  • .ct-slider-afterANDbefore



  • default_offset_pct: 0.7, // How much of the before image is visible when the page loads
  • orientation: ‘vertical’ // Orientation of the before and after images (‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’)

Responsive tables

In Test we used responsive tables from http://johnpolacek.github.io/stacktable.js/

Responsive Tables

Responsive Tables

HTML markup:

CSS classes:

  • .ct-js-table-stack


Ghost Documenation

Orlando Ghost

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.See for yourself (resize your browser).If you would like to read more about bootstrap framework click here: Bootstrap Documentation.

1.1. Grid System and Single row structure

The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here
Basic grid HTML:

1.2. Page structure

Below you will find default page structure (default.hbs files):

The most important pages in ghost are home.hbs and index.hbs. The pages are almost the same. Below you can see how looks like the structure of those pages:

This is index.hbs page. Here you can set the four types of blog and the effect for second,3,4..n pages of blog.

Author page in ghost is the page has information about the author, locatiom, posts… Below you can see the structure of the page:

CSS Files and Structure


If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.

So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.

2.1. Main Menu structure

If you would like to change your logo, just go to the ghost administrative panel and change it. If you can you are able to change brand name. In orlando ghost we have different types of menu: typical menu for desktops and menu for tablets and phones:
Typical menu for desktop:

Responsive menu for tablets and phones:

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here: Yamm 3 Documentation

2.2. Blog Options

This sections shows three methods of displaying the posts:

  1. Blog Default
  2. Blog Secundary
  3. Blog Masonry
  4. Blog Infinity


1. Blog Default:


2. Blog Secondary:


3. Blog Masonry:


4. Blog Infinity:

How to make available the blog in home.hbs and index.hbs?

2.4. Icons

We’ve included 360+ font icons. Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/
HTML markup:

Appearing with Animation when element in viewport
Animation can be turn off just be remove “withAnimation” class from body.
Usage: – add “animated” class to element and data-fx=”animation-type”. That’s it.
Available animation : http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

  • data-fx=”hinge”
  • data-fx=”bounce”
  • data-fx=”flash”
  • data-fx=”pulse”
  • data-fx=”shake”
  • data-fx=”swing”
  • data-fx=”tada”
  • data-fx=”wobble”
  • data-fx=”bounceIn”
  • data-fx=”bounceInDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceInLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceInRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceInUp”
  • data-fx=”bounceOut”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeIn”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUpBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOut”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUpBig”
  • data-fx=”flip”
  • data-fx=”flipInX”
  • data-fx=”flipInY”
  • data-fx=”flipOutX”
  • data-fx=”flipOutY”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedIn”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateIn”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpRight”
  • data-fx=”slideInDown”
  • data-fx=”slideInLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideInRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideOutRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutUp”
  • data-fx=”rollIn”
  • data-fx=”rollOut”

2.5. CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

2.6. Utilities

Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.
Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.
Orlando uses utilities for the following categories:

  1. Typography
  2. Display Types
  3. Paddings
  4. Margins
  5. Colors
  6. Borders
  7. Background Colors
  8. Triangles
  9. Diagonals
  10. Shadows


3.1. Media Sections

Orlando supports media sections with Slice effect, Push effect, Particles effect, slider effect, Parallax, KenBurns effect and videos.

3.1.1. Slice Effect:

Slice Effect is in sliced_effect.hbs file. If you want to have this effect, just make available in home.hbs file.

3.1.2. Push Effect:

Push Effect is in sliced_effect.hbs file. If you want to have this effect, just make available in home.hbs file.

3.1.3. Particles Effect:

3.1.4. Flexslider:

In main-header.hbs files we have a different types of header. This sections has parallax, ken burns,videos effect and other types of header.

3.1.5. Parallax Section:

We are using stellar.js for the parallax effect. Check their documentation to check which attributes you can use in each parallax section.

Our custom data-attributes for the parallax section are:

  1. data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  2. data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  3. data-image: Background image for the section.
  4. data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. This will help you with the bandwidth, you’re welcome! 🙂

3.1.6. Ken Burns Section:

KenBurns section supports one or more images that you should add inside .media-section-image-container
Our custom data-attributes for the kenburns section are:

  1. data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  2. data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  3. data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Kenburns it too much for ipads, iphones and so on, so we allow you to fallback to a normal image section. This way your browser won’t crash 🙂

3.1.7. Video Section:

We recommend you to use html5 video instead of vimeo, since in some specific browsers the sound won’t be muted.
Our custom data-attributes for the video section are:

  1. data-height: Define the minimun height for the sections
  2. data-type: Type of Media Section (parallax/kenburns/video)
  3. data-image-mobile: Fallback image (Should be smaller than the original) that is loaded for small devices. Phones don’t autoplay video, so we just replace it for an image

3.1.3. How to make available the effect (fragment of Home.hbs file)


4.1. Javascrpt library and files

All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  1.  Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  2. jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)
  3. jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
  4. GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1
  5. jQuery.appear
  6. FitVids 1.0.3
  7. jQuery Stellar
  8. jQuery tweet
  9. Modernizr 2.0.6
  10. PageScroller
  11. final-countdown.js
  12. snap.js
  13. device.js 0.1.58
  14. chart.js

4.2. Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  1. data-location – address to show
  2. data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  3. data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin. Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


Content / Images Slider.
Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :

  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here: Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:

4.4. Jquery.appear

This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

4.5. fitVids

Just make video responsive. Documentation: http://fitvidsjs.com/
HTML Markup:

and js:

4.6. Charts

This plugin is used to make graphics. Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Contact Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/form.php and change e-mails to your own:

HTML Markup:

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap – http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
jQuery – http://www.jquery.com


Test comes with several types of boxes:

Icon Boxes

  • Icon Left:
    Icon box left

    Icon box left

    HTML markup:

  • Icon Right:
    Icon box right

    Icon box right

    HTML markup:

Media Boxes

  • Video (with Magnific Popup):
    Video Box

    Video Box

    HTML markup:

  • Image (with Magnific Popup):
    Image Box

    Image Box

    HTML markup:

  • Text:
    Text Box

    Text Box

    HTML markup:

Counter Boxes

    Counter Box

    Counter Box

    HTML markup:

Count Down Boxes

    Countdown Box

    Countdown Box

    HTML markup:

Numbered Boxes

    Numbered box

    Numbered box

    HTML markup:


Section Header:

Section Header

Section Header

HTML markup:

Page Section Header:

Page Section Header

Page Section Header

HTML markup:

Section Header:

  • Left
    Slide  to left section header

    Slide to left section header

    HTML markup:

  • Right
    Slide to right section header

    Slide to right section header

    HTML markup:

Fishtank HTML Template

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Snap.js
2. Top Container with Shadows
3. Flexslider
4. Owl Carousel
5. Section Headers
6. Image Overlay
7. Tabs
8. Products
9. Promo Section
10. Numbered Rows
11. Collections
12. Flip Containers
13. Team Members Boxes
14. Testimonials
15. Logo Slider
16. Lists
17. Tags
18. Popover
19. Footer
20. Icon Boxes
21. Media Boxes
22. Vertical Image Section
23. Slide In Sections
24. Portfolio Gallery Buttons
25. Photo Gallery
26. 404 Text
27. Blog
28. Counter Blocks
29. Graph Boxes
30. Progress Icons
31. Google Maps
32. One Pager
33. Twitter
34. Animations
35. Magnific Popup


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements

Owl Carousel

Test comes with Owl Carousel component – plugin documentation available here

How to use it

To enable plugin on your page include the following HTML code to your page:

Set up your HTML

You don’t need any special markup. All you need is to wrap your divs(owl works with any type element) inside the container element


Full Width Tabs

Full width tabs

Full width tabs

HTML markup

Full Width Tabs inside Container

Full Width Tabs inside Container

Full Width Tabs inside Container

HTML markup

Media Tabs

Media tabs

Media tabs

Media tabs  on mouse over

Media tabs on mouse over

HTML markup

Tabs With Icon

Tabs With Icon

Tabs With Icon

HTML markup



Portfolio filters

Portfolio filters

HTML markup


  • 4 Columns:

    Portfolio 4 columns

    Portfolio 4 columns

    HTML markup

  • 3 Columns:
    Portfolio 3 Columns

    Portfolio 3 Columns

    HTML markup

  • 2 Columns:
    Portfolio 2 Columns

    Portfolio 2 Columns

    HTML markup

  • Single Column:
    Portfolio Single Column

    Portfolio Single Column

    HTML markup

Contact Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form

HTML Markup:

Person Box

Team Member Box

Person Box

Person Box

HTML markup

Magnific Popup

Static state

Static state

Hover state

Hover state

HTML markup


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  • jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)
  • jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
  • GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1
  • jQuery.appear
  • jQuery Stellar
  • jQuery tweet
  • Modernizr 2.0.6
  • PageScroller
  • final-countdown.js
  • snap.js
  • device.js 0.1.58
  • chart.js

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/


Main Slider with inset container (with Progress Bar):

HTML markup

Full Screen Slider (with Progress Bar):

HTML markup

Arrow Types:

HTML markup

ct-flexslider–arrowType1 – default one

Controls Type:

HTML markup

ct-flexslider–controls1 – default


Content / Images Slider.
Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :

  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here:

Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:


Brick Blog Theme Options

When using the assigned blog page as described above, all the options you can select for it are located in Appearance > Theme Options on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from like layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has title and descriptions to help you better understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be set here in theme options when using the assigned blog page.

  • Index – these are mainly for the assigned blog page, you change here:
    Main index page options:
    Page Options

    Page Options

    Main index posts options:

    Blog posts options

    Blog posts options

  • Single – these options all apply to the single post page, not the main archive page.
    Single post displaying option

    Single post displaying option

    Single post label information

    Single post label information

Brick Header Blocks

To create a standardized template for each page some of the settings you can set globally. You need to go to Appearance > Theme Options > Pages and choose from several options:

  • Show/Hide title on pages
  • Show/hide breadcrumbs on page

Using Test allows you to add custom area above main content container. In this place you may display the selected Header Block. To main pages types you can assign separate Header Block in Appearance > Theme Options – Pages.

Assign header blocks

Assign header blocks

To create your blocks navigate in main admin menu to Header Blocks > Add New

Using Full width option in column settings allows you to create full width Header Block

Full Width Column with Visual Composer

Full Width Column with Visual Composer

Remember to click Update once Header Block is assigned to page.


Creating properties

Test comes with ability to creating Properties custom post types. To create new property navigate to Property > Add New

Add new property

Add new property

To every Property you can assign number of variables, which can be defined in Property menu (see attachemnt above) or added directly from Property edition page. You can define and assign the following variables:

  • Tags
  • Status
  • Types
  • Locations
  • Amenitites (including featured amenities, like: number of Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Garage – which will be displayed on every property preview – you can define them separately)
  • Property Floor

All information can be displayed in Property details page:

Property single page

Property single page

Properties Theme Options

In Appearance > Theme Options – Property you will find three tabs, each with number of options for Properties pages:

  • Form
    Properties Form Theme Options

    Properties Form Theme Options

  • Single
    Single Property Theme Options

    Single Property Theme Options

    Additionally in Single Property Theme Options you can decide, which of defined amenitites should be displayed on every Property page.

  • Search:
    Search Property theme options

    Search Property theme options

    Including additional options for available view types.


Creating agents

Test is a real estate Theme, which allows you to create custom user accounts for Estate Agents. You can create Agent account via administration panel in Users section

Creating agent account

Creating agent account

Remember to select Agent role for every user created for estate agents.

Agent role

Agent role

Users can also register via frontend button Login/Register

Agents registration

Agents registration

Frontend registration will work only if you check Anyone can register in WordPress Settings > General:

Anyone can register

Anyone can register

We recommend you to setup New user default role to Agent

Taxonomy images

Our property map is created using Taxonomy Images plugin. Thanks to it you are able to define different map markers for Property types.

Custom markers for each property type

Custom markers for each property type

To define your custom markers navigate to Properties > Types and with “+” add new Map Marker image, which should be diplayed for selected Property type.

Define custom markers

Define custom markers

You can add new property type with Add New Property Types buttons.

Vistin plugin website for more information – here.

Contact Form 7

Creating forms was never that easy!

Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

Visit plugin site for more information.




Test comes with easy to customize Counter



You can add it anywhere you want with simple HTML markup:

You can also relate the counter to IconBox with the following markup:


You can create Accordions with number of panel with the simple HTML markup:

There are several predefined colors variables for accordion:



You can change colors with the following CSS classes:

  • panel-primary
  • panel-success
  • panel-danger
  • panel-warning
  • panel-info

Call To Action Box

Use simple HTML markup to create Call to Action box:

Call To Action Box

Call To Action Box

You can select from several color variables – just change one CSS class:

  • ct-callToActionBox–primary
  • ct-callToActionBox–green
  • ct-callToActionBox–orange
  • ct-callToActionBox–blue
  • ct-callToActionBox–gold
  • ct-callToActionBox–purple
  • ct-callToActionBox–gray


You can easily create Socials with simple HTML markup:

Use one of Awesome Icons to create your own Socials.
And modify colors with simple CSS classes:



Person Box

Create Person Boxes in two awesome variations:

  • ct-personBox–thumb
  • ct-personBox–left
Person Boxes

Person Boxes

Just use simple HTML markup with one available variations:

You can also modify Person Boxes colors with the following CSS classes:

  • ct-personBox–primary
  • ct-personBox–blue
  • ct-personBox–green
  • ct-personBox–purple
  • ct-personBox–blue
  • ct-personBox–gray
  • ct-personBox–gold


In Test even buttons look awesome.



Use simple markup:

Pricing Tables

Create standard pricing Boxes or use variation:

  • ct-pricingBox–important

To highlight one of them.

Pricing Boxes

Pricing Boxes

Everything with simple HTML markup:

Use on of predefined colors with CSS class:

  • ct-pricingBox–gold
  • ct-pricingBox–primary
  • ct-pricingBox–blue
  • ct-pricingBox–green
  • ct-pricingBox–orange
  • ct-pricingBox–gray
  • ct-pricingBox–purple


Create beautiful Portfolio with your works



Use one of two variations:

  • ct-gallery
  • ct-gallery–withSpacing

And choose number of columns:

  • ct-gallery–col4
  • ct-gallery–col3
  • ct-gallery–col2
  • ct-gallery–col5

Use the following HTML markup:

Remember to include isotope javascript:

Image Box

Create beautiful image box with the following HTML:

And javascript:

Image Box

Image Box

Product Box

Use one of two types of product box:

  • ct-productBox–type1
    Product Box Type 1

    Product Box Type 1

  • ct-productBox–type2
    Product Box Type 2

    Product Box Type 2

Both types of boxes have several color variables:

  • ct-productBox–green
  • ct-productBox–primary
  • ct-productBox–blue
  • ct-productBox–gold
  • ct-productBox–purple
  • ct-productBox–orange
  • ct-productBox–gray

Icon Box

There are 4 types of icon boxes:

  • ct-iconBox–type1
    Icon Box Type 1

    Icon Box Type 1

  • ct-iconBox–type2
    Icon Boxes Type 2

    Icon Boxes Type 2

  • ct-iconBox–type3
    Icon Boxes Type 3

    Icon Boxes Type 3

  • ct-iconBox–type4
    Icon Boxes Type 4

    Icon Boxes Type 4

Every type with several color options:

  • ct-iconBox–blue
  • ct-iconBox–green
  • ct-iconBox–orange
  • ct-iconBox–gold
  • ct-iconBox–primary
  • ct-iconBox–gray
  • ct-iconBox–purple

Just edit classes names!

Navbar and Top bar

There are several classes, which will help you to provide global changes for your template.

To edit top bar and navigation styles use on body tag:

  • Fixed Navigation – .ct–navbarFixed
  • Fixed Top Bar – .ct–TopBarFixed

You can also use the following Customization options:

  • Topbar background – @ct-topBar-background
  • Topbar color – @ct-topBar-color
  • Topbar Font Family/Navbar Font Family – @ct-navbar-font
  • Navbar background – @ct-navbar-background
  • Navbar Color – @ct-navbar-color

Javascript – Macaroom

4.1. Javascrpt library and files

All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  1.  Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  2. jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)
  3. jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
  4. GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1
  5. jQuery.appear
  6. jQuery Stellar
  7. jQuery tweet
  8. Modernizr 2.0.6
  9. PageScroller
  10. final-countdown.js
  11. snap.js
  12. device.js 0.1.58
  13. chart.js

4.2. Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  1. data-location – address to show
  2. data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  3. data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin. Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


Content / Images Slider.
Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :

  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here: Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:

4.4. Jquery.appear

This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

4.5. Charts

This plugin is used to make graphics. Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/


Main Slider with inset container (with Progress Bar):

HTML markup

Full Screen Slider (with Progress Bar):

HTML markup

Arrow Types:

HTML markup


Controls Type:

HTML markup

ct-flexslider–controls – default


Content / Images Slider.
Each parameter can be defined as data attribute :

  • data-namespace
  • data-selector
  • data-animation
  • data-easing
  • data-direction
  • data-reverse
  • data-animationloop
  • data-smoothheight
  • data-startat
  • data-slideshow
  • data-slideshowspeed
  • data-animationspeed
  • data-initdelay
  • data-randomize
  • data-thumbcaptions
  • data-pauseonaction
  • data-pauseonhover
  • data-pauseinvisible
  • data-usecss
  • data-touch
  • data-video
  • data-controlnav
  • data-directionnav
  • data-prevtext
  • data-nexttext
  • data-keyboard
  • data-multiplekeyboard
  • data-mousewheel
  • data-pauseplay
  • data-pausetext
  • data-playtext
  • data-itemwidth
  • data-itemmargin
  • data-minitems
  • data-maxitems
  • data-move
  • data-allowoneslide
  • data-controlscontainer
  • data-manualcontrols
  • data-sync
  • data-asnavfor

Read the documentation here:

Flexslider Documentation

And js initialization (js/main.js file), there you can change slider parameters:

Header Settings

Header Theme Options

Test comes with extended options to configure headers appearance. You can choose options globally via Appearance > Theme Options. Those settings will be by default applied for every page.

In Theme Options > Main Navbar you can select option for navigation menu appearance.

Theme Options Main Navigation settings

Theme Options Main Navigation settings

You can select here one of four Navigation Types:

  • default
    Default Navigation

    Default Navigation

  • motive
    Motive Navigation Type

    Motive Navigation Type

  • inverse
    Inverse Navigation Type

    Inverse Navigation Type

  • transparent
    Transparent Navigation Type

    Transparent Navigation Type

Once you setup navigation bar background color with it’s type – you can adjust Style for active element in menu: You can choose one of five types:

Active element type 1

Active element type 1

Active element type 2

Active element type 2

Active element type 3

Active element type 3

Active element type 4

Active element type 4

Active element type 5

Active element type 5

In Main Navbar settings you can also select:

  1. Fixed menu type
  2. Dropdown animation
  3. Logo position
  4. If search should be displayed
  5. Search label
  6. Search placeholde
  7. Search icon

In Theme Options > Pages – Header you can select option for page header appearance

You can define here:

  • Diagonal [1]
  • Triangle [2]
  • Icon [3]
  • Summary [4]
Header options

Header options

  • Background Color
  • Text Color
  • Header Margins and Paddings
  • Shadow
Header shadow

Header shadow

Or choose one of predefined simple header styles:

Simple header type 1

Simple header type 1

Simple Header type 2

Simple Header type 2

Simple header type 3

Simple header type 3

You can also add media to header background:

  • parallax
  • kenburns
  • video


You can setup header settings for every page separately in Header and Navbar settings [1], which you will find below page content edition window.

Header settings

Header settings

Below header settings you can also choose if your page title should be displayed or not [2]


CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.
CSS Files & Structure

1. variables
2. mixins
3. datepicker
4. fonts
5. sections
6. animate
7. utilities
8. motive
9. typography
10. menu
11. buttons
12. lists
13. iconbox
14. icon
15. skills
16. blockquote
17. pricing
18. table
19. cta
10. tooltip
21. accordion
22. tabs
23. footer
24. copyright
25. form
26. breadcrumbs
27. flexslider
28. magnificpopup
29. slider
30. testimonial
31. courselist
32. coursesgallery
33. dropdown
34. sidebarcolumn
35. badge
36. choiceviev
37. graph
38. team
39. newsletter
40. singlecourse
41. headersection
42. pagination
43. mediasections
44. memberpage
45. mainparallax
46. tweet
47. videowachers
48. teacherbox
49. blogcontent
50. singlearticle
52. program
53. contactpage
54. loginpage
55. socialicons
56. videoarchive
57. portfolio
58. maps
59. intro-effects
60. snap


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Colors
  • Font Colors
  • Borders
  • Backgrounds Colors
  • Font Sizes
  • Triangles



There are 6 types of section buttons – each for every template style, but feel free to use them wherever you want.
To add button, use the following HTML markup:

variable color types can be create with the following CSS classes:

  • btn-link
  • btn-primary
  • btn-default
  • btn-icon-right
  • btn-block active
  • btn-block btn-disabled



You can choose from two types and seven colors of Socials:

  • ct-socialIcons–circle
  • ct-socialIcons–circlelg
  • ct-socialIcons–bgMotive
  • ct-socialIcons–fgrey
  • ct-socialIcons–fwhite
  • ct-socialIcons–fgreySm
  • ct-socialIcons-bgDarkBlue
  • ct-socialIcons-bgRed
  • ct-socialIcons-bgBlue


In Test you can create a chart with the simple HTML markup:

And the following javascript snippet:




Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/form.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form

HTML Markup:

Newsletter Form

HTML markup:


To create Flexslider use the following HTML markup:



Google Map

With Test you can easily create Google Map:

Google Map

Google Map

Just use simple HTML markup:

And don’t forget to include the following javascript in gmaps/init.js:

Modern Form

Test comes with extended Modern Form

Modern Form

Modern Form

You can use it with the following HTML markup:

Notice to include also the following javascript:

Progress Bars

To create progress bar use the following HTML markup:

Progress Bars

Progress Bars

Also don’t forget to include the javascript code:

Progress Icons

You can present progress made also with Progress Icons

Progress Icons

Progress Icons

You can use them with the following HTML markup:

Also remember to include required javascript:


Create nice selects with the following HTML markup:

And javascript code:



Javascript Actly

All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

  • Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  • jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)
  • jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0
  • GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1
  • jQuery.appear
  • isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/)
  • ct-mediaSections(with stellar.js)
  • snap.js
  • jquery.easing.1.3
  • device
  • jquery.pagescroller.lite
  • chart.min
  • jquery.countTo
  • jquery.magnificpopup.min
  • animate.css
  • gmaps
  • infinitescroll.min
  • select2


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/




Installation and activation

Installation via Administration Panel

When {Plugin} files are downloaded from your CodeCanyon account. You can start installation using WordPress administration panel.

Once you logged into your administration panel go to Plugins > Add New

Add New plugin

Add New plugin

Then choose Upload plugin:

Upload plugin

Upload plugin

Click Select a file and select ct-location.zip:

Select a file

Select a file

And initialize installation via Install Now.

Installation via FTP

  • Step 1 – Unarchive {plugin} file
  • Step 2 – Access your host web server using FTP client
  • Step 3 – Find directory wp-content > plugins
  • Step 4 – Put folder ct-size-guide in directory wp-content > plugins


Creating a new map

You can display your map anywhere on the page by using a shortcode [ctlocation]. If you don’t define any map parammeters it will come with the defaults:

  • ROADMAP style,
  • width 100%,
  • height 400px
  • 3rd level of zoom,
  • StreetView active
  • centered on the city

Feel free to change any of the map parameters via shortcode attributes:


    You can use value in pixels or percents.

    You can use value in pixels or percents.

    Specify the point on which your map will centered after reloading the page.
  • ZOOM

    You can select values from 1 to 12.
  • CAT

    Define which markers should be displayed with assigned categories.
  • TAGS

    Define which markers should be displayed with assigned tag.


    Enable or disbale StreetView option on your map with True and False attribute values.

    Select True or False value. You can add next layer to your map to mark the most important roads.

    Avalible map types: Hybrid, Roadmap, Satellite, Terrain. If you set different type than Roadmap, second button will be created at the top-right corner. If you set Terrain, there will be checkbox inside of default button.

    You can create new layer on your map to display an image. It is useful if you want to show how the displayed area had looked before or… how it looks now (for ex. if you set Satellite map type). Image_URL is a path to image, it could be web address. “NE” means top-right corner of image, “SW” is bottom-left corner.
    All of these values are required.

    You can draw a line on your map, which is based on declarated points. You can choose its color, visibility, and largeness. IMPORTANT! Remember about inserting Lat and Lng values for 2 points minimum.

    You can draw a polygon on your map, which is based on declarated points. You can choose color, visibility, and largeness of its elements. IMPORTANT! Remember about inserting Lat and Lng values for minimum 3 points.

    Thanks to this attribute you can display a route from point A to point B.
    IMPORTANT! Note that locations are separated with semicolon (” ; “), not with comma!

Locations are separated with semicolon (” ; “), not with comma!

Adding markers

You finally have a map, but how to point something?
It is very simple. What you have to do is clicking on Location > Add new Location.

New Location

New Location

Address, Latitutde & Longitude

Obviously, you should write an address (1) or Latitude (2.1) & Longitude (2.2) values. You could set your location by clicking Get My Location button (3).

Markers settings

Markers settings

Categories & Tags

To display your marker it is required to attribute it to categories and tags.
You can choose Category (1) from All Location Categories (1.1) or add New Location Category (1.2 & 1.3). Tags (2) are similar to categories. Add new Location Tag (2.1) or choose one of most used tags (2.3). Attributted tags are under most used ones.

Categories and Tags

Categories and Tags

You can manage categories and tags in Location submenu.

Manage tags and categories

Manage tags and categories

Marker icons

If you want to change default icon (1), which is automaticly added, to custom icon, go to Marker Icon at the bottom and click on Add New Marker Icon button (2).

Icon settings

Icon settings

If you have some images in Media Library and you want to use one of them go to Media Library (1), then select your image (2). You can resize your image by clicking Edit Image (3). After that click Add to gallery (4). Notice: You can select more than one image at once.

Select images from Media Library

Select images from Media Library

You can also upload icon image directly from your computer via Upload Files tab.

We recommend to use maximum 60x60px images for icons, without background.

Pop Ups

You can add default or custom pop up to your Marker. How?
If you want the default pop up made by google just write your text (1) and mark Simple Pop Up option (default).

Shortcode example:

Simple pop up code

Simple pop up code


Simple pop up result

Simple pop up result

You can put HTML instead of text. It will be rendered inside of your Pop Up

Shortcode example:

Simple pop up with HTML shortcode

Simple pop up with HTML shortcode


Simple popup with HTML result

Simple popup with HTML result

When you mark Custom Pop Up (1) option you will have whole panel to customize your Pop Up.
Here you have an example with default values:
– Pop Up width (2) (in pixels or “auto”)
– Pop Up height (3) (in pixels or “auto”)
– Pop Up Border Type (4) (None, Solid, Double, Ridge, Inset, Outset)
– Pop Up Border Radius (5) (up to 30px)
– Pop Up Visibility (6) (between 0 and 1)
– As a Pop Up Background you can choose a color (7) or an image (8)

Pop Up Settings

Pop Up Settings

To set background color (it’t a default option), click on Select Color:

Background color

Background color

Then select a color (1) and press Current Color button (2):

Select your color

Select your color

If you want to use image as a background select Pop Up Background

Background image

Background image

Select image in the same way you choose Marker Icon. The only difference is you can select only one image. After Adding to gallery you will have miniature of original image.

Select Pop Up background

Select Pop Up background

Examples of usage:

Custom Pop Up with text

Custom Pop Up with text

Custom Pop Up with text

Custom Pop Up with image

Custom pop up with image

Custom pop up with image

Custom Pop Up with text and image

Custom pop up with text and image

Custom pop up with text and image

If you don’t want to use Pop up option – don’t modify Post Editor fields and don’t select Simple Pop Up options.

Text options

In Test you can use Excerpt text option, which can be displayed on Blog Index page as every post introduction.

Post with excerpt

Post with excerpt

To display your blog post like above please navigate to Appearance > Theme Options – Posts and in Index tab select the following options:

  • Post excerpt – Show
  • Full text – Hide

Additionally you need to mark which part of your post should be an excerpt. You can did it with more divider. Just put the following code after your excerpt:

Excerpt divider

Excerpt divider


Orlando – Responsive Tumblr Theme

Theme Installation

1. Open index.html in {Theme Path} folder with your text editor (Example: Notepad++, Sublime Text, Php Storm or Etc)

2. Copy all HTML content from index.html file



3. Open your browser and go to the http://tumblr.com page. If you are registered please login into your Tumblr Dashboard

4. Please click on the Gear Icon at right top of the site


5. Click on the Edit HTML button, like this:


6. Next, paste the HTML code into Tumblr theme editor like below:


7. Finally, please click to the Update Preview button and save




Mobile View

Theme has default mobile layout. In our project we have own mobile design, so now you need to disable standard mobile layout. To do this, please click Advanced Options in the bottom of the side like below:


2. Click or disable use optimized mobile layout like below:

83. Finally, please click Save button. Now you have ou own mobile layout.


Theme Options

1. After installing the theme you are able to add a text description to the options. Now the text fields are empty. To change it, please scroll down on the tumblr theme page and fill the Header Title to your own header name. This text will be displayed on the page like below:


2. Next, please add the text to the Header description. This text will be displayed on the right side of the main header like in the picture below:


3. Next, please add the text to the Blog Username. This text is needed for the name of the author. This text field will be displayed on the post single page. When it’s done add some text to the Author Description text field. The both fields are described below:


4. Next things what you have to do is to add a name of the disqus component. OrlandoThumblrThemeworks with Disqus. So if you would like to have a comments like this on your page please fill the Disqus Shortname on the theme options menu. When it’s done you should see disqus panel in your single post page like below:


5. In the top of the administrative panel in tumblr you have an option like Avatar. Click on the option and choose the author image that you want to see on the page. It should be small picture with the image of author’s blog. Then please choose good name for the blog in component like below:


This text will be displayed on the sidebar at the top of the page.

6. The most important things is to set the options how many post should be displayed on the page. For do this, please go to Advanced Options on the bottom of the page and set Posts per page for 6. For now you have 6 posts on the every page. You can change it. How many posts should be displayed is depend from you. The options Open links in new window should be dsplayed.

7. In Theme options on the edit theme panel you have options like Logo. If you don’t want to have logo like in our theme please chosse the another logo.

8. OrlandoThumblrThemehas a list of components / options that you can use. The list of available options is on the picture :


9. As you can see above, our theme let to the user to modyfy the theme. Our theme has 3 types of blog. So to enable the one of them, please go to the panel and choose for example Header type 1. You should see the header like below:


If you would like to have Header type 2, just click it. The image of the header on the picture:


If you would like to have Hedaer type 3, click it. The image below:


In components you can choose different options of the header. You can set the size of the header, header shaddow.

10. The list of components has options like : Video Header, Parallax Header, KenBurns Header. So instead of the normal header you can use it of them. The effect of the header are displayed on the bottom:

– Video Header


– Parallax Header


– KenBurns Header


11. If it’s works you can go to the menu options. In our theme we have a lot of menu options. You can choose a size of the menu, type of the menu, position and set menu as transparent menu. Just choose for example:

Menu size -> Small

Menu type -> Fixed

Menu position -> Right

Menu transparent -> disabled

The picture will be helpful, if you don’t know how to do it:


12. In our theme we have a 3 types of effects like below:


To activate one of them please click to enable. For example to show how it works use Show Slider effect. The effects are only displayed on the main page with post. Then make sure that you have acticate the options like here :


Thanks to thhis options in post single page you will see information about author and social section where you are be able to share on facebook or twitter.

If you are here,be happy , you already did everything to install our theme on you tumblr blog. Below i will describe the one of the most importang things needed to work with our theme.

13. If you are seeing the options:


Please make sure that you have the same view on your computer. Like you can see, light version is already enabled. Thanks to do this, you will have a light version of theme. So everything will be done in light colors on the main page. If you decide to use dark version please make sure that you have the view like below:


The user can not use the both version in the same time. So decide which version you want to use right now.

14. Next, you need to choose a type of blog. Our theme has 4 types of blog like below:


Please click to the version that you want to use. In the exaple above Layout Default is choosen. If you want to change it, just disable Layout Default and choose another. Now you can open a browser and enter address of you theme. The posts will be displayed if you added before. The main page is ready. So, enjoy with your nice Tumblr theme !


Custom Pages

If you want to make a custom pages, please follow this tutorial:

1. Please stay to your custom theme menu, and scroll down until very bottom of the menu. You should see the Add a page menu.


2. Enter the details you need for your new page. In our theme we have a following list of custom pages:

– page-blank

– maintenance-page

– our-office

– contact-us

– about-us

– services

– media-sections

3. If you want to have a following list of custom pages like above, just follow instructions. Here is an example how to add a page-blank to the our theme:


4. The content of the custom page is from page blank file. You will find this file in /OrlandoThumblrTheme/lightfolder or in /OrlandoThumblrTheme/dark folder. It’s depend of the user. If ther user want to have light version so please choose light, if not please choose different.

5. After that, click Update Preview and Click Save buton


6. Finally, the Custom Page will be displayed when you go to the menu and select Pages -> Page Blank. To add next custom pages you have to do the same like with Page Blank.

Icons and Animate CSS

1. Icons

We’ve included 360+ font icons. Awesome Icons http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:


The example of icons below:


2. Animations with Posts

In our theme we have a lot of options displaying the posts. You can select one options from the list below:


This effect works with Default and Secundary types of blog. Below is the list of effect that you can add to the tumblr theme:


1. Javascript library and files

In main.js file we implement all functions calls.

This theme uses following Javascript files:

– Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)

– jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.)

– jQuery FlexSlider v2.2.0

– GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery v. 5.1.1

– jQuery.appear

– jQuery Stellar

– Modernizr 2.0.6

– PageScroller

– Snap.js

– Device.js 0.1.58

– Chart.js

2. Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

1. data-location – address to show

2. data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)

3. data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

HTML Markup:


3. Jquery.appear

This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.


4. Charts

This plugin is used to make graphics. Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Contact Form

The contact form was made using on-line contact form builder. The documentation is here :


The project has two different version of contact form. One of them is for light version, the second is for dark.

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

jQuery – http://www.jquery.com





HTML markup:

Section header



HTML markup:

Media sections

media section

media section

Parallax Section

HTML markup:

Pattern Section:

HTML markup:

Ken Burns Section:

HTML markup:

Video Section


Html markup:

Text box



HTML markup:

Icon Box



Use one of our icon boxes with the following HTML markup – you can change box type with type class:

Person box



HTML markup:


Remember to include the following scripts if you want to use Owlcarousel:

Please check carousel documentation here




HTML markup:



HTML markup:



HTML markup:


You can easily use one of two predefined footer’s types.




HTML markup:

Large Footer



HTML markup:




Add your clients’ testimonials with simple HTML markup:




HTML markup:

HTML markup for Single Item:

Required scripts:

Progress Bar



HTML markup:

Remember to include also the following script:

Overflow Container



HTML markup:


There are two available button types. Use appropriate HTML markup to add buttons to your page:

Button 1

Button 1






Add the following HTML to create awesome animated forms:

Notice, that you must also include the following script on page, where you are using forms:




Display your blog posts anywhere you want to with simple HTML markup:


Line chart



HTML markup:

Javascript code:

Pie chart



HTML markup:

Bar chart



HTML markup:

Javascript code:

To use any type of the chart you must also include the following scripts:




Standard Table HTML markup:




Add awesome counters with simple HTML markup:




Add accordion anywhere you want with simple HTML code:

Progress icons



Add animated progress icons with simple HTML markup:

and the following script:

Call to action



HTML markup:

Pricing box



HTML markup:

Waitlist for WooCommerce – Back In Stock Notifier

Waitlist for WooCommerce – Back In Stock Notifier is a plugin, which allows your customers to get notification about items, which are back available in stock.

Plugin Settings

Plugin comes with number of options, which you can modify under Waitlist section in your admin menu.

Under Plugin Settings, you will find the following:

Public facilities

  • Subscribe button text – text to be displayed on plugins button on the front page under plugin’s subscribe message.
  • Subscribe message – text to be displayed under woocommerce availability message.
  • Product already subsribed – text to be displayed instead to subscribe button if user is logged in and already subscribed specific item.
  • Variation already subscribed – same option but for product variation
  • Simple product out of stock – overwrites woocommerce product out of stock message
  • Variable product out of stock – overwrites woocommerce variable product out of stock message
  • Waitlist simple product subscription success – text displayed when user successfuly fullfills email input(if logged in input won’t be displayed) and click subscribe button.
  • Waitlist variation subscription success – text displayed when user successfuly fullfills email input(if logged in input won’t be displayed) and click subscribe button.
  • User email box text – text to be displayed in email input as placeholder
  • Waitlist style
  • Show subscribers count (New!)
  • Show count even if no one subscribed (New!)
  • Sunscriber info singular ( use $count$ placeholder ) (New!)
  • Subscribers info plural ( use $count$ placeholder ) (New!)
  • Use custom CSS style
  • Custom CSS
Plugin Settings

Plugin Settings

Subscription removing options

  • Select waitlist un-subscribe page – select for choosing on which page should or not be displayed form for removing user from Waitlist Database. (Disabled, MyAccount, Product Page, both)
  • Unsubscribe button text – text to be displayed on button displayed on page choosen by “Select waitlist un-subscribe page” option.
  • Removed from waitlist – text to be displayed after successfull user’s remove from waitlist.
  • Minimum stock amount to send “item is back” message – waitlist email is not sent if on stock returns less than this value
  • Enable plugin data to shop manager – decidesif shop manager can view and manage plugin data
  • Remove data on plugin deletion – removes all options from WP database on plugin deletion
  • Display waitlist data on WooCommerce product page edit – determines if option for disabling subcription for specific item and overall amount of subscriptions for specific item should be displayed when editing WooCommerce product inventory
Single product settings

Single product settings

  • Enable postponing emails option in product edit page – adding new option to product inventory page – this option will let you delay send Back In Stock message. You can view or edit queue to adjust and decide who to send email or when to do it.


Email Settings

Email Settings

Email Settings

  • Use custom from data – determines if plugin should use WooCommerce “from” data or custom data provided by user. This is used for emails displayed in email “from” cell. By default its sender’s email + name.
  • Back in stock email topic and body – content of email sent when item returns on stock.
  • Send subscription success – enabling/disabling sending email right after subscriber made subscription
  • Subscription success email topic and body – content of email sent right after subscriber made subscription

Advanced Email Options

You can use following placeholders to full cusomize your email sent by Waitlist. Plugin will replace it with correct data.


Full list of available placeholders:


  • $productName$
  • $price$
  • $siteTitle$
  • $stockAmount$
  • $productPage$
  • $thumbnail$
  • $variation$
  • $userEmail$

Admin Email Options

  • Send admin notification email on new subscription: enable/disable email to admin when new subscription has been made
  • New subscription email topic and body.
  • Send admin notification if subscribed item has been bought – enable/disable mail to admin when user bought subscribed item.
  • Subscribed item bought email topic and body.
  • Send admin notification when user is getting notified – enable/disable email to admin when user is getting notification about product back in stock.
  • User notified email topic and body.
  • Use woocommerce template – enable/disable use of woocommerce email template which can be previewed in link after.
  • Shortcodes – replacing values between $ to proper data in emails sent to user/admin.
    Admin email settings

    Admin email settings


Subscription list

Subscription list

Subscription list

Subscription List is a database divided on subscribers notified and not notified about products out of stock and items mostly added to Waitlist. Displays:

  • subscriber mail,
  • product featured image,
  • product name,
  • group name,
  • variation name,
  • category name,
  • product type (variable, simple or grouped)
  • date, when it was added to waitlist.

Notified subscribers list shows also notify date (then user is notified about product back in stock) and item bought date (if user has bought subscribed item).
Most Waitlisted displays 20 items mostly added to waitlist with subsctiptions count for specific item.


You can sort data by:

  • subscriber,
  • product,
  • group,
  • variation,
  • date.

Available actions:

  • delete or export checked elements,
  • export to .csv file.


Extension points

Options filter – to change specific option via wordpress add_filter hook simply use:

Diana HTML

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.
1. Index v2, collections, collections list
2. Login page
3. Contact Us
4. My account
5. Wishlist Products
6. My cart
7. Checkout
8. About Us
9. Our team
10. Team Member
11. Our Services
12 Testimonials
13. FAQ
14. Pricing
15. Blog
16. Portfolio
17. Coming soon
18. Single Product


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development),
  • jQuery v1.10.2 (A fast javascript library that Foodtruckifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations.),
  • colorselector.js –  (color ring picker),
  • jquery.frogaloop.min.js, jquery.stellar.min.js – ct-mediaSection – (paralax, videos),
  • jquery.elevatezoom.js – elevate-zoom (zoom effects on images),
  • gmap3.min.js –  (google maps, contact page),
  • jquery.magnific-popup.min – (images popup),
  • jquery.nouislider.all.js – nouislider/ (range slider in single product),
  • imagesloaded.js, jquery.isotope.min.jsportoflio/init.js – (isotope),
  • select2/init.js, select2.min.js – (styling select boxes with jquery),
  • spinner/init.js (styled input quantity element where we can put any value, my cart page),
  • stacktable/init.js, stacktable.js – (table which change the whole content to responsive table on the mobile),
  • device.min.js,
  • jquery.appear.js,
  • jquery.browser.min.js,
  • jquery.easing.1.3.js,
  • jquery.placeholder.min.js,
  • modernizr.custom.js,
  • snap.min.js (mobile swaping),
  • plugins/headroom/init.js, headroom.js, jQuery.headroom.js (menu and topbar effects),
  • owl.carousel.min.js (owl slider),
  • init.js

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


There are three available types of sliders:

Main slider

Main Slider

Main Slider

You can use it with the following HTML markup:

We have few variations of the arrows:

  • ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTop
  • ct-mainCarousel–arrowsMiddle
  • ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTopRight
  • ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTopLeft
  • ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTopCenter

Product Slider

Product Slider

Product Slider

HTML markup:

With the following variations of arrows:

  • ct-productCarousel–arrowsTop
  • ct-productCarousel–arrowsTopRight

PersonBox Slider

PersonBox Slider

PersonBox Slider

HTML markup:

Remember to attach the following, required javascript files for owl slider:

Shop Product

There are two variations of shop products.

Default Product

Variaton class:

  • ct-productShop–default
Default shop product

Default shop product

HTML markup:

Shop product with zoom effect

Variation class:

  • ct-productShop–zoom
Shop product with zoom

Shop product with zoom

HTML markup:

These effects are used in sliders as well.

Javasript needed for Zoom Effect on images:

Learn more:

Zoom effect docs:


Add awesome highlights boxes with simple HTML markup!



HTML markup:

Divided Section

These sections are by default above the footer, in prefooter section, because they are fixed all the time on the bottom of the main content.

Left Section HTML markup:

Divided section

Divided section

Right Section:


Add tooltips anywhere you want!



HTML markup:


Test comes with two types and four colours of socials:


  • ct-socials–small
  • ct-socials–medium
  • ct-socials–large


  • ct-socials–blackBorder
  • ct-socials–whiteBorder
  • ct-socials–white
  • – ct-socials–black

HTML markup:




Footer widgets


Footer widget

HTML markup:

Sidebar Widget


Sidebar widget

HTML markup:

Products Listing

There are two types of displaying products listing:


  1. ct-showProducts–default

    Product listing

  2. ct-showProducts–list
    Products list

    Products list

HTML markup:

Javascript code:


There are three sizes of buttons:

  1. btn
  2. btn-sm
  3. btn-md

Each can have one of the following variations:

  1. btn-default
  2. btn-white
  3. btn-blackTransparent
  4. btn-blackTransparent–white
  5. btn-transparentWhite

HTML markup:


There are two available variations:

  • default


  • ct-u-bgcolor-transparent

    Transparent pagination

HTML markup:


Standard Tabs



HTML markup:

Nested Tabs


Nested tabs

HTML tabs:


HTML markup:


Test comes with a wishlist. It changes to different table on mobile with special stacktable script. To use it you will need ct-js-wishList class.



HTML markup:

Javascript code:

Learn more:

Stackable.js documentation


We have two variations of testimonial:

  • ct-testimonials–left
  • ct-testimonials–right


HTML markup:


Create pricing box with simple HTML markup:




There are two types of boxes:

Image Box

Image Box

Image Box

HTML markup:

Number Box

Number box

Number box

Short Info

There are two available color variations of Short Info:

  • ct-shortInfoReason–grey
  • ct-shortInfoReason–black
Short Info

Short Info

HTML markup:

Single Product

Product Cusotmization, description, details can be added with the following HTML markup:


There are two available Video elements:


Video Box

Video Box

HTML markup:

Video Product

Video Product

Video Product

HTML markup:

Javascript code:


Create beautiful portfolio items with the following HTML markup:

Portfolio Single page

Portfolio Single page


Add your blog posts with the following HTML markup:

Blog Post

Blog Post

Blog Comments

Blog comments

Blog comments

HTML markup:


There are several types of ratings:

Ratings in single product content


Ratings in single product content

HTML markup:

Star ratings


Star ratings

HTML markup:

Javascript ratings

Bar ratings

Bar ratings

HTML markup:

Javascript code:


Add reviews to your product with simple HTML markup:



Mutlitple SearchBox

Use our Multiple search box, where you can set advanced search options for products!

Multiple Search Box

Multiple Search Box

Use the following HTML markup to include it to your page:

Notice, that Multiple Search box requires the following Javascripts if you want to use Color Picker and Range Slider for it:

Top Bar

There are two variations of top bar:

  • deafult
  • ct-topBar–grey
Gray top bar

Gray top bar

To change bar color to gray just add the class above to the bar markup, like the following:


Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customizer



And click on arrow to toggle all available options:

Start customization

Start customization

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Pages
  • Main Navbar
  • Posts
  • Portfolio
  • Socials
  • Faq
  • WooCommerce
  • Footer Widgets
Customizer Options

Customizer Options

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • Test style
  • General

In Test style section you can edit theme colors and fonts



Colors settings

Colors settings

In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings

General Settings

General Settings


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on


Pages Options

In Pages panel you are able to edit the following options:

  1. Home page settings:
    • Show/Hide comments,
    • Show/Hide comment form
  2. Header settings:
    • Show/hide bar with title and breadcrumbs,
    • Color of the bar,
    • Size of the bar,
    • Show/Hide title,
    • Show/Hide breadcrumbs
  3. Maintenance Page:
    • Define page title
    • Define page description
Pages general options

Pages general options

Main Navbar

There are several navbar color types to choose. You can setup navbar type and scroll effect globally via Appearance > Customize > Main Navbar

Global Settings for Navbar

Global Settings for Navbar

Notice, that sometimes you can check changes in Customizer preview only after clicking on a Save & Publish button.

Those settings will be automatically applied for every page, although you can change options for each page with Template Settings:

Page settings for Navbar

Page settings for Navbar

Here you can also define:

  1. if title bar should be displayed,
  2. bar color,
  3. bar size,
  4. if title should be displayed,
  5. if breadcrumbs should be displayed

Posts Options

When using the assigned blog page as described in Blog Index page, all the options are located in Appearance > Customize on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from such as layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has title and descriptions to help you understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be set here in theme options when using the assigned blog page.


  • Blog title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Post detail button label – define custom label for button Read More,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – we will display only text on blog index page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Text Option – display full posts text, post excerpt or no intro text in posts list,
  • Show read more button – show/hide button Read More
  • Sidebar – show/hide sidebar on blog index page,
  • Tags – show/hide posts tags,
  • Categories – show/hide posts categories,
  • Pagination notice – it will display pagination in the following format: Page 1 OF 7 – you can adjust labels with the following code instead:  Custom-text %current% custom-text %total% – it’s useful if you want to translate your content

SINGLE POST OPTIONS – select how should look like single post page:

  • Post page title – it will be displayed as title of your single post page,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – it will display only text on post page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide post author,
  • Content – show/hide post content (text),
  • Author link – show/hide link to post author,
  • Comments – show/hide comments,
  • Comment form – show/hide comment form (select Hide if you don’t want comments below you post),
  • Comments tag – show/hide comments tag, 
  • Sidebar – show/hide – show/hide sidebar, 
  • Tag cloud – show/hide tags,
  • Categories – show/hide categories, 
  • Show socials box – show/hide socials, 
  • Share button label – define custom label for Share Button,
  • Show author box – show/hide box with author information. 
  • Pagination – show/hide pagination, 
  • Previous post label – define custom label for Previous post button,
  • Next post label – define custom label for Next post button,
  • By label – define custom label for  BY tag,
Posts options

Posts options

Common issue: How to change post intro text?

Intro text, which can be displayed on Blog index page is an Excerpt. You can edit it manually for every post with the following field:



Notice: if you don’t see Excerpt field when you are editing your post, go to Screen Options at the top of the post edition window (on the right hand side) and enable Excerpt with checkbox.

Portfolio Options


  • Enter portfolio index page title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show portfolio index page title – hide/show portfolio index page title,
  • Portfolio type – select the way of displaying portfolio items on index page,
  • Portfolio masonry columns – number of columns for Masonry portfolio type,
  • Portfolio items show at most – maximum number of displayed Portfolio items,
  • Show pagination – show/hide pagination,
  • Masonry category filters – show/hide categories filters,
  • Masonry filter All label – define custom label for “All Projects” button,
  • Pagination notice – we will display pagination in the following format: Page 1 OF 7 – you can adjust labels with the following code instead:  Custom-text %current% custom-text %total% – it’s useful if you want to translate your content
Portfolio options

Portfolio options


  • Portfolio single page title – define custom portfolio title,
  • Portfolio single show page title – show/hide page title, 
  • Project details – label – define custom label for View More button
  • Project type  – define custom label,
  • Project type – define custom label,
  • Project website – define custom label,
  • Project prev – define custom label,
  • Project next – define custom label,
  • back to portfolio – define custom label,
  • Show breadcrumbs – show/hide breadcrumbs,
  • Single work Title – show/hide single work title,
  • Image – show/hide,
  • Client – show/hide,
  • Date – show/hide,
  • Categories – show/hide,
  • Other projects – show/hide,
  • External URL label – define custom label,
  • Categories label – define custom label,
  • Date label – define custom label,
  • Client label – define custom label,
  • Comments – show/hide,
  • Comment form – show/hide,
  • Related projects label – define custom label,
  • Related projects description – define custom description,
  • Related projects limit


Social icons, from the top of the page can be removed or changed via Appearance > Customize > Socials

Social Icons

Social Icons

We will display here only icons for social media profiles, which you define in settings:

Social Icons settings

Social Icons settings

So if you don’t want to display, for example Facebook icon – just leave Facebook field empty.


Social Buttons

There are two available types of social buttons:

  • rounded buttons – it’s a default type, which will be displayed when you use in markup class ct-socials
    Rounded socials buttons

    Rounded socials buttons

  • squared buttons – can be used with class ct-socials–square
    Squared socials buttons

    Squared socials buttons

Both types use the following basic HTML markup:


We use several types of sliders in Test.
Main Slider

Main slider

Main slider

HTML markup:


gallery slider

gallery slider

HTML markup:

Gallery Simple

Simple gallery

Simple gallery

HTML markup:

To use any of the following sliders you need to include javascript, which can be found here.


Test comes with the following template for blog posts

Blog post

Blog post

You can use it with the following HTML markup:

Check also how our blog comments look like

Blog comments

Blog comments

Use it with the following HTML markup:


Check our beautiful accordion!



You can use it with simple HTML markup:


You can easily display your content in Tabs.




Display your posts on several pages and navigate between them with simple pagination.



Use for it simple HTML markup:

Categories widget

Use simple HTML markup to display a widget.

Categories widget

Categories widget

HTML markup:


Check all buttons, that you can create with Test!



Use the following basic HTML markup:

And of the following variations:
Types of buttons:
– btn
– btn-sm
– btn-md

Different looks:



CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Snap mobile
2. Sidebar
3. Content
4. Frame box
5. Image box
6. Contact
7. Popup
8. Sliders
9. Animations
10. Food box
11. To Top button
12. Navigations blog
13. Blog section
15. Google Map
16. Loader


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.min.js – Jquery Plugin
  • HTML/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js – Bootstrap Plugin
  • HTML/assets/js/placeholder.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/easing.1.3.js
  • HTML/assets/js/device.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.browser.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/snap.min.js – Snap Plugin is for responsive menu
  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.appear.js
  • HTML/assets/js/masonry.min.js – This is using in home page and in gallery
  • HTML/assets/plugins/owl/owl.carousel.min.js – slider plugin
  • HTML/assets/plugins/owl/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/portfolio/imagesloaded.js – Needed for gallery
  • HTML/assets/plugins/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific.min.js – Needed for gallery, using when you want to see a big image after click on thumbnail
  • HTML/assets/plugins/magnific-popup/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/main.js – Main scripts
  • HTML/assets/js/less.min.js

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/



There are three available types of slider. You can use it with the following variations:

  • ct-owl–type1
  • ct-owl–type2
  • ct-owl–type3

Use the simple HTML markup:

Don’t forget to include on the page the following javascripts:

Progress icons

Progress icons

Progress icons

HTML markup:

Don’t forget to include the following javascript file:

Google Map

HTML markup:

Required javascript files:





HTML markup:




HTML markup:

Pricing Table

Pricing Table

Pricing Table

HTML markup:




HTML markup:

You can adjust table look, with Bootstrap variations:

  • table-responsive,
  • table-striped,
  • table-bordered,
  • table-hover

Progress bar


Progress bar simple

Progress bar simple

HTML markup:


Progress bar - extended

Progress bar – extended

HTML markup:

Don’t forget about javascript:


Feel free to modify navbar styles by adding one of the following class to HTML body tag:

  • ct-headroom–scrollUpMenu
  • ct-headroom–scrollUpTopBar
  • ct-headroom–scrollUpBoth
  • ct-headroom–fixedTopBar
  • ct-headroom–fixedMenu
  • ct-headroom–fixedBoth
  • ct-headroom–hideMenu
  • ct-navbar–transparent

You can also use smaller navbar type by adding the following class to .navbar:

  • navbar-makeSmaller

Portfolio item

Use the following HTML markup to display single portfolio item:

Portfolio item

Portfolio item

Count To



Create awesome counters with simple HTML markup:

Don’t forget to include the following javascript:

Coming Soon Counter

Your page is still under construction? Don’t worry! You can always keep visitors informed with Coming Soon Counter.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Use the following HTML markup:

And define counter values in javascript:



Chart - Circle

Chart – Circle

HTML markup:



Chart - Bar

Chart – Bar

HTML markup:



Chart - Line

Chart – Line

HTML markup:

Edit all values with Javascript:


Chart - Polar

Chart – Polar

HTML markup:



Test comes with number of buttons types



You can use any of them with the simple HTML markup:

Just change types with the following options:

  • ct-btn-inverse
  • ct-btn-rounded
  • ct-btn-transparent
  • ct-btn-block
  • ct-btn-link
  • ct-hover–outlineOut

You can also use one of default Bootstrap parameters for buttons, like size and colors – find out more here.

Owl Slider

Check slider documentation here

You can call it with the following script:

And HTML markup:


Display your twitter feed with simple HTML markup:

Don’t forget to include also script for this:

And here is the result:



Morph button

Use Morph button for Login/Register options or Email in Person Box. After click on it will display form window and move to another place on the page.

Morph button

Morph button

You can use it with the following markup:

And script:

See it in the action here

Social Icons

Test comes with number of Social Icons, created with FontAwesome icons set.

Social Icons

Social Icons

You can use it with simple HTML markup:

There are several size and color options:

  • socialicons-sm
  • socialicons-md
  • socialicons-lg
  • socialicons–white
  • socialicons–gray
  • socialicons–darkGray
  • socialicons–darkGray2


Contact Form

Contact Form

Contact Form

HTML markup:





HTML markup:


Common Problems

Where I can edit my contact form/newsletter email addres?

You can define where we should send messages from your contact form and newsletter in file HTML/assets/form/config.php

Form config

Form config

Add your email address instead of recipient@mail.com and it’s ready to use!

Icon box

You can use three types of Icon Boxes with the following CSS varaitions:

  • ct-iconBox–type1
  • ct-iconBox–type2
  • ct-iconBox–type3
Icon Box

Icon Box

HTML markup:


You can display your portfolio item in several different ways with the following CSS variations:

  • default
  • ct-portfolio-masonry
  • ct-portfolio-masonry–col2
  • ct-portfolio-masonry–col3
  • ct-portfolio-masonry–col4


HTML markup:



There are three types of blockquotes:

  • ct-quote–type1
  • ct-quote–type2
  • ct-quote–type3

To create any of them use the simple HTML markup:

Person Box

Introduce your team members with pretty person boxes.

Person Box

Person Box

Use for this simple HTML markup:


Make your website navigation more efficient with our breadcrumbs.



Create breadcrumbs with simple HTML markup:

Call To action

Present your content in new way with Call To Action box.

Call To Action

Call To Action

It can be done with simple HTML markup:

Color Box

Check out our beautiful color boxes here
Create a simple container with background color and content. Additionally you can add here up or down arrow in several positions.

Color Box

Color Box

Use the simple HTML markup:

And extend options with the several variations:

  • ct-colorBox–lighten10
  • ct-colorBox–lighten20
  • ct-colorBox–darken10
  • ct-colorBox–darken20
  • ct-colorBox–after
  • ct-colorBox–before
  • ct-colorBox-arrow
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–top
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–bottom
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–left
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–right
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–center
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–btPrev
  • ct-colorBox-arrow–btNext


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  1. jquery-1.11.2
  2. jquery.easing.1.3
  3. jquery.browser
  4. jquery.appear
  5. bootstrap
  6. device
  7. classie
  8. contact-form
  9. jquery.tweet
  10. jquery.stellar/ct-mediaSection
  11. uiMorphingButton_fixed (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2014/05/12/morphing-buttons-concept/)
  12. snap (https://github.com/jakiestfu/Snap.js/)
  13. progresBar
  14. headroom (http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js/)
  15. owl.carousel (http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/#how-to)
  16. jquery.isotope
  17. jquery.magnific-popup
  18. gmap3
  19. Chart
  20. jquery.countTo
  21. jquery.mb-comingsoon
  22. progressicons

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Variables
2. Bootstrap
3. Mixins
4. Typography
5. Button hover effects
6. animate.css
7. Yamm
8. Image hover effects
9. Counter
10. Owl
11. Media section
12. Buttons
13. Morph buttons
14. Divided
15. Menu
16. Social icons
17. Forms
18. Widget
19. Icon box
20. Portfolio
21. Blockquote
22. Person Box
23. Progress Bar
24. Breadcrumbs
25. Call to action
26. Color Box
27. Media object
28. Blog
29. Blog sidebar
30. Blog Post
31. Pagination
32. List switcher
33. Comment
34. Contact
35. Error Page
36. Testimonals
37. Tables
38. Pricing tables
39. Toggables
40. Twitter
41. Footer
42. Maps
43. Utilities
44. Base Style
45. To Top arrow
46. Intro Effect
47. Magnific


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements

Master -WP

Main Navbar

There are several navbar color types to choose. You can setup navbar type and scroll effect globally via Appearance > Customize > Main Navbar

Global Settings for Navbar

Global Settings for Navbar

Notice, that sometimes you can check changes in Customizer preview only after click on Save & Publish button.

Those settings will be automatically applied for every page, though you can change options for each page with Template Settings:

Page settings for Navbar

Page settings for Navbar

You can also define here:

  1. if title bar should be displayed,
  2. bar color,
  3. bar size,
  4. if title should be displayed,
  5. if breadcrumbs should be displayed

Pages Options

In Pages panel you are able to edit the following options:

  1. Logo Settings
  2. Home page settings:Show/Hide comments,
  3. Show/Hide comment form
  4. Header settings:
  5. 404 Page:
    • Button Link
    • facebook Link
    • twiter Link
    • dragable Link
    • sound Link
Pages Header Options

Pages Header Options

Portfolio Options


  • Enter portfolio index page title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show portfolio index page title – hide/show portfolio index page title,
Portfolio item on mouse over

Portfolio item on mouse over


  • Portfolio single page title – define custom portfolio title,
  • Portfolio single show page title – show/hide page title, 
  • Project prev – define custom label,
  • Project next – define custom label,
  • back to portfolio – define custom label,
  • Show breadcrumbs – show/hide breadcrumbs,
  • Single work Title – show/hide single work title,
  • Image – show/hide,
  • Client – show/hide,
  • Date – show/hide,
  • Categories – show/hide,
  • Other projects – show/hide,
  • External URL label – define custom label,
  • Categories label – define custom label,
  • Date label – define custom label,
  • Client label – define custom label,
  • Comments – show/hide,
  • Comment form – show/hide,
  • Related projects label – define custom label,
  • Related projects description – define custom description,
  • Related projects limit

Posts Options

When using the assigned blog page as described in Blog Index page, all the options you can select for it are located in Appearance > Customize on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from like layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has title and descriptions to help you better understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be set here in theme options when using the assigned blog page.


  • Blog title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Post detail button label – define custom label for button Read More,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – we will display only text on blog index page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Text Option – display full posts text, post excerpt or no intro text in posts list,
  • Show read more button – show/hide button Read More
  • Sidebar – show/hide sidebar on blog index page,
  • Tags – show/hide posts tags,
  • Categories – show/hide posts categories,
  • Pagination notice – we will display pagination in the following format: Page 1 OF 7 – you can adjust labels with the following code instead:  Custom-text %current% custom-text %total% – it’s useful if you want to translate your content

SINGLE POST OPTIONS – select how should look like single post page:

  • Post page title – it will be displayed as title of your single post page,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – we will display only text on post page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide post author,
  • Content – show/hide post content (text),
  • Author link – show/hide link to post author,
  • Comments – show/hide comments,
  • Comment form – show/hide comment form (select Hide if you don’t want comments below you post),
  • Comments tag – show/hide comments tag, 
  • Sidebar – show/hide – show/hide sidebar, 
  • Tag cloud – show/hide tags,
  • Categories – show/hide categories, 
  • Show socials box – show/hide socials, 
  • Share button label – define custom label for Share Button,
  • Show author box – show/hide box with author information. 
  • Pagination – show/hide pagination, 
  • Previous post label – define custom label for Previous post button,
  • Next post label – define custom label for Next post button,
  • By label – define custom label for  BY tag,

Common issue: How to change post intro text?

Intro text, which can be displayed on Blog index page is an Excerpt. You can edit it manually for every post with the following field:



Notice: if you don’t see Excerpt field when you are editing your post, go to Screen Options at the top of the post edition window (on the right hand side) and enable Excerpt with checkbox.


Social icons, from the top of the page can be removed or changed via Appearance > Customize > Socials

Social Icons

Social Icons

We will display here only icons for social media profiles, which you define in settings:

Social Icons settings

Social Icons settings

So if you don’t want to display, for example Facebook icon – just leave Facebook field empty.


Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customizer



It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Pages
  • Main Navbar
  • Posts
  • Portfolio
  • Faq
  • WooCommerce
  • Footer Widgets

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • Test style

In Test style section you can edit theme colors and fonts




Fonts colors

All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on




Test comes extended Galleries options, which allow you to manage all galleries and image in one place. Galleries are custom post types, where you can add multiple images, which then can be used almost everywhere on your page.

Creating Gallery

To create new Gallery, navigate to Galleries > Add New

Add new Gallery

Add new Gallery

For new gallery you can define:

  • Title (required),
  • Tags (optional),
  • Images (recommended),

The most important are of course images. You can Upload here new images from you computer or select images from Media library – one or multiple (hold CTRL or SHIFT to select more that one image).


Gallery with images

For every gallery you can:

  • reorder images with drag and drop tool,
  • remove images from gallery with x sign
  • add new images from media library or computer.

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Header gallery

Each page has number of options to change header appearance. For the right half of header you can select images with Parallax or Kenburns effect, background Video or Slider.
If you would like to display images as Kenburns or Slider, you can do it with one of Galleries. Just select, which Gallery should be display here.

Header gallery

Header gallery

Slider Gallery

You can present your images as simple slider. From available components list select Slider. In tab Custom Gallery in slider settings you will see option to select gallery, which should be displayed as slider.

Notice: you have three Select options for images:

  • none – image won’t be displayed,
  • select all – all images from the gallery will be displayed (all changes which you will do for gallery, like adding/removing image will be applied in slider gallery),
  • custom select – only selected images will be displayed.
Slider Gallery

Slider Gallery

Image Grid

Another shortcode to display images uploaded to galleries in Image Grid – it works analogously to Slider element, but instead of slides, images are displayed in 2, 3 or 4 columns and can be opened in Lightbox.

Image Grid

Image Grid

Portfolio Gallery

We didn’t forget also about standard gallery – which displays featured images of all created Portfolio Items (Portfolio Items > Add New). You can display it with Gallery element.

You will find here number of settings to change:

  • Show/Hide categories filters
  • Filters alignment
  • “all” filter label
  • Number of columns
  • Gallery box style
Portfolio Gallery

Portfolio Gallery


Section is essential element of page structure – it comes with number of structural and styles option. Below you will find main sections functionalities, which allow you to manage pages content easier.
To add new section – select Row from list of available components.

Add new section row

Add new section row

Once Row is selected you will see the list of the following options

  • Type – you can choose between the following types: Divider, Parallax, Kenburns, Video, Default
  • ID – section ID can be used if you want to create Onepager page – define custom ID for each section and corresponding /#section-id-name link in navigation menu
  • Height – define custom section height,
  • Divider color – this parameter will be displayed only if you selected Divider section type. Select background color for right (divided) column of the section
  • Background mobile – this parameter will be displayed only if you selected Parallax or Kenburns section types – it allows you to select section background image, will be displayed on mobile devices,
  • Background – this parameter will be displayed only if you selected Parallax or Kenburns section types – it allows you to select section background image,
  • With container – select this option, if you want to keep your content in Bootstrap container, otherwise content will be full width (adjusted to browser window),
  • Content centered – center align container content,
  • Next section scroll button – creates button with arrow and link to different section (you can define, which sections it should be by its ID)
  • Onepager element – select only if you want to create Onepager page and only for sections, which will be linked in your navigation menu

Section Types



Divided section

Divided section

Creates section, which is divided to two columns with different background. Left column has always default backgroud. For right you can select your color with Divider color parameter.

Notice: you will get the best effect if you will enable With Container option for divided section.



Default section

Default section

Basic version of section. You can divide it for any number of columns. It’s by default has no background and text inside has Primary (motive) color.



Parallax section

Parallax section

Define background image with Parallax effect. You can modify parallax ratio and section height with additional section parameters. You can use any content you want in Parallax section.



Kenburns section

Kenburns section

Creates animated background with images, which are transits one to another.

Notice: to keep your pages structure responsive – every page page element should be inside Row (section) element.


Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customizer

Customizer options

Customizer options

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Style
  • General
  • Pages
  • Main Navbar
  • Posts
  • Team
  • Socials
  • Faq
  • WooCommerce
  • Footer Widgets

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • Test style
  • General

In Test style section you can edit theme colors and layout setup

Color setup

Color setup

Layout setup

Layout setup

In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings

General settings

General settings


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on


Main Navbar

Select your navigation bar and top bar style.

Main Navbar

Main Navbar

Select default to keep you Navigation bar hidden after scroll down. If you want to display navbar or both bar always – select fixed option.

Pages Options

In Pages panel you are able to edit the following options:

    1. General pages options:
      • Show/Hide Title row on pages
      • Show/Hide Title text on pages
      • Show/Hide comments,
      • Show/Hide comment form
    2. Pages options

      Pages options

    3. Header settings:
      • Select default header type – you can choose between: Parallax header, Video, Kenburs or Slider
      • Header Image – define background image if you selected Parallax header above
      • Gallery for Kenburns Header – select gallery of images if you want to use header with kenburns effect
      • Gallery for Slider Header – select gallery of images if you want to display images sliders in header
      • Video source – If video header is enabled, then you can display video as background
      • Video type – select video source type
      • Parallax ratio
      • Header background color
      • Title text paddings
      • Header paddings
      • Header margins
      • Header height – you can set custom height of header (in px or %)
    Pages header options

    Pages header options

    Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Though you can also customize them for each page separately with Header and Navbar settings – you will see this option during page content edition.

    Header and navbar settings

    Header and navbar settings

Team Options

In Team panel you can setup options for team member page header and title.

Team member page settings

Team member page settings

  • Select default header type – you can choose between: Parallax header, Video, Kenburs or Slider
  • Header Image – define background image if you selected Parallax header above
  • Gallery for Kenburns Header – select gallery of images if you want to use header with kenburns effect
  • Gallery for Slider Header – select gallery of images if you want to display images sliders in header
  • Video source – If video header is enabled, then you can display video as background
  • Video type – select video source type
  • Parallax ratio
  • Header background color
  • Title text paddings
  • Header paddings
  • Header margins
  • Header height – you can set custom height of header (in px or %)
  • Select header background color
  • Show team member page title row
  • Show title text
  • Team member page title

Posts Options

When using the assigned blog page, as described in Blog Index page, all the options are located in Appearance > Customize on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from such as layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has title and descriptions to help you understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be in the theme options when using the assigned blog page.


  • Header settings – analogous to Page header settings
  • Blog title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Post detail button label – define custom label for button Read More,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – it will display only text on blog index page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Text Option – display full posts text, post excerpt or no intro text in posts list,
  • Show read more button – show/hide button Read More
  • Sidebar – show/hide sidebar on blog index page,
  • Labels – define custom labels, for “by”, “in” and “Tags” fields,
  • Pagination notice – it will display pagination in the following format: Page 1 OF 7 – you can adjust labels with the following code instead:  Custom-text %current% custom-text %total% – it’s useful when you want to translate your content

SINGLE POST OPTIONS – select how should look like single post page:

  • Header settings – analogous to Page header settings
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Image / video / gallery – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – it will display only text on post page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide post author,
  • Content – show/hide post content (text),
  • Author link – show/hide link to post author,
  • Comments – show/hide comments,
  • Comment form  – show/hide comment form (select Hide if you don’t want comments below you post),
  • Show socials box – show/hide socials, 
  • Share button label – define custom label for Share Button,
  • Show author box – show/hide box with author information. 
  • Pagination – show/hide pagination, 
  • Previous post label – define custom label for Previous post button,
  • Next post label – define custom label for Next post button,
  • By label – define custom label for  BY tag,
Post options

Post options

Common issue: How to change post intro text?

Intro text, which can be displayed on Blog index page is an Excerpt. You can edit it manually for every post with the following field:



Notice: if you don’t see Excerpt field when you are editing your post, go to Screen Options at the top of the post edition window (on the right hand side) and enable Excerpt with checkbox.


Social icons, from the top of the page can be removed or changed via Appearance > Customize > Socials

Social icons

Social icons

Here we will display only icons for social media profiles, which you define in settings:

Socials settings

Socials settings

So if you don’t want to display, for example Facebook icon – just leave Facebook field empty.

FAQ options

Manage your FAQ index page with a few useful parameters:

  • Page Header
  • Page Subheader
  • Color style
  • Background color
Faq options

Faq options

Notice, that Faq categories will be displayed automatically as headings for each group of questions.

FAQ page

FAQ page

Estato HTML

CSS Files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

Table of contents:

1. Mixins
2. Animate.css
3. Select2
4. Slider
5. Datepicker
6. Yamm
7. Menu
8. Typography
9. Forms
10. Buttons
11. Utilities
12. Owl Corusel
13. Media Sections
14. Portfolio
15. Magnific Popup
16. Font Awesome
17. Wrapper
18. Headroom
19. Socials
20. Slider
21. Header
22. Sections
23. Submission Steps
24. Icon Box
25. Synchronized slider(Single Product Page)
26. Person Box
27. Pricing Box
28. Product Single
29. Testimonials Tabs
30. Footer
31. Product Items
32. Sorting Bars
33. Google Map (Infobox and Navigation)
34. Custom Animation (Maintenance Page)
35. Blog (Sidebar)
36. Media Queries


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

Test uses utilities for the following categories:


Display Types
Letter Spacing
Line height


There are two available types of topbar:

  • .ct-topBar
  • .ct-topBar–darkStyle

To use any of them, first use the following HTML markup:

Navigation menu

You can change navigation menu bar by adding the following classes to body tag:

  • .ct-headroom–scrollUpMenu – navigation menu is hidden with delay,
  • .ct-headroom–scrollUpTopBar – top bar is hidden with delay,
  • .ct-headroom–scrollUpBoth – both top bar and navigation menu is hidden with delay
  • .ct-headroom–fixedTopBar – top bar is always visible at the top of the screen.
  • .ct-headroom–fixedMenu – menu is always visible at the top of the screen
    Fixed Menu

    Fixed Menu

  • .ct-headroom–fixedBoth – both top bar and navigation menu are always visible,
  • .ct-headroom–hideMenu – top bar is always visible on the top of the screen, navigation menu is hidden after scroll
    Hide Menu

    Hide Menu

HTML markup:




You can use the following variations of footer:

  • .ct-footer–light (add it for change style to to change styles to light version)
  • .ct-footer–extended
  • .ct-postFooter

HTML markup:


  • .ct-js-owl
  • .ct-owl-controls–type2
  • .ct-owl-controls–type3


To use slider you need to use simple HTML markup:

and javascript in /js/owl/init.js file:


Test comes several variations of form, available with the following CSS classes:


  • .ct-formSearch–extended
  • .ct-searchFormMobile
  • .ct-formRegister
  • .ct-formContact–map
  • .ct-contactForm–small
  • .ct-form–label–type1
  • .ct-form–label–type2
  • .ct-popupForm
Contact Form

Contact Form

Search Form

Search Form

Login form

Login form

Register form

Register form

Wide search form

Wide search form

To use form you need to configure your mail data in form/config.php file and use the following HTML markup:


You can also use PopUp form:
Below you will find also javascript required to use Popup form:


You can use the following Sidebar widgets:

Blog widgets

Blog widgets

Blog widgets

Blog widgets



Categories widget

Categories widget

Recently reduced widget

Recently reduced widget

Contact form in sidebar

Contact form in sidebar

Use the following HTML markup to create your sidebar widgets:

and javascript:


We are using Isotope and Magnific Popup for portfolio. You can change number of portfolio columns and/or add portfolio filters with following classes:

  • .ct-gallery-filters (isotope navigation)
  • .ct-gallery
  • .ct-gallery–col1
  • .ct-gallery–col2
  • .ct-gallery–col3
  • .ct-gallery–col4
  • .ct-gallery–col5


HTML markup:


Person Box

There are two types of person boxes:

  • .ct-personBox
  • .ct-personBox–extended
Person box default

Person box default

Person box extended

Person box extended

HTML markup:

Google Map

Available parameters:

  • .ct-js-googleMap
  • .ct-js-googleMap–single


  • data-location
  • data-zoom
  • data-icon
  • data-offset
  • .ct-js-googleMap–group


  • data-display-desc (yes/no infowindow)
Google map with search form

Google map with search form

For markers we use JSon array:

HTML markup:



There are two types of testimonials:

  • .ct-testimonials
  • .ct-testimonials–light

.ct-testimonials is a standard class for default styling, if you add .ct-testimonials–light it will change decoration to motive color.



HTML markup:

Remember to attach to HTML also the following script:

Price Box

Create a price box with the simple HTML markup:

Price Box

Price Box

Icon Box

Test comes with the following variations for icon boxes:

  • .ct-iconBox
  • .ct-iconBox–2col
  • .ct-iconBoxContainer
Icon boxes

Icon boxes

Icon boxes 2 columns

Icon boxes 2 columns

HTML markup:

Product page

There are two types of product details pages:

  • .ct-productDetails
  • .ct-productDetails–type2
Product details

Product details

Product details type 2

Product details type 2

You can use the with the following HTML markup:

Search results

You can select between the following Search results types:

  • .ct-sortingBar
  • .ct-showProducts–list
  • .ct-showProducts–default

Use the following HTML markup:

After click on sorting panel we switch class “ct-showProducts–default” and “.ct-showProducts–list”.
This classes change styles of boxes.

We are using the following javascript for search:


There are the following colors variations of buttons:

  • .btn-default
  • .btn-primary
  • .btn-success
  • .btn-info
  • .btn-warning
  • .btn-danger
  • .btn-dark
  • .btn-edit
  • .btn-transparent–border
  • .ct-sectioButton–square (footer)

You can also use different buttons sizes:

  • btn-xs,
  • btn-sm,
  • btn-lg

Just add a class to simple HTML markup:



Product Box

You can use one of the following types of product box:

  • .ct-itemProducts
  • .ct-itemProducts–small
  • .ct-itemProducts–small-type1 (light style)
  • .ct-itemProducts–small-type2 (dark style)
  • .ct-itemProducts–boxed
Product boxes

Product boxes

Use the following HTML markup to create a boxes:


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

  • 1. Media Sections
    2. Datepicker – I use this for calendar widget in blog sidebar.
    3. Gmaps
    4. Headroom – Plugin for navbar options, same is in Diana.
    5. Magnific Popup.
    6. Pagescroller – Onepager navigation.
    7. Owl Corusel – slider
    8. Isotope – gallery categories sorting.
    9. Select2 – overwrite a standard select.
    10. Slider Bootstrap – amount slider.
    11. Device.js – check what device we use.
    12. Appear.js – check a status of element(is in viewport or not)
    13. browser.js – check what browser we use
    14. snap.js – snap event on mobile device


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

Custom Stylesheet (custom.css)

If you want to add a significant amount of custom CSS, the best method is to use a custom stylesheet.

1. Activate the custom stylesheet

In the UberMenu Control Panel, go to General Settings > Assets and activate the Load Custom Stylesheet settings.

This will load the custom/custom.css file after the UberMenu core and skin files, but before the Custom Tweaks from the settings.

2. Use Test custom stylesheet

In theme/assets/less/ubermenu/ you will find custom.css and custom.less files with UberMenu styles dedicated to use with the Test. We recommend you to copy custom.css file into plugins/ubermenu/custom  directory.

3. Adding supplementary styles

If you would like to add additional styles to customize an existing skin, just start adding your custom CSS to the file.

4. Creating a complete custom skin

If you want to create a completely customized skin, you will likely want to disable the existing skin in the UberMenu Control PanelMain UberMenu Configuration > Basic Configuration by setting the Skin to None (Disable)

If you would like a sample skin to begin working with, copy the custom-sample-skin.css file into your custom.css.


Chess slider

Chess slider

Chess slider

Create beautiful chess slider with the simple HTML markup:

You can easily change slider settings with the following CSS variations:
.ct-chess-slider – Type for chess slider. It indicates general display properties for the whole type of slider.

.ct-u-displayTableCell – Element displayed as ‘table-cell’.
.ct-u-displayTableRow – Element displayed as ‘table-row’.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top – Indicates position of buttons in the top of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.
.ct-sliderbuttons-middle – Indicates position of buttons in the middle of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.
.ct-sliderbuttons-bottom – Indicates position of buttons in the bottom of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top2 – Parent class. Indicates position of buttons in the top of a slider.Buttons are attached to each other.
.ct-sliderbuttons-bottom2 – Parent class. Indicates position of buttons in the bottom of a slider.Buttons are attached to each other.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–left – Descendant class.Buttons are placed on the top-left of a slider.
.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–middle – Descendant class. Buttons are place on the top-middle of a slider.
.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–right – Descendant class. Buttons are place on the top-right of a slider.

Gallery Slider

Gallery slider

Gallery slider

Use the following HTML markup to insert slider:

You can modify slider settings using the following CSS classes for variations:

.ct-gallery-slider – Type for gallery slider. It indicates general display properties for the whole type of slider.


.ct-js-owl – Idicates owl-slider.

.ct-u-displayTableCell – Element displayed as ‘table-cell’.

.ct-galleryBox–type2 – Indicates gallery item properties.

.ct-galleryBox–primary – Indicates color for ‘.ct-galleryBox’ content.

.ct-u-displayTableVertical – Indicates element that acquires height 100% and every nested element in ‘display-cell’ mode is vertically aligned to ‘middle’.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top – Indicates position of buttons in the top of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.
.ct-sliderbuttons-middle – Indicates position of buttons in the middle of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.
.ct-sliderbuttons-bottom – Indicates position of buttons in the bottom of a slider. Buttons are placed on the far left and right side.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top2 – Parent class. Indicates position of buttons in the top of a slider.Buttons are attached to each other.
.ct-sliderbuttons-bottom2 – Parent class. Indicates position of buttons in the bottom of a slider.Buttons are attached to each other.

.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–left – Descendant class.Buttons are placed on the top-left of a slider.
.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–middle – Descendant class. Buttons are place on the top-middle of a slider.
.ct-sliderbuttons-top2–right – Descendant class. Buttons are place on the top-right of a slider.

Welcome visitor

Welcome Visitor

Welcome Visitor

Create Welcome! section with the simple HTML markup:

Worksample slider

Worksample slider

Worksample slider

Create a slider with the simple HTML markup:

You can select between two variations:


We prepared custom tables with simple HTML markup:

Opening Hours table

Opening Hours table

Icon Box

There are two main types of icon boxes:


– can be created with class .ct-iconBox, used in the following markup:

Default icon boxes

Default icon boxes


– can be created with the class .ct-iconBox–secondary, used in the following HTML markup:

Secondary icon boxes

Secondary icon boxes

Both types can be also adjusted with the following CSS variations:

Navigation bar

Navigation bar can be created with the simple HTML markup:




Dozens of variations to select any button you want! Use the simple HTML markup:

And adjust button appearance with the following variations:

  • .btn-primary,
  • .btn-success,
  • .btn-danger,
  • .btn-warning,
  • .btn-white,
  • .btn-info,
  • .btn-transparent,
  • .btn-default,
  • .btn-lg,
  • .btn-sm,
  • .btn-xs,




Create beautiful gallery of your works. Filter your pictures by Categories with Isotope.
If you want to use isotope filters – please add the following markup above your gallery container:

Than create your gallery:

If you want to assign portfolio item to a particular filter add the corresponding class to portfolio item.

Isotope filter class

Isotope filter class

You can use several variations for main gallery container:

  • .ct-gallery,
  • .ct-gallery–col4,
  • .ct-gallery–withSpacing,
  • .ct-gallery–col7 – enable to display 7 gallery items in a row.

Remember to attach the following JS files to your gallery page:

Call To Action

cal to action image

Call to action

Create Call To Action box with simple HTML markup:

You can choose between the following text variations classes:

  • .ct-u-hrLeft,
  • .ct-u-hrMid,
  • .ct-u-hrRight

Gallery Item

Inside your Isotope Gallery you can put as many gallery items as you want. Just use the following HTML markup for every item:

Gallery Item

Gallery Item

You can select between several different options to change your gallery items appearance, just use combination of the following variations:

  • .ct-gallery-item,
  • .ct-gallery-item–masonry,
  • .ct-gallery-item–default hidden,
  • .ct-gallery-item–normal,
  • .controls,
  • .ct-gallery-itemInner,
  • .ct-galleryBox,
  • .ct-galleryBox–type2,
  • .ct-galleryBox–primary,
  • .ct-galleryBox-image,
  • .ct-galleryBox-overlay,
  • .ct-galleryBox-icons,
  • .ct-galleryBox-overlayIcon

Remember to attach the following JS files:




Our tabs are created on Bootstrap tabs basis. You can use them with the following HTML markup:


There are several types of available Testimonials.

Sidebar Widget

Testimonial widget

Testimonial widget

HTML markup:


Image testimonial

Image testimonial

HTML markup:


Testimonial with person boxes

Testimonial with person boxes

HTML markup:

Available CSS classes:
.ct-testimonial: Indicates testimonial’s display properties.
.ct-testimonial-item: Testimonial’s element;
.ct-testimonial-item–inner: Inner content of Testimonial’s element.

.ct-testimonial-sidebar: Indicates testimonial’s display properties for sidebar.
.ct-testimonial-sidebar-item: Testimonial’s sidebar item.

.ct-personBox–testimonial: person box for testimonials.

Event article

Event article

Event article

Use the following HTML markup to insert event article:

Available CSS classes:

  • .ct-articleBox : Indicates display properties for an article element.
  • .ct-articleBox–default : Default display properties.
  • .ct-articleBox-media : An article media like images or video.
  • .ct-articleBox-description : Article’s description.

Custom post types

Test comes with number of custom post type, for example:

  • portfolio items,
  • faq items,
  • galleries,

For the correct operation of Test you have to install and activate dedicated for custom post types plugin:


custom post types

With these plugins your custom post types will be saved in your admin panel, even if you change your WordPress theme.

Notice: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.


Install the plugin

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, just do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

Appearing with Animation when element in viewport

Animation can be turn off just be remove “withAnimation” class from body.
– add “animated” class to element and data-fx=”animation-type”. That’s it.

Available animation : http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

  • data-fx=”hinge”
  • data-fx=”bounce”
  • data-fx=”flash”
  • data-fx=”pulse”
  • data-fx=”shake”
  • data-fx=”swing”
  • data-fx=”tada”
  • data-fx=”wobble”
  • data-fx=”bounceIn”
  • data-fx=”bounceInDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceInLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceInRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceInUp”
  • data-fx=”bounceOut”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeIn”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUpBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOut”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUpBig”
  • data-fx=”flip”
  • data-fx=”flipInX”
  • data-fx=”flipInY”
  • data-fx=”flipOutX”
  • data-fx=”flipOutY”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedIn”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateIn”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpRight”
  • data-fx=”slideInDown”
  • data-fx=”slideInLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideInRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideOutRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutUp”
  • data-fx=”rollIn”
  • data-fx=”rollOut”

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.



Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used together and utilities can be used alongside component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignment, text truncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

Javascript Components

All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • js/charts/init.js – chart display.
  • js/countdown/jquery.mb-comingsoon.min.js – Date counter (e.g. ‘Under Maintenance’ page)
  • js/counter/init.js,
  • js/counter/jquery.countTo.js – Counter display.
  • js/ct-mediaSection/init.js,
  • js/ct-mediaSection/jquery.frogaloop.min.js,
  • js/ct-mediaSection/jquery.stellar.min.js – Media section preformance.
  • js/gmaps/init.js,
  • js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js – Google maps display.
  • js/magnific-popup/init.js,
  • js/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js – portfolio item display.
  • js/owl/init.js,
  • js/owl/owl.carousel.js – Owl carousel.
  • js/portfolio/init.js,
  • js/portfolio/imagesloaded.js,
  • js/portfolio/jquery.isotope.min.js – Portfolio performance.
  • js/progressbars/init.js – Progress bars display.
  • js/progressicons/init.js – Progress icons performance.
  • js/jquery.stellar.min.js,
  • js/init.js – Parallax effect.
  • js/device.min.js,
  • js/snap.min.js,
  • js/jquery.appear.js – Menu in mobile devices.
  • bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js – compiled bootstrap plugin.
  • js/less.min.js – less compilation.
  • js/placeholder.min.js – old browsers support for placeholders.
  • js/easing.1.3.js – easing animations.
  • js/browser.min.js – browser identification.

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Rentica HTML

Icon Boxes

We prepared for you three types of icon boxes.

Type 1

Icon Box - type 1

Icon Box – type 1

HTML markup:

Type 2

Icon Box type 2

Icon Box type 2

HTML markup:

Type 3

Icon Box - type 3

Icon Box – type 3

HTML markup:

Person Box

Introduce the team with nice and simple person boxes!

Person Boxes

Person Boxes

Use simple html markup, with Team Member picture, name, position and links to social media. Each element can be easily modified:

Pricing Tables

Create multiple Pricing Tables with different color variations with the simple HTML markup:

If you would like to use table with different color replace  ct-pricingBox--graydarker with one of the following CSS classes:

  • ct-pricingBox–motive
  • ct-pricingBox–gray
  • ct-pricingBox–graylighter

pricing table


With the Test you can use two types of accordions.



Just use the followoing HTML markup:

If you would like to change accordion style to the Second one



Replace class .panel-motive from the markup above with panel-motive-o


There are two types of inputs in Test:

Type 1

First type of inputs

First type of inputs

HTML markup:

Type 2

Second type of  inputs

Second type of inputs

HTML markup:

Section Header

Use headers with separator to highlight your sections content.

Section header

Section header

HTML markup:

Progress icons

Indicate progress a little bit different.

Progress icons

Progress icons

All parameters can be easily edited in simple HTML markup:

You can use the following data-attributes to change settings:

  • data-font-size=”icon size in pixels”
  • data-icon-color=”color of your active icons”
  • data-active=”how many icons should be activated?”
  • data-total=”number of all displayed icons”
  • data-icon=”CSS class of Font Awesome icon, you want to use”
  • data-delay=”how fast icon should be activated?”

Progress bars

Show the progress with clean and simple progress bars.

Progress bars

Progress bars

Use the simple HTML markup:

Bar Charts

Present the statistics with HTML and Javascript bar charts.

Bar chart

Bar chart

Use the following HTML markup to initialize bar charts:

Bar Charts require the following scripts – don’t forget to attach them to HTML page:

Here you will find more about Charts structure and options.

Pie Charts

Test comes with two types of pie charts.

Type 1

Pie Chart - type 1

Pie Chart – type 1

HTML markup:

Type 2 – Graph Box

Graph Box

Graph Box

HTML markup:

Remember to include the following scripts to your HTML page, otherwise pie charts won’t work correctly.


Test comes with two element with counting functions.




HTML markup:

JS scripts:

Count Down

Count down

Count down

HTML markup:

JS scripts:


There are three color variations of navigation menu:

  • navbar-default
  • navbar-motive
  • navbar-inverse

To use each of them you need to add proper class to: <nav class="">...</nav>

Navigation bar

Navigation bar

Below you will find full HTML markup:


Test comes with number of variations for buttons.



Use simple HTML markup:

To change button color add one of the following classes after btn class:

  • btn-motive
  • btn-primary
  • btn-warning
  • btn-danger
  • btn-info
  • btn-success
  • btn-graygraydarker
  • btn-graylighter
  • btn-inverse
  • btn-default

If you would like to use button with transparent background and color only in border and text, add to the class, which defines color suffix -o, for example:

You can also change button size with the following classes:

  • btn-xs
  • btn-lg

Add btn-wide to create full width button.

Page Header

Page header

Page header

HTML markup:

Figure box

Figure box

Figure box

Create image with caption with simple HTML markup:

Rent item

Rent item page is created with several elements, which can be used together or separately:

Date Picker

Date picker

Date picker

HTML markup:





HTML markup:




HTML markup:

Checkout Box

Checkout box

Checkout box

HTML markup:

  • dataItemPrice – product price per day;

data-price – Every checkbox and radiobox should have specified this attribute, otherwise script responsible for total price calculating won’t work correctly;
data-name – For radioboxes this attribute should have the same value as form’s ID containing a group of radio inputs.
For checkboxes this attribute should have the same value as input’s [name] attribute.

Required javascript:


We are using Slick carousel script in our slider.

Just use the simple HTML markup:

And add as many items as you want. In plugin documentation you will find available settings and examples of usage.

Don’t forget to include the following scripts in your html page:


Main HTML markup:

Required scripts:

Single gallery item HTML markup:

Gallery product filtering

This select will filter product items based on the class specified in option’s [value] attribute. ” * ” is for displaying all products.

data-currency – value of this attribute will be displayed next to the value of slider’s min and max inputs;

ID of an element containing a slider should have the same ID as the product’s attribute, in this example it would be data-price.

Farm Fresh


Test comes with two main types of sliders. Each type can be additionally customized by data-attributes.

Simple slider

Slick slider

Slick slider

HTML markup for slider:

You can edit arrows types by adding one of the following classes to <section>:

  • ct-slick-arrow–type1
  • ct-slick-arrow–type2
  • ct-slick-arrow–type3
  • ct-slick-arrow–type4
  • ct-slick-arrow–type5
  • ct-slick-arrow–type6

There are also two types of image hover effect, which can be edited analogously, with the following classes:

  • ct-slick-thumbnailHover–type1
  • ct-slick-thumbnailHover–type2

Synch Slider

Synch slider

Synch slider

HTML markup:

You can edit synch slider arrow positions with the following classes:

  • ct-slick–synced–type1
  • ct-slick–synced–type2

Both sliders require using the following scripts:


There are several types of charts, which you can use to display your statistics data.


Circle chart

Circle chart

Values and colors of Circle Chart can be edited with data-attributes in HTML code:

Don’t forget to use also the following script for this:

Bar chart

Bar chart

Bar chart

Please use simple HTML markup for bar chart:

You can modify all settings via the following Javascript:

Line Chart

Line chart

Line chart

Analogously to Bart charts, you can use Line chart with simple HTML markup:

And edit all parameters with the following Javascript:

Polar Chart

Polar chart

Polar chart

Insert the polar chart with the following HTML markup:

Polar chart can be customized with the following Javascript:

Image Data

With Test you can add custom text information on your image. For example you can add there date information.

Image data

Image data

Use for this the following HTML markup:

Element background can be edited with the following CSS:

In assets/css/style.css file.

Additionally you can change element alignment and float by editing classes names in HTML with the following variables:


Create popup boxes with the following HTML markup:



Progress bar

Indicate progress with Progress Bars!

Progress bars

Progress bars

You can edit bars values and colors with data-attributes used with the following HTML markup:

The following script is responsible for proper work of Progress Bars:

Pricing Tables

Present your prices with easy and clean tables.

Pricing table

Pricing table

It can be added with simple HTML markup:


Create simple portfolio with filters.

To use filters add the following HTML markup before your portfolio code:

Notice: data-filter in each filter link will be used for filtering. For example: if you want portfolio item to be displayed after clicking on FRESH filter you need to add fresh class to portfolio item, like the following:



Main Portfolio container can be created with the following markup:

You can change Portfolio layout with the following classes:
– ct-portfolio-container
——– ct-portfolio-masonry
————— none – you don’t have to add “masonry” class at all
————— ct-portfolio-masonry–col2
————— ct-portfolio-masonry–col3
————— ct-portfolio-masonry–col4

Remember to include the following script on your portfolio page:

Info box

Info Box by default contains image with title and text content.

Info Box

Info Box

There are several layout variation for InfoBox:
– ct-infoBox
— ct-infoBox–type1
— ct-infoBox–type2
— ct-infoBox–type3

– ct-infoBox-media
— ct-infoBox-media–left
— ct-infoBox-media–right

Which can be added to the following HTML markup:

Icon Box

Icon Box

Icon Box

You can easily change what icon will be displayed in box by changing icon class. Here you will find full set of icons.

Full Icon box HTML markup looks like the following:


We preapred for you several types of forms – all available options can be found here.
Email address, where we should send messages from Newsletter can be edited via HTML/assets/form/config.php file. Just use your email address instead of recipient@mail.com

Form configuration

Form configuration

Newsletter HTML markup:

Newsletter form

Newsletter form


Create event on your website with the following HTML markup:

You can select one of two type of events by changing type number in class name:

  • ct-event-item–type1
  • ct-event-item–type2


Organize your page content with the simple divider:

You can select if you want to use big or small divider by editing class name in HTML markup:

  • ct-divider–small
  • ct-divider–big


Count to

Count to

Count to

Add your custom values with the data-attributes in the following HTML markup:

Available data-attributes to edit are:

  • data-ct-to,
  • data-ct-from,
  • data-ct-speed,
  • data-ct-decimals

For proper counter work you need to include the following script:

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

Comming Soon

The date and speed can be edited in the following Javascript:

Full HTML markup:


Buttons with image

Buttons with image

Check all of available buttons on our demo page

Below you will find button HTML markup:

You can edit button size with default bootstrap sizing – here you will find more information.

There are also three button types, which come with the Test. They can be also selected with CSS classes:

  • ct-btn-link
  • ct-btn-default
  • ct-btn-image


You can embed google map to your website with simple HTML markup:

Parameters like: map height, location address and map zoom, can be edited with the following data-attributes:

  • data-height,
  • data-location,
  • data-zoom

Don’t forget to include the following scripts to page with map:



Image Box

Test comes with several types of image boxes. All of them creates Images with caption.

Below you will find example of HTML markup to use:

The only required class to use is ct-imageBox-container. Other classes can be replaces with the following variations:

  • ct-imageDecoration
  • none
  • ct-decoration-decorationBorder
  • ct-imageDecoration–type1
  • ct-imageDecoration–type2
  • ct-imageDecoration–type3
  • ct-imageDecoration–type4
  • ct-imageDecoration–type5


  • ct-imageBox-container
  • ct-imageBox-container-shadow


  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner
  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner-type1
  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner-type2
  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner-type3
  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner-type4
  • ct-imageBox-wrapperInner-type5


  • ct-imageBox-hover
  • none
  • ct-imageBox-hover–type1
  • ct-imageBox-hover–type2
Image Box - type 1

Image Box – type 1

Image Box - type 2

Image Box – type 2

Image Box - type 3

Image Box – type 3

Image Box - type 4

Image Box – type 4


To add pagination, use the simple HTML markup:




Configure your twiiter credentials in assets/twitter/config.php. Here you will find information how to generate required Keys and Tokens.

Once your config.php is setup you can embed your tweets with the following HTML markup:

You need to embed also twitter script on page with Twitter:

Notice: live Twitter feed requires enabled PHP, so it won’t be displayed correctly on your localhost nor on servers, which are not supporting PHP.


Create a blog page with simple HTML markup:

Blog Masonry

Blog Masonry

If you would like to use Masonry layout for the blog, don’t forget to use the following scripts on blog page:

You can modify blog columns settings with following CSS variations:

– ct-blog-container

  • ct-blog-masonry
  • none – it’s not required to use ‘masonry’ option
  • ct-blog-masonry–col2
  • ct-blog-masonry–col3
  • ct-blog-masonry–col4

You can also select single post appearance with the following classes:

  • ct-gallery-item–type1
  • ct-gallery-item–type2
  • ct-gallery-item–type3


There are two types of accordions in Test

Accordion - type 1

Accordion – type 1

Accordion - type 2

Accordion – type 2

You can select each type by using proper CSS class in HTML markup.

Classes to select:
– ct-accordion

  • ct-accordion–type1
  • ct-accordion–type2

HTML markup:

Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup

If you want to add Magnific Popup effect to your image, you need to wrap image element in link with proper classes, like the following:

And include with HTML page the following script:


There are two available types of tabs.

Tabs - type 1

Tabs – type 1

Tabs - type 2

Tabs – type 2

Tab type can be switched by changing the type class name to the following:

  • ct-tabs–type1
  • ct-tabs–type2

For both types the rest of HTML markup is the same:




Every blog page or blog single post looks better if you add there users comments. You can do it with the following HTML markup:




Every section can start with heading, created with the following HTML:

You can change heading alignment without using CSS styles, just add one of the following classes to HTML markup:
– ct-headline
— text-center
— text-left
— text-right


Do you want to your motto or favourite quote?

It’s simple just use the following HTML with your custom text:




Test allows you to easily create Breadcrumbs with page navigation and background image. Image source and element height can be edited via data-attributes:

  • data-bg-image
  • data-height

Of course you need to use first basic HTML markup:

The following script is responsible for Breadcrumbs:



CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Variables
2. Bootstrap
3. Mixins
4. Animate
5. Magnific
6. Animate
7. Typography
8. Maps
9. Menu
10. Social Icon
11. Image Box
12. Headline
13. Slick
14. Newsletter
15. Footer
16. Form
17. Modal
18. Buttons
19. Breadcrumbs
20. Blog
21. Divider
22. Pagination
23. Media Object
24. Widget
25. Blockquote
26. Comment
27. Portfolio
28. Info Box
29. Accordion
30. Tabs
31. Table
32. Event
33. Tweet
34. Icon Box
35. Pricing Tables
36. Progress Bar
37. Counters


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

  • chart.min
  • jquery.mb-comingsoon.min
  • jquery.countTo
  • jquery.stellar.min
  • gmap3.min
  • headroom http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js/
  • jQuery.headroom
  • jquery.magnific-popup.min
  • jquery.pagescroller.lite
  • imagesloaded
  • jquery.isotope.min
  • slick.min http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/

Looks Good

Social Buttons

We used two types of social buttons in Test



HTML markup:

Rounded socials

Rounded socials


Sidebar widgets

Sidebar widgets

Sidebar widget

Sidebar widget

Each widget should have basic widgets classes, like the following:




Use the following HTML markup to create blog posts pagination:




Accordion can be created with the following HTML markup:




There are three variations of testiomonials. Each can be enable with one of the following CSS classes added to HTML markup:

  • ct-testimonials–left – align testimonials to the left hand side,
  • ct-testimonials–right – align testimonials to the right hand side,
  • ct-testimonials – without frame
  • ct-testimonials–frame – with frame

General HTML markup to edit:


All sliders in Test are created with OWL Slider plugin – here you will find plugins documentation.
Also each page, where you are including the slider should have attached the following script:

Below you will find general HTML markup for slider:

There are 4 types of sliders:

Main slider

Main slider

Example of usage can be found here.

Slider with bottom left pagination

Slider with bottom left pagination

Add class:
ct-pagination–BottomLeft – to create navigation at the bottom left side.

Slider with middle navigation

Slider with middle navigation

Add to the HTML markup class:
ct-navigation–variation1 – to create navigation in the middle of the slide.

Service List

Service List

Service List

HTML markup:

Media Sections

Test allows you to create three types of Media Sections. To each type you can add any content you want.


Kenburns media section

Kenburns media section

HTML markup:


Parallax media section

Parallax media section

HTML markup:


HTML markup:

Remember to include plugin jquery.stellar.min.js to page where you are using media sections for proper element working.


Test comes with three types of Gallery:

Standard gallery (OWL gallery)

Standard Gallery

Standard Gallery

Example of HTML markup:

Masonry Gallery

Masonry  gallery

Masonry gallery

HTML markup:

Gallery with filters

Gallery with filters

Gallery with filters

HTML markup:

The following plugins are used in gallery:



There are several types of blog posts, which can be used for you blog:

Featured post

Featured post

Featured post

HTML markup:

Blog post:

1) Simple post with picture

Simple post

Simple post

2.) Video post

Video post

Video post

3.) Gallery post with pagination

Gallery post with pagination

Gallery post with pagination

4.) Text post

Text post

Text post

5.) Different gallery post with navigation

Gallery post type 2

Gallery post type 2

6.) Post with quote

Post with blockquote

Post with blockquote

7.) Audio post

Audio post

Audio post

Basic HTML markup:

Single post page

There are several elements you will find on blog single page:

Single post - general view

Single post – general view

HTML markup:

Comment form

Comment form



Image Box

Image box is simply image with cool hover effect.

Image Box

Image Box

HTML markup:

Available variations – just add selected class to HTML markup:

  • ct-imageBox–transparent
  • ct-imageBox–doubleLine

Slider boxes

Test comes with predefined boxes, which can be added in main slider:

Book form

Book form

HTML markup:

Notice: to define email address, where contact should send emails – edit /form/config.php file with your email.

Offer box

Offer box

Promo Box

Promo Box

Dotted menu

Create a price-list or table of content with simple HTML markup:

Dotted menu

Dotted menu

Header line

Header line

Header line

HTML markup:

You can use several header variations – just add one of the following classes to your HTML markup:

  • ct-header
  • ct-header–stretch
  • ct-header–doubleBorderTop
  • ct-header–doubleBorderBottom

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

  1. Snap mobile
  2. Frame box
  3. Image pointers
  4. Pricing lists
  5. Contact
  6. Popup
  7. Sliders
  8. Animations
  9. To Top button
  10. Navigations blog
  11. Services list
  12. Blog post
  13. Blos single post
  14. Gallery
  15. Person box
  17. Google Map
  18. Loader
  19. Forms
  20. Buttons
  21. Media sections


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.min.js – Jquery Plugin
  • HTML/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js – Bootstrap Plugin
  • HTML/assets/js/placeholder.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/easing.1.3.js
  • HTML/assets/js/device.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.browser.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/snap.min.js – Snap Plugin is for responsive menu
  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.appear.js
  • HTML/assets/js/masonry.min.js – This is using in home page and in gallery
  • HTML/assets/plugins/owl/owl.carousel.min.js – slider plugin
  • HTML/assets/plugins/owl/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/portfolio/imagesloaded.js – Needed for gallery
  • HTML/assets/plugins/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific.min.js – Needed for gallery, using when you want to see a big image after click on thumbnail
  • HTML/assets/plugins/magnific-popup/init.js
  • HTML/assets/plugins/ct-mediaSection/js/jquery.stellar.min.js
  • HTML/assets/plugins/ct-mediaSection/js/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/jquery.gray.js this plugin is for image
  • http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false
  • HTML/assets/js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js
  • HTML/assets/js/gmaps/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/datepicker/moment.js
  • HTML/assets/js/datepicker/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js – needed to have a small calendar on the page
  • HTML/assets/js/headroom/headroom.js – creates effect for menu and topbar
  • HTML/assets/js/headroom/jQuery.headroom.js
  • HTML/assets/js/headroom/init.js
  • HTML/assets/js/select2/select2.js – select input on the page
  • HTML/assets/js/main.js – Main scripts
  • HTML/assets/js/less.min.js

Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/


CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

  1. Animations
  2. Divided Section
  3. List Box
  4. Promo
  5. Divided Widget
  6. Counter Box
  7. Ratings
  8. Weather
  9. Board
  10. Google Map
  11. Headroom
  12. Blog Box
  13. Pagination
  14. Lists
  15. Bootsrap Media
  16. Categories
  17. Dividers
  18. Media section, owl thumbnails
  19. Divided Media Sections
  20. Info Boxes
  21. Calendar
  22. Divider slider
  23. Testimonial
  24. Date picker
  25. Contact
  26. Gallery Container


All javascripts are placed in folder /js.

Javascript library structure

Javascript library structure

In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript scripts:

Files needed for initialising the animation number after loading pages.

Scripts for choosing the date from small calendar and attaching it to the input form.

This calendar is devoted to planning the events in the calendar. User can put some events there and review them between e.g. months, years etc.

Plugin needed for displaying google map on the page.

Needed for galleries and their popups images where we can review them with slides via arrows.

Plugin which creates select box for select tag in the page. It generates html code via javascript so that each browser can have the same select box.

Weather plugin where we can see weathe on live.

One big file where are minifixed javascript files:_ 1.jquery 2.boostrap 3.placeholder 4. easing 5. device.min.js 6. jquery browser 7.Snap min JS 8. jquery appear_

The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.

Media sections where we can add parralax, kenburns or video to the section. Dynamical content of medias.

Animated/fixed navbars. Plugin needed for detecting scrollbar and attaching animations for menu.

Files which initialize sliders in the page.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/




Use the simple HTML markup to create a button:

Define button size by adding one of the following classes to HTML:

  • btn
  • btn-xs
  • btn-sm
  • btn-lg

And select one of the following color variations:

  • btn-default
  • btn-primary
  • btn-secondary
  • btn-link
  • btn-transparent


Test comes with two types of socials. Each type has it’s CSS variation:




Small socials

Small socials

Both types have the same basic HTML markup:


All sliders included in Test have the following common HTML markup:

There are three types of slider basis on this markup. To select each type you need to add one of the following CSS classes to <div class="item"> tag:


Slider -type 1

Slider -type 1


Slider - type 2

Slider – type 2

owl-carousel–arrowsOutside – navigation arrows will be displayed outside the slider content

Remember to include the following script in page with slider:

Learn more:
Check slider advanced option in plugin documentation.


We’re using tooltips for each social button.



Tooltip can be added with the following HTML markup:

You can change tooltip placement also to:

  • bottom,
  • left,
  • right,

Gallery Box

Gallery Box

Gallery Box

Put any image in columns in Gallery Box and you’ll get equal elements as images.
HTML markup:

Media Sections

There are three types if media sections:

  • Parallax,
  • Video,
  • Kenburns

Inside each of them you can add your custom content.

We recommend you to use at least 1900px widht image as background
HTML markup:

Consider having to 2 extended files: mp4 and webm.
HTML markup:

In kenburs we can add 3 images.
HTML markup:

Require scripts for Media sections:

Divided Section

We have two divided sections on media sections:

– ct-dividedSection–primary

– ct-dividedSection–secondary


Divided Media Section

We have divided media section where on the left side there is a video frame.

Divided Section Widget (simpleWeather)

There is divided section widget where we have plugin weather on the right side.

To add weather to any element we inject this code snippet:


Javascript markup (in main.js file) 

To set your location insert the name of the location or the latitude/longitude param.

Script Source

For more information please check plugin documentation: LINK


Board and wallBox

Test comes with board content on the top of the footer and wallBox elements:



Widgets can be used in footer and sidebar.


Sidebar widgets:


Info Box

Info box.



There are several available variations of List Elements :

  • ct-list
  • ct-list–extended
  • ct-list–tagged
  • ct-list–colour
  • ct-list–taggedNoBorder

Common HTML markup:


ct-list ct-list–extended

ct-list ct-list–tagged

ct-list ct-list–colour

ct-list ct-list–taggedNoBorder

Gallery and Magnific Popup Image

Use gallery with Magnific Popup Images with simple HTML markup:

Inside the gallery:

We put ct-js-popupGallery to the container which is going to be parent of certain gallery. And then we add one image and other images with empty links so that is why we can achieve effect of many galliers in one pages after one click.




Each testimonial containes user’s feedback and his/her picture.

Bootstrap media

Test comes with several variations for Bootstrap media – read more about Bootstrap media object:

  • media
  • media-slider
  • media-sidebar
  • media-author
  • media-comment

Code snippet:





All media can be nested inside its parent media-body.


We have few kinds of blogs in {Theme):

  • normal index blog
  • blog sidebar left
  • blog full width
  • blog single post.

Common blog post looks like:

We can put there any images, video, audio or slider medias. An example:

After entering any blog to blog single post we’ll get full blog post.


Test comes extenden calendar where you can attach any info events into it in javascript. If you want to invoke calendar, the only one thing is to put the code snippet in HTML:

Javascript Example of events, how to add:


Full calendar documentation: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/


There are 3 pages for houses listing:

  • book slider
  • book 2 columns
  • book 3 columns

EXAMPLE (book slider):

And there is common book page.


Navigate between blog posts with simple pagination:

How it looks?

Navigation Menu

Scroll page down to see animated fixed menu.

What you need to do is put the proper class to the body for example (ct-headroom–scrollUpMenu):

We han have fixed menu, animated, hided etc. We can add the moment when navbar should disappear, show itself etc.


 The whole docs how to use ir properly, is in the_../assets/plugins/headroom/init.js


Use one of two elements dedicated for ratings:

  • ratingBox
  • rating stars:

WooCommerce Videos

Enhance your online shop with product videos

Videos Plugin for WooCommerce by createIT allows you to add multiple videos to your products. Add Youtube, Vimeo and HTML5 Videos anywhere you wish on your product page!

No coding knowledge required.

New Video

To add a new video to your WooCommerce product, please follow the steps below:

Adding a video:

  1. Open ‘Edit Product’ page
  2. Open ‘Videos’ tab in ‘Product Data’ metabox 
  3. Click ‘Add Video’ button
  4. The form with following fields will appear:
  • Video Title – you may add a title for your video to keep order in your videos. By default the id is set as a title.
  • Enter external video URL – paste a link from one of these sites: https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds#Okay.2C_So_What_Sites_Can_I_Embed_From.3F but only Youtube and Vimeo will be responsive and will have autoplay option.
  • Or upload a video – instead of using external links, upload your own video via media library (it will not work if the previous field is not empty). MP4 is the safest format, but it’s reccomended to upload .webm or .ogg (or both) as well to make sure it will play in every browser. To convert the video files you can use one of the free online converters like this one: http://www.online-convert.com/ . If wrong format will be chosen, it will not be saved. If you want to choose already uploaded video, you can change ‘All media items’ to ‘Video’ in upper left corner of media library box, to choose only from videos. Uploaded videos will be responsive.
  • Video Location:
    Tab – create a new tab, next to the Product description – video will be displayed inside the tab,


    Video embed in tab

  • Image Gallery – video will be added to product images gallery (you must set a thumbnail in a further field)
    Gallery video

    Gallery video

    Popup Button – a button will appear on the site, after clicking it will display full width video in popup window. A new section with button settings will appear below.

    Video added with Popup Button

    Video added with Popup Button

    Shortcode – information with shortcode to paste will appear below. [ct_woovideo id=’3′] – the only attribute is videos id that points to the proper video. All other settings should be set in this panel. You can paste the shortcode in the product description or in some other text field if it’s available.

    Add a video whenever you want with Shortcode

    Add a video whenever you want with Shortcode

  • Location priority – changes the action or filter priority so it will change the position in relation to other elements that are connected with the same hook. For example setting it to 1 and setting location to ‘tab’ will create a tab on the first place.
  • Add a custom video class – add your class to video container.
  • Video max height and width – will add css max-height and width in px. Use to reduce videos size. May be also useful if video does not display correctly (may happen when link embedded from external – not youtube and vimeo – site).
  • Autoplay – videos will play automaticly when page is loaded or popup button/tab/gallery thumbnail clicked. Will work only with uploaded videos, Youtube and Vimeo.
  • Video align – will add css float. It’s best to set it to ‘none’ to avoid display problems especially when video location is set to ‘Popup Button’. May be useful to adjust video position in various themes.
  • Video clearing – will add clearfix div under the video. May be useful when video location is set to ‘tab’ and tabs are broken after adding the video (which may occur in some themes) or when other display problems occur.
  • Margins – will add css margin-left, margin-top etc. in px. May be useful to adjust videos position.
  • Upload a thumbnail – upload an image that will be used as a thumbnail if video location is ‘Image Gallery’ or a ‘Popup Button’ with label set to ‘Thumbnail’. Otherwise may be left empty.
  • Select thumbnail icon – if thumbnail is uploaded, you may choose an icon to appear on the thumbnail to distinguish the video thumbnail from others.
  • Icon size – will set the icon size in % in relation to thumbnails size (will be responsive).
  • Icon position in thumbnail – may be set to center, or one of the corners (if corners it’s better to reduce the icon size)
  • Icon opacity – set the icon opacity


Popup button settings:

  • Button location – set the location
  • Location priority – set priority
  • Button color – button background color
  • Button text color – button text color
  • Button label:
    Title – use the video title which has been set in the field above
    Thumbnail – use the image as a background, thumbnail has to be set in the field above
    Custom – input it in the text field below
  • Button align, button clearing, margins, paddings, border radius – will adjust buttons display properties through css.
  • Height, Width – may be set instead of padding when button label is set to ‘thumbnail’


  1. After setting up videos press ‘Save Videos’ button or otherwise you’ll loose all the changes.
  2. Press ‘Remove’ to delete the video. After confirming it can’t be undone (you do not need to press ‘Save Videos’ to save removing).
  3. On top in bulk options you can remove all videos, or restore settings to default.
  4. Also each video has a button: ‘Restore default video settings’ and ‘Restore default button settings’. You can set defaults in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Woovideo -> Video Settings/Popup Button Settings.
  5. In Popup Button Settings you can set in addition the ‘popup overlay color’ which will be the color of the background for popup videos.
  6. In ‘Add video to product list’ you can add a video that will appear on top of the product list in your shop.

For developers


Woocommerce hooks used in the plugin:
for video locations: 
– tab: woocommerce_product_tabs
– image gallery: woocommerce_before_single_product
– popup button: woocommerce_before_single_product
for button locations:
– After ‘Add to cart’ button: woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button
– After product info: woocommerce_short_description
– Under the product gallery: woocommerce_product_thumbnails
– Above the product summary tabs: woocommerce_single_product_summary
Notice: All hooks above have priority set to 100 by default, but you can change them adjusting the ‘Location priority‘ setting)

for the video on top of the product list:
woocommerce_before_shop_loopwith priority set to 1

Available display filters:
ct_woovideo_video_styles – handles video css styles
ct_woovideo_display_video – handles the whole video container display
ct_woovideo_button_styles – handles button css styles
ct_woovideo_display_button – handles the whole button display
ct_woovideo_icon_styles – handles icon css styles
ct_woovideo_gallery_videos – adds some custom classes to container that holds videos added to the image gallery

Settings page filters:
wc_ct_woovideo_video_settings – video default settings page
wc_ct_woovideo_button_settings – button default settings page
wc_ct_woovideo_list_video_settings – ‘Add video to product list’ settings page

Edit Productpage actions and filters:
ct_woovideo_attributes – filter to handle list of video metadata
ct_woovideo_admin_panel_metabox – action on top of each video section
ct_woovideo_after_video_attributes – action at the end of each video section, enables adding some options to the form
ct_woovideo_video_save_atts – filter to handle list of vide metadata before saving
ct_woovideo_video_save – action to add some code before saving every video
ct_woovideo_before_save – action to add some code before saving all videos
ct_woovideo_bulk_edit_actions – action to add some bulk options

Custom Thumbnail icon

You can add custom video icon, which will be displayed on video thumbnails, like the below:

Custom thumbnail icon

Custom thumbnail icon

If you want to add your custom thumbnail icon add a png image file to the wp-content/plugins/ct-woovideo/assets/images folder and add the following code to your functions.php file:

General information

Thank you for purchasing Test! We’re very pleased that you have chosen our plugin to extend your website. We’re doing our best not to disappoint you! Before you get started, please check out these documentation pages. Test can only be used with WordPress and we assume that you already have it installed and ready to go. If you don’t, please see WordPress Codex to get started.

How to edit existing header block

Header block is a custom post type, where you can create whatever content you want with Visual Composer. Below you will find clues, which I believe help you to edit it:
1. Make sure, that Visual Composer in enabled for header blocks via Settings > Visual Composer

Visual Composer settings

Visual Composer settings

2. To edit block, please go to Header Blocks

Header blocks list

Header blocks list

and click on Edit).

3. Header block from our demo is created out of two elements: slider



and tabs



4. If you would like to edit Slider – please check the slider settings below:


Slider settings

5. If you would like to edit tabs – please refer to the following tabs settings


Tabs settings

6. Don’t forget to save changes with Update button.




CSS Files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

Appearing with Animation when element in viewport

Animation can be turn off just be remove “withAnimation” class from body.
– add “animated” class to element and data-fx=”animation-type”. That’s it.

Available animation : http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

  • data-fx=”hinge”
  • data-fx=”bounce”
  • data-fx=”flash”
  • data-fx=”pulse”
  • data-fx=”shake”
  • data-fx=”swing”
  • data-fx=”tada”
  • data-fx=”wobble”
  • data-fx=”bounceIn”
  • data-fx=”bounceInDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceInLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceInRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceInUp”
  • data-fx=”bounceOut”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutDown”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutRight”
  • data-fx=”bounceOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeIn”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeInDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeInLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeInRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeInUpBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOut”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDown”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutDownBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutLeftBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRight”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutRightBig”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUp”
  • data-fx=”fadeOutUpBig”
  • data-fx=”flip”
  • data-fx=”flipInX”
  • data-fx=”flipInY”
  • data-fx=”flipOutX”
  • data-fx=”flipOutY”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedIn”
  • data-fx=”lightSpeedOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateIn”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateInUpRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOut”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutDownRight”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpLeft”
  • data-fx=”rotateOutUpRight”
  • data-fx=”slideInDown”
  • data-fx=”slideInLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideInRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutLeft”
  • data-fx=”slideOutRight”
  • data-fx=”slideOutUp”
  • data-fx=”rollIn”
  • data-fx=”rollOut”

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

01. Imports

a) Variables
b) font awesome
c) Typography
d) Mediasection
e) Portfolio
f) Buttons
g) Hover
h) Mixins
i) Animate
j) Utilities
k) Menu
l) Gallery
m) Accordion
n) Widget
o) Toggables
p) Form
q) Datepicker
r) Magnific popup
s) Slick slider
02 .Wrapper and Snap.js
03. Media section
04. Checkout
05. Thumbnails
06. ImageBoxes
07. PersonBoxes
08. Pricing Box
09. Icon box
10. Socials
11. Google map
12. Header
13. footer
14. Last Works
15. Article Boxes
16. Image wrappers
17. Shop
18. Raiting
19. Text box
20. Comment Box
21. Lists
22. Video
23. Preloader
24. Scrollbar
25. Animation


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

Test uses utilities for the following categories:

  • Font size:
    • .ct-u-size13{
      font-size: 13px;
    • .ct-u-size13{
      font-size: 13px;
  • Paddings – the following values of padding can be added to any element you want: 10px, 20px, 30px. 40px, 50px, 60px, 70px, 80px, 90px, 100px, 110px, 120px, 130px, 140px, 150px – each value can be added to bottom, top or both top and bottom paddings, according to the following CSS class naming scheme:
    • .ct-u-paddingBoth10
    • .ct-u-paddingTop10
    • .ct-u-paddingBottom10
    • .ct-u-paddingBoth20
    • .ct-u-paddingTop20
    • .ct-u-paddingBottom20
    • .ct-u-paddingBoth30
    • .ct-u-paddingBoth30
    • .ct-u-paddingBottom30

    Just add class with padding value to any HTML element.

  • Margins – the following values of margins can be added to any element you want: 10px, 20px, 30px. 40px, 50px, 60px, 70px, 80px, 90px, 100px, 110px, 120px, 130px, 140px, 150px – each value can be added as bottom, top or both top and bottom margin, according to the following CSS class naming scheme:
    • .ct-u-marginBoth10
    • .ct-u-marginTop10
    • .ct-u-marginBottom10
    • .ct-u-marginBoth20
    • .ct-u-marginTop20
    • .ct-u-marginBottom20
    • .ct-u-marginBoth150
    • .ct-u-marginBoth150
    • .ct-u-marginBottom150
  • Colors
    • .ct-u-colorWhite
    • .ct-u-colorFaint{
    • .ct-u-colorBlack{
      color: #000000;
    • .ct-u-colorInfo{ color: @alert-info-text;
    • .ct-u-colorSuccess{ color: @alert-success-text;
    • .ct-u-colorWarning{ color: @alert-warning-text;
    • .ct-u-colorDanger{ color: @alert-danger-text;
    • .ct-u-colorBody{ color: @body-color;
  • Fonts
    • .ct-u-fontType-1{
      font-family: “PT Sans”,sans-serif;
    • .ct-u-fontType-2{
      font-family: “Roboto Slab”, sans-serif;
    • .ct-u-fontType-3{
      font-family: “Montserrat”, sans-serif;
  • Background Colors
    • .ct-u-backgroundWhite{
      background-color: #ffffff;
    • .ct-u-backgroundGray{
      background-color: #cacaca;
    • .ct-u-backgroundBody{
      background-color: @body-color;
    • .ct-u-backgroundSuccess{
      background-color: @alert-success-bg;
      color: @alert-success-bg;
    • .ct-u-backgroundWarning{
      background-color: @alert-warning-bg;
      color: @alert-warning-bg;
    • .ct-u-backgroundDanger{
      background-color: @alert-danger-bg;
      color: @alert-danger-bg;
    • .ct-u-backgroundInfo{
      background-color: @alert-info-bg;
      color: @alert-info-bg;
    • .ct-u-backgroundBlack{
      background-color: #000000;
      color: #ffffff;
      color: #ffffff;

      color: #ffffff;

  • Overflow
    • .ct-u-overflow-show{
      overflow: visible;
    • .ct-u-overflow-hide{
      overflow: hidden;
  • Display types
    • .ct-u-displayTable, .ct-u-displayTableVertical, .ct-u-displayTableBottom , .ct-u-displayTableTop{
      display: table;
      width: 100%;
    • .ct-u-displayTableVertical, .ct-u-displayTableBottom, .ct-u-displayTableTop{
      height: 100%;
    • .ct-u-displayTableTop{
      vertical-align: top;
    • .ct-u-displayTableVertical{
      vertical-align: middle;
    • .ct-u-displayTableBottom{
      vertical-align: bottom;
    • .ct-u-displayTableRow{
      display: table-row;
    • .ct-u-displayTableCell{
      display: table-cell;
  • Borders
    • .ct-u-colorWhite{
      border-color: #ffffff
    • .ct-u-borderAll{
      border: 1px solid;
      border-color: #ffffff;


Article - type 2

Article – type 1

HTML markup:

Article - type 2

Article – type 2

CSS classes:

ct-articleBox: Base class for article.
ct-articleBox-media: Images,videos or other media that can be used in article.
ct-articleBox-description: Description of an article.

ct-link: number of comments displayed in bubble speech.
ct-tag: Tag for announcments, like “brand new”.

ct-u-paddingTop20: adds 20px padding on top.
ct-u-paddingTop30: adds 30px padding on top.

media, media-left, media-heading, media-object ,media-body – Bootstrap classes for creating media.

ct-articleBox-info: article info box wrapper that contain such information like date,price or is simply a button.
info-1: ‘ct-articleBox-info‘ subclass.
info-2: ‘ct-articleBox-info‘ subclass.

An article may be a part of a gallery:

ct-galleryBox: wrapper for gallery media.
ct-galleryBox-image: wrapper for gallery image.
ct-js-magnificPopupImage: Indicates that light box is in use. (Magnific pop-up)

btn: button class.
btn-link: button link style.
ct-btn–transparent: adds transparency to button.




HTML Markup:

Standard bootstrap markup

Style 1 for class “ct-blockquote-1”

Style 2 for class “ct-blockquote-2”


Button groups

Button groups

Button wrapper

Button wrapper



HTML Markup:

Single buttons:


btn – this is a base class that is obligatory for every button.
ct-btn–transparent – adds transparency to button leaving only borders.
btn-xs,.btn-sm… etc. these classes gives size to a button.
ct-btn-rounded – this class makes button rounded.
btn-primary‘ and ‘btn-default‘ – types of buttons, which change color to: black and white .

if class ‘ct-u-colorWhite‘ is a wrapping class e.g.

It changes properties of this button to white.

Some buttons may keep the properties of a link. It’s strongly adviced to create them by using
<a> ‘ attribute.

Button groups

Button wrapper

CSS Classes:

ct-btn-rounded: Gives border radius to button.
ct-u-colorWhite: changes button’s color properties to white.

ct-btn–transparent, btn-primary, btn-default, btn-link: button types.
btn-link–white: Gives white color properties to a link.

ct-btn-wrapper: Wraps buttons if they are dsplayed on image.

Group buttons :
ct-btn-group–rounded: Gives border radius to a button group.
btn-group–equal: Buttons in button group are equal.

Button sizes:
btn-xs,.btn-sm,.btn-lg,.btn-lg-2: button size.

ct-btn–full: full width button.

Button types:
btn-default, btn-primary, btn-link: Button types.
btn-link–white: variation to change ‘btn-link’ properties to white.

Call to action box

Call to action

Call to action

HTML Markup :

CSS Classes:

ct-u-paddingBoth120: adds 120px padding both to top and buttom.
ct-u-paddingBoth20: adds 20px padding both to top and bottom.
ct-u-colorFaint: changes the opacity.
ct-u-colorWhite: gives white color to component.

ct-mediaSection, ct-mediaSection-inner: are common throughout all our templates.

You can edit section parameters with the following data-attributes:

data-type: indicates the parralax effect for section.
data-stellar-background-ratio: how fast will background image change its position with parallax effect.
data-bg-image-mobile: define image, which should be displayed on mobile devices.

Cart menu

Cart menu

Cart menu

HTML Markup :

CSS Classes:

ct-cart-tag: Base class for cart window.
ct-cart-window: It displays cart window.
ct-cart-product: Wrapper for product image.
ct-cart-details: Wrapper for Cart’s product content.
ct-cart-total: Total price for all products.
ct-cart-total–price: style for price.

ct-u-colorWhite: gives white color to component.
ct-u-colorFaint: Lowers component opacity.

fa, fa-star: font awesome classes used to display stars in ratings.




Checkout table

Checkout table

Checkout item

Checkout item



Form row

Form row

Form row 2

Form row 2

CSS Classes:

ct-checkout: Base class for checkout.
tab-content: Hide tab panels at start, show them when .active.

The ‘.datepicker’ component consist of fallowing HTML markup:

CSS Classes :
.input-append‘, ‘.date‘ are the classes necessary to get datepicker plugin to work and be displayed.
I also requires the following js files:

<script src="assets/plugins/datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js"></script> Initialization can be done below attached file.
<script> $('.input-append').datepicker();</script>

The ‘ct-checkout’ component consist of ‘datepicker‘ and ‘ct-checkout-item‘ items.
The ‘ct-checkout-item’ selects a prticular date in ‘.datepicker’ component by clicking CHECKBOX BUTTON.


It always comes with the following markup :

ct-btn-checkbox: It’s a type of a button, reserved just for checkout section.

Input field receive two attributes, which is ‘value’ and ‘data-value’. The ‘value’ attribute
sets the ‘datepicker’ component to particular date. The ‘data-value’ is text of a button that
will be displayed after clicking twice on the button. First click will inform user that button was clicked
by displaying thext ‘Selected!’. Second click will take value from ‘data-value’ attribute.


Google Map

Google Map

Google Map

HTML Markup:

You can change map location with:
data-location=" " attribute – just add here your current location.

Make sure to include the following scripts in map page:

Icon Box

HTML Markup :

Icon box 1

Icon Box

Icon Box

Icon box 2 – animated counter

Icon box 3

CSS Classes

ct-iconBox-1, .ct-iconBox-2, .ct-iconBox-3: Icon boxes type.
ct-icon: Sets size for image or icon.
ct-img-wrapper-2: Sets position relative.

ct-img-wrapper-2: returns position relative.

ct-fw-700: font weight 700.

animated, activate, pulse, infinite: Add animation to the icon, requires using ‘cssAnimate‘ class in body HTML attribute.
Class ‘pulse‘ can be replaced with other class like ‘wobble‘ or ‘shake‘ to receive different animation

ct-content: some description, text, etc.
ct-u-colorWhite: gives white color to a component.

Icon boxes may be used as counters, therefore js classes are required.
To create a counter, remember to attach “ct-js-counter” class to counter component like below:

You can edit counter settings with the following data attributes:
data-ct-to: Max value for counter to count.
data-ct-speed: Counter speed.

Remember to attach the following script to your HTML page, when you want to use a counter:

Person box

Person box:

Person Box

Person Box

Widget person box:

Person box - widget

Person box – widget

CSS Classes:
ct-personBox: Person box style.
ct-img-wrapper-2: Gives position relative.
ct-img-wrapper-3: Gives position absolute and sets top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0,left:0.
btn, btn-link, btn-lg, ct-btn–transparent, ct-btn-rounded: button classes.

Photo stream



Widget HTML markup:

Portfolio slider



Slider is created with Slick Slider plugin – please check plugins documentation for advance settings.

Change sliders navigation position by adding one of the following CSS classes to HTML markup:

  • ct-slick-arrow-1,
  • ct-slick-arrow-1–above,
  • ct-slick-arrow-2,
  • ct-slick-arrow-3,
  • ct-slick-arrow-3–leftTop
  • ct-slick-arrow-3–leftBottom,
  • ct-slick-arrow-3–rightTop
  • ct-slick-arrow-3–rightBottom,
  • ct-slick-arrow-3–under

PSD Files

We understand that you might have ideas for improving our project design. Feel free to change the design to better suit your needs. Layered PSD files are available here


Pricing Tables

Pricing table 1

Pricing tables 1

Pricing table 2

Pricing tables 2

Background image can be change with data attribute:

data-bg-image – just define url to your image,

Pricing table 3 – inverse

Pricing tables 3

Pricing table 4 – Counter

Pricing tables 4 counters

Script required for Pricing table 4 – Counter:


HTML Markup:

Rating box 1

raiting 1

Rating box 2

raiting 2

CSS Classes:

.fa .fa-star: Bootstrap classes. They display ‘star’ tag.
.ct-u-colorFaint: lowers opacity of a font.
.ct-rating: Rating box style.
.ct-u-colorWhite: changes rating box color to white.

ct-lead–wrapper: Wrapper for a rating box.


.lead, .starrr, .stars: classes are required for rating plugin.

Raiting init file is required to make ‘rating’ plugin working.

Shop product

HTML markup:

Shop product

Shop product

Shop slider

Shop slider

Shop slider

HTML markup:

.ct-articleBox: Base class for article.
.ct-articleBox-media: Images,Videos for article.
.ct-js-slick: class for slick slider.

.ct-articleBox-info : article info box wrapper.
.info-1 : ‘.ct-articleBox-info’ subclass.
.info-2 : ‘.ct-articleBox-info’ subclass.

NAVIGATION PLACEMENT – change where sliders navigation should be displayed by adding one of the following CSS classes to HTML markup:

  • .ct-slick-arrow-1,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-1–above,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-2,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3–leftTop,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3–leftBottom,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3–rightTop,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3–rightBottom,
  • .ct-slick-arrow-3–under

Shop Locator

Thank you for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

Shop Locator plugin allows you to create a map with simple HTML markup and customize it with number of various parameters. Change map marker, pagination type, add infoBubbles and much more.
Please read this documentation to discover all available options.

Plugin Installation

{Plugin} requires the following scripts to be attached in HTML page:

After you attached script you have to change substitute [YOUR_API_KEY] in the code with the API key you have. More about API Key

Once scripts are attached – induce your google map with the simple HTML markup:

We prepared for you 9 predefined map styles, though there are also number of parameters editable via javascript attributes.



















Example of usage.

Below you will find examples of map styles, which you can create with our plugin:

Examples of usage

Examples of usage

Available parameters

Nested Options Name Type Description
pluginStyle string Add class to element we call the script
paginationStyle integer Change pagination style, value 1 or 2
preloader boolean Enable/Disable preloader to plugin body.
json string Add json file


How it looks?

Pagination - type 1

Pagination – type 1

Pagination - type 2

Pagination – type 2

center array, integer Center map on longitude and latitude.
MapType google map method Type of the map, MapTypeId.ROADMAP, MapTypeId.SATELLITE, MapTypeId.HYBRID, MapTypeId.TERRAIN
disableDefaultUI boolean Disable default google maps UI.
mapStyle array Add custom map style.
draggable boolean Drag event to the map.
disableDoubleClickZoom boolean Disable DB click zoom on the map.
maxZoom integer Set max zoom to map.
minZoom integer Set min zoom to map.
scrollwheel boolean Zoom with mouse scrollwheel.
Zoom integer Set zoom to map.
allMarkersInViewport boolean Set viewport to fit all markers.


visible boolean Enable/disable infoBubble(infoWindow).
padding integer Add padding to infoBubble main container.
borderRadius integer Add border radius to infoBubble main container.
borderWidth integer Add border width radius to infoBubble main container.
borderColor string Add border color to infoBubble main container.
backgroundColor string Add color to infoBubble main container.
shadowStyle integer Pick shadow style, value 0, 1 or 2.
minHeight integer Add min height to infoBubble main container.
maxHeight integer Add max height to infoBubble main container.
minWidth integer Add min width to infoBubble main container.
maxWidth integer Add max height to infoBubble main container.
arrowStyle integer Change arrow style, value 0, 1, 2.
arrowSize integer Size of arrow.
arrowPosition integer Position of arrow.
hideCloseButton boolean Show/hide close button.
closeSrc string Path to closeButton icon.
disableAutoPan boolean Enable/Disable auto pan to element.
markersIcon string Add path to marker image.
getDirectionsButton boolean Enable/Disable directions to location
getDirectionsButtonName string Name of directions button.
directionsUseGeolocation boolean Directions by geolocation, if false directions are calculated by adding some location in searchbox.


Info bubble content

Info bubble content

latlng array, integer Add lat and lng where will be the marker on map.
title string Data for infowindow.
street string Data for infowindow.
zip string Data for infowindow.
city string Data for infowindow.


enable boolean Enable/disable marker clustering.
gridSize integer The grid size of a cluster in pixels. The grid is a square.
maxZoom integer Max zoom where cluster is active.
fontFamily string Cluster font.
fontStyle string Style of the font(inherit, italic, normal, oblique)
textColor string Color of the text.
fontWeight string Same as css.
textSize integer Size of the text.
heightSM, heightMD, heightBIG integer Height of small, medium and big cluster.
widthSM, widthMD, widthBIG integer Width of small, medium and big cluster
iconSmall, iconMedium, iconBig string Path to icon for all cluster size.


visible boolean Enable/disable sidebar.
visible boolean Enable/disable json multiple files.
pathToJSONDirectory boolean Path to JSON directory
difFiles array, string [[“selectText1”, “selectValue1”], [“selectText2”, “selectValue2”]]. It’s for multiple json file. In “selectText” you input what you want to display in select option, “selectValue” is for name of the json file that will be loaded when user pick it.
fileTypes string File types, json or php.
findPlaceBy string Search locations by cities or regions.
searchByCountry array Filter by country. To enable you need to change value for true. Country use ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. More information you can find here.
visible boolean Enable/disable search box.
search boolean Enable/disable search on displayed markers.
searchRadius integer Radius of the search in km.
visibleInFirstPage boolean Enable/disable marker buttons on first page.
pageSize integer Results items per page.
currenPage integer Active results page.
paginationItems integer Pagination items per page.
 (NEW) sort ascending, descending or false. Set order of the results

Custom JSON file

You can define your custom JSON file with data for all map markers. Example of json files is attached in plugin package in src/json directory.

Example of JSON file

Example of JSON file

By default the following values from JSON are supported by plugin:

  • latitude (lat),
  • longitude (lng),
  • title,
  • street,
  • city,
  • zip code (zip)

If you would like to add more parameters to your JSON file – remember to update the plugin settings in file shop-locator.js:

Add new JSON nodes here

Add new JSON nodes here

To induce your JSON file in plugin, please update its path via json: parameter:

To attach multiple custom JSON files to plugin you need to update also the following javascript attributes:

  • pathToJSONDirectory,
  • difFiles,
  • fileTypes,

With new values adjusted to new JSON structure.

Custom JSON attachment

Custom JSON attachment

Jugas Tumblr

Theme Options

1. After installing the theme you are able to add a text description to the options. Now the text fields are empty. To change it, please scroll down on the tumblr theme page and fill the:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Blog Username

  • Blog Username Website

  • Username Description

  • First Paragraph

  • Second Paragraph

  • Third Paragraph

  • Footer Description

  • Disqus

2. The text will be displaying on the different parts of your theme. Here is the example lists how it should looks like:


For example: Blog Username – thix text is needed for the name of the author. Thix text will be displayed on the sidebar type of blog.

3. Next things what you have to do is to add a name of the Disqus component. So if you would like to have components like a comments like on your page please fill the Disqus Shortname on the theme options menu. When it’s done you should to see the disqus panel in your single post page like below:

jQuery Social Media Timeline

Thank you for purchasing this plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

jQuery Social Media Timeline plugin allows you to add Social Media to your website with simple HTML markup and customize it with number of various parameters.
Please read this documentation to discover all available options.

Plugin Installation

jQuery Social Media Timeline requires the following scripts to be attached in HTML page:


Once scripts are attached you can attach your HTML code and add the class to style element which is going to be triggered in javascript for example throughout socialFirst:
If you want to have your social plugin sticked on the right or left side, what you have to do to add another corresponding class.

Available parameters

Main options

Option Default Type Description
width 330 integer Define width of the element.
height 600 integer Define height of the element.
enabled “twitter” string Show enabled social at the beginning
available no default value array  Order and display socials media you need. [‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘instagram’, ‘pinterest’] This option is required.


Option Default Type Description
account no default value string Social page to display. It’s simple name. This option is required.
token no default value string Access token. More info in documentation. This option is required.
limit 10 integer Number of feeds displayed in social.
media true boolean Display media (photos and videos). Allowed values are: true or false.
showOnly null string Display specified type of posts throughout the limit. Available options are: “photo”, “link”, “status”, “video”, “event”.
descriptionLength 200 integer Set the length of the message (characters).
linkLength 35 integer Set the length of the link (characters). This links shows up when post is the ‘link’ type.
linkText <i class=”icon-angle-double-right”> string Text or icon displayed as a link in the end of the message. It can be text or html.
disable null array Disable parts of the plugin. Allowed values: ‘header, ‘information’, ‘stats’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘shares’, ‘likes’, comments’, ‘date’, ‘name’. If you want to disable one part of the plugin then put one string. However, if you want to disable more things, then put it into array e.g.: [‘likes’, ‘date’].
afterLoad null function  Callback after loading content.


Option Default Type Description
account no default value string Social page to display. It’s simple name. This option is required.
consumer_key no default value string Consumer key. More info in documentation. This option is required.
consumer_secret no default value string Consumer secret. More info in documentation. This option is required.
limit 10 integer Number of tweets displayed in social.
media true boolean Display media (photos and videos). Allowed values are: true or false.
linkText <i class=”icon-angle-double-right”> string Text or icon displayed as a link in the end of the message. It can be text or html.
disable null string Disable parts of the plugin. Allowed values: ‘header, ‘information’, ‘stats’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘retweets’, ‘tweets’, ‘date’, ‘name’. If you want to disable one part of the plugin then put one string. However, if you want to disable more things, then put it into array e.g.: [‘tweets’, ‘date’].
afterLoad null function Callback after loading content.


Common question: How to generate all those tokens and keys?


Option Default Type Description
access_token no default value string Your access token which you have to provide. More info in documentation.This option is required.
limit 10 integer Number of tweets displayed in social.
media true boolean Display media (photos and videos). Allowed values are: true or false.
linkText <i class=”icon-angle-double-right”> string Text or icon displayed as a link in the end of the message. It can be text or html.
disable null string Disable parts of the plugin. Allowed values: ‘header, ‘information’, ‘stats’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘likes’, ‘comments’, ‘date’, ‘name’. If you want to disable one part of the plugin then put one string. However, if you want to disable more things, then put it into array e.g.: [‘likes’, ‘date’].
afterLoad null function Callback after loading content.


Option Default Type Description
account no default value string Social page to display. It’s simple name. This option is required.
media true boolean Display media (photos and videos). Allowed values are: true or false.
linkText <i class=”icon-angle-double-right”> string Text or icon displayed as a link in the end of the message. It can be text or html.
disable null string Disable parts of the plugin. Allowed values: ‘header, ‘information’, ‘stats’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘likes’, ‘repins’, ‘name’. If you want to disable one part of the plugin then put one string. However, if you want to disable more things, then put it into array e.g.: [‘likes’, ‘date’].
descriptionLength 200 integer Set the length of the message (characters).
afterLoad null function Callback after loading content.


Option Default Type Description
account no default value integer Social page to display. VKontakte requires the id number. This option is required.
limit 10 integer Number of posts displayed in social.
media true boolean  Display media (photos and videos). Allowed values are: true or false.
linkText <i class=”icon-angle-double-right”> string Text or icon displayed as a link in the end of the message. It can be text or html.
disable null string Disable parts of the plugin. Allowed values: ‘header, ‘information’, ‘stats’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘retweets’, ‘tweets’, ‘date’, ‘name’. If you want to disable one part of the plugin then put one string. However, if you want to disable more things, then put it into array e.g.: [‘tweets’, ‘date’].
descriptionLength 200 integer Set the length of the message (characters).
afterLoad null function Callback after loading content.

Examples of usage

Below you will find examples of usage for each social media type. You can just copy and paste code snippets from the examples below to your website and update the settings.


One social, facebook

How it looks?

One social, twitter

How it looks?

One social, instagram

One social, pinterest


One social, vkontakte


Multiple socials with some order
To order socials you have to pu them in order in available option. If you want to make enabled social on the start you need add into that property the social value.

Activate whichever social you want on the start.
The only what you need to do is specify in enabled the correct social you wan t to display.

Sticked socials

If you want to have sticked social on the right or on the left side on your site you simply have to add corresponding class to the thml.

Social right looks like:

After hover:

Social left looks like:

After hover:

How to get tokens, ids and page name

API tokens are unique identifiers of an application requesting access to your service. Each API has got different specs for tokens or ids. Note that you should be careful and create test application fot that purpose. Do not do this with your main account. In this plugin pinterest is public so it doesnt need any authorization or application. Twitter should be set for read-only app like it is presented below. However Facebook and Instagram should have their own test accounts due to security.

How to get a Facebook Access Token (token)
Here is the whole proccess of retrieving access token: https://smashballoon.com/custom-facebook-feed/access-token/

Example Page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


How to get a Customer Key and customer secret
Here is the whole proccess of retrieving access token. You should care about first step where you obtain these keys. http://www.webdevdoor.com/php/authenticating-twitter-feed-timeline-oauth/
What is very important is that you should set your application to Read-only. If you dont have it set yet go to your application and change it. This is for your security.

Example Page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


How to generate an Instagram Access Token (client_id)


There is no need to get tokens or other secure keys.

Example page
A sample how to get the name of the page.


There is no need to get tokens or other secure keys.
Example page

A sample how to get the id of the page (in this case it’s number no string). Simply, click on any photo of your favourite social and go to the link and retrieve id as it is below in the picture. If social doesnt display, that means it’s not full public.

YOU Customizer

Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customizer

Main Customizer Menu

Main Customizer Menu

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Pages
  • Top Bars
  • Posts
  • Portfolio
  • Socials
  • Widgets

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • General

In General style section you can edit theme colors and layout setup

General styles

General styles

In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings

Main settings

Main settings


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on


Top Bars

There are several navbar color types to choose. You can setup navbar type and scroll effect globally via Appearance > Customize > Top bars

Navigation Bar

Navigation Bar

via Top Bar tab you can define top bar styles and content:

Top Bar settings

Top Bar settings

And in Contact menu Item you can set the content of contact menu widget:

Contact widget

Contact widget

Contact widget settings

Contact widget settings


Portfolio options


  • IndexPress return or enter to expand
  • SinglePress return or enter to expand
  • SocialsPress return or enter to open this panel
  • Site Title & TaglinePress return or enter to expand
  • NavigationPress return or enter to expand
  • WidgetsPress return or enter to open this panel
  • Static Front PagePress return or enter to expand



Portfolio Index settings

Portfolio Index settings


Portfolio single item settings

Portfolio single item settings


Test comes with an advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of the theme elements in one place. If you want to use it, navigate to Appearance > Customize

Charlotte Customizer


Charlotte – style

You can pick the color scheme of the site here.

Charlotte – style

  • Motive Light – A light motive color of the site.
  • Motive –  The main color scheme of the site.
  • Motive dark – A dark motive color of the site.
  • Motive darker – A darker motive color of the site.
  • Navbar color – The font color of the words in the Navigation bar.
  • Navbar link hover – The font color of the words with links when hovered.
  • Navbar link color – The font color of words with links in the Navigation bar.
  • Base font navbar – The font style of the words with links in the Navigation bar.
  • Size – The font size of the words with links in the Navigation bar.
  • Select content pattern – The background pattern of the site.


Here you will have the option to customize your site’s identity or how it can be viewed by people.


  • Logo standard – Logo in the Navigation bar.
  • Logo mobile – Logo shown in mobile version.
  • Login logo – logo shown in the login section.
  • Favicon – Icon used as the image in the tab of the site.
  • Apple touch icon
  • Map template location – Address for the map template.
  • Map template latitude – Latitude coordinate for the location in the map.
  • Map template longitude – Longitude coordinate for the location in the map.
  • Search icon in navbar – Option to shoe or hide the search icon in the navigation bar.
  • Page 404 sidebar background image – Image used as the background for the 404 page’s sidebar.
  • Page 404 sidebar background style – Style of the 404 page’s sidebar background.
  • Page 404 sidebar animated background – Option to add animation on the 404 page’s sidebar background.


Pages is divided into 2:


Page sidebar options

Page sidebar options

  • Select sidebar block – What the side bar will show.
  • Page sidebar background image – Set an image as the background for the sidebar.
  • Page sidebar background style – The background style of the sidebar.
  • Page sidebar animated background – Option to add animation on the sidebar background.


  • Header Image – Image set as the Header background.
  • Header Image mobile – Image set as the Header background in the mobile version.

Main navbar

You can customize the navigation bar’s look.


  • Navbar background image – Set a background image for the sidebar.
  • Top divider background – Add a top divider image.
  • Bottom divider background – Add a bottom divider image.
  • Top divider background style – Top divider background style.
  • Bottom divider background style – Bottom divider background style.
  • Bottom sidebar – Option to show bottom widgets area.


Posts is divided into 3:


Blog Sidebar options

Blog Sidebar options

  • Show blog title block – Option to show the blog title block.
  • Show blog single title block – Option to show the blog single title block.
  • Show sidebar widgets on blog index – Option to show sidebar widgets on blog index.
  • Show sidebar widgets on blog single – Option to show sidebar widgets on blog single.
  • Blog index sidebar background image –  Set the background image of the blog index sidebar.
  • Blog index sidebar background style – The style of the background image of the blog index sidebar.
  • Blog single sidebar background image – Set the background image of the blog single sidebar.
  • Blog single sidebar background style – The style of the background image of the blog single sidebar.
  • Blog index sidebar animated background – Option to add animation on the background of the blog index sidebar.
  • Blog single sidebar animated background – Option to add animation on the background of the blog single sidebar.


  • Blog index meta separator – Icon/sign that separates the information about the blog.
  • Blog title – Title of the blog page.
  • Show posts index page title row – Option to show posts index page title row.
  • Show posts index page title text – Option to show posts index page title text.
  • Post detail button label – What is written in the post detail button.
  • Pagination prev label – Label for the pagination of previous page.
  • Pagination next label – Label for the pagination of next page.
  • Show meta – Show the meta details of the blog posts.
  • Tags label – Label for tags.
  • Date – Option to show the date when the blog is posted.
  • Show featured media on blog index – Option to show media (images, videos, etc.,) that is in the blog post in the blog index.
  • Title / quote author – Option to show the author of the post.
  • Comments count – Option to show comment count.
  • Post text – Set what the post text will show.
  • Author link – Option to show author link.
  • Show read more button? – Option to show read more button.


  • Date – Option to show the date of the blog.
  • Blog single meta separator – Icon/sign that separates the information about the blog.
  • Show posts single page title row – Option to show posts single page title row.
  • Post single page title – Option to show posts single page title text.
  • Date – Option to show the date of the blog.
  • Show featured media on single post – Option to show media (images, videos, etc.,) that is in the blog post in the blog index.
  • Title / quote author –  Option to show the author of the post.
  • Content – Option to show the content of the blog.
  • Author link  – Option to show author link.
  • Comments – Option to allow comment in blog post.
  • Comment form – Option to show the comment form for the blog.
  • Tag cloud – Option to show tags of the blog.
  • Categories – Option to show blog category.
  • Show author box
  • Pagination – Option to show pagination.
  • Tags label – Label for tags.
  • Previous post label – Label for the pagination of previous post.
  • Next post label – Label for the pagination of next post.
  • By label – Label of by.
  • Comment reply label – Label of reply.
  • Leave a comment label – Label for Leave a comment.
  • Comment Form submit label – Label Comment Form Submit.
  • Comment Form name placeholder – Label Comment Form name.
  • Comment Form email placeholder – Label Comment Form email.
  • Comment Form message placeholder – Label Comment Form message.
  • Bottom divider – Add a bottom divider image.
  • Bottom divider background style – Bottom divider background style.
  • Comments top divider – Top divider for the comments.
  • Comments top divider background style – Top divider background style for the comments.
  • Comments bottom divider – Bottom divider for the comments.
  • Comments bottom divider background style Bottom divider background style for the comments.
  • Comment Form divider background style – Comment form divider background style for the comments.


This is where you can set your socials account.


  • Show socials box – Option to show social box in the header.
  • Select header socials style – What the style of the header socials will look.
  • Bitbucket username – Account for the site.
  • Dribbble username – Account for the site.
  • Dropbox username – Account for the site.
  • Email – Email address for the site.
  • Facebook – Account for the site.
  • Twitter – Account for the site.
  • Pinterest – Account for the site.
  • Instagram – Account for the site.
  • RSS – Account for the site.
  • LinkedIn – Account for the site.
  • Google Plus – Account for the site.
  • Tumblr – Account for the site.
  • Skype – Account for the site.
  • Dribble – Account for the site.
  • Dropbox – Account for the site.
  • Flickr – Account for the site.
  • Github – Account for the site.


Shop is divided to 3:


Shop Sidebar options

Shop Sidebar options

  • Shop index sidebar background style – 
  • Shop single sidebar background style 
Shop index options

Shop index options

  • Show share icons? – Option to show share icons.
  • Top navbar Basket label – Label for the navigation bar basket.
  • Top navbar Basket empty label – Label when the navigation bar is empty.
Shop index options

Shop single product option

  • Page title – Title for the single product page.

Restaurant Menu

Restaurant Menu is divided into 3:

Restaurant Menu



Menu index

Menu index



  • Separate category slugs by commas

Gallery Setup

Gallery Setup is divided into 4:

Gallery Setup

General options

General options

  • Select portfolio type – How the gallery/portfolio is going to look.
  • Custom index slug – Slug for the page.
  • Limit – Number of items in the gallery/portfolio that will show.
Masonry type options

Masonry type options

  • Columns – Number of post per column.
  • Pagination prev label – Label for the pagination previous page.
  • Pagination next label – Label for the pagination next page.


  • Separate category slugs by commas.
Infinite type options

Infinite type options

  • Columns – Number of column post per row.
  • Random sizes – Option to show the images with random sizes.

Google Maps API

Google Maps API Config

  • Google maps API key – API key set for the google maps.

Site Identity

Site Identity

  • Site Title – The title of the site you created.
  • Tagline – The slogan/catchphrase for you site. What people will remember if they see your site.
  • Site Icon – The icon used as a browser icon. Icons must be square, and at least 512 pixels wide and tall.



  • Menus – These are the menus made by you. You can make/add a new menu or delete it here.
  • Menu Location – Test supports 2 menus: Primary Menu and Sidebar Menu
    • Top primary menu – Choose which menu in the Menus you would like to use as the primary menu.
    • Secondary menu in left sidebar – Choose which menu in the Menus would like to use as the sidebar menu.


You can customize what is inside the widgets on the page. If a widget is placed on the page you see on the preview, it will be listed on the left side under widgets.



You can also do the same thing by going to Appearance > Widgets.

Homepage Settings

Option for the front page is shown here.

  • Front page displays – Options on how the front page/home page looks like.

    • Your latest posts – Show the latest post on your blogs.

Homepage Setting 1

    • A static page – Set a page that would stay the same until the page is replaced manually.

Homepage Settings 2


You can also do this by going to Settings > Reading.


WooCommerce is divided into 3:


Store Notice

Store Notice

  • Store notice – If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events or promotions to visitors.
  • Enable store notice – Option to enable Store notice on the site.
Product Catalog

Product Catalog

  • Choose what to display on the main shop page.
  • Choose what to display on product category pages.
  • How should products be sorted in the catalog by default?
Product Images

Product Images

  • Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images will remain uncropped.
  • Image size used for products in the catalog and product gallery thumbnails.
  • Thumbnail cropping

Additional CSS

You can add your own CSS code for your site.

Additional CSS



All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Charlotte WP

Gallery Setup

Gallery is built out of Portfolio Items – a custom post types, which can be created via Portfolio section.

Creating Portfolio items

To create new Gallery elements, navigate to Portfolio items > Add New

Add a new portfolio item

Add a new portfolio item

For new portfolio item  you can define:

  • Title (required),
  • Tags (optional),
  • Categories (optional),
  • Order attribute (optional),
  • Images (recommended),

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Portfolio items

Portfolio items

Gallery setup

Once your portfolio items are created you can build a Gallery. Please navigate to Appearance > Customize – Gallery Setup

In main tab – General Options you can:

  • select gallery type,
  • define gallery page slug
  • define maximum number of displayed items

Gallery general options

Gallery general options

Depending on which gallery style you have selected in the General tab – define more advanced options, such as Number of columns, pagination settings, or gallery thumbnail sizes for the infinite scroll.

Main Navbar

In Main Navbar tab you can define the following settings:

  • Navbar background image
  • Top divider background
  • Bottom divider background
  • Top divider background style
  • Bottom divider background style
  • Bottom widgets area


Main navbar style settings

Main navbar style settings


Pages Options

In Pages panel you are able to edit the following options:

  1. Page sidebar options:
    • Select sidebar block
    • Background style
    • Animation background – yes/no
    Pages sidebar options

    Pages sidebar options

  2. Header settings:
    • Header image
    • Header background image
    Pages header options

    Pages header options

Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Although you can customize them for each page separately using Page side content settings – you will see this option during page content editing.

Single page - sidebar block setting

Single page – sidebar block setting


Posts options

When using the assigned blog page, as described in Blog Index page, all options are located in Appearance > Customize on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from, such as layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has a title and a description which explains you what it does. Any type of blog options that you need to set, will be in theme options of assigned blog page.


  • Blog index meta separator – image, which should be displayed between post meta information: date, category, comments
  • Blog title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Show posts index page title row – hide/show blog title container,
  • Show posts index page title text – hide/show blog title,
  • Post detail button label – define custom label for button Read More,
  • Pagination prev label – define custom label for button Previous Page,
  • Pagination next label – define custom label for button Next Page,
  • Show meta – display post meta information: date, category, comments,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Show featured media on blog index – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – it will display only text on blog index page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Post text – display full posts text, post excerpt or no intro text in posts list,
  • Show read more button – show/hide button Read More
  • Sidebar – show/hide sidebar on blog index page,
  • Tags labels – define custom labels, for “Tags” ,
Blog index page settings

Blog index page settings

SINGLE POST OPTIONS – select how single post page should look like:

  • Blog single meta separator – image, which should be displayed between post meta information: date, category, comments
  • Post single page title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Show posts index page title row – hide/show blog title,
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Show featured media on blog index – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post (if you select Hide – it will display only text on blog index page),
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Content – show/hide,
  • Author link – show/hide,
  • Comments – show/hide,
  • Comment form – show/hide,
  • Comments count – show/hide,
  • Tag cloud – show/hide,
  • Categories – show/hide,
  • Show author box – show/hide,
  • Pagination – show/hide,
  • Tags label
  • Previous post label
  • Next post label
  • By label
  • Comment reply label
  • Leave a comment label
  • Comment Form submit label
  • Comment Form name placeholder
  • Comment Form email placeholder
  • Comment Form message placeholder
  • Bottom divider
  • RemoveChange Image
  • Bottom divider background style
  • Comments top divider
  • RemoveChange Image
  • Comments top divider background style
  • Comments bottom divider
  • RemoveChange Image
  • Comments bottom divider background style
  • Comment Form divider
  • RemoveChange Image
  • Comment Form divider background style
Single post settings

Single post settings


  • Show blog title block,
  • Show blog single title block
  • Show sidebar widgets on blog index
  • Show sidebar widgets on blog single
  • Blog index sidebar background image
  • Blog index sidebar background style
  • Blog single sidebar background image
  • Blog single sidebar background style
  • Blog index sidebar animated background
  • Blog single sidebar animated background
Blog sidebar options

Blog sidebar options

Common issue: How to change post intro text?

Intro text, which can be displayed on Blog index page is an Excerpt. You can edit it manually for every post with the following field:



Notice: if you don’t see Excerpt field when you are editing your post, go to Screen Options at the top of the post edition window (on the right hand side) and enable Excerpt with checkbox.

Restaurant Menu

Test comes with an option to create a restaurant menu. Below you will find available settings for Restaurant Menu page template, where all restaurant products are displayed. All products are grouped by categories. You can define order of displayed categories together with order of displaying single products.


  • Show Menu Card title block
  • Select title block for menu sidebar
  • Menu sidebar background image
  • Menu sidebar background style
  • Menu sidebar animated background
  • Sidebar bottom divider background
  • Sidebar bottom divider background repeat
Menu sidebar options

Menu sidebar options

MENU INDEX OPTIONS – select how your menu page should look like:

  • Menu index top divider background
  • Menu index bottom divider background
  • Menu index top divider repeat
  • Bottom divider background style.
  • Menu index bottom divider repeat
  • Bottom divider background style.
  • Currency
  • Menu index currency position
  • Select currency position – select if we should display on the left or right side of a price.
Menu index page options

Menu index page options

FILTERING – define product categories order in menu card:

  • Categories order by – select attribute by which products categories will be filtered,
  • Categories order – select order type: descending, ascending,
  • Categories custom order – if you want to setup custom order of categories, define it here – just type categories names (slugs), after commas by order you want to have,
  • Food items order by – select attribute by which products will be filtered,
  • Food items order – select order type: descending, ascending,
Menu filtering options

Menu filtering options

Social Unlocker

Thank you for purchasing this {Plugin}. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

{Plugin} allows you to create uniquely designed social networks buttons to your website. It comes with predefined skins, but you can setup your custom styles as well.
Please read this documentation to discover all available options.

Plugin installation

{Plugin} requires the following scripts to be attached in HTML page:


Plugin settings can be included with the following script:
To induce the script you need to use secretContainer CSS class in HTML markup, for example:

Available parameters

Define custom options with the following script:

Below you will find all available parameters.

Variable Default Type Description
timer 0 integer Set time to auto unlock content. “0” don’t add this options.
closeButton false boolean Enable/Disable button to close mask.
buttons [] array, string An array of buttons to create. The order indicates the order of created buttons. Available value: “facebook_like”, “facebook_share”, “twitter_tweet”, “twitter_follow”, “google_plus1”, “google_share”
theme ” “ string Plugin style. Available value: ” ” – (empty string), “blueSky”, “material”, “hipster”, “lollipop”, “slick”, “image”
customClass “” string Add custom class name to main container.
fullPage false boolean Enable/Disable full page type popup.
beforeInit false function Function invoke before plugin init.
beforeCreateMask false function Function invoke before create mask.
afterCreateMask false function Function invoke after create mask.
afterRemoveMask false function Function invoke after remove mask.
afterAddContent false function Function invoke after add content.
afterFBLikeClick false function Function invoke after click facebook like button.
afterFBShareClick false function Function invoke after click facebook share button.
afterTwitterTweetClick false function Function invoke after click twitter tweet button.
afterTwitterFollowClick false function Function invoke after click twitter follow button.
afterGooglePlusOneClick false function Function invoke after click google +1 button.
afterGooglePlusShareClick false function Function invoke after click google share button.


Variable Default Type Description
maskHeader “Simple test heading” string Mask header text.
maskText “Simple paragraph text” string Mask paragraph text.
timerWaitText “or wait” string Text before timer if timer exist.
timerSecText “sec” string “Second” text after timer if timer exist.
closeCharacter “×” string “Close button” value.


Variable Default Type Description
appId “0” string Facebook application ID important for facebook share button, but optional for like button. You can create your own app
lang “en_US” string Language of the button labels. More info here


Variable Default Type Description
url “” string Link to like.
colorscheme “light” string Button scheme color. Available value: “light”, “dark”.
width “auto” string Width button container.
action “like” string Verb to display. Available value: “like”, “recommend”.
ref “” string Label for tracking referrals.
layout “button_count” string Button layout. Available value: “standard”, “box_count”, “button_count”, “button”.


Variable Default Type Description
url “” string Link to share.
width “auto” string Width button container.
layout “button_count” string Button layout. Available value: “box_count”, “button_count”, “button”, “icon_link”, “icon”, “link”.
name “” string Name of the product or content you want to share.
picture “” string Path to an image you would like to share with this content.
caption “” string Caption.
description “” string Description of your product or content.


Variable Default Type Description
lang “en” string Language of the button labels. More info here.


Variable Default Type Description
url “” string Tweet url.
message “” string Default message in tweet.
hashtags “” string Hash tags separated by comma. Example: “hash1, hash2, hash3”.
related “” string Related accounts.
count “horizontal” string Count position. Available value: “none”, “horizontal”, “vertical”.
size “default” string Button size. Available value: “default”, “large”.


Variable Default Type Description
username “” string Twitter username.
showScreenName “false” string Enable/disable username inside button.
size “default” string Button size. Available value: “default”, “large”.


Variable Default Type Description
lang “en-US” string Language of the button labels. More info here


Variable Default Type Description
url “” string Link to like
size “medium” string Button size. Available value: “small”, “medium”, “standard”, “tall”.
annotation “bubble” string Annotation to display. Available value: “none”, “bubble”, “inline”.
width “auto” string Button container width. Not available with “bubble” annotation
align “left” string Button horizontal align. Available value: “left”, “right”.
expandTo “” string Hover and confirmation bubbles display position; separated by comma list of: top, right, bottom, left.


Variable Default Type Description
url “” string Link to share
annotation “bubble” string Annotation to display. Available value: “none”, “bubble”, “inline”, “vertical-bubble”.
width “auto” string Button container width.
height “20” string Button height.
align “left” string Button horizontal align. Available value: “left”, “right”.
expandTo “” string Hover and confirmation bubbles display position; separated by comma list of: top, right, bottom, left.

How to get the Facebook APP ID

Please follow the steps below you get your Facebook App ID:

  1. Go to: https://developers.facebook.com/
  2. Click My Apps tab
  3. Click Create a New App button
  4. Fill in the form and click Create App ID button
  5. Go to Settings tab, add your page domain and contact email
  6. Click + Add Platform and select Website
  7. Then add your Site URL and click Save Changes
  8. Go to Status & Review tab
  9. Change button on the right to YES
  10. Back to Dashboard tab and copy your App ID

Examples of usage





HTML markup:



HTML markup:


Available skins


















Creating Restaurant Menu

With Test you can define menu for the restaurants or cafeteria.

Products menu

Products menu

You can create each product for your menu through Restaurant Menu section

creating product

For each product you can define:

  • Menu product name (required),
  • Menu product description (optional),
  • Price (recommended),
  • Tags (optional)
  • Categories (recommended),
  • Order attribute (optional),
  • Featured image (recommended),

All Menu products will be displayed on page with Restaurant Menu template, which can be defined in pages options.

You can setup the way of displaying menu via Appearance > Customize section.

What is sidebar block?

As you can see most of Test content is arranged in two main content columns and navigation menu on the left side.


Main Theme structure

Main Theme structure

Navigation Menu can be setup via Appearance > Menus by Primary Navigation option. Main page content (right part of the content) is created in standard way with Visual Composer or shortcode through Pages section.

To create a central part of the content you need to use Sidebar Blocks. These are the custom post types – which can be built with shortcodes or Visual Composer widgets such as other posts or pages.

To create a new Sidebar Block – please navigate to Sidebar Blocks section and click on Add New:

Add a new sidebar block

Add a new sidebar block

You can also edit block imported with our demo content. To do this – just click on Sidebar Block to display list of all blocks. You can go to edition page with Edit button.

For Example to edit content of the main theme slider – go to edition page of Big Slider block.

Main Slider

Main Slider

You can edit each slide content with Visual Composer elements:

Edit slider elements

Edit slider elements


Assign sidebar block to page

Sidebar blocks can be assigned individually for each page with Page side content options:

Page side content options

Page side content options

But for Pages in general, Blog and Restaurant Menu you can define Sidebar blocks via Appearance > Customize menu.

Setup global options for sidebar block

Setup global options for sidebar block

Courses box


How it looks?

1 Step







There are two available variations of testimonial box. With picture on the left or right side, each type has a corresponding CSS class, which needs to be added in compoenent markup:
— ct-testimonials–left
— ct-testimonials–right



Tickets & Showtimes



Isotope gallery with popup




Main carousel slider

There are several available options for the slider navigation placement. Each variation can be enabled with one of the following CSS classes added to HTML markup of the slider:

— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsMiddle,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTop,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTopRight,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsTopLeft,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsBottom,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsBottomLeft,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsBottomRight,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsCenterTop,
— ct-mainCarousel.ct-mainCarousel–arrowsCenterBottom




Product single


Products list



Person Box


Video Box




Image Box

There are two types of image boxes. Define which one you would like to use with the proper CSS class added to HTML markup:




The header can be:

  • static,
  • parallax,
  • kenburns
  • video


The header title can be placed:

  • – ct-pageHeader–bottomRight
  • – ct-pageHeader–bottomLeft
  • – ct-pageHeader–topRight
  • – ct-pageHeader–topLeft



4s8Q57K.png (1898×276)
You can use also extra header title animation “like typing”. You just need to adjust HTML markup for this  – please see the example below. You can set also data-animation-speed. It’s usefull with short or long header’s title.


Artistic Boxes



Media Sections

You can arrange your content with the following Media sections types:

HTML MARKUP for parallax

HTML MARKUP for kenburns

HTML MARKUP for video





Google Maps




Common question: How to define my location on the map?

To display your location on the Google map just edit data-attribute data-location in HTML markup with your address.

Single blog post




Blog list

1) Widget – search

2) Widget – topPosts

3) Widget – recent Posts

4) Widget – tag list


5) Widget – latestComments


6) Blog item


Leadership box

There are two available variation of the box:



Shadow box




Social Bar



Photo Gallery

There are three variation of the gallery:
ct-photoGallery–alignLeft – this is the standard one

HTML MARKUP for 2 elements (markup it’s repeatable, if you need more item just duplicate the code below)


Rounded Gallery

Rounded Gallery with magnific-popup

HTML markup:

JavaScript files:



Decoration Carousel




Icon Boxes

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4




You can add tooltips only to social icons. Define tooltip placement with one of the following CSS classes added in HTML markup:
top – data-placement=”top”
bottom – data-placement=”bottom”
left – data-placement=”left”
right – data-placement=”right”




There are four available variations of pagination:





Progress bars






There are two types of counters:




Pricing Tables

There are two types of Pricing Tables:




CSS Files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Owl Slider
3. Animate.css
4. Typography
5. Paginations
6. Menu
7. Forms
8. Tables
9. Utilities
10. Divided Buttons
11. Courses Box
12. Google map
13. Photo Gallery
14. Blog list
15. Testimonials
16. Gallery isotope
17. Image box
18. Person box
19. Counters
20. Progress bars
21. icon box
22. Pricing box
23. Shop
24. Modal popup
25. Dividers
26. Social bar
27. Section title
28. Video
29. Leadership box
30. Artistic box
31. Typing animation
32. Date picker
33. Accordions/Tabs

For more advanced user – we included also folder with less files  – under assets/less you will find the following files:

plugins.less – file for plugins styling
motive.less – file for motive styling
buttons.less – file for buttons styling (colors, sizes etc.)
pageheader.less – file for page header styling

Javascript scripts and structure

JavaScript files:

  • /plugins/ct-charts/ – Files needed for initialising the charts animation on pages
  • /plugins/ct-counters/ – Files needed for initialising the animation number after pages loaded.
  • /plugins/ct-datepicker/ – The script allows you to generate your calendar. In addition, the event can be created.
  • /plugins/ct-mainMenu/ – Animated/fixed navbars. Plugin needed for detecting scrollbar and attaching animations for menu.
  • /plugins/ct-mediaSection/ – Media sections where we can add parralax, kenburns or video to the section. Dynamical content of medias.
  • /plugins/ct-onepager/ – Plugin for onepager only. It helps with navigation. Manages sections.
  • /plugins/ct-portfolio/ – Plugin which manages the isotope-based gallery.
  • /plugins/ct-progressbars/ – It’s file which helps us for setting elements on progressbars (times, speed, delay, text)
  • /plugins/ct-progressicons/ – It’s file which helps us for setting elements on progressicons
  • /plugins/ct-select2/ – Plugin which creates select box for select tag in the page. It generates html code via javascript so that each browser can have the same select box.
  • /plugins/gmaps/ – Plugin needed for displaying google map on the page.
  • /plugins/grayScale-jQuery/ – This plugin allows you to obtain color “black & white” on any elements even under internet explorer. IE8 Support.
  • /plugins/magnificPopup/ – Needed for galleries and their popups images where we can review them with slides via arrows.
  • /plugins/owl/ – Files which initialize sliders in the page.
  • /main.js/ – The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.
  • /externals.js/ – One big file where are minifixed javascript files: 1.jquery 2.boostrap 3.placeholder 4. easing 5. device.min.js 6. jquery browser 7.Snap min JS 8. jquery appear



Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Nonus Tumblr

Mobile View

1. Our theme has default mobile layout. We have own mobile design, so you have to disable standard mobile layout. To do this, please click Advanced Options in the bottom of the side.

2. Click or disable use optimized mobile layout. To do this you have to disable option Use default mobile theme

Mobile view settings

Mobile view settings

3. Finally, please click Save button. Now you have your own mobile layout.

Theme Options

1. After installing the theme you are able to add a text description to the options. Now the text fields are empty. To change it, please scroll down on the tumblr theme page and fill the following fields:

-Background Description

-Number of Columns

-Theme Description


-Blog username

-Blog username Website

Theme options

Theme options

2. The text in the fields will be displaying on the different parts of the theme. Above is the example how should looks like the fields.

*For example Background Description – is the text that you want to see on the Slider.

*Number of Columns is the variable reponsible for the columns in Masonry Blog.

*Disqus – this is a comments system. If you registered before into this system, you should have your own disqus short name. This information you can put it here if you want to work it.



*Theme Description – this description will be in the footer on the bottom part of the page.

*Blog Username and *Blog Username Website are the additional fields.

3. In the top of the administrative panel in tumblr you have an option like Avatar. Click on the option and choose the author image that you want to see on the page. It should be small picture with the image of author’s blog.

4. The most important thing is to set the how many posts should be displayed on the page. For do this, please go the the Advanced Options on the bottom of the page and set the Posts per page for 6. For now you have 6 posts on every page. You can change it. How many posts should be displayed is depending from You.

Number of posts per page

Number of posts per page

5. The options Open links in new window should be disabled.

6. In Theme options in the edit theme panel you have options like Logo. If you do not want to have logo like in our theme please choose the another logo.

7. Nonus Tumblr Theme has a following lists of components / options that you can use. The lists of available options is on the picture:

Available options

Available options

8. We have options to change the type of the blog: Masonry and Default. Also we have options to blog header, to show the slider on the main page and to show the background on the main page. You can modify all of the options if you want. If you want to change something please do it and then clik Update nad Save button.

9. If you did everything you can do the last thing. You have to enable options in your tumblr theme to allow the customers to send you a messages. Like you see on the top of the page is the options:

'Ask me' section

‘Ask me’ section

To activate this options, please go to the your main Tumblr Dashboard, Edit appearance and choose Let people ask questions and then Allow anonymous questions.

Allow questions

Allow questions

Icons and animate CSS

1. Icons

We’ve included 360+ font icons. Awesome Icons http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:


2. Animations.css

we use this library to make an effect on the posts. Animate css has a lof of the effect made using css. Please check the plugin documentation for more information.

Javascript scripts

1. Javascript library and files

In main.js we implement all functions calls. This theme uses the following Javascript files:

  • Bootstrap v3 framwork – powerfull front-end framework for faster and easier web development

  • jQuery – a fast javascript library

  • jQuery Appear – this plugin call funtion when elements is in viewport

  • jQuery easing

  • jQuery browser

  • Modernizr

  • Device.js

  • Isotope and Masonry plugin

  • OWL slider carousel

2. Sources & Credits – the following sourced and files have been used to build up this theme:

Theme Setup

Major Test content structure can be divided in three sections:

  • Navigation Menu
  • Sidebar Block
  • Page Content


Content structure

Content structure

Navigation Menu

Menu bar contains two main components:

  • menu
  • widgets

Menu can be setup via Appearance > Menus section – just select pages you would like to display in navigation – for more information check Menu setup section.

Menu appearance can be edited via Appearance > Customizer – Main Navbar (for more information please check the customizer documentation.)

Decorative diamonds above and below the menu links are Top and Bottom dividers. On demo page we used assets/images.hr1.png patterns with dividers background style parameters setup to repeat.

You can display widgets below the menu. To enable sidebar with widgets – please set the bottom sidebar to show.

Main navigation sidebar

Main navigation sidebar

Content of the sidebar can be setup via Widgets section

Main navigation Widgets

Main navigation Widgets

On demo page in Main Navigation Sidebar you’ll find the following widgets:

  • CT – contact info
  • CT – divider (with setup Built-in style to type 2)
  • CT – contact info
  • CT – socials

Sidebar Block

Sidebar Blocks can be created separately for each page. Please check Sidebar Blocks documentation.

In sidebar block you can add any content you want, using Visual Composer or shortcodes. In our demo page we’re mostly using sidebar blocks:

  • Divider
  • Header
  • Text
Sidebar block content

Sidebar block content

Sidebar block background and animation can be edited via Appearance > Customize.

Please read more about pages sidebar options here.

Page content

There are several types of pages included in Test. Content such as:

is generated from custom post types created in sections: Restaurant Menu, Portfolio items, Posts

Pages with standard content for example:

  • About
  • Booking
  • Catering
  • Contact

are created with Visual Composer elements.

About Us

About us page

About us page


About us - shortcodes content

About us – shortcodes content


Booking page

Booking page

Booking - shortcodes

Booking – shortcodes

Contact form 7

Contact form can be created via Contact section and added in page content with Contact Form 7 widget.
Please check the plugin documentation for advanced form configuration.

Contact form 7

Contact form 7





Catering - shortcodes

Catering – shortcodes


Contac page - shortcodes

Contac page – shortcodes

Contact page

Contact page

Please notice to set page template to Contact us Template – only this template comes with embed big google map. Map location can be defined via Appearance > Customizer – General.

Contact us Template isn’t compatible with Sidebar Blocks.

Map Location

Map Location

Exico – Theme Options

1. After installing the theme you will be able to define and change number of settings. At the beginning you can setup general theme options, like:

  • Header image – you can setup here custom image displayed in header background.
  • Logo image – setup your logo image here.
  • Logo – show or hide the logo from the header
  • Copyright – Copyright text for prefooter section, can be displayed on hidden.


General settings

2. Appearance Options

  • Title – define your website Title, by default it’s setup to Blog
  • Description – define custom website description.
  • Avatar – add an image with your avatar.
  • Show avatar – hide/show your avatar,
  • Show title – show/hide blog title in page header


3. Theme Options – you can define also more detailed settings, like the following:



theme options 2

theme options 3

Change blog displaying options to Masonry type:

general_3 general_4

4. Socials

You can define your social media services address by adding proper URLs. If you would like to display Flickr images – just define here link to your gallery of images.

5. Footer

  • 1. – enable/disable footer,
  • 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. –  enable/disable columns titles,
  • 6. – enable/disable Flicker images,
  • 7. , 8. , 9. , 10. – enable/disable social media icons.


Footer settings

Footer settings


  • 1. , 3. , 4. , 5. – define custom header names,
  • 2. – add your custom text content,
  • 6. – define url to your Flickr gallery,
  • 7. , 8. , 9. , 10. – define urls to social media services,
Footer settings -part 2

Footer settings -part 2

6. Prefooter

  • 1. – enable/disable Copyright text.
  • 2. – enable/disable prefooter.
  • 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. – enable/disable menu options


  • 1. Edit Copyright text.
  • 2. ,4. ,6. ,8. ,10. ,12. – edit menu options names
  • 1. , 3. , 5. , 7. , 9. , 11., 13. – add url to each menu options


Define your address:



Exico Tumblr

Custom Pages

If you want to make a custom pages, please follow this tutorial:

1. Please stay to your custom theme menu, and scroll down until very bottom of the menu. You should see the Add a page menu.


2. Enter the details you need for your new page. In our theme we have a following list of custom pages:

– contact-us

– about-us

– services

3. If you want to have a following list of custom pages like above, just follow instructions. Here is an example how to add a page-blank to the our theme:


4. The content of the custom page is from page blank file. You will find this file in {Theme Path}folder or in {Theme Path} folder. It’s depend of the user. If ther user want to have light version so please choose light, if not please choose different.

5. After that, click Update Preview and Click Save buton


6. Finally, the Custom Page will be displayed when you go to the menu and select Pages -> Page Blank. To add next custom pages you have to do the same like with Page Blank.

Javascript and CSS

USED CSS stylesheets:

  • style.css – main Exico theme stylesheet,
  • bootstrap.min.css – bootstrap styles.

If you would like to use FontAwesome for icons – you need to attach it separately with the following code:

Main style – make sure it’s included in head section when you clicking on Edit HTML


Used Javascripts:

  • main.js – main javascript file,
  • bootstrap.min.js – responsible for website responsiveness,
  • device.min.js – required for mobile menu,
  • jquery.browser.min.js – support for old IE browsers,
  • snap.min.js – required for mobile menu
  • jquery.appear.js – required for animations,
  • init_mediasection.js – responsible for parallax effect,
  • jquery.stellar.min.js – responsible for parallax effect,
  • jquery.magnific-popup.min.js – used for magnific lightbox,
  • init_magnific.js –  used for magnific lightbox,
  • jquery.isotope.min.js – required for masonry effect,
  • imagesloaded.js – required for masonry effect,
  • infinitescroll.min.js – required for masonry effect,
  • init.js – required for masonry effect,

Required script – make sure that this code is always included after last attached script:



Contact form

The contact form was made using on-line contact form builder. The documentation is here:

Disqus for tumblr – comments for each posts are displayed with:


Google Calendar

In Test you can embed your Google Calendar events in Todays Activities section.

Google Calendar activities

Google Calendar activities

You can add here your own acclivities by simply updating Calendar URL in Google Calendar shortcode.

Before you start…

You must first have a Google Calendar API Key:

  1. Go to the Google Developer Console and create a new project (it might take a second).
  2. Once in the project, go to APIs & auth > APIs on the sidebar.
  3. Find “Calendar API” in the list and turn it ON.
  4. On the sidebar, click APIs & auth > Credentials.
  5. In the “Public API access” section, click “Create new Key”.
  6. Choose “Browser key”.
  7. If you know what domains will host your calendar, enter them into the box. Otherwise, leave it blank. You can always change it later.
  8. Your new API key will appear. It might take second or two before it starts working.

Make your Google Calendar public:

  1. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the “My calendars” area on the left.
  2. Hover over the calendar you need and click the downward arrow.
  3. A menu will appear. Click “Share this Calendar”.
  4. Check “Make this calendar public”.
  5. Make sure “Share only my free/busy information” is unchecked.
  6. Click “Save”.

Obtain your Google Calendar’s ID:

  1. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the “My calendars” area on the left.
  2. Hover over the calendar you need and click the downward arrow.
  3. A menu will appear. Click “Calendar settings”.
  4. In the “Calendar Address” section of the screen, you will see your Calendar ID. It will look something like “abcd1234@group.calendar.google.com”.


Full documentation for Google Calendar can be found here: http://fullcalendar.io/docs/google_calendar/

PayPal HTML Shop

Thank you for purchasing this plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


Scope of free support


We can help you with:

  1. Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  2. Fixing any discovered item’s bugs
  3. Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions

PayPal HTML Shop plugin allows you to add shop functionality with PayPal payments to your HTML website. You can customize it with number of various parameters. Change the skin, Paypal settings and much more.
Please read this documentation to discover all available options.

Available parameters

Once scripts are attached – plugin is installed, so you can attach your HTML code with your own classes or use defaults.
The default product markup looks like the following:

You will need to add a <div/> which will be used by the plugin as a cart. The default is:


Remember to change default PayPal settings to the one matching your own. Below you will find a list of all available settings. You can defined them with the following markup:



 cart “ct-cart” string Cart Class Name
 product “ct-product” string Product Class Name
 product_title “ct-product-title” string Product Title Class Name
 product_price “ct-product-price” string Product Price Class Name
 product_button “ct-btn” string Add to Cart Button Class Name
 currency “$” string Currency
 currency_after_number “false” boolean Enable/Disable showing currency after price value
 permanent_cart_buttons “false” boolean Enable/Disable Permanent Checkout/Clear buttons in Cart
 permanent_total_value “false” boolean Enable/Disable Permanent Total Value in Cart
 animation ” “ string Add Cart Item Animation
 empty_disable false boolean Enable/Disable “Cart is empty” text
 empty_text “The Cart is Empty” string Change text visible when cart is empty
 product_image “ct-product-image” string Product Image Class Name
 product_wishlist “ct-wishlist” string Wishlist Class Name
 promo_codes “true” boolean Enable/Disable Promo Code Field
 shipping_options “true” boolean Enable/Disable Shipping Rates Dropdown Menu (paypal shipping need to be disabled to use this option)
 small_cart “ct-small-cart” string Adding custom class for small cart
 display_small_cart “false” boolean Enable/Disable small cart on the site
 display_name (small_cart_option) “Cart:” string Visible as the name of small cart on the site
 items_name (small_cart_option) “item(s)” string Visible as the name identifies items
 wishlist (small_cart_option) “false” boolean Enable/Disable wishlist in cart
scroll (small_cart_option) “false” boolean Enable/Disable scroll in small cart (requires jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.css and jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.js)
scroll_style (small_cart_option) “dark” string Set scroll style depending on the selected name from HERE
scroll_height (small_cart_option) “400” string Set height of the cart (avaliable when scroll is set to “true”)
(new) promo_amount “0” string The discount will be added only if the value of the cart will be greater than the one set for this variable
(new) promo_tooltips “true” boolean Enable/Disable tooltip for the promo code
(new) promo_tooltips_time “2000” numbers Time in which the tooltip will be display
(new) promo_tooltips_animation “false” boolean Enable/Disable animation for the tooltip
(new) promo_tooltips_text “Your savings” string Text that will be visible for the tooltip
(new) promo_tooltips_date “12-30-2018” mm/dd/yy Set expiration date for the discount code
(new) promo_tooltips_position “top” string Avaliable tooltip position:
–  “top” – Tooltip on top
–  “bottom” – Tooltip on botto
–  “left” – Tooltip on left
–  “right” – Tooltip on right
–  “auto” – The browser will decide the position of the tooltip


 business  ” “  string Your PayPal ID or an email address associated with your PayPal account. Email addresses must be confirmed.
 currency_code  “USD”  string The currency of the payment.
 lc  “EN” string The locale of the login or sign-up page, which may have the specific country”s language available, depending on localization.
 cpp_cart_border_color  ” “ 6 single-byte hexadecimal characters The HTML hex code for your principal identifying color. PayPal blends your color to white in a gradient fill that borders the cart review area of the PayPal checkout user interface.
cpp_payflow_color  ” “ 6 single-byte hexadecimal characters The background color for the checkout page below the header.
 no_note  “0” 0/1 Do not prompt buyers to include a note with their payments. (1 – hide the text box and the prompt)
 no_shipping  “0” 0/1/2 Do not prompt buyers for a shipping address. Allowable values are: (0 – prompt for an address, but do not require one; 1 – do not prompt for an address; 2 – prompt for an address, and require one)
 return  ” “ url The URL to which PayPal redirects buyers” browser after they complete their payments.
 cancel_return  ” “ url A URL to which PayPal redirects the buyers” browsers if they cancel checkout before completing their payments.


init function fires after first initialization
before_add_to_cart function fires before append to cart happen
after_add_to_cart function fires after append to cart happen
remove_item_from_cart function fires after click a remove button in cart
before_checkout function fires before redirecting to paypal
after_clear_cart function fires after clearing the cart
after_value_changes function fires when total value changes
before_add_to_wishlist function fires before append to wishlist happen
after_add_to_wishlist function fires after append to wishlist happen
remove_item_from_wishlist function fires after remove button in wishlist


Please DO NOT test the plugin code directly from the package as the scripts may not load correctly.
The suggested way to test the plugin is via using LocalHost or (if possible) directly on a server.


{Plugin} requires the following scripts to be attached in HTML page:


You can also just use it for a body:



Once scripts are attached you can attach your HTML code and your own classes or use defaults. The default class names for product item are as follows:

You will need to add a <div/> which the plugin will use as a cart. The default is:


For the wishlist the default is:


We prepared for you 6 predefined skins of the shop. To enable any of them just attach proper CSS stylesheet in your HTML.



Below you will find example: skin preview along with the stylesheet, which needs to be attached to use the skin.



Skin: Diana

Skin: Diana



Skin: Estato

Skin: Estato



Skin: FarmFresh

Skin: FarmFresh



Skin: Macaroon

Skin: Macaroon



Skin: Rentica

Skin: Rentica



Skin: Corpress

Skin: Corpress

Examples of usage

Please check the live examples of shop pages: here

In purchased package you will find separate folders:

  • corpress
  • diana
  • estato
  • farmfresh
  • macaroon
  • rentica

With demo examples ready to use, including HTML code and CSS stylesheets. Feel free to just copy HTML markup to your website.

Google Map Plugin

Maps in Test are created with our premium Map plugin. Here: link you will fin full plugins documentation.

Advanced WooCommerce Filters

Finding a product was never that easy!

Advanced Filters by createIT enhances your shop by adding advanced filters to your list. Tired of having a super long sidebar? This plugin will fix that for you!

Perfect if your products have a lot of attributes.

Filters settings

All plugin settings are located in Woocommerce->Settings->Filters



Main Settings:

  • Choose the filter you want to edit (1) and then click ‘Edit filter’ (2). First filter is set by default.
  • Add a new filter (4) or remove one (3).
  • Set the name for the filter (5) – this name will appear in (1)
  • Choose filter location (6) – by default it’s Main Shop, All category archives and All tag archives – so every Woocommerce archive page. You can remove f.ex. ‘All category archives’ and add choose just one category from the list, so this filter will appear only on the chosen category archive page.
    You can also use the ‘CT – Filters’ widget or a shortcode – these will appear on pages or sidebars where you place them.
  • Filter position (7) – choose from ‘Above product listing’, ‘Below product listing’ – if you’re using only widget or shortcode
  • Number of columns (8) – set the number of columns for the filter, choose from 1 to 6. One will be best for sidebars.
  • Auto submit (9) – if selected, page will reload after every change (not by clicking ‘filter’ button)
  • Full screen mode (10)– filter will be hidden and after clicking a button it will appear on the whole page.


Price slider settings:

  • Show price filter (11) – show or hide the price filter.
  • Slider step (12) – interval by which the price will change when the slider is used. Set to zero to make it smooth.
  • Slider skin (13) – choose from several skin styles. This will occur also other sliders in the filter.
  • Show grid (14) – display a grid with values underneath the price slider (other sliders will always have the grid)
  • Grid snap (15) – slider handles will snap to grid points which can be regulated by option ‘slider step’


Display settings:

  • Show filter by default (16) will hide the filter which can be viewed by clicking a button.
  • on sale (17) – ‘show only products on sale’ checkbox close to the ‘Filter button’
  • in stock (18) – ‘show only products in stock’ checkbox close to the ‘Filter button’
  • Layered lists (19) – use layered lists like this:woo4
  • Auto select (20) – only for the layered list. Will select parent if all children are selected etc.
  • Show quantities (21) – will show available products in given category/in given color etc.
  • Global quantities (22) – on category page it will show quantities from the whole store, not just from the category.
  • Show tooltips (23) – will show tooltips with name and quantity when the image is hovered. Only for image checkboxes and radios.woo5
  • Show ‘none’ input (24) – will show ‘None’ radio button on radio button lists.

Products per page settings:


  • Default number (25) – default number that will appear in this select
  • min (26) and max (27) number
  • interval (28) – set the step

On the picture default is set to 20, min is set to 4, max is set to 40 and interval is set to 4.


Dynamic adjust:

  • Enable dynamic adjust (29) – this will calculate product quantities that are available after filtering
  • Non available filters behaviour (30) – choose from greyout or hide. Greyout on the picture. woo8

On the picture we’re searching for products with tag ‘discount’. There are five products with this tag. 3 out of 15 products with tag ‘cotton’ also have tag ‘discount’. 2 out of 7 products from category ‘dresses’ also have tag ‘discount’. None of products from category ‘knitwear’ have tag ‘discount’.

  • Dynamic price adjust (31) will apply dynamic adjust to the price filter

Custom css: (32) add custom css for small design changes.




Make sure that ‘Edit options for filter:’ is set to the right filter.

The number of columns set in general options (8) will generate here a section for every column: Elements for column X.

If the last element for the column will be set to something, a new empty element will appear. You can set up to 6 elements for one column.

Element X: choose what the filter will represent. Choose from: product type, product categories, product tags, shipping classes and any attribute that you have set for your products in Products → Attributes.

Input type: choose the input type for this filter: select box (A), typical radio (B), text radio (C), image radio (D), typical checkbox (E), text checkbox (F), image checkbox (G), range slider (H)


Selects and radios are single select fields. Checkboxes and ranges are multi select fields.

Images for image fields can be set in Products->Categories/Tags/Shipping Classes/Attributes(configure terms). They can not be used for product types.

Range sliders are suitable for terms with short names f.ex:

Attribute: Size

Terms: S, M, L, XL

After editing the presets, hit the ‘Save Changes’ button


The filter is rendered on ‘woocommerce_archive_description’ hook or ‘woocommerce_after_shop_loop’ which depends on the settings.

All plugins options may be adjusted with ‘ct_sorting_settings’ filter.

Adding images to product tags and shipping classes uses following wordpress hooks: ‘product_tag_add_form_fields’, ‘product_tag_edit_form_fields’, ‘product_shipping_class_add_form_fields’, ‘product_shipping_class_edit_form_fields’. Analogic hooks may be used for other taxonomies.

Thumbnail file size may be adjusted by following filters:

‘ct_sorting_radio_thumbnail_size’ – for radio images,

‘ct_sorting_checkbox_thumbnail_size’ – for checkbox images.

These filters can be used to change from ‘ct_sorting_size’ (50×50) to other predefined size.

To change the ‘ct_sorting_size’ dimentions, use the ‘ct_sorting_thumbnail_size’ filter.

For example the following code should change the ‘ct_sorting_size’ size to 100×100 px:

CSS files and structures

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Fonts/Imports
2. Body
3. Preloader
4. Icon Box
5. Dividers
6. CTA
7. Accordion
8. Product Box
9. Slick Corusel
10. Gallery
11. Modal
12. Footer
13. Hovers
14. Lists
15. Person Box
16. Blog
17. Twitter
18. Custom Checkbox
19. Contact
21. Counter
22. Progress Bars
23. Media Query


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Text Decorations
  • Font Style
  • Colors
  • Border
  • Position
  • Background Colors
  • Images
  • Text Size

UAcademy HTML


There are four variations of top bar:

Default (no extra class needed)


Topbar - Default

Topbar – Default color version


— ct-topBar


HTML markup

Dark (ct-topBar–dark)


Topbar - Dark

Topbar – Dark color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–dark


HTML markup

Motive (ct-topBar–motive)


Topbar - Dark color version

Topbar – Motive color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–motive

HTML markup

Transparent (ct-topBar–transparent)


Topbar - Transparent color version

Topbar – Transparent color version


— ct-topBar

— ct-topBar–transparent

HTML markup



There are four sizes of buttons:

  1. btn
  2. btn-xs
  3. btn-sm
  4. btn-lg

Each can have one of the following variations:

  1. .btn-default
  2. .btn-primary
  3. .btn-primaryDark
  4. .btn-success
  5. .btn-info
  6. .btn-warning
  7. .btn-danger
  8. .btn-dark
  9. .btn-link
  10. .btn-loadMore
  11. .btn-transparent
  12. .btn-bordered–dark
  13. .btn-bordered–Light

HTML markup:





One type with different sections

— ct-prefooter
— ct-footer

HTML markup

Icon Box

Test comes with several types of Icon Boxes:

Screenshots for button variations

iconBox - Transparent version

iconBox – Transparent version

iconBox - Solid border version

iconBox – Solid border version

iconBox - Solid big version

iconBox – Solid big version

iconBox - Small transparent inline round version

iconBox – Small transparent inline round version

iconBox - Small transparent dark inline version

iconBox – Small transparent dark inline version

iconBox - Image version

iconBox – Image version

— ct-iconBox (core class)
— ct-iconBox–small (define size of iconbox)
— ct-iconBox–Big (define size of iconbox)
— ct-iconBox–solidBorder (on hover border changed to dark green)
— ct-iconBox–solid (on hover background to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidBlue (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidYellow (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidRed (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–solidDark (different background, hover to black)
— ct-iconBox–withImageGreyScale (grayscale on hover)
— ct-iconBox–transparent (transparent background)
— ct-iconBox–inline (icon to the left, title to right)

Example of markup

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Animations
2. Utilities
3. Font awesome
4. Fontello
5. Menu
6. Slick slider
7. Media Sections
8. Selectize
9. Bootstrap datepicker
10. Headroom
11. Magnificpopup
12. Typography
13. Section header
14. Portfolio
15. Icon box
16. Article box
17. Blockquote
18. Lists
19. Buttons
20. Line break
21. Slick navigation
22. Socials
23. Footer
24. Flag box
25. Main slider
26. Booking box
27. Forms
28. Date picker
29. Image box
30. Divided icon wall
31. Page header
32. Accordions
33. Pricing box
34. Testimonials
35. Product box
36. Gallery container
37. Blog
38. Pagination
39. Puzzle box
40. Google maps
41. Info box
42. Video poster
43. Pre loader
44. Progress bar
45. Tabs
46. Counters
47. Tables
48. Onepager
49. Person box
50. Icons

For more advanced user – we included also folder with less files  – under assets/less you will find the following files:

plugins.less – file for plugins styling
motive.less – file for motive styling
buttons.less – file for buttons styling (colors, sizes etc.)
pageheader.less – file for page header styling

Youth Hostel HTML

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • /charts/ – script for canvas charts animating
  • /counters/ – Files needed for initialising the animation number after loading pages.
  • /ct-mediaSection/ – Media sections where we can add parralax, kenburns or video to the section. Dynamical content of medias.
  • /datetime-picker/ -Scripts for choosing the date from small calendar and attaching it to the input form.
  • /gmaps/ – Plugin needed for displaying google map on the page.
  • /headroom/ – Animated/fixed navbars. Plugin needed for detecting scrollbar and attaching animations for menu.
  • /magnificpopup/ – Needed for galleries and their popups images where we can review them with slides via arrows.
  • /onepager/ – scripts for onepager.html only
  • /portfolio/ – scripts for gallery isotope
  • /progressbars/ – files needed for initialising the animation bars after loading pages
  • /progressicons/ – files needed for initialising the animation icons after loading pages
  • /selectize/ – Plugin which creates select box for select tag in the page. It generates html code via javascript so that each browser can have the same select box.
  • /slick/ – Files which initialize sliders in the page.
  • /external.js/ – One big file where are minifixed javascript files:_ 1.jquery 2.boostrap 3.placeholder 4. easing 5. device.min.js 6. jquery browser 7.Snap min JS 8. jquery appear_
  • /main.js/ – The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.


Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Contact Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form

HTML Markup

Options (can be changed in HTML) :
Mail Subject – just change value in :
Success Message – change successMessage div content
Error Message – change errorMessage div content


Test have three sizes of buttons:

  • btn
  • btn-xs
  • btn-sm

Each can have one of the following variations:


Standard button


Default button

Standard button

HTML markup


Button with beating arrow


Button with arrow

Button with beating arrow

HTML markup


Button with arrow and icon


Button with arrow and image

Button with arrow and icon

HTML markup

Progress Bars

Indicate progress with  three versions of Progress Bars!


— ct-progressBar–type1

Progress bar type1


— ct-progressBar–type2

Progress bar type2

Progress bar type2


— ct-progressBar–type3

Progress bar type3

Progress bar type3


You can edit bars values and colors with data-attributes used with the following HTML markup


Java Script

Slick Slider Navigation

Slick Slider in Test have two types navigation with three (dots) and four (arrows) variations



This type has the following positions:

— ct-slick-dots–rightTop
— ct-slick-dots–rightBottom
— ct-slick-dots–centerBottom
— ct-slick-dots–leftTop
— ct-slick-dots–rightTop
— ct-slick-dots–centerTop


HTML markup



Example of dots slider nav

Example of dots slider nav



HTML markup



Example of dots slider nav 2

Example of dots slider nav 2


This type has the following positions:

1. ct-slick-dots–rightTop
2. ct-slick-dots–rightBottom
3. ct-slick-dots–centerBottom
4. ct-slick-dots–leftTop
5. ct-slick-dots–rightTop
6. ct-slick-dots–centerTop


HTML markup



Example of dots nav 3



This type has the following positions

1. ct-slick-arrows–position1


HTML markup



Example of arrow slider nav

Example of arrow slider nav


This type has the following positions (vertical align middle, arrow on the left side (content), arrow on the right side (content))

1. ct-slickarrow–middleCorners (vertical align middle, arrow on the left side (body), arrow on the right side (body))

HTML markup


Example of arrow slider nav 2

Example of arrow slider nav 2


This type has the following positions:

This type has a extra another class “ct-slick-arrows–motive”, which one changing our arrow color on hover into motive color

1. ct-slick-arrows–position1 (vertical align middle, arrow on the left side, arrow on the right side)
2. ct-slick-arrows–position2 (vertical align bottom, and arrows on the middle)
3. ct-slick-arrows–position4 (vertical align bottom, and arrows on the right side)
4. ct-slick-arrows–position5 (vertical align bottom, and arrows on the left side)
5. ct-slick-arrows–position8 (vertical align top, and arrows on the middle)


HTML markup



Example of arrow slider nav 3

Example of arrow slider nav 3


This type has the following positions

1. ct-slick-arrows–position1
2. ct-slick-arrows–position2
3. ct-slick-arrows–position3
4. ct-slick-arrows–position4
5. ct-slick-arrows–position5
6. ct-slick-arrows–position7


HTML markup



Example of dots slider nav 4

Example of dots slider nav 4

Main Slider

HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/slick.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/init.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/selectize/selectize.min.js”></script>



Main slider

Main slider

Video poster

HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/magnificpopup/magnificpopup.min.js”></script><script src=”../assets/js/magnificpopup/init.js”></script>



Video poster

Video poster

Divided icon wall

HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/smoothScroll.js”></script><script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/jquery.stellar.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/media-section.js”></script>



Devided icon wall

Divided icon wall


HTML markup





Article box

Test have 3 types of Article boxes

Article box – type 1


HTML markup



Article box 1

Article box 1

Article box – type 2


HTML markup



Artickle box 2

Artickle box 2

Article box – type 3


HTML markup



Artickle box 3

Artickle box 3

Puzzle box

Test have two types of puzzle boxes

Puzzle box – type1


HTML markup



Puzzle box 1

Puzzle box 1

Puzzle box – type2


HTML markup



Puzzle box 2

Puzzle box 2

Icon Box

Test have four types of icon boxes.

Icon box version 1


HTML markup



Icon box 1

Icon box 1

Icon box version 2


HTML markup



Icon box 2

Icon box 2

Icon box version 3


HTML markup



Icon box 3

Icon box 3

Icon box version 4


HTML markup



Icon box 4

Icon box 4

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:

Main Menu structure

Just change brand name, upload your logo to images/content/ folder and you’re ready to go!

In order to create mega menus read the documentation here:

Yamm 3 Documentation


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Animate.css
3. Typography
4. Buttons
5. Menu
6. Forms
7. Hovers
8. Tables
9. Utilities
10. Media Sections – video/parallax/kenburns
11. Accordions
12. Progress Bar
13. Tabs
14. Mixins
15. Select2
16. Wrapper
17. Page Header
18. Footer
19. Socials Types
20. Counter
21. Blog
22. Blog Panel
23. Blog Comments
24. Pricing Boxes
25. Blockquote
26. Sliders
27. Google Maps
28. Widgets
29. Magnific Popup
30. After & before slider(twentytwenty)
31. Templates


Utility classes are low-level structural and positional traits. Utilities can be applied directly to any element, multiple utilities can be used tohether and utilities can be used alongsie component classes.

Utilities are intended for frequently used CSS properties and patterns, like: floats, containing floats, vertical alignemnt, text tryncation. Relying on utilities can help to reduce repetition and provide consistend implementations.

  • Test uses utilities for the following categories:
  • Typography
  • Display Types
  • Paddings
  • Margins
  • Line height
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Transform
  • Section elements


There are several options for menu and topbar scrolling effects:

  • ct-headroom–scrollUpMenu
  • ct-headroom–scrollUpTopBar
  • ct-headroom–scrollUpBoth
  • ct-headroom–fixedTopBar
  • ct-headroom–fixedMenu
  • ct-headroom–fixedBoth
  • ct-headroom–hideMenu

For example:

Top Bar

Top Bar

The following javascripts are required for the effects above:

You can also change menu color to black. You only need to add the following class to markup:

  • navbar–black
Black Menu Bar

Black Menu Bar

Here you will find example of HTML markup for black menu bar:

Learn More:

You fill find whole documentation of plugin in < script src="assets/plugins/headroom/init.js"></script>

Top bar

HTML markup (example for one item)



<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/slick.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/init.js”></script>



Top bar

Top bar

Media sections

You can arrange your content with the following Media sections types:


HTML markup – for parallax


HTML markup – for kenburns


HTML markup – for video



data-type – determines the type of media section
data-height – determines the height of media section
data-background – this attribute allows you to insert image for desktop devices
data-background-mobile – this attribute allows you to insert image for mobile devices



<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/smoothScroll.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/jquery.stellar.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/media-section.js”></script>

Product box

Product box – type 1


HTML markup



Product box 1

Product box 1

Product box – type 2


HTML markup



Product box 2

Product box 2

Google maps

Google maps without any marker


HTML markup


Class “ct-mapBox–disabled” – responsible for not displaying google marker in the form box.
Attribute data-marker=”false” – makes marker invisible (if you want make it visible use value “true”)



Google map without any marker

Google map without any marker

Google maps with mapBox


HTML markup


Attribute data-mapImage=”../assets/images/demo-content/map-image.png” – allows you to set any photo into mapBox



Google map with mapBox

Google map with mapBox

Google maps – data attributes explanation

— data-location – use it for display your location on the Google map (e.g. can be a string: “New York”, or cords: 40.7198584,-74.0021416)
— data-height – use it for height adjustment
— data-zoom – use it to set the zoom


JavaScript – for both version

<script src=”http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/init.js”></script>


The header in Test can be:
– static
– paralax
– kenburns
– video


The header title can be placed:
– ct-pageHeader-center (center)
– ct-pageHeader-right (right-side)
– ct-pageHeader-left (left-side)


HTML markup – example for static header with header title at center



– for static header:
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/media-section.js”></script>

– for parallax, kenburns, video headers:
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/smoothScroll.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/jquery.stellar.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/ct-mediaSection/js/media-section.js”></script>





Person Box

Test have 2 types of Person box

Person box – type1

HTML markup



Person box 1

Person box 1

Person box – type2

HTML markup



Person box 2

Person box 2


Counters Icons


HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/counters/jQuery.countTo.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/counters/init.js”></script>



Contact Icons

Counter Icons

Counters down


HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/counters/jQuery.countTo.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/counters/init.js”></script>



Counters Down

Counters Down


HTML markup – for one item


Available variations

For Test there is available two variations:

— ct-accordion

— ct-accordion–type2



— ct-accordion

Accordion variation 1

Accordion variation 1

— ct-accordion–type2

Accardin variation 2
Accardin variation 2


HTML markup – for one item (tabs type1)


Available variations

There is in Test available two variations:

— ct-tabs–type1


— ct-tabs–type2



— ct-tabs–type1

Tabs type 1

Tabs type 1

— ct-tabs–type2

Tabs type 2

Tabs type 2


HTML markup – example for one social



Attribute data-social-hover-color=”” responsible for social item color which one is already hovering. This allows you to set a different color to each social item.


data-social-hover-color=”#000000″ – corresponds to the black color



Code responsible for this component is in the file: <script src=”../assets/js/main.js”></script>



Social Section

Social Section

Social Section - hover

Social section – hover


HTML markup



<script src=”../assets/js/magnificpopup/magnificpopup.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/magnificpopup/init.js”></script>






HTML markup – example for one item



Attribute data-background=”” – it allows you to set background as a picture or color (if you want to set the background color use data-background=”#color”)


data-background=”../path/to/image/image-name” – for background image
data-background=”#000000″ – for background color (#000000 – hexadecimal equivalent of black color)

The main person image can be animated. If you want to do this, add to img class “animated” and in attribute data-fx=”” add the name of the animation – the list of available animation can be found here: https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/


<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/slick.js”></script>





Pricing box

HTML markup


HTML markup  (for pricing box with tooltip)


Available variations

There is available special pricing box with static tooltip on the top.
– new class required: ct-pricingBox–special
– new html markup required (example above)

We have here also a variation with a change of color for pricingBox.
– new class required: ct-pricingBox–switchColors



Pricing Box

Pricing Box

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

Delimondo 2.0 HTML



HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Animations
2. Utilities
3. Font awesome
4. Menu
5. Slick slider
6. Media Sections
7. Selectize
8. Magnificpopup
9. Typography
10. Section header
11. Portfolio
12. Icon box
13. Article box
14. Blockquote
15. Lists
16. Buttons
17. Slick navigation
18. Socials
19. Footer
20. Main slider
21. Booking box
22. Forms
23. Image box
24. Page header
25. Accordions
26. Pricing box
27. Testimonials
28. Gallery container
29. Blog
30. Pagination
31. Google maps
32. Info box
33. Pre loader
34. Progress bar
35. Tabs
36. Counters
37. Tables
38. Person box
39. Icons

For more advanced user – we included also folder with less files  – under assets/less you will find the following files:

motive.less – file for motive styling
buttons.less – file for buttons styling (colors, sizes etc.)

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • /charts/ – script for canvas charts animating
  • /counters/ – Files needed for initialising the animation number after loading pages.
  • /ct-mediaSection/ – Media sections where we can add parralax, kenburns or video to the section. Dynamical content of medias.
  • /gmaps/ – Plugin needed for displaying google map on the page.
  • /magnificpopup/ – Needed for galleries and their popups images where we can review them with slides via arrows.
  • /portfolio/ – scripts for gallery isotope
  • /progressbars/ – files needed for initialising the animation bars after loading pages
  • /progressicons/ – files needed for initialising the animation icons after loading pages
  • /selectize/ – Plugin which creates select box for select tag in the page. It generates html code via javascript so that each browser can have the same select box.
  • /slick/ – Files which initialize sliders in the page.
  • /external.js/ – One big file where are minifixed javascript files:_ 1.jquery 2.boostrap 3.placeholder 4. easing 5. device.min.js 6. jquery browser 7.Snap min JS 8. jquery appear_
  • /main.js/ – The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.


Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here
HTML Markup:

All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file.


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Contact Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form

Test has three kinds of design for contact form:

Type 1


HTML markup

–> input-typeFirst


Screen shot


Contact Form 1

Contact Form 1


Type 2


HTML markup

–> input-typeSecond


Screen shot

Contact Form 2

Contact Form 2

Type 3


HTML markup


–> input-typeThird


Screen shot


Contact Form 3

Contact Form 3

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Sources and Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

jQuery – http://www.jquery.com

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

jQuery – http://www.jquery.com


Button Sizes

Test has three type of button sizes:

Button extra small

Button XS size

Button xs size

–> btn-xs

HTML markup

Button small

Button S size

Button small size

–> btn-sm

HTML markup


Button default

Button default size

Button default size

–> btn-default

HTML markup


Button large

Button large size

Button large size

–> btn-lg

HTML markup


Button Types

Each of this sizes can have one of the following variations:

Button solid

Button large size

Button solid type

–> btn-lg

HTML markup


Button transparent

Button trasnaprent type

Button transaprent type

–> btn–transparent

HTML markup


Button icon type

Button ticon type

Button icon type

–> btn-iconType

HTML markup


Map With Image Component

Test has option to switch to the image instead of map. If you want to swap it, click on the button SHOW IMAGE/ SHOW MAP on the map section.

Map With Image Component

Map With Image Component

HTML markup

JavaScript – can be find in main.js file

Google maps – data attributes explanation

— data-location – use it for display your location on the Google map (e.g. can be a string: “New York”, or cords: 40.7198584,-74.0021416)
— data-height – use it for height adjustment
— data-zoom – use it to set the zoom

JavaScript – for both version

<script src=”http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/init.js”></script>

Media Sections

You can arrange your content with the following Media sections types




HTML markup


Ken Burn



HTML markup





HTML markup


data-type – determines the type of media section
data-height – determines the height of media section
data-background – this attribute allows you to insert image for desktop devices
data-background-mobile – this attribute allows you to insert image for mobile devices


<script src=”../assets/js/smoothScroll.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/jquery.stellar.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/media-section.js”></script>




HTML markup


This code can be find in the Test main.js file

Menucard – isotope component

Menucard used in Test is done using isotope plugin and masonry plugin.

Menu Card

Menu Card

HTML markup


Plugins used in this component
– Jquery.isotope
– Masonry Plugin

Comments Box

Comments Box

Comments Box

HTML markup

Blog Page Navigation

This Test feature is used for navigation between previous and next blog post on Single blog post paget.



HTML markup

Magnific Pop Up Box

In Test theme we use Magnific Popup – v0.9.9

Magnific Pop Up Box

Magnific Pop Up Box

HTML markup



This code can be find in the Test main.js file


<script src=”./assets/plugins/magnific-popup/magnificpopup.min.js”></script>
<script src=”./assets/plugins/magnific-popup/init.js”></script>

Book Table

Test theme has book table component. If you would like to see it, click on the menu About us -> Book Table or just click on the button Book a Table on the main slider in home page.

Book Table

Book Table

HTML markup


This code can be find in the Test main.js file




HTML markup

JavaScript files
— jquery.tweet.js




HTML markup

If the user click on the HIDE INFORMATION button, the map will slide up and the button changed the text. The component works like a accordion.

— Here we have a map from Google Map Plugin

HTML markup

Google maps – data attributes explanation

— data-location – use it for display your location on the Google map (e.g. can be a string: “New York”, or cords: 40.7198584,-74.0021416)
— data-height – use it for height adjustment
— data-zoom – use it to set the zoom

JavaScript – for both version

<script src=”http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/gmap3.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/js/gmaps/init.js”></script>


Footer in Test has two variations :

Default footer

No extra class needed.

Fixed position footer

Needed ct-postFooter–fixedPosition class




HTML markup for fixed  position footer

JavaScript – this code can be find in the main.js file.


In Test theme to create a gallery we used masonry Magnific Pop-up Plugin to show the big images



HTML markup


<script src=”../assets/plugins/magnific-popup/magnificpopup.min.js”></script>
<script src=”../assets/plugins/magnific-popup/init.js”></script>

Blog – single page

Blog - Single Page

Blog – Single Page


HTML markup

Blog – main page

Blog - Main Page

Blog – Main Page

HTML markup

Blog page in Test has an option that user can see the other hidden posts. If the customer will click on the button the rest post will appear on the page. If the customer want to hide more posts – it is possible by adding .hidden class to the blog like here :

Adding .hidden Class

Adding .hidden Class


Delimondo 2.0 theme use two types of slider :

Owl Slider

Owl Slider

OWL Slider

HTML markup


<script src=”./assets/plugins/owl/owl.carousel.min.js”></script>
<script src=”./assets/plugins/owl/init.js”></script>

Slick Slider

Slick synchronized Slider

Slick synchronized Slider

HTML markup


<script src=”./assets/js/slick.min.js”></script>


Test has a following list of menus variations

Default Menu

Default Menu

Default Menu

HTML markup

–> ct-mainMenu

Centered Menu

Centered Menu.png

Centered Menu.png

HTML markup

–> ct-centeredMenu

Transparent Fixed Default Menu

Transparent Default Fixed Menu

Transparent Default Fixed Menu

HTML markup

–> ct-mainMenu ct-mainMenu–color navbar-fixed-top

Transparent Fixed Centered Menu

Transparent Centered Fixed Menu

Transparent Centered Fixed Menu

HTML markup

–> ct-centeredMenu ct-centeredMenu–color navbar-fixed-top

Social icon

In Test we have following different types of social icons

–> ct-socials

Social Icon 1

Social Icon 1

HTML markup


–> ct-socials–second

Social Icon 2

Social Icon 2

HTML markup


–> ct-socials–second–anotherHover

Social Icon 3

Social Icon 3

HTML markup


Progress Icons

HTML markup


Desription – list of attributes

data-font-size=”115″ – it allows you to adjust the size of icon
data-icon-color=”#DD673E” – it allows you to adjust the color of icon
data-active=”4″ – it allows you to adjust the number of active icons
data-total=”7″ – it allows you to adjust the number of total icons which will be displayed
data-icon=”fa-globe” – you can select here appropriate icon
data-delay=”400″ – you can set here delay between each icons which will be displayed



<script src=”../assets/js/progressicons/init.js”></script>



Progress icons

Progress icons

Slick Slider

There are three version of this slider in the Test

Default (no extra class needed)


Slick Slider - Default version

Slick Slider – Default version

HTML markup

Title bigger font size (ct-slick–titleAboveBig)


Slick Slider - Title bigger font size version

Slick Slider – Title bigger font size version

HTML markup

Title smaller font size (ct-slick–titleAboveSmall)



Slick Slider – Title smaller font size version

HTML markup

Standard navigation for slider (ct-slick-defaultNavigation)


Slick Slider - Default navigation

Slick Slider – Default navigation

HTML markup

JavaScript markup for all of the sliders

Item slider settings


This sidebar is used in the Test blog page


Blog Sidebar

Blog Sidebar

Classes (widgets):
— ct-search-widget (class used for search bar)
— ct-widget-categories (class used for categories in blog)
— ct-widget-latestPosts (class used to show latests posts)
— widget-flickr (class used to show flickr)
— tagcloud (class used to show tags)
HTML markup

Product box

This Test has 2 versions of Product box

Default (no extra class needed)


Product Box - Default version

Product Box – Default version


HTML markup

Inline (ct-productBox–inline)

This style will set the image to the left and content on the right side.


Product Box - Inline version

Product Box – Inline version

HTML markup

Price Box


Pricing Box

Pricing Box

HTML markup


Portfolio in Test is using Isotope + Magnigic Popup


.ct-gallery-filters (isotope navigation)

HTML markup

Person Box

This Test has three versions of Person Box



Person Box - Default version

Person Box – Default version

HTML markup



Person Box - Inline version

Person Box – Inline version

HTML markup

Inline Description


Person Box - Inline Description version

Person Box – Inline Description version

HTML markup



Nawigation example

Nawigation example

There are several options for menu and topbar scrolling effects

HTML markup

The following javascripts are required for the effects above:
Learn More:
You fill find whole documentation of plugin in < script src="assets/plugins/headroom/init.js"></script>


Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!


Contact form


Options (can be changed in HTML) :
Mail Subject – just change value in :
Success Message – change successMessage div content
Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Common Problems

Where I can edit my contact form/newsletter email addres?
You can define where we should send messages from your contact form and newsletter in file HTML/assets/form/config.php

Form config

Form config

Add your email address instead of recipient@mail.com and it’s ready to use!


Test has several types of buttons you can use


Buttons solid

Buttons Solid

Buttons transparent

Buttons Transparent

There are four sizes of buttons:

— btn
— btn-xs
— btn-sm
— btn-lg

Classes used for the different button type
— btn
— btn-default
— btn-primary
— btn-primaryDark
— btn-success
— btn-info
— btn-warning
— btn-danger
— btn-dark
— btn-link
— btn-loadMore
— btn-transparent
— btn-bordered–dark
— btn-bordered–Light

HTML markup example

Tours & Tickets HTML

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Et line Font
3. Variables
4. Slick
5. Selectize
6. Starrr
7. Magnific Popup
8. Isotope
9. Mixins
10. Portfolio
11. Animate css
12. Typography
13. Utilities
14. Media Sections
15. NstSlider
16. Beat Picker
17. Yamm
18. Menu
19. Forms
20. Buttons
21. Font Awesome
22. Boxed
23. Google Maps
24. Tickets Button
25. Section Shadow
26. Breadcumbs
27. Dividers
28. FAQ thumbnail
29. Testimonials
30. Image container
31. Headings
32. Media Box
33. InfoBox
34. PersonBox
35. ProductBox
36. IconBox
37. Tabs
38. Accordion
39. Gallery
40. Blog
41. Blocquote
42. Footer
43. Widgets
44. Media Queries

For more advanced user – we included also folder with less files  – under assets/less you will find the following files:


— file for motive styling



— file for buttons styling (colors, sizes etc.)

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • /charts/ – script for canvas charts animating
  • /counters/ – Files needed for initialising the animation number after loading pages.
  • /ct-mediaSection/ – Media sections where we can add parralax, kenburns or video to the section. Dynamical content of medias..
  • /headroom/ – Animated/fixed navbars. Plugin needed for detecting scrollbar and attaching animations for menu.
  • /magnificpopup/ – Needed for galleries and their popups images where we can review them with slides via arrows.
  • /selectize.js-master/ – Plugin which creates select box for select tag in the page. It generates html code via javascript so that each browser can have the same select box.
  • /slick/ – Files which initialize sliders in the page.
  • /main.js/ – The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.
  • /selectize/ – plugin for select https://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
  • /nstSlider/ – plugin for range slider http://lokku.github.io/jquery-nstslider/
  • /starrr/ – plugin for stars in products https://github.com/dobtco/starrr




This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


This plugin is used to make graphics.
Documentation: http://www.chartjs.org/

Google Map Plugin

Maps in Test are created with our premium Map plugin. Here: link you will fin full plugins documentation.


Css styles:


Testimonials with big image


testimonials with big image

Tetsimonial with big image

Markup (ct-testimonials–withBigImage) – example for one item:


Testimonials – inline


testimonials inline

Testimonials inline

Markup (ct-testimonials–inline) – example for one item:


<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/slick.js”></script>


Slick Slider

There are three version of this slider in the Test depending on the navigation class that will be used.

Css styles:

— Core classes for slick plugin


— Different navigations:


This classes you add to div with class .ct-slick, it adds different look for navigations.






Example of HTML markup:

JavaScript markup:

— Script path: assets/js/slick/init.js, assets/js/slick/slick.js

Item slider settings:

Section decoration

In Test you can add decoration for the element.

Css styless:



Decoration T&T

Decoration T&T


Product Box

Test have several types of product box

CSS styless:



Product box – default





Product box – style 2


Product box - style 2

Product box – style 2



Product box – more info


Product box - more info

Product box – more info



Product box – vertical product box


Product box - vertical

Product box – vertical



Product box – mini product box


Product box - mini

Product box – mini


Person Box

Test has three versions of person box.

CSS classes:


Default person box


Person box default

Person box default


Tite top person box


Person box Title top

Person box title top


Person box with hover


Person box with hover

Person box with hover



Css styles:







The following javascripts are required for the effects above:
Learn More:
You fill find whole documentation of plugin in < script src="assets/plugins/headroom/init.js"></script>

Media box

Test has four types of media boxes that you can use by just adding one of .ct-mediaBox element to your markup.

CSS styles:


add this to .ct-mediaBox element for different look:



Media box default


Media box default

Media box default

Media box inline type 2 right

Media box type 2

Media box inline type 2 + right

Media box inline grey

Media box inline

Media box inline + grey

Info Box

Css styles:


Info Box default


Info box default

Info box default


Info Box vertical


Info box vertical

Info box vertical


Images Containers

Css styles:


Gift card image containert


Image container - gift card

Image container – gift card



Border image container


Image container - border

Image container – border



Steps image containert


Image container – steps

Image container – steps



Featured items image containert with hover


Image container – feature image

Image container – feature image



Icon Box

Css styles:


Icon Box with image


Icon box with image

Icon box with image



Icon Box big


Icon box - big

Icon box – big



Test has three types of heading:

Css styles:

–With border:


–With arrow:

Heading with border


Heading with border

Heading with border



Heading striped


Heading striped

Heading striped



Heading with arrow


Heading with arrow

Heading with arrow

Markup :

Contact Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!



Contact form

Contact form



Faq thumbnails

Css styles:


Standard faq thumbnails


Faq thumbnails default

Faq thumbnails default


Faq thumbnails with special hover


Faq thumbnails with hover

Faq thumbnails with hover



Test have three type of dividers:

Css styles:



Dividers grey type


Divider - grey

Divider – grey



Dividers grey light type


Divider - grey light

Divider – grey light



Dividers grey big type


Divider - grey big

Divider – grey big



Test have several variations for button styles:

Css styles:



Buttons screenshot: 



Exampl of markup:

Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

jQuery – http://www.jquery.com


Test has four types of hover that you can use by just adding one of hover classes to your markup.

Css styles:

.ct-gallery-filters (isotope navigation)

Different types of hover for .ct-gallery-item.


Markup (example):

Gallery with default hover


Gallery default hover

Gallery default hover

Gallery with hover square


Gallery hover square

Gallery hover square

Gallery with shadow hover


Gallery shadow hover

Gallery shadow hover

Gallery with shadow hover left


Gallery shadow hover left

Gallery shadow hover left

Foodtruck – Ghost

HTML Structure

Test is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including ipad and iphone.

If you would like to read more about bootstrap framework click HERE

CSS Files and Structure

We’ve included style.css file, which contains default styles.

  1. Bootstrap CSS Framework v.3
  2. Font Face
  3. General Styles
    • typography
    • buttons
    • main menu
    • google map
    • socials links
    • section
    • flexslider
    • menuBox
    • rounded image
    • eventBox
    • gallery
    • forms
    • footer
    • media queries, adjustments
      • @media (min-width: 990px) {}
      • @media (max-width: 990px) {}
      • @media (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 990px) {}
      • @media (max-width: 767px) {}
      • @media (max-width: 480px) {}

If you want to modify or add new styles please find this lines in style.css :

Below you can add your code.

Main /css/style.css includes “Burger Love” styles
Each FLAVOUR style (for example flavours/cupcake/css/cupcake.css) overwrite “main styles” with his own.


All javascripts are placed in folder /js. In main.js file we implement all functions calls.
This theme uses following Javascript files:

  1. Bootstrap v 3 framework (powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development)
  2. jQuery v1.10.2
  3. Flexslider 2
  4. Arctext.js (A jQuery plugin for curved text)
  5. GMAP3 5.1.1 – plugin to use google maps

Curved Text (arctext.js)

You can enable curved text for element by adding “curved” class to it.
Remember thatlibrary should be included. As example there is curved header on fullwidth map. Credits: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/01/24/arctext-js-curving-text-with-css3-and-jquery/

data-radius – it is radius of curve
data-direction – direction of effect





Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-text – text in bubble overlay
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here



You can also provide latitude and longitude (instead exact address):
All javascript code can be found in js/main.js file:


We use google font service to include fonts or font face sets.

  • Burger Lover (default)
    – geared slab regular
    – geared slab bold
    – aleo bold
    – aleo regular
  • Cupcake Wagon
    – Grand Hotel
    – Patua One
  • Tacos Locos
    – El Rio Lobo
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif
  • Seabreeze
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif
  • Ribs & Dogs
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif
  • Bad Ass BBQ
    – Carnivalee Freakshow
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif
  • Coffee & Cream
    – Grand Hotel
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif
  • Pizza Revelation
    – Lobster
    – Kaushan Script
    – Bree Serif

Geared Font
Aleo Font
Grand Hotel Font
Patua One Font
El Rio Lobo Font
Kaushan Script Font
Bree Serif Font
Carnivalee Freakshow Font
Lobster Font
Chunk Five Font

Contact/Newsletter Form

Template comes with ready to use:

  • Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/form.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

Contact Form



— How to add more fields to form ?


Just add another form-group section, for example additional phone and fax :



Newsletter Form



Options (can be changed in HTML) :


  • Mail Subject – just change value in : <input type=”hidden” name=”msg_subject” value=”Contact Form”>
  • Success Message – change successMsg div content (below form)
  • Error Message – change errorMsg div content (below form)
Contact Form and Newsletter (Pizza Revelation)

Contact Form and Newsletter (Pizza Revelation flavour)

Sources and Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme


Thank you for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to start new ticket on this page. Thanks so much!


DISQUS is a networked community platform we are using in Test. It is a feature-rich comment system complete with social network integration, advanced administration and moderation options, and other extensive community functions.


All the comments are keept on DISQUS account because of that use the DISQUS plugin on your page you need register your website with Disqus





DISQUS Foodtruck Ghost

DISQUS (Burger Lover flavour)

For more information please check DISQUS home page.


Just change address, fill in social page urls and upload your logo to images/content/logo.png file and you’re ready to go!




Main menu (Pizza Revelation flavor)

Main menu (Pizza Revelation flavour)


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).





This sections in Test show method of displaying the posts as a BLOG LIST.



Post Example

Post on Blog page (Burger Lover flavour)


To move between blog pages we are using pagination buttons:




Pagination Burger flavor

Pagination (Burger Lover flavour)


In Test you can check all the information about the autor of the post like some short info about him and ammount of post he created.



Author page (Pizza Revelation)

Author page (Pizza Revelation flavour)


It is fullwidth slider of any content. We use flexsldier plugin. Just paste your content into li tags.



And js initialization (js/main.js file),
there you can change slider parameters :




Main slider

Main slider (Burger Lover flavour)


Section is part of page with separate background, has several paramaters that can be changed:


  • “bg-2” class – define background-color, you can also use “bg-1”
  • “topOrnament” class – adds fancy strip at the top of section (just remove class to disable it)
  • “repeated” class – it will repeat background image (like brick background in “story” section, it is optional)
  • data-topspace – top padding for section
  • data-bottomspace – bottom padding for section
  • scroll=”scroll” – background will scroll instead be fixed (optional parameter)
  • data-image – path to background image, best resolution is 1920px x 1200px


In Test we have 2 types of sections:









Theme includs 8 flavours. To activate certain flavour just add proper css file.
For example to activate “Coffee and Cream”:

or “Tacos Locos” :
Main style.css (placed in css/ directory) must be always included.
Second added .css file will change page design.
Flavours files (images, fonts, etc) are placed in flavours/[flavour_name] directory, for example :

Avaiblable Flavours

  1. Burger Lover (default)
  2. Cupcake Wagon
  3. Tacos Locos
  4. Seabreeze
  5. Ribs & Dogs
  6. Bad Ass BBQ
  7. Coffee & Cream
  8. Pizza Revelation


Special Headers

Predefined headers you can use by adding special class to header element (there is no difference which tag do you use : h1, h2 or h5),
for example :


Social Icons

You can use small, medium or big social icons.
We provided 24 icons



Rounded Image

Just paste img tag inside roundedImg div, and it will be circle shape.

  • data-size – it is cicle radius


We prepare 2 type of buttons. Example HTML markup:



This is box to present menu from certain category. It is available in 4 types (different paper graphics). Just add type2, type3 or type4 class to change version.

Farm Fresh WP


Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customize

Customizer farm fresh

Customizer Farm Fresh

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Style
  • General
  • Pages
  • Main Navbar
  • Posts
  • Socials
  • WooCommerce
  • Team
  • Testimonials
  • After content templates
  • Events
  • Distributors
  • Widgets

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • Test – style
  • General

In Test – style section you can edit theme colors and backgrounds

Custom main theme colors

Custom main theme colors

With Motive colors you can define motive color of the theme and boxes motive shadow color , which will be displayed on all pages.

Motive colors

In General you will find two sections:

  1. Main, where you will be able to choose
      • to show preloader,
      • select one from two layout patterns (wide and boxed),
      • select one of the content patter,
      • set copyright footer text,
      • add or remove search field on navbar
      • copyright text and main theme settings
    Main settings

    Main settings

  2. Logo and icons:
    Logo and icons settings

    Logo and icons settings


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on  Saved & Publish button

Pages Options

In Pages panel you are able to edit the following options:

Pages options avaliable in customizer

Pages options avaliable in customizer

  1. Home:
    • Comments – hide/show,
    • Show breadcrumbs – hide show,
    • Comment form – hide/show
    Home page options

    Home page options

  2. FAQ
    • Faq Items Per category – you can choose the largest number of faq questions in categories,
    • First Faq Item in accordion – decide if you wish to have all of the faq question closed.
    FAQ options

    FAQ options

  3. Title row general options:
    • Show title on pages,
    • Select title row type,
    • Title row subtitle,
    • Button link,
    • Button label,
    • Title row image mobile
    Pages title row general options

    Pages title row general options

  4. Title row simple:
    • Show background mask – show/hide
    • Background mask
    • Title row height
    • Title row image
    Pages title row simple

    Pages title row simple

  5. Title row parallax:
    • Parallax ratio
    • Title row height
    • Title row image
    Pages title row parallax

    Pages title row parallax

  6. Title row kenburns:
    • Select gallery for kenburns Header
    • Title row height
    Pages title row kenburns

    Pages title row kenburns

  7. Title row video:
    • Videos source
    • Select video type
    • Title row height
    Pages title row video

    Pages title row video

Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Though you can also customize them for each page separately with Page side content settings – you will see this option during page content edition.

Posts options

When using the assigned blog page as described in Blog Index page, all the options you can select for it are located in Appearance > Customize on the Posts tab. There are dozens of options to choose from like layout, categories, dates, etc. There are general blog options and single post page options. Each one has title and descriptions to help you better understand what they do. Any type of blog options you need to set will be set here in theme options when using the assigned blog page.

Blog Index Title row general Options:

  • Show titles on blog index – show/hide ttile on blog index page,
  • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
  • Title Row subtitle – it will be displayed as sub title,
  • Button link – add your own link,
  • Button label – define custom label for button,
  • Title row Image mobile – set an Image that will be display in title row on mobile
Pages blog index title row general options

Pages blog index title row general options

Blog Index Title Row Simple:

  • Show background mask – show/hide;
  • Background mas – add your own background mask,
  • Title row height – set custom height of ttile row,
  • Title row image – set an Image that will be display in title
Pages blog index title row simple

Pages blog index title row simple

Blog Index Title Row Parallax: 

  • Parallax ratio – set custom value of parallax ratio,
  • Title row height – set custom height of title row,
  • Title row image – set an Image that will be display in title
Pages blog index title row parallax options

Pages blog index title row parallax options

Blog Index Title Row Kenburns: 

  • Select gallery for Kenburns header,
  • Title row height – set custom height of title row
Pages blog index title row kenburns options

Pages blog index title row kenburns options

Blog Index Title Row Video: 

  • Video source,
  • Select video type – Mp4 direct link/Webm direct link,
  • Title row height  – set custom height of title row
Pages blog index title row video options

Pages blog index title row video options

Single Post Title Row General Options: 

  • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
  • Title row subtitle – it will be displayed as sub title,
  • Button link – add your own link,
  • Button label – define custom label for button,
  • Title row Image mobile – set an Image that will be display in title row on mobile
Single post title row general options

Single post title row general options

Single Post Title Simple: 

  • Show background mask – show/hide,
  • Background mas – add your own background mask,
  • Title row height – set custom height of ttile row,
  • Title row image – set an Image that will be display in title
Simple post title row single options

Simple post title row single options

Single Post Title Row Parallax:

  • Parallax ratio – set custom value of parallax ratio,
  • Title row height – set custom height of title row,
  • Title row image – set an Image that will be display in title
Single post title row parallax

Single post title row parallax

Single Post Title Row Kenburns: 

  • Select gallery for Kenburns header,
  • Title row height – set custom height of title row
Single post title row kenburns

Single post title row kenburns

Single Post Title Row Video: 

  • Video source,
  • Select video type – Mp4 direct link/Webm direct link,
  • Title row height  – set custom height of title row
Single post title row video options

Single post title row video options



  • Blog title – it will be displayed as title of your index page,
  • Blog sub title – it will be displayed as sub title of your index page,
  • Show index as – select the way of displaying posts on index,
  • Post detail button label – define custom label for button Read More,
  • Meta – show/hide posts meta
  • By label – define custom label
  • On label – define custom label
  • In label – define custom label
  • Tags label – define custom label
  • Date – show/hide posts date
  • Show featured media on blog index
  • Title / quote author – show/hide posts author,
  • Comments count – show/hide information about ammount of comments under the post
  • Post text – show/hide Author link
  • Author link – show/hide Author link
  • Show read more button – show/hide button Read More
Blog index page settings

Blog index page settings

Single – select how should look single post page:

  • Blog sub title – it will be displayed as sub title of your single post,
  • Meta – show/hide single post meta,
  • Tags – show/hide single post tags,
  • Categories – show/hide post categories,
  • Show posts index page title – hide/show blog title,
  • Post single sidebar – choose the sidebar type that will be display on single post,
  • Date  – show/hide post date,
  • Show featured media on single post – show/hide image, video or gallery assigned to post,
  • Tag cloud – show/hide,
  • Categories – show/hide,
  • Show social box – show/hide,
  • Show button label – define custom label for button Share this post,
  • Pagination – show/hide,
  • Tags label
  • Previous post label
  • Next post label
  • By label
  • On label
  • In label (for categories)
  • Comment reply label
  • Leave a comment label
  • Comment Form description
  • Comment Form submit label
  • Comment Form name placeholder
  • Comment Form email placeholder
  • Comment Form website placeholder
  • Comment Form message placeholder
  • Comment Form description
  • Latest posts header
  • Latest post slider link label
  • Latest posts posts limit
Single post settings

Single post settings


Common issue: How to change post intro text?

Intro text, which can be displayed on Blog index page is an Excerpt. You can edit it manually for every post with the following field:



Notice: if you don’t see Excerpt field when you are editing your post, go to Screen Options at the top of the post edition window (on the right hand side) and enable Excerpt with checkbox.


Top Bar

Top Bar

Look of the topbar can be edited  via Appearance > Customize > Main Navbar > Topbar


  • Show support info – show/hide,
  • Support icon – choose font awesome icon,
  • Support text  – add custom text,
  • Text on right – add the text that will be showing up on the right side of the topbar
Topbar options

Topbar options


Main Navbar

Main navbar

Main navbar (normal)

There are several to options to choose. You can change navbar style and scroll effect globally via Appearance > Customize > Main Navbar  > Main Navbar


  • Navbar Style – choose between normal and narrow style,
  • Navbar behavior – choose how the navigation bar will act after scrolling the page:
    – Scroll Up Menu
    – Scroll Up Top Bar
    – Scroll Up Both
    – Fixed Top Bar
    – Fixed Menu
    – Fixed Both
  • Navbar transparent,
  • Search on navbar,
  • Navbar search label – set custom text for search label,
  • Navbar search icon class – choose FontAwesome icon for the search label
Main navbar settings

Main Navbar settings

Creating Team Member Page

Them item are custom post types, which can be created via Team section.

Team member page

Team member page

This page is a team members item, team slider is generated in all team members pages. Team member item and team slider can be customize with the help of customizer options you can find in this section.

To create new Team elements, navigate to team Team Members > Add New

Add new Team Member

Add new Team Member

For new Team Member item  you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended),
  6. Gallery(optional),
  7. Team settings(optional),
    • Date,
    • Time,
    • Location,
    • Button URL,
    • Button label,
    • URL to map,
    • Description
  8. Socials-meta
  9. Page title row options
  10. Title row simple
  11. Title row parallax
  12. Title row Kenburns
  13. Title row Video

Remember that the settings set in Team Item for Page Title and Title Row will be only visible on the page when the title row type will be set to diffrent than use global settings.

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Team item

Team item

Team options

Team Customizer Options

Team Single Title Row

Team Single Title Row

Customizer in Test is giving many customizer options that will let you customize

    1. Member Single Title Row general Options
      • Show titles on single member – show/hide,
      • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
      • Title row subtitle – add your custom subtitle (not visible on simple title row),
      • Button link – add custom link for button (not visible on simple title row),
      • Button label – add custom link for button label (not visible on simple title row),
      • Title row image mobile – add image for title row that will be visible on mobile
      Team member single title row general options

      Team member single title row general options

    2. Team Single Title Row Simple
      • Show background mask – show/hide,
      • Background mask – you can add image for the background mask,
      • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
      • Title row image – you can add image for the title row
      Team single title row simple

      Team single title row simple

    3. Team Single Row Parallax
      • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value for parallax ratio,
      • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
      • Title row Image – add your own image for the title row
      Team single title row parallax

      Team single title row parallax

    4. Team Single Row Kenburns
      • Select gallery for Kenburns Header – choose one of created galleries to display,
      • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
      Team single title row kenburns

      Team single title row kenburns

    5. Team Single Row Video
      • Video source – add source of the video,
      • Select video typ – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link,
      • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
      Team single row video

      Team single row video

Team Single page

Team Single page

  1. Team Single Options
    • Phone label – add custom text for Phone label,
    • Email label – add custom text for Email label,
    • Show email – show/hide,
    • Show phone – show/hide,
    • Show socials – show/hide,
    • Show team slider – show/hide,
    • Slider header – set custom text for the slider header
    Team single options

    Team single options


Social icons, from the top of the page can be removed or changed via Appearance > Customize > Socials

Socials icons

Socials icons

We will display here only icons for social media profiles, which you define in settings:



So if you don’t want to display, for example Facebook icon – just leave Facebook field empty.


Test is loaded with options for the Event. It offers many different options for you to present your events posts and there are numerous theme options and shortcode options that allow you to customize how events are displayed.

There are several ways to display your event posts, we will cover each method as well as describe blog post types, post options and theme options. The following sections will cover each of these aspects of the blog.

To create this type of page you need to create a page and in Page Atributes choose Events Template

Choose Events template

Choose Events template

Remember to update the page to keep all your changes.


Popup configurations

With Test you will be able to create your own Newsletter popup.


To customize the Newsletter you need to go to the Appearance > Customize > Popup configuration

    • Show newsletter – show/hide,
    • Select newsletter Contact Form – select one from the created contact forms,
    • Sub header – Add custom text for sub header,
    • Message – add custom text for pop up,
    • Header – add custom text for header,
    • Link 1 URL – add URL link,
    • Link 2 URL – add URL link,
    • Link 1 Label – add custom text for link label 1,
    • Link 2 Label – add custom text for link label 2,
    • Background image,
    • Promo image
Popup configuration

Popup configuration


Event options

Event Customizer Options

Customizer in Test is giving many customizer options that will let you

  1. General Settings
    • Custom post type slug – Set custom post type slug,
    • Select featured event – Choose one of created events that will be shown as featured one
    Events general settings

    Events general settings

  2. Event list Settings
    • Event list header – Set custom header, text
    • Event list pagination – show/hide,
    • Show featured event – show/hide,
    • Show event list header – show/hide,
    • Show date on images – show/hide,
    • Show images – show/hide events images,
    • Show titles – show/hide,
    • Show content – show/hide event content text,
    • Show divider after content – show/hide,
    • Show dates – show/hide,
    • Show time – show/hide,
    • Show location – show/hide,
    • Show facebook share – show/hide,
    • Show map direct link – show/hide,
    • Show button link to single – show/hide,
    • Show custom button link – show/hide,
    • Date label – add custom DATE label text,
    • Time label – add custom TIME label text,
    • Map location label – add custom Map location label text,
    • Share label – add custom share label text,
    • Map link label – add custom Map link label text,
    • Show button link label – add custom single button link label text
    Events list settings

    Events list settings

  3. Featured Event Settings
    • Show gallery – show/hide,
    • Show date – show/ hide,
    • Show title – show/hide,
    • Show description – show/hide,
    • Show button link to single – show/hide,
    • Show custom button link to single – show/hide
    Featured event settings

    Featured event settings

  4. Event Single Settings
    • Content header – you can set custom text for single conten header,
    • Show gallery box  – show/hide,
    • Show gallery date – show/hide,
    • Show gallery title – show/hide,
    • Show gallery description – show/hide,
    • Show custom button on gallery – show/hide,
    • Show meta – show/hide,
    • Show meta author – show/hide,
    • Show meta date – show/hide,
    • By autor label meta – add custom text for author label,
    • Created on label meta – add custom text for Created on label,
    • Tag label – add custom text for Tag label,
    • Categories label – add custom text for Categories label,
    • Show title – show/hide,
    • Show content – show/hide,
    • Show divider after content – show/hide,
    • Show tags – show/hide,
    • Show event tags – show/hide,
    • Show socials – show/hide,
    • Show navigation – show/hide
    Event single settings

    Event single settings

  5. Filters
    • Categories custom order  – set custom separate category slugs,
    • Event order by – set Event order,
    • Event order – ascending/descending,
    • Event per page – choose number of events that will show on event page
    Event Filters

    Event Filters

  6. Event Index Title Row General Options
    • Show titles on Events index – show/hide,
    • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
    • Title row subtitle – set custom title row subtitle (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button link – set link for the button (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button label – set custom text for button label,
    • Background mobile  – set image for background mobile
    Event index ttile row general options

    Event index ttile row general options

  7. Events Index Title Row Simple
    • Show background mask – hide/show,
    • Background mask – add image that will be used as background mask,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row image –  add image that will be used as title row image
    Events index title row simple

    Events index title row simple

  8. Event Index Title Row Parallax
    • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value of parallax ratio,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Events index title row parallax

    Events index title row parallax

  9. Event Index Title Row Kenburns
    • Video source – add source of the video,
    • Select video type – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link
    Events index title row kenburns

    Events index title row kenburns

  10. Event Index Title Row Video
    • Video source – add source of the video,
    • Select video type – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link
    Events index title row video

    Events index title row video

  11. Event Singe Title Row General Option
    • Show titles on Events index – show/hide,
    • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
    • Title row subtitle – set custom title row subtitle (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button link – set link for the button (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button label – set custom text for button label,
    • Background mobile  – set image for background mobile
    Events single title row general options

    Events single title row general options

  12. Event Single Title Row Simple
    • Show background mask – hide/show,
    • Background mask – add image that will be used as background mask,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row image –  add image that will be used as title row image
    Event single title row simple

    Event single title row simple

  13. Event Single Title Row Parallax
    • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value of parallax ratio,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Event single title row parallax

    Event single title row parallax

  14. Events Single Title Row Kenburns
    • Select gallery for Kenburns header – choose one of created galleries to display,
    • Title Row height – set height of the title row
    Events single title row Kenburns

    Events single title row Kenburns

  15. Events Single Title Row Video
    • Video source – add source of the video,
    • Select video type – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link
    Event single title row video

    Event single title row video

Menu setup

Depending on which version of content arrangement you choose, you can create onepager or multipage navigation menu.

To create navigation menu dedicated to multipage websites, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus

    Manage your menus

  • Step 2 – Click on create a new menu, enter menu Name and click on Create Menu button
    Add new menu

    Add new menu

  • Step 3 – From the right hand side choose pages that you want to add to your menu and click on Add to Menu. Once menu items are added you can reorder or nest them via drag and drop tool. Remember to click Save Menu when you finish to keep your changes saved.
    Add pages to menu

    Add pages to menu

  • Step 4 – You can easily rename every menu item in item details.
    Rename your menu items

    Rename your menu items

  • Step 5 – Optionally you can add to menu other items, like Links or Categories
  • Step 6 – Check you menu as Primary Navigation to set it up as main menu.
    Primary navigation

    Primary navigation

  • Step 7 – Always click Save Menu after providing any changes.

In Test you can also select which menu you would like to use by going to Appearance > Customizer > Navigation

Navigation setings

Navigation setings

To create navigation menu dedicated to onepager websites

on step Step 3 Instead of choosing the pages you want to use for you menu you should use Custom Links option where for the URL you will add a unique ID like on the example below. The same ID need to be add on the section of the page that you want the navigation items to link to.

Creating onepager

Creating onepager

Remember that order of menu items and the order of the page sections must be the same


Testimonials Options

Testimonial Index page

Testimonial Index page

Testimonial Customizer Options

Customizer in Test is giving many customizer options that will let you

  1. Testimonial General Settings
    • Index header – set custom index header,
    • Limit – show ammount of testimonials on page,
    • Testimonials show pagination – show/hide
    Testimonials general settings

    Testimonials general settings

Portfolio Options

Portfolio Single Title Row

Portfolio Single Title Row

Testimonial Portfolio Options

Customizer in Test is giving many customizer options that will let you customize Portfolio page.

  1. Single Portfolio – Title Row
    • Show titles on single portfolio – show/hide,
    • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
    • title row subtitle – add custom text for title row subtitle (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button label – add custom text for button link,
    • Title row image mobile – add title row image for mobile
    Single portfolio - single row

    Single portfolio – single row

  2. Single Portfolio Title Row Simple
    • Show Background mask – show/hide
    • Background mask – add image for background mask
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row image – add image for title row
    Single portfolio title row simple

    Single portfolio title row simple

  3. Single Portfolio Title Row Parallax
    • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value of parallax video
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    • Title row image – add title row image
    Single portfolio title row parallax

    Single portfolio title row parallax

  4. Single Portfolio Title Row Kenburns
    • Select gallery for Kenburns header – you can set custom value of parallax video
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Single portfolio title row kenburns

    Single portfolio title row kenburns

  5. Single Portfolio Title Row Video
    • Video source – add the source link of the video
    • Select video type – MP4 direct link/Webm direct link
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Single portfolio title row video

    Single portfolio title row video

Creating Testimonial page

This page is generated using Testimonial Template. Testimonial Template display created Testimonials.

Testimonial page

Testimonial page

Creating Testimonial Item
To create new Team elements, navigate to team Testimonials > Add New

Add new Testimonial

Add new Testimonial

For new Testimonial item  you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended),
  6. Gallery(optional)

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Testimonial item

Testimonial item

Creating Portfolio item


To create new Portfolio elements, navigate to team Portfolio > Add New

Portfolio Item

Add new portfolio item

For new Portfolio item  you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended)

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Portfolio item

Portfolio item

Portfolio item isn’t compatible with Visual Composer plugin.

Woocommerce Options

Woocommerce Customizer Options

Customizer in Test is giving many customizer options that will let you change the look of your shop pages:

Shop Index title row

Shop Index title row

  1. Shop Index Title Row general Options
    • Show titles on single member – show/hide,
    • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
    • Title row subtitle – add your custom subtitle (not visible on simple title row),
    • Button link – add custom link for button (not visible on simple title row),
    • Button label – add custom link for button label (not visible on simple title row),
    • Title row image mobile – add image for title row that will be visible on mobile
    Woocommerce shop index title row general options

    Woocommerce shop index title row general options

  2. Shop Index Title Row Simple
    • Show background mask – show/hide,
    • Background mask – you can add image for the background mask,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row image – you can add image for the title row
    Woocommerce shop index title row simple

    Woocommerce shop index title row simple

  3. Shop Index Title Row Parallax
    • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value for parallax ratio,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row Image – add your own image for the title row
    Woocommerce shop index title row parallax

    Woocommerce shop index title row parallax

  4. Shop Index Title Row Kenburns
    • Select gallery for Kenburns Header – choose one of created galleries to display,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    Woocommerce shop index title row kenburns

    Woocommerce shop index title row kenburns

  5. Shop Index Title Row Video
    • Video source – add source of the video,
    • Select video typ – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Woocommerce shop index title row video

    Woocommerce shop index title row video

    Example of product Title row

    Example of product title row

  6. Shop Single Title Row General Options
    • Show titles on single product – show/hide,
    • Select title row type – you can use this setting to define type of page header,
    • Title row subtitle – add custom subtitle text for ttile row (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button link – add link for the button (not visible on simple Title Row),
    • Button label – add custom button label text (not visible on simple Title Row) – show/hide,
    • Title row image mobile – add image for the title row on mobile
    Woocommerce shop single title row general options

    Woocommerce shop single title row general options

  7. Product Single Title Row Simple
    • Show background mask – show/hide,
    • Background mask – you can add image for the background mask,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row image – you can add image for the title row
    Woocommerce product single title row simple

    Woocommerce product single title row simple

  8. Product Single Title Row Parallax
    • Parallax ratio – you can set custom value for parallax ratio,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    • Title row Image – add your own image for the title row
    Woocommerce product single title row parallax

    Woocommerce product single title row parallax

  9. Product Single Title Row Kenburns
    • Select gallery for Kenburns Header – choose one of created galleries to display,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %),
    Woocommerce product single title row kenburns

    Woocommerce product single title row kenburns

  10. Product Single Title Row Video
    • Video source – add source of the video,,
    • Select video typ – Mp4 direct link or Webm direct link,
    • Title row height – you can set custom height of Title Row (in px or %)
    Woocommerce product single title row video

    Woocommerce product single title row video

  11. Woocommerce General options
    • Show share icons? – hide/show
    Woocommerce general options

    Woocommerce general options

Distributors Options

In Distrubutors panel you are able to edit the following options for Distribution page:

Distributors page

Distributors page

  1. Distributors General Options
    • Content header – change the header of single distributor content (*This option work only for pages generated from Distributors Template)
    Distributors general options

    Distributors general options

Creating Distributors page

With Test you can define map showing some info about places where your products are distributed.

Distribution page

Distributors page

Creating Distributors item

To create new Distributors elements, navigate to team Distributors > Add New

Add new Distributors item

Add new Distributors item

For new Distributors item you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended),
  6. Distributors settings
  7. Gallery (recommended)
Add new distributors item

Add new distributors item

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.


Distributors 2 page

Distributors 2 page

In Test you will be able to create page to show from where are you getting all your products, isn’t that great ?!
This page is generated from Distributors Template, so no extra shortcode is needed on the page.

Choose Distributors template

Choose Distributors template

For new Distributors page you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended),
  6. Page title row options,
  7. Title row simple,
  8. Title row parallax,
  9. Title row Kenburns,
  10. Title row Video,
  11. Navbar settings

Remember to update the page to keep all your changes.



In Test you will be able to create page to show from where are you gettings all your products isn’t that great ?!
To create this type of page you need to create a page and in Page Atributes choose Distributors Template

Choose Testimonial Template

Choose Testimonial Template

Remember to update the page to keep all your changes.

Creating ‘What we grow?’ item

Creating Item

To create this type of item you need to create a new Product or used the one you created before. to create  anew object go to theme Products > Add Products

Add new products

Add new products

Please check this documentation for how to create a Woocommerce products. The features added in {theme} you will find in the Product Data > General

Product Availability

Product Availability

Via Availability option you will be able to set the months when your customers should expect your fresh products in the shop!

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Simple gallery

Creating the App

First thing you need to do to fully use the {plugin} you need to creating this ap on your own so you will be able to move it.

Getting ready to use the plugin

Go to the Simple Gallery > Global Settings 

Global Settings SG

Global Settings

To be able to see the  button to facebook  you need to fill the facebook App ID and App Secret labels and click Save Changes button.

Neat! But from where I will get this credentials?

This is a really good question. Just follow this steps and you will be able to get your own in no time!

Please go to the Facebook developer page and log in using your FB credentials.

*Creating new App

-After successful login into the developer you should be able to find in the My Apps dropdown menu with all the created arleady Apps.

-To create new app please click the Add a New App

FB Developers SG

FB Developers

*The next step is to choose the Website as a platform for you App

Add new App

Add new App

*Next fill in the field for display name of your new App and click the Create New Facebook App ID button.

Choosing your app name

Choosing your app name

*For the category we are suggesting to choose: photo.

Choose the category for your app

Choose the category for your app

-After clicking the   button the settings will be saved.

*As a next step go back to the My Apps and choose your new App.

-You will find the App ID and Secret Key like on the image below in the Dashboard section.

Creating new App

Creating new App

*You will be able to copy from here the App ID and App Secret that will be used in the {plugin}

*But first you need to Next step is going to the  that you will find in the New Gallery App menu

– In the Settings choose the Advanced tab and set your Valid OAuth redirect URIs link in the Client OAuth Settings section. This is the name of the domain on which you are using {plugin}

Settings SG

*Then you can go back to the Basick tab and Add Platform – Website

*Copy the App ID and App Secreed and past them in the General setting labels of the plugin.


* The last step is to save all the changes you made and from no one you can use the {plugin} with no problems.

Creating simple gallery

To create a new Simple Gallery:

Go to Simple gallery > Add new Simple Gallery in your WordPress Admin Panel

Create a new Simple Gallery

Create a new Simple Gallery

Choose all the settings you want to use.

Simple Gallery settings

  1. Choose gallery source – select one of the following sources for the simple gallery:
    • Facebook
    • instagram
    • Tumblr
    • Flickr
    • Media Gallery
    • WooCommerce (Product)
  2. Social User/album – Type the name of valid user of chosen social media or album number of facebook:
    • Facebooka – Album number
    • Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr – User name.
    • Media Gallery – Media Gallery Post. For more information go HERE.
    • WooCommerce – ID produktu. For more information go HERE.
  3. Enable vertical – Will let you view the gallery verticaly
  4. Enable adaptive height – When this option is enabled the height and width of each slide will be depending it size. If this option is disabled the height and width of all of the sliders will be the same and it will be the size of the biggest slide.
  5. Slides to show – Type how many gallery images (as a slide) would you like to show on the page (max 25 images).
  6. Enable fade – Enable fade for each slide.
  7. Enable lazy load – Enable lazy loading slide images.
  8. Choose lazy load type – Choose lazy load type for the gallery.
    • On Demand – Will load if necessary.
    • Progressive – Work in the background.
  9. Columns to show – How many columns you would like to show (max 5).
  10. Enable dots – Turn on/off pagination with numbers of the slides.
  11. Enable Arrows – Enables pagination  arrows for the gallery.
  12. Enable Infinite Sliding – Looping gallery. If this option is enable you will be able to go directly from the last slide to the firts one.
  13. Enable autoplay – The slides will be change automatically.
  14. autoplay speed – Set autoplay speed in ms.
  15. Enable center mode – Enable center mode for the gallery sliders.
  16. Center Padding – Adjust center padding (percentage) if center mode is on (max 30%)
  17. Enable fixed height of picture – By default the height is set to 200px.
  18. Fixed height – Type height of your fixed pictures (in px).
  19. Choose slider skin Ondemand – When the loading will be needed.

Simple gallery Settings

To add the simple gallery to the page you need to copy/paste the shortcode name.

Simple gallery shortcode

Simple gallery shortcode

Please be aware that:

    1. If you enable the Verticla option you will limit the amount of the columns to 4 also we suggest to use  same size images and do not choose adaptive height and fade.
    2. If the center mode isn’t  selected the center padding will not affect the display of the gallery aslo if the lazy load isn’t selected the autoplay will not affect the display of the gallery.
    3. Center mode will show all other sllides on the sides (if on slide we will have 4 images to with center mode we will se 12 images of which 4 will be centered).

Simple Gallery widget options

You will find the widget section by going in the WordPress from Dashboard section to Appearance > Widgets

This are all the options for the Test in the Widgets section.

Simple Gallery widget settings:

  1. Title – Set custom title for the Simple Gallery
  2. Source – Select one of the following sources:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Tumblr
    • Flickr
    • Media Gallery – Media Gallery ID. For more information go HERE.
    • WooCommerce – Product’s ID. For more information go HERE.
  3. Social User/album – ID of the element from which we retrive:
    • Facebooka – Album number.
    • instagram,tumblr,flickr – User name.
    • Media Gallery -> Media Gallery Post. For more information go HERE.
    • WooCommerce -> ID produktu. For more information go HERE.
  4. Columns – how many columns you would like to show (max 2).
  5. Slides to Show – how many slides you would like to show (max 4).
  6. Autoplay -The slides will be change automatically.
  7. Enable Dots – Turn on/off pagination with numbers of the slides.
  8. Enable infinite sliding – Looping gallery. If this option is enable you will be able to go directly from the last slide to the firts one.
  9. Enable Arrows – Enables pagination  arrows for the gallery.
  10. Enable adaptive height – When this option is enabled the height and width of each slide will be depending it size. If this option is disabled the height and width of all of the sliders will be the same and it will be the size of the biggest slide.
  11. Enable fixed height of picture – By default the height is set to 200px.
  12. Fixed items height – Type height of your fixed pictures (in px).
  13. Slider Style – choose the style of the slider.
Simple Gallery widget options

Simple Gallery widget options

How to get correct source

In this section you will find the information how to get the correct surce for your Simple gallery.

You can create your own Simple Gallery by going into  WordPress Dasboard and from there to  Simple gallery > Add new Simple Gallery

Adding new Simple Gallery


  1. Go to Facebook page
  2. Click photos (1) and then click albums (2)


  3. Choose one of the albums you want to use in your Simple Gallery
    Choose FaceBook gallery

    Choose FaceBook gallery

  4. Copy the page source like on the image below
    Copy Facebook gallery source

    Copy Facebook gallery source

  5. Paste the code in Social User/Album box and don’t forget to choose the Facebook as the gallery source and  the gallery settings after you are done.
    Paste the Facebook source

    Paste the Facebook source


  1. Go to the Instagram page of the user you want images to be seen in your simple gallery.
  2. Copy the Instagram username.
    Instagram username

    Instagram username

  3. And then past it to the user/album box in Simple gallery Settings. Also be sure you choose the correct source for the gallery.

    Instagram images

  4. The last thing you need to do is to update all this changes you made.


  1. Go to the Tumblr page of the user you want images to be seen in your simple gallery.
  2. Copy the username or the Tumblr website adress like on the example below:
    Tumrl images

    Tumbrl images

  3. Next step is to past it to user/album box in Simple gallery Settings. Don’t forget also to choose correct gallery source!
    Copy the tumbl username

    Copy the tumbl username


Go to the flickr page of the user you want images to be seen in your simple gallery.

Flickr user account

Flickr user account

If you are not able to find the ‘pretty’ version of the account name you want to use just copy the username from the website link.

Second solution

Second solution

Copy and paste the username to the user/album box in Simple gallery Settings. Choosing correct gallery source is also important.

Addinf Flickr to Simple Gallery

Addinf Flickr to Simple Gallery

The last thing to do is to update the changes !

Media Gallery

In Simple Gallery Settings you will find Media gallery section where you will be able to add gallery Images. After clicking Add gallery images  new window will pop up where you will be able to add new images to the gallery from Media Library

Add gallery images

Add gallery images

After adding the images to the gallery you will be able to removed and sort added images. Also don’t forget to update the changes you made if you do not wan’t to loose them!

WooCommerce (Product Gallery)

Please go to WooCommerce products. If you don’t know how to create a new WooCommerce product please check this WooCommerce documentation.


Product gallery

You just need to hover over one of created product. This way you will be able to see its ID’s

WooCommerce product ID

WooCommerce product ID

Copy and paste the ID number to the user/album box in Simple gallery Settings and update the changes.

 Please be aware that the Simple gallery plugin is using Product Gallery images. If you didn’t add any images there, the plugin will not work.

Confetti HTML

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Variables
2. Mixins
3. Animate
4. Slick
5. Selectize
6. Magnific Popup
7. nstSlider
8. Scaffolding
9. Utilities
10. Buttons
11. Typography
12. Form
13. Address
14. Socials
15. Pagination
16. Boxes
17. Sidebar
18. Blog
19. Newsletter
20. Shop
21. Widgets
22. Sliders
23. Navbar
24. Dropdown
25. Footer
26. Page Headers
27. Mobile Menu
28. Coming Soon Page
29. Gallery
30. Accordion
31. 404 Page
32. Map
33. Twitter
34. Demo Styles

The template also includes:

Google Fonts

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,300,400italic,700,900);

Mixins and Variables
@import ‘variables.scss’;
@import ‘_bootstrap/bootstrap/mixins’;
@import ‘mixins’;



— Plugins

Animate CSS
@import ‘_animate-css/animate’;

@import ‘../plugins/slick/slick’;
@import ‘../plugins/slick/slick-theme’;

@import ‘../plugins/selectize/selectize.bootstrap3’;

Magnific Popup
@import “../plugins/magnific-popup/main”;

Bootstrap Slider
@import “../plugins/nstSlider/jquery.nstSlider”;


@import ‘global’;
@import ‘utilities’;



— Components

Small Elements
@import ‘components/buttons’;
@import ‘components/typography’;
@import ‘components/form’;
@import ‘components/address’;
@import ‘components/socials’;
@import ‘components/pagination’;

Page Elements
@import ‘components/boxes’;
@import ‘components/sidebar’;
@import ‘components/blog’;
@import ‘components/newsletter’;
@import ‘components/shop’;
@import ‘components/widgets’;
@import ‘components/sliders’;
@import ‘components/navbar’;
@import ‘components/dropdown’;
@import ‘components/footer’;
@import ‘components/page-headers’;
@import ‘components/mobile-menu’;
@import ‘components/coming-soon’;
@import ‘components/gallery’;
@import “components/accordion”;
@import “components/404”;
@import “components/map”;
@import “components/demo”;


Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • jquery.min.js – https://jquery.com/
  • bootstrap.min.js – http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/
  • browser.min.js – https://github.com/gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin
  • device.min.js – https://github.com/borismus/device.js/tree/master/build
  • hammer.min.js – http://hammerjs.github.io/
  • jquery.hammer.js
  • jquery.placeholder.min.js – https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder
  • jquery.visible.js – https://github.com/customd/jquery-visible
  • skrollr.min.js – http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/
  • slick.min.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
  • init.js – custom script for slick slider
  • isotope.min.js – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
  • jquery.magnific-popup.min.js – http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/
  • jquery.nstSlider.js – http://lokku.github.io/jquery-nstslider/
  • selectize.min.js – https://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
  • helpers.js – custom script



You can find 7 types of variation in Test for Accordion

  • .panel-motive
  • .panel-default
  • .panel-primary
  • .panel-success
  • .panel-info
  • .panel-warning
  • .panel-danger

HTML markup example



Accordion example

Accordion example

Blog Posts

In Test we have 5 types of blog posts you can created using this markups:

Blog Image

HTML markup


Blog image

Blog image

Blog Slider

HTML markup


Blog slider

Blog slider

Blog Audio

HTML markup


Blog Video

Blog Audio

Blog Quote

HTML markup


Blog Quote

Blog Quote

Blog Video

HTML markup


Blog Video

Blog Video

Icon Box

You can easily change what icon will be displayed in box by changing the svg icone code you want to use.

Full set of the icons used in the Test you will find in {icon_file}. All you need to do is to copy the code the the Icon Box markup.


HTML markup


Icon Box

Icon Box

Event Box

You can easily change what icon will be displayed in box by changing the svg icone code you want to use.

Full set of the icons used in the Test you will find in {icon_file}. All you need to do is to copy the code the the Event Box markup.


HTML markup


Event Box

Event Box

Image Box

HTML markup


Image Box

Image Box

Pricing Box

Present your prices with sweet and fun tables by just adding this simple HTML markup:

HTML markup


Pricing Box

Pricing Box

Party Box

Present all the awsome parties you can made by using this party box markup.

HTML markup


Party Box

Party Box


— Filters

HTML markup




— Item

HTML markup


Isotope Item

Isotope Item

Isotope Hover

Isotope Hover


Isotope Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css


HTML markup





The best way to adversize your company is to let your customers speak for you. In Test you can do this by using testimonials markup.

HTML markup




Feature Box

if you want to tell something about your company or yourself you can use this feature box. It can’t be easier! The only thing you need to do is to use the markup you can see down below.

HTML markup


Feature Box

Feature Box


You can find this code on path:

<script src=”../assets/js/slick/js/main.js”></script>


In Test you will find several variations of sizes and colors for buttons


  1. Size
    • btn-lg
    • btn-sm
    • btn-xs
  2. Color Full
    • motive
    • default
    • gray
    • primary
    • success
    • info
    • warning
    • danger
    • accent
  3. Color Open
    • motive-o
    • default-o
    • gray-o
    • primary-o
    • success-o
    • info-o
    • warning-o
    • danger-o
    • accent-o



HTML markup example


Buttons variations

Buttons variations


HTML markup





HTML markup


Text area

Text area


HTML markup





HTML markup



Search form


HTML markup





Selectize Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css

Range Slider

HTML markup

Extra data attributes

  • data-currency=”$” – set the currency
  • data-postfix=”false” – set the currency position (after or before the price)



Range Slider

Range Slider


For Range Slider we are using a plugin called nstSlider, you can find documentation here Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css


HTML markup




Page Headers

Test has two variations for page headers you can use in your website!

— Small

HTML markup


Small Page Header

Small Page Header

— Big

HTML markup


Big Page Header

Big Page Header


Navigation is really important part of the theme. In Test we have 2 variations of it. The menu markup also contains search bar.

  1. Default Navigation
  2. Sticky Navigation (activate on scroll)

HTML markup


Default Navigation

Default Navigation

Fixed Navigation

Fixed Navigation (activate on scroll)

Needed class:

Navbar Search Default

Navbar Search Default

Needed class:

Navbar Search Transparent

Navbar Search Transparent


You will find this code inside main.js file.


To add pagination, use the simple HTML markup:

HTML markup




Magnific Popup

You can create 3 variations of Magnific Popups by adding one of this custom classes:

Magnific Popup custom classes:

1. mfp-ajax – ajax popup

2. mfp-image – image-popup

3. mfp-video – video popup

HTML markup





Magnific Popup Documentation can be found here.

Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css

* This Block show only the way how to create the Popup element. To make it work you need also to create the sctructure that will activate it. The Popup above was created for the Party Box.

Shop Locator plugin

All the needed informations about this plugin you will find HERE

Data Attributes

  • data-color – custom text color
  • data-font-size – custom font size
  • data-height – custom height
  • data-background – custom background
  • data-show – show hidden content
  • data-parallax – set parallax value

Check the markup example with the use of data attributes:

HTML markup


Slider example

Slider example with data attributes

Section Headers

HTML markup


Section Headers

Section Headers


HTML markup






To swap sidebar on mobile you need add is-sidebar class on body

HTML markup



Sidebar Mobile

Sidebar Mobile



There are two types of sliders used in the Test

  1. Main Slider
  2. Slick Custom Tweaks
— Main Slider

HTML markup


Main Slider

Main Slider

–Slick Custom Tweaks

HTML markup


Slick Custom Tweaks

Slick Custom Tweaks

New Responsive data-atributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css

Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.

Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

HTML markup:


Contact Form

Contact Form

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Booking Party Form

The configuration process is the same as in the Contact form. This form will let your customers send informations to you abouth the party they want to book.

HTML markup


Booking Party Form

Booking Party Form


All needed scripts you will find in confetti.min.js file.

* More information about Booking form elements you will find in next Blocks

  1. Select
  2. Checkbox
  3. Rangle slider

Sella – Marketing HTML Template

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.


  1. variables
  2. mixins
  3. animate
  4. navbar
  5. background-effects
  6. buttons
  7. typography
  8. iconbox
  9. cta
  10. footer
  11. forms
  12. portfolio
  13. price-table
  14. contact-information
  15. event-box
  16. blog
  17. testimonials
  18. progress-bars
  19. toggables
  20. sidebar
  21. widgets
  22. personbox
  23. label
  24. charts
  25. sections
  26. map
  27. counter

The template also includes:

Google Fonts

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,700);
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:700italic,400,300,300italic,400italic);
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Libre+Baskerville:400italic);

Mixins and Variables

  • variables
  • mixins
  • animate
— Plugins
  • slick
  • selectize
  • lightgallery
  • chartist
  • tablesaw
  • pace preloader
  • fullpage scroll
  • countdown
— Components
  • navbar
  • background-effects
  • buttons
  • typography
  • iconbox
  • cta
  • footer
  • forms
  • portfolio
  • price-table
  • contact-information
  • event-box
  • blog
  • testimonials
  • progress-bars
  • toggables
  • sidebar
  • widgets
  • personbox
  • label
  • charts
  • sections
  • map
  • counter

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • jquery.min.js – https://jquery.com/
  • bootstrap.min.js – http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/
  • browser.min.js – https://github.com/gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin
  • device.min.js – https://github.com/borismus/device.js/tree/master/build
  • jquery.placeholder.min.js – https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder
  • skrollr.min.js – http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/
  • slick.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
  • jquery.isotope.min.js – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
  • selectize.min.js – https://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
  • helpers.js – custom script
  • chartist.js
  • jquery.countdown.js
  • jquery.countTo.js
  • jquery.fullpage.min.js
  • lightgallery.js
  • pace.js
  • tablesaw.js
  • jquery.appear.js
  • main.js



Sources & Credits

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

Twitter Bootstrap – http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

jQuery – http://www.jquery.com

Isotope – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/

Chartist – https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/

Slick – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/


You can find 2 types of variation in Test for Accordion. you can choose betwenn this two variations by adding or removing the class you can see down below.

  • DEFAULT (no extra class)
  • .ct-accordion-dark

HTML markup example



Accordion types

Accordion types – default version and dark version

Bootstrap Documentation for Accorion can be found Here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Blog Posts

In Test we have 4 types of blog posts you can created using this markups:

Blog Image

HTML markup


Blog Image

Blog Image

Blog Slider

HTML markup


Blog Aside

Blog Slider

Blog Aside

HTML markup


Blog Aside

Blog Aside

Blog Video

HTML markup


Blog Video

Blog Video

Icon Box

You can easily change what icon will be displayed in box by changing icon class. Here you will find full set of icons.

Test have 3 varations of icon boxes that are using the classes you can see below.

  • .ct-iconBox–style2
  • .ct-iconBox–inline
  • .ct-iconBox–small

HTML markup


Icon box ver.1

Icon Box ver.1

HTML markup


Icon Box ver.2

Icon Box ver.2

HTML markup


Icon Box ver.3

Icon Box ver.3

Event Box

Test has 2 version of Event Box that you can use.

–Default version

HTML markup


Event Box - Default

Event Box – Default

–Style 2 version

HTML markup


Event Box - Style2

Event Box – Style2

Person Box

Person Box in Test have one variation that is using the class you can see below.

  • .ct-personBox–light

HTML markup



Person Box

Person Box

Pricing Box

Present your prices by just adding this simple HTML markup:

HTML markup


Pricing Box

Pricing Box

Call to action

In Test we have one variation for call to action

  • .ct-call-to-action-dark

–Default (no extra class needed)

HTML markup


Call To Action default

Call To Action – Default


HTML structure


Call To Action - Dark

Call To Action – Dark


— Filters

HTML markup




— Item

HTML markup


Isotope Item

Isotope Item

Isotope Hover

Isotope Hover


Isotope Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css


HTML markup






Chartist Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css


The best way to adversize your company is to let your customers speak for you. And we have two types of this element! In Test for Testimonials section we are using Slick slider. More information about this jQuery Slick plugin you will find in the documentation link down below.

— Slider

HTML markup


Testimonials - Slider

Testimonials – Slider

— Box

HTML markup



Testimonials - Boxes

Testimonials – Boxes

Slick Custom Tweaks
New Responsive data-attributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Contact Information

It is nice to let your visitors to know how to keep in touch with you. In Test for Contact Information section we are using Slick slider. More information about this jQuery Slick plugin you will find in the documentation link down below.

HTML markup


Contact Information

Contact Information


Slick Custom Tweaks
New Responsive data-attributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css


In Test you will find several variations of sizes and colors for buttons. Using the class you see down below you will be able to set the size of the button and its color.


  1. Size
    • btn-lg
    • btn-sm
    • btn-xs
  2. Color Full
    • motive
    • default
    • gray
    • primary
    • success
    • info
    • warning
    • danger
    • accent
  3. Color Open
    • motive-o
    • default-o
    • gray-o
    • primary-o
    • success-o
    • info-o
    • warning-o
    • danger-o
    • accent-o

HTML markup




Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!


HTML markup


Contact Form

Contact Form

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content


All need files you will find in /form directory.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

HTML markup





Test have two variations of Input

  • form-control-light
  • form-control-bordered-dark

HTML markup


Inputs Variations

Inputs Variations


HTML markup


Text Area Examples

Text Area Examples


HTML markup





Navigation is really important part of the theme. In Test we have 2 variations of it. The menu markup also contains search bar.

  1. Default Navigation (on scroll Fixed Navigation)
  2. With Topbar

— Default Navigation (on scroll Fixed Navigation)

HTML markup


Navigation - Default

Navigation – Default

Navigation - Sticky

Navigation – Fixed

— With Topbar

HTML markup


Navigation - With Topbar

Navigation – With Topbar


To add pagination, use the simple HTML markup:




This is the default markup with classes you must use if you want to create a slick slider.

HTML markup

— Main Slider

If you want to achieve slider looking like the one on our demo page use this markup example

HTML markup


Main Slider

Main Slider

Slick Custom Tweaks
New Responsive data-attributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Section Header

In Test we have several variations of this element that can be created using classes you can see down below.

  • .ct-section-header-decoration-left
  • .ct-section-header-decoration-center

— .ct-section-header-decoration-left

HTML markup 


Section Header Left

Section Header Left

— .ct-section-header-decoration-center

HTML markup 


Section Header Center

Section Header Center

Data Attributes

This are the attributes you can use in the Test

  1. data-color – custom text color
  2. data-font-size – custom font size
  3. data-height – custom height
  4. data-background – custom background
  5. data-show – show hidden content
  6. data-parallax – set parallax value


HTML markup






Countdown Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Count to

HTML markup


Count to

Count to


Count to Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css


It is a really nice way to present images on your website

HTML marker (example)





Lightgallery Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Blogly – Fancy WordPress Blog Theme


Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customize

Customizer Blogly

Customizer Blogly

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  • Blog
  • Shop
  • Site Identity
  • Menu
  • Widgets
  • Static Front Page

You will find there also main style settings under:

  • Test style
  • General

In Test style section you can edit theme colors and backgrounds

Customizer 2 farm fresh

Customizer main theme colors

With Motive colors you can define motive color of the theme and boxes motive shadow color , which will be displayed on all pages.

Motive colors

In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings

General Settings

General Settings

In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on



In Blog panel you are able to edit the following options:

  1. Top-bar settings:
    • Comments – hide/show
    • Comment form – hide/show
    Pages home options

    Pages home options

  2. Nav-bar settings:
    • Show title on pages
    • Select title row type
    • Title row subtitle
    • Button link
    • Button label
    • Title row image mobile
    Pages title row general options

    Pages title row general options

  3. Layout:
    • Show background mask – show/hide
    • Background mask
    • Title row height
    • Title row image
    Pages title row simple

    Pages title row simple

  4. Posts:
    • Parallax ratio
    • Title row height
    • Title row image
    Pages title row parallax

    Pages title row parallax

  5. Footer:
    • Select gallery for kenburns Header
    • Title row height
    Pages title row kenburns

    Pages title row kenburns

Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Though you can also customize them for each page separately with Page side content settings – you will see this option during page content edition.

Blogly Customizer

Most of theme customization is made from three panels in Theme Customizer:

Blog panel gathers everything post-related

Page panel deals with pages

Shop panel customizes various woocommerce aspects

Lets look at the BLOG section:

Motive colors:

Theres only two options here:

– “motive” changes the general feel of the theme

– “Parallax background color” does what its name implies – changes background color in parralax layout

Top Bar Section:

Top bar is the area Over or Under the Navigation bar. You can also disable it. Additionally You can change its image background and logo.

Nav bar section:

Nav bar settings are meant to controll navigation bar style. The options that are available here are:

– Menu location – either top or side

– Menu style – 3 different styles to choose from

– Logo and Background – used in sidebar menu

Blog Layout Section:

This is the core panel of it all, the options here are:

– Layout – 4 different layouts – grid, big, wide, parallax

– Pull layout – pulls layout up for that extra style(parallax excluded)

– advert frequency – choose how often adverts will appear (between the posts)

– number of columns – special control for grid layout – choose 1, 2 or 3 columns

– first post – style first post differently (for wide and grid)

– sidebar location – left, right or without

– additional pagination – if needed enable pagination on top of posts index

– link to grid layout

– link to big layout

– link to wide layout

– link to parallax layout

– link to layout with first post as wide

– link to additional pagination layout

Posts section

This panel controls various post elements:

– layout – change the layout of single post view – cover photo(audio/video) or standard

– sidebar location – sidebar visibility on single post view left,right or none

– more button – show/hide

– tags – show/hide

– title – show/hide

– date – show/hide

– author – show/hide

– index view – control length of posts in index view

– link to standard layout

– link to cover layout

Footer section:

Theres two options here to control footer layout:

– style – 2 to choose from

– layout – either one-two or 2 left one right

– link to one-two

– link to two-one

Page Layout Section:

This panel controls sidebar visibility on pages – left, right, none or both.

– link to right sidebar page

– link to left sidebar page

– link to both sidebar page

– link to no sidebar page

Shop Section:

Shop layout section:

This panel lets You choose to display standard woocommerce layout or use Blogly one ( shop and product layouts can be turned on independently)

– link to custom shop

– link to standard shop

– link to custom product

– link to standard product

Call to action Section:

This panel controls special banner that appears on woocommerce shop (if layout is set to custom).

– link to CTA shop

Badges section:

This panel controls special banner that shows under Top Content Shop in woocommerce shop.

– link to badge page

Theme is packed with additional sidebars for special uses:

Top Content appears under the navbar in posts index pages

Top Content Shop appears under the navbar in woo shop page

Top additional content pages appear under top content sidebar in posts index pages

Additional Nav Bar Content adds widget area to navbar

Additional Top bar left and right content adds widgetizied areas to top bar on both sides of the logo

Socials in your content adds socials in various places

Ads 1, 2 and 3 creates widgetizied areas for adverts between your posts

Additional widgets featured in BLOGLY:


Additional Plugins for BLOGLY:

– multiple post thumbnails

– wp user avatars

– ct custom types blogly

Blogly Customizer

Test comes with an advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customize

Customizer Blogly

Customizer Blogly

Most of Test customization is made from three panels in Theme Customizer:

  • Blog
  • Page
  • Shop


In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings.


All changes made with customizer will be applied only once you click on



Let’s look at the Blog section of the Test

Blog Customizer

Blog Customizer

–Motive colors

In Blog you’ll find all the main options to customize your Theme

Motive Settings

Motive Settings

There’s only two options for motive colors:

  1. Motive colors
    • Motive – changes the general feel of the theme
    • Parallax background color – changes background color in parralax layout

–Slider colors

Slider example

Slider example

With this settings you are able to set the colors for the main page slider

Slider colors settings

Slider colors settings

  1. Slider colors
    • Font color
    • Arrow color
    • Button color
    • Button hover color

–Top-bar settings

Top-bar example

Top-bar example

Top bar is the area Over or Under the Navigation bar. You can also disable it. Additionally you can change its image background and logo.

Top-bar settings

Top-bar settings

  1. Top-bar settings
    • Choose Image for background of Top bar
    • Choose Image for logo in Top Bar
    • Append NavBar – Over/None/Under

–Nav-bar settings

Nav bar settings are meant to controll navigation bar style.

Menu location - Top

Menu location – Top

Menu location - Sidebar

Menu location – Sidebar


The options that are available here are:

Nav-bar settings

Nav-bar settings

  1. Nav-bar settings
    • Choose your menu location – Top or Sidebar
    • Choose your menu style – 3 different styles to choose from (type 1, type 2, type 3)
    • Choose Logo for sidebar menu – Vsible only in the sidebar version of the menu
    • Choose background image for sidebar menu – Visible only in the sidebar version of the menu


This is the core panel of it all, the options here are:



  1. Layout
    • Choose your layout – 4 different layouts (grid, big, wide, parallax)
    • Show sticky posts? – Pulls layout up for that extra style(parallax excluded)
    • Pull layout on top of top bar? – Yes/No
    • Choose your advert frequency – Choose how often adverts will appear (between the posts)
    • Number of columns for grid layout – Special control for grid layout (choose 1, 2 or 3 columns)
    • Show first post as full width each page? – Style first post differently (for wide and grid)
    • Sidebar location – Right/Left/None
    • Main pagination style:
      1. Inner
        Inner pagination

        Inner pagination

      2. Outer
        Outer pagination

        Outer pagination

    • Infinite sliding (don’t use with additional pagination) – Active infinite scroll option for blog page.
    • Auto Infinite sliding – will work only when Infinite sliding option is active. New posts will load automatically on the page.
    • Show additional pagination on top of the posts? – If needed enable pagination on top of posts index

–Single Post

Here you will be able to customize the elements for the single post

Single Post settings

Single Post settings

  1. Single Post
    • Featured media style – Change the layout of single post view – cover photo(audio/video) or standard
    • Sidebar location – Sidebar visibility on single post view left, right or none
    • Show Navigation – Hide the navigation to the next and preview post.
    • Show “You may also Like” – Hide the suggested posts.

–Posts options

Posts options settings

Posts options settings

  1. Posts options
    • Show more buttons – show/hide
    • Show tags – show/hide
    • Show title – show/hide
    • Show date – show/hide
    • Show author – show/hide
    • Content view -control length of posts in index view


Footer settings

Footer settings

  1. Footer
    • Choose footer style – White Background/Black text or White Background/Black text
    • Pre footer layout – 1 above 2 below or 3 uneven columns

Page Customizer

Page customizer

Page customizer


This panel controls sidebar visibility on pages – left, right, none or both.

Layout customizer

Layout customizer

Theres only one option for the Layout:

  1. Layout
    • Sidebar Location – Left/Right/Both/None


Shop customizer

Shop customizer


Here you can choose to display standard woocommerce layout or use Blogly one.

Layout Shop customizer

Layout Shop customizer

There’s only one option for the Layout:

  1. Layout
    • Shop layout – Custom/Standard

–Call to Action

Call to Action example

Call to Action example

This panel controls special banner that appears on woocommerce shop (if layout is set to custom).

Call to Action settings

Call to Action settings

  1. Call to Action
    • Show
    • Title
    • Text
    • Button Text
    • Button Link


Badges example

Badges example

This panel controls special banner that shows under Top Content Shop in woocommerce shop.

Badgets settings

Badges settings

Theres only one option for the Layout:

  1. Badges
    • Posts show badges – Show/hide
    • Choose Image for 1st badge
    • Title for 1st badge
    • Text for 1st badge
    • Choose Image for 2nd badge
    • Title for 2nd badge
    • Text for 2nd badge
    • Choose Image for 3rd badge
    • Title for 3rd badge
    • Text for 3rd badge

Additional sidebars

In Test you’ll find this additional sidebars for special uses:

Custom widgets

Custom widgets

  1. Additional sidebars
    • Additional Nav Bar Content – adds widget area to navbar
      Adding widgets to Nav bar

      Adding widgets to Nav bar

    • Additional Top Bar Left Content  – adds widgetizied areas to top bar on both sides of the logo
    • Additional Top Bar Right Content – adds widgetizied areas to top bar on both sides of the logo
    • Socials in your content – adds socials in various places
    • Ads 1 – creates widgetizied areas for adverts between your posts
    • Ads 2 – creates widgetizied areas for adverts between your posts
    • Ads 3 – creates widgetizied areas for adverts between your posts
    • Top Content – appears under the navbar in posts index pages
      Added CT-Sticky widget to Top Content

      Added CT-Sticky widget to Top Content

    • Top Content Shop – appears under the navbar in woo shop page
      Example of using CT - ProductSlider in Top Content Shop

      Example of using CT – ProductSlider in Top Content Shop

    • Top additional content 1 – content pages appear under top content sidebar in posts index pages
    • Top additional content 2 – content pages appear under top content sidebar in posts index pages
    • Top additional content 3 – content pages appear under top content sidebar in posts index pages
      Example of using CT - LinkBox widget in Top additional contents

      Example of using CT – LinkBox widget in Top additional contents

Additional widgets

Additional widgets featured in Test:

Additional widgets

Additional widgets

  1. Additional widgets
    • CT-FacebookBox – displays Facebook like box
    • CT-Instagram – displays your Instagram Feed
    • CT-Page – Displays Page as Widgets
    • CT-RecentBlogly – Display recent posts
    • CT-Sicky – Display Sticky Posts
    • CT-copyright – Displays copyright note
    • CT-FeaturedProducts – Displays Featured Product
    • CT-LinkBox – Display image with a button and link
    • CT-ProductSlider – Display Products as Slider
    • CT-Socials – Displays social buttons

Booze – Pub HTML Template

HTML Structure

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including iPad and iPhone.
See for yourself (resize your browser).

If you would like to read more
about bootstrap framework click here :

Bootstrap Documentation

Grid System and Single row structure


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns. It’s responsive grid and adapts to viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically. The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. Each row always include 12 columns (for example col-md-8 + col-md-4 = col-md-12).
Bootstrap documentation: here

Basic grid HTML:

Page structure

Below you will find default page structure :

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Animations
2. Utilities
3. Font Awesome
4. Menu
5. Slick Slider
6. Media Sections
7. Selectize
8. Light Gallery
9. Typography
10. Article Box
11. Buttons
12. Socials buttons
13. Footer
14. Main Slider
15. Booking Form
16. Forms
17. Accordions
18. Blog
19. Blog Single Page
20. Pagination
21. Testimonials
22. Google Maps

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:

  • Gmaps – google map plugin
  • Light Gallery – plugin for the gallery
  • Portfolio – istotpe and masonry plugins
  • Jquery Gray – Gray-scale plugin for the pictures
  • Jquery Pagescroller – plugin for the onepager section
  • DataTime Picker – this is plugin for the calendar
  • Skrollr – plugin for the media sections
  • Slick – this is the plugin for the slider
  • Booze.min.js –  One big file where are minifixed javascript files:
    1. jquery
    2. boostrap
    3. placeholder
    4. easing
    5. device.min.js
    6. jquery browser
    7. Snap min JS
    8. jquery appear
  • Main.js – The main javascript initializaions and other major snippets.


Google Map (GMAP3 Plugin)

This is google map with custom marker, you can define couple parameters:

  • data-location – address to show
  • data-height – map height (if undefined height will be 220px)
  • data-offset – by how many map should be repositioned from marker center point (default -30)

It uses gmap3 plugin.
Documentation: here


Booze map

Booze map

HTML Markup


This plugin call function when element appear in viewport. This is used in custom animation, progress bars, counter timer.
Documentation: https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/


HTML markup


Menu Fixed Color

Menu Fixed Color

Blog – main page

HTML markup:


Blog main page

Blog main page

Blog – single page

HTML markup


Blog Single page

Blog Single page



In Test we have several flavours from which you can choose:

Booze flavours

  • Btn-primary.btn-borde
    HTML markup
    Booze Button Example
  • Btn-default.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-link.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-primary.btn-stretched
    HTML markup

Castro Flavour

  • Btn-primary.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-default.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-link.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-primary.btn-stretched
    HTML markup

Rooftop Flavour

  • Btn-primary.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-default.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-link.btn-border
    HTML markup
  • Btn-primary.btn-stretched
    HTML markup


HTML markup


Parallax Example

Parallax Example

Comments Box

Blog Page Navigations

HTML markup


Blog Page Navigation example

Blog Page Navigation example

Booking Form

HTML markup


Booking Form example

Booking Form example


HTML markup


Twitter example

Twitter example

Social icons

HTML markup


Social Icons example

Social Icons example


HTML markup


Footer example

Footer example


HTML markup


Gallery example

Gallery example

Slick Slider

HTML markup


Slick Slider example

Slick Slider example

Contact Form

HTML markup


Contact Form example

Contact Form example

Menu Restaurant

HTML markup


Menu Restaurant ver 1

Menu Restaurant ver 1

Menu Restaurant ver 2

Menu Restaurant Version 2


HTML markup


Comment Box

HTML markup


Comment Box example

Comment Box example

Shot Premium Photos HTML Template

CSS Files and Structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.


  1. animate-css
  2. slick
  3. slick-theme
  4. selectize.bootstrap3
  5. global
  6. utilities
  7. navbar
  8. background-effects
  9. buttons
  10. typography
  11. widget
  12. footer
  13. socials
  14. person-box
  15. counters
  16. jumbotron
  17. portfolio
  18. sliders
  19. post
  21. forms
  22. upload
  23. pricing-table
  24. map

JavaScript Components

JavaScript files

  1. jquery.min.js – https://jquery.com/
  2. bootstrap.min.js – http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/
  3. browser.min.js – https://github.com/gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin
  4. device.min.js – https://github.com/borismus/device.js/tree/master/build
  5. jquery.placeholder.min.js – https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jqueryplaceholder
  6. jquery.visible.js – https://github.com/customd/jquery-visible
  7. skrollr.min.js – http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/
  8. slick.min.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
  9. init.js – custom script for slick slider
  10. isotope.min.js – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
  11. selectize.min.js – https://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
  12. helpers.js – custom script
  13. shopLocator – https://createit.support/html-documentation/shoplocator/


Blog Post Types

In Test you will be able to create several types of blog post on your blog.

Blog Post (text)

HTML markup


Blog Post example

Blog Post example

Blog Slider

HTML markup


Blog Slider example

Blog Slider example

Blog Audio

HTML markup


Blog Audio example

Blog Audio example

Blog Quote

HTML markup


Blog Quote example

Blog Quote example

Blog Video

HTML markup


Blog Video example

Blog Video example

Link Post

HTML markup


Link Post example

Link Post example

Info Box

Info Box is the best way to put some interesting information on your website.
HTML markup


Info Box example

Info Box example

Person Box

Using Person Box you can create short person profiles. Add social links and icons, name, company role and don’t forget about the photo!
HTML markup


Info Box example

Info Box example

Person Box hover example

Person Box hover example


This is the best way to call extra attention to important content of infomation. Check out Test clean and elegant Jumbotron example.

HTML markup


Jumbotron example

Jumbotron example


HTML markup



Counters example

Counters example


In Test you will have no problems finding the images you are looking for using the Isotope filters to find the perfect picture for you.


HTML markup


Isotope Filte example

Isotope Filte example


HTML markup



isotope Item example

isotope Item example

Isotope Item on hover example

Isotope Item on hover example

Isotope Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside shots.min.js & style.css


In Test you will find several variations of buttons.

  1. Size
    • btn-lg
    • btn
    • btn-sm
    • btn-xs
  2. Colors
    • btn-motive
    • btn-primary
    • btn-success
    • btn-danger
    • btn-info
    • btn-warning
  3. Types
    • btn-ractangle
    • btn-rounded
    • btn-circle

HTML markup


Button examples

Button examples

HTML markup


Button example

Button example


HTML markup


Input example

Input example


HTML markup


text area example

Text Area example


HTML markup


Search example

Search example


HTML markup



Select example

Select example

Selectize Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css


HTML markup


Checkbox example

Checkbox example


HTML markup


Radio example

Radio example


HTML markup


TopBar example

TopBar example


HTML markup


Searcher example

Searcher example

Color Picker

HTML markup


Color Picker

Color Picker

Please be aware that this is only HTML markup with style for this element and it won’t provide it full functionality.


HTML markup


Sidebar Menu example

Sidebar Menu example

Cart menu

Here you will find the products you added to your cart.

HTML markup


Cart Menu example

Cart Menu example

Mobile menu

HTML markup


Mobile Menu example

Mobile Menu example


HTML markup


Slider example

Slider example

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside confetti.min.js & style.css

Main Slider

HTML markup

Main Slider example

Main Slider example

Slick Custom Tweaks

New Responsive data-attributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Contact from

All needed files are in /form directory.

Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

HTML markup:


Contact Form example

Contact Form example

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Shop item

HTML markup

All the information about magnific popup used for this element you can find HERE


Yoi will be able to check out the image and buy them arleady on the page.

Shop Item example

Shop Item example

Shop item after hover example

Shop item after hover example

This is the view you will get after choosing Image details.

Pop up item example

Pop up item example

HTML paypal shop

All the needed informations about this plugin you will find HERE

How to use the Test shop?

Our Test is using the jQuery Paypal HTML Shop by createIT that will turn your static website into a working paypal shop in a moment.


On Shop page you can add ale the products you want to sold. Here your customers will be able to check the products and choose which one is the one they are looking for. This products are attached to our jQuery Paypale HTML shop.




After the customer will hit the BUY NOW button, they will be able to find the products in the BAG. They will be able to change the amount of the products they want to buy. They can also delete the products from the basket if they decide they don’t want to buy them after all.

Bag with products example

Bag with products example


They will also find there Clear Cart option to remove all the products at once.

Clear Cart option

Clear Cart button

Here they will also find the checkout option that will send clients to the paypale page.

Checkout Button

Checkout Button


Here again they will find the information about the products they want to buy (ammount and price they will pay) . Also here all the customers will need to fill up all the needed information to be able to pay for the products using paypale account or log in into existing one.




In Test we are using Pace preloader.

HTML markup

No HTML markup needed.




Files are bundled inside sella.min.js. and style.css files

Documentation and information about Pace can be found on THIS website.

Delimondo 2.0 – 5 Styles Restaurant WP Theme

Create pages Delimondo WP

To create a new Page follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – select Pages > Add New
  • Step 2 – add Title
  • Step 3 – add content – we recommend you to create page content using shortcode generator or by modifying demo content
  • Step 4 – choose page attributes:
    • Parent – if you want to create subpage
    • Template – you can choose one of defined page templates: {templates}
    • Page order
  • Step 5 – choose navbar settings
  • Step 6 – choose template settings
  • Step 7 – click Publish to make your page public.
Page attributes

Page attributes

Navbar settings

Navbar settings

Template settings

Template settings

Learn more:

WordPress Pages


In Test you will be able to add the social icons on the right side of the main menu.

Social Position

Social Position

Socials Customizer

Socials Customizer

  1. Socials

    You will find the section you can see below in the Customizer on the path Socials > Socials



Delimondo 2.0 Customizer

Test comes with advanced customizer, which allows to edit theme elements in one place. To use it navigate to Appearance > Customizer

Main Customizer Menu

Main Customizer Menu

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

  1. General
  2. Pages
  3. Navigation Bar
  4. Posts
  5. Portfolio
  6. Socials
  7. WooCommerce
  8. Site Identity
  9. Colors
  10. Header Image
  11. Background Image
  12. Menus
  13. Widgets


In General you can setup logos, copyright text and main theme settings

Main Settings

Main Settings

In Delimondo 2 – style section you can edit theme Motive Colors of the whole theme

Color customize

Color customize

The Other default colors for header text and background color can be changed in the Color section of the Customizer

Colors Customizer

Colors Customizer


All changes done with customizer will be applied only once you click on



In Pages panel you are able to edit the general options for the Pages and the Map.

Pages Customizer

Pages Customizer


  1. General

    • Comments
    • Show breadcrumbs
    • Comment form
    • Show titles on pages
    • 404 page – Sub header
    • 404 page – Header


  2. Map

    • Show section header
    • Section header image
    • Section sub header
    • Section header
    • Enter location
    • Map height
    • Button label
    • Top header
    • Bottom header
    • Top content
    • Bottom content
    • Map section background image
    • Map ornament left
    • Map ornament right
    • Map ornament middle
    • Show socials
    • Show information text
    • Hide information text


Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Though you can also customize them for each page separately with Header and Navbar settings – you will see this option during page content edition.

Header and navbar settings

Header and navbar settings

Navigation Bar

In Test you have option to customize the menu of the theme using the options you can check below. You will find them in the Customizer on path Navigation Bar > General.

Navigation Bar
Navigation Bar Customizer

Navigation Bar Customizer

The General options in the Navigation Bar will let you set the background image for the Navigation Bar and choose from one of the 6 styles.

    1. General
      • Background image
      • Background image repeat
      • Navbar style
      General Customizer

      General Customizer



In Test you have option to customize the Posts pages the options below.

Post Customizer

Post Customizer

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to Posts sections, like:

  • Blog index Title Row general options
  • Index
  • Single
  1. Blog index Title row general options:

    Here you will be able to set the options for the Blog Title.

    • Blog header
    • Blog subheader
    • Blog header image
    Blog Indext Title Row General options

    Blog Indext Title Row General options

  2. Index settings:

    Using this options of the customizer you can set several options deciding how your blog page will be display.

    • Blog title
    • Blog sub title
    • Post detail button label
    • Date
    • By label
    • on label
    • tags label
    • Date
    • By label
    • On label
    • Tags label
    • Date
    • Show featured media on blog index
    • Title / quote author
    • Post text
    • Author link
    • Show read more button?


  3. Single options:

    This options will affect the look of the single post page.

    • Date
    • Tags
    • Categories
    • Show posts index page title
    • Date
    • Show featured media on single post
    • Title / quote author
    • Content
    • Author link
    • Comments
    • Comment form
    • Comment form header
    • Tag cloud
    • Categories
    • Show share box
    • Share header
    • Share annotate
    • Pagination
    • Previous post label
    • Comment reply label
    • Comment Form submit label
    • Comment Form name placeholder
    • Comment Form email placeholder
    • Comment Form website placeholder
    • Comment Form message placeholder
    • Latest posts header
    • Latest posts slider link label




In Test you have option to customize the WooCommerce pages using the options you can check below. You will find them on path Customize > WooCommerce

It will display a panel giving you option to show or hide Title row on Shop index



  1. Show index Title row general options:
    • Show titles on shop index
    Shop index title row

    Shop index title row

Header Image

In Test you have option to customize the Header Image pages using the options you can check below. You will find the on path Customize > Header Image

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

Header Image

Header Image Customizer

Disrupt – Single Product e-Commerce HTML Template

Java Script Components

JavaScript files:

  • datetime-picker
  • gmaps
  • jquery.isotope.min.js – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
  • lightgallery.js – http://sachinchoolur.github.io/lightGallery/demos/
  • paypal-html-shop – more information about this plugin you will find HERE
  • progressBar
  • selectize.min.js
  • shop-locator – more information about this plugin you will find HERE
  • slick.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
  • jquery.min.js – https://jquery.com/
  • skrollr.min.js – http://prinzhorn.github.io/skrollr/
  • datepicker
  • selectize.min.js – https://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/
  • paypal-html-shop – more information about this plugin you will find HERE
  • progressBar
  • slick.js – http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
  • helpers.js
  • bootstrap.min.js – http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/
  • browser.min.js – https://github.com/gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin
  • device.min.js – https://github.com/borismus/device.js/tree/master/build
  • jquery.appear.js
  • jquery.placeholder.min.js – https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder
  • main.js


CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.


  1. variables
  2. mixins
  3. animate
  4. slick
  5. selectize
  6. global
  7. utili
  8. lightgallery
  9. lg-transitions
  10. date-picker
  11. shop-locator
  12. navbar
  13. footer
  14. buttons
  15. contact-form
  16. toggleables
  17. tooltip
  18. typography


HTML markup example


Accordion Open and Closed

Accordion Open and Closed

Bootstrap Documentation for Accorion can be found Here.

Icon Box

You can easily change what icon will be displayed in box by changing icon class. Here you will find full set of icons.

Test have 4 varations of icon boxes that are using the classes you can see below.

  • .ct-iconBox–type1
  • .ct-iconBox–type2
  • ct-iconBox–type4
  • ct-iconBox–type5

HTML markup example


icon box ver1

Icon box ver.1

HTML markup example


Icon box ver.2

Icon box ver.2


HTML markup example


Icon box ver.4

Icon box ver.4

HTML markup example


Icon box ver.5

Icon box ver.5

Person Box

HTML markup


Person box example

Person box example

Divider section

In Test we have 2 versions of Divider sections.

  • Default
  • Currency


HTML markup






HTML markup






The best way to adversize your company is to let your customers speak for you. And we have two types of this element! In Test

— Slider

HTML markup




Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

HTML markup


Contact form

Contact form

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content


It is a really nice way to present images on your website

HTML marker (example)





Lightgallery Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css

Section Header

In Test we have one varsion of this element that can be created using this markup below

HTML markup 


Section header

Section header


This is the default markup with classes you must use if you want to create a slick slider.

HTML markup

— Main Slider

If you want to achieve slider looking like the one on our demo page use this markup example

HTML markup


Main slider

Main slider



Slick Custom Tweaks
New Responsive data-attributes for ease of use:

  • data-items-xl
  • data-items-lg
  • data-items-md
  • data-items-sm
  • data-items-xs

Slick Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside sella.min.js & style.css


Navigation is really important part of the theme. In Test we have 3 variations of it. The menu markup also contains search bar.

  1. Default navigation
  2. Navbar wide navigation
  3. Navbar white
  4. Navbar dark

— Default navigation

HTML markup


Default navigation

Default navigation

— Navbar wide navigation

HTML markup


Navbar whide

Navbar whide

— Navbar white

HTML markup


Navbar whide

Navbar whide

— Navbar dark

HTML markup


Navbar dark

Navbar dark


In Test you will find several variations of sizes and colors for buttons. Using the class you see down below you will be able to set the size of the button and its color.

  1. Size
    • btn-lg
    • btn-sm
    • btn-xs
  2. Color Full
    • group–separated
    • motiveColor
    • default
    • primary
    • success
    • info
    • warning
    • dark
    • accent
    • white
  3. Color Open
    • transparent

HTML markup

Screenshot examples

  • accent/transparent
    accent & transparent buttons

    accent & transparent buttons

  • group–separated( dark,default)
    dark & default buttons

    dark & default buttons



In Test we are using Pace preloader.

HTML markup

This HTMl is added to the body of the HTML






You will find this code on path ../assets/js/main.js

Background Image

In Test you have option to customize the Background Image using the options you can check below. You will find the on path Customize > WooCommerce

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, like:

Background Images Customizer

Background Images Customizer

What is Menu card?

It is used in Test shortcode that will give you option to show all the products they can find in your restaurant or shop. This shortcode don’t need Woocommerce plugin to work so it will be a wonderfull solution for anyone who want to show the products but don’t want to seel them on the website, or to just show them in a fancy way on the page!


Menu card

Menu card


Creating Menu Card

To create a Menu card on one of you pages you’ll need to use Menu card Shortcode.

How to Add Menu card?

  • Step 1 – go to the Pages > Add New in WP Dashboard
    Create new page

    Create new page

  • Step 2 – choose Menu Card from the visual composer elements. If you have problems with finding it use the search option.
    Adding Menu Card

    Adding Menu Card

  • Step 3 – choose options in Menu card Settings: You’ll be able to select from several options, which will help you to customize your Menu card.
      1. Filters – let you choose if you want to filter the products by the categories or not.
      2. Categories custom order  – set custom order of the categories.
      3. Category order by  – choose the order of the categories (by name, slug or Id).
      4. Category order  – order of the categories (ascending, descending).
      5. Product order by – choose by what the product order will be shown (date, price, date, order by last modified date, random, slug, Id).
      6. Product order – order in which the categories will be shown (ascending, descending).
      7. Currency – the currency you want to use for the product prices.
      8. Limit – number of food elements on the page
      9. Custom class –  adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. Type in name of class, which you defined in custom style css. You can add as much classes as you like.
    Menu Card Settings

    Menu Card Settings

Remember to save the changes after you’ re done.

Creating Menu card Item

Before setting Menu card on your page you have to create items. In this few easy steps you will be able to create item without any problems!

  • Step 1 – Please go to the Restaurant  in the Dashboard of your WordPress.
  • Step 2 – Click Add New to create a new item.
    Creating new Menu item

    Creating new Menu item

  • Step 3 – Create the content of your product. To do That you will need to set:
    1. Title of the product.
    2. Main content – you can put there all the information about the products you want.
    3. Price – set the price of the product.
    4. Menu categories – you can choose from what you’ve already created or make a new one by clicking on Add new menu Category or by going to Restaurant > Categories and create whatever categories you need.
    Creating Menu item

    Creating Menu item

When you work is done alway remember to make sure that you save all the changes.

Creating Event Item

here you will find some useful information how to set an Event item on your own.

  • Step 1 – go to the Events in the Dashboard of your WordPress. There you’ll find several options that will help you create your events. Here are the most interesting ones:
    1. Events – you will be able to check out already existing events.
    2. Add New – here you will be able to create New Event.
    3. Tags
    4. Venues – will let you set the adresses of your events.
    Event options

    Event options

  • Step 2 – Choose Add New. This way you will start creating your own Events by filling up this several options like:
    1. Enter Title – set the title of the event.
    2. Editor area – here you can put some text according to the created event.
    3. The Event Calendar – here you can set needed information for users like time & date of the event, location and all the information you want.
      The Event Calendar

      The Event Calendar

    4. Event Options – choose one of the options for the event.

Event Calendar

Test Events can be easly created with the use of Event Calendar.

This plugin does not use any shortcode. The only thing you need to do is to activate this plugin. All the needed content will be downloaded with the 1-Click Demo.

If you are searching for more information about this plugin check out Knowledgebase.


For the Event in Test we are using The Event Calendar plugin. If you are searching for more information about it check the creators Knowledgebase page.

How to create Event Page ? 

The Event page is generated from the slug /event/ in the menu that you will find on path Appearance > Menus

Creating Event Page

Creating Event Page

Event page basic information

  • Event Page generated by the plugin and there is no options to change the position of the Event element on the page
  • Test is suporting 3 views of the Event page that can be switched by the users of the page
    1. List
    2. Month
    3. Day

Team Shortcode

In Test you will find Team shortcode made specifically for this theme, which will let you show team members on your page.

How to use Team shortcode?

  • Step 1 – go to the Pages > Add New in WP Dashboard
    Create new page

    Create new page

  • Step 2 – choose Team from the visual composer elements. If you have problems with finding it use the search option.
    Event Shortcode

    Event Shortcode

  • Step 3 – choose options in Team Settings. You will be able to decide how this shortcode will act on your website.
      1. Show socials 
      2. Limit – set limit of the Team members on the page
      3. Custom class – Adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element. Type in name of class, which you defined in css. You can add as much classes as you like.
      4. Skip X elements – Allows to skip X elements from collection.
      5. Order – Set the order in which the items will be showing up.
      6. Order by – Order in which data should be fetched.
      7. Post id
      8. Excluded posts id
      9. Post slug – Filter by slug
      10. Post parent id – Filter by Parent ID
      11. Category name – Name of category to filter
      12. Tag name (slug) – Comma separated values: tag1,tag2 To exclude tags use ‘-‘ minus: -mytag will exclude tag ‘mytag’
      13. Keyword search – Show item with certain keyword
    Team Settings

    Team Settings

Remember to save the changes after you will done.

Team shortcode

Team shortcode


Event Shortcode

In Test you will find made specifically for this theme Event shortcode that will let you show unlimited ammount of the Events you created.

How to Events shortcode?

  • Step 1 – go to the Pages > Add New in WP Dashboard
    Create new page

    Create new page

  • Step 2 – choose Events from the visual composer elements. If you have problems with finding it use the search option.
    Events Shortcode

    Events Shortcode

  • Step 3 – choose options in Event Settings. You will be able to set to options to decide how this shortcode will act on your website.
      1. Read more labe – Set the dext that you want to be shown in the button under each event
      2. Limit – set the limits of the Events shown on the page.
    Event Settings

    Event Settings

Remember to save the changes after you will done.

This shortcode is taking the Events from the Events section id the dashboard. If the date of the Event will be same as the actual day date it’s style will be changed to active.



Recent Posts

In Test you will find made specifically for this theme Recent Posts shortcode that will let you show the latest posts on your page.

How to use Recent posts shortcode?

    • Step 1 – go to the Pages > Add New in WP Dashboard
      Create new page

      Create new page

    • Step 2 – choose Team from the visual composer elements. If you have problems with finding it use the search option.
      Event Shortcode

      Event Shortcode

    • Step 3 – choose options in Event Settings. You will be able to set to options to decide how this shortcode will act on your website.
        1. Total limit – total limit of the posts on the page.
        2. Post visible – number of posts that will be shown before show more posts.
        3. Product order by – order by what this posts will be shown on the page (title, price, date, order by last mofified date … )
        4. Products order – order in which the posts will be shown (descending or ascending)
        5. Show sticky post
Recent Posts

Recent Posts

Remember to save the changes after you will done.

Example of recent posts

Example of recent posts


How to use different markers on the same map?

Creating new reference:

To achieve this you need to go to the shop-locator.js file. There you will find displayMarkers function. You will need to add there an extra reference for the .json file

Just like you can see on this image below:

add icon

adding reference

Now you can add different marker for each place you want to show on your map.

Adding markers:

Just go to the .json file where you are keeping all the json marker and add new field with the path to the image you want to use:

adding new field

adding new field

Please remember: All of the locations in the .json file need to have icon field with the path to the image.

Rota Auto Service – Mechanic Workshop HTML

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Font Awesome
2. Typography
3. Buttons
4. Form
5. Menu
6. Widget
7. Footer
8. Slick
9. Icon BOx
10. Price table
11. Testimonials
12. Warning section
13. Coupons
14. Careers section
15. About Us
16. Light Gallery
17. Date picker
18. Utilities

Javascript Components

JavaScript files:



Navigation is really important part of the theme. In Test we have one version of the navigation bar. The menu markup also contains search bar.

  1. Default Navigation

HTML markup


Default navigation

Default navigation


Accordions are useful when you want to hide and show large amount of content

HTML markup





To create a isotope item please used the HTML markup from below

HTML markup


Isotope item

Isotope item


Isotope Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside main.js & style.css

Blog Posts

In Test we have 4 types of blog posts you can created using this markups:

Blog Image

HTML markup


Blog image

Blog image

Blog Simple

HTML markup


Blog simple

Blog simple

Blog Gallery

HTML markup


Blog gallery

Blog gallery

Blog Video

HTML markup


Blog video

Blog video

Short Info Box

Not all of the important information need to be long! With Test we presents you short info box !

HTML markup


Short info box

Short info box

Person Box

If you want to show people you are working with this is a good solution

HTML markup


Person box

Person box

Team Box

If you want to show some basic information about your co-workers team box is the best solution.

HTML markup


Team box

Team box

Reviews with infinite scroll and isotope

HTML markup

and other “reviews” will be loaded from other html file. Example full html file named review1.html [important]:



Reviews with infinite scroll and isotope

Reviews with infinite scroll and isotope

Job Box

Present your offer with clean and simple tables by just adding this HTML markup:

HTML markup


Job box

Job box

Fancy Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.

Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

HTML markup:

Java Script


Fancy contact form

Fancy contact form

Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

Pricing table

Present your prices  by just adding this simple HTML markup:

HTML markup


Pricing tables

Pricing tables


To add pagination, use the simple HTML markup:

HTML markup





— Basic slider markup

HTML markup


–Main Slider

HTML markup


Main slider

Main slider

Slick Documentation can be found here Files are bundled inside style.css and main.js

Light Gallery

HTML markup


Light gallery

Light gallery

LightGallery Documentation can be found here. Files are bundled inside main.js & style.css

Map with single marker

HTML markup






In Test you will find several variations of sizes and types of buttons


  1. Size
    • btn-sm
    • btn (only)
    • btn-lg
  2. types
    • btn-success
    • btn-danger
    • btn-warning
    • btn-info
    • btn-primary
    • btn-default
    • btn-motive

HTML markup example




Sporta HTML


HTML markup

Countdown accepts the following format: MM/DD/YYYY HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS





Icon Box

Our Icon Boxes are using Font Awesome 4.5 icons. All of them can be find HERE.  Test have two variations of this element

  • Left variation ( can be set with the use of ct-icons__left class style)
  • Right variation ( can be set with the use of ct-icons__right class style)


— Left variation

HTML markup


Right variation

Right variation

— Right variation

HTML markup


Left variation

Left variation


With Test counters you will be able to show some numbers !

HTML markup





HTML markup




This element will be fully working only with the use of the jQuery Paypal HTML Shop that is part of the Test

Isotope gallery

With this markup you will be able to create beautiful and responsive isotope gallery.
HTML markup

The first item should have a class isotope-grid-sizer


Isotope gallery

Isotope gallery

Action Link

With the use of Action link you will be able to send users of Test to some interesting places on your website.
HTML markup


Action Link

Action link


Icons used in the Test are Font Awesome 4.5 icons. All of them can be find HERE.
HTML markup





With the use of Font Awesome 4.5 icons you will be able to have clean and simple Test social media buttons. They come with two variations

  • dark (can be created with the use of ct-socials–dark style class)
  • bigger (can be created with the use of ct-socials–bigger style class)

This classes should be added to the <ul> </ul> of the Socials markup to get the same effect as on demo example

HTML markup

Screenshot example

Social buttons dark

Social buttons

Page Headers

HTML markup


Page headers

Page headers

Progress Bars

The best way to show the progress of your work simply use one of the progress bars  markups. Test have two variations

  • Progress bar
  • Circular progress bar

— Progress Bar

HTML markup


Progress bar

Progress bar

— Circular Progress Bar

HTML markup


Circular progress bar

Circular progress bar

Service Box

HTML markup


Service box

Service box

Contact Box

HTML markup


Contact box

Contact box


HTML markup





Feature Box

HTML markup


Feature box

Feature box

Super Header

HTML markup


Super header

Super header

Contact Form

All needed files are in /form directory.

Remember to includeon page.
To configure form just edit form/config.php and change e-mails to your own :

That’s it!

You can create contact form with a use of:

  • Input
  • Textarea
  • Submit button


HTML markup



HTML markup


–Submit button

HTML markup



Contact form

Contact form


Options (can be changed in HTML) :

  • Mail Subject – just change value in :
  • Success Message – change successMessage div content
  • Error Message – change errorMessage div content

CSS files and structure

If you would like to edit the color, font, or style of any elements, you would do the following:

If you find that your new style is not overriding, it is most likely because of a specificity problem. Scroll down in your CSS file and make sure that there isn’t a similar style that has more weight.


So, to ensure that your new styles are applied, make sure that they carry enough “weight” and that there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.


The theme includes a css file wich you can use to edit the colors.
You just need to add the corresponding CSS file to the head of the page like this:


We’ve included 360+ font icons.

Awesome Icons – http://fontawesome.io/icons/

HTML markup:

CSS Files & Structure

We’ve included 2 files.
bootstrap.css contains Bootstrap 3 Library.
style.css file contains general styles.

1. Animate CSS
2. Slick
3. Selectize
4. Countdown
5. Magnific Popup
6. Isotope
7. Pace
8. Circular Progress Bar
9. Utilities
10. Typography
11. Navbar
12. Buttons
13. Icons
14. Socials
15. Action Link
16. Sliders
17. Form
18. Widgets
19. Sidebar
20. Footer
21. Boxes
22. Cart
23. Wishlist
24. Blog
25. Breadcrumbs
26. Headers
27. Mobile Menu
28. Blockquote
29. Pagination
30. Team
31. Lists
32. Coming Soon
33. Progress Bar
34. Map
35. Contacts


With the use of Font Awesome 4.5 icons you will be able to have clean and simple Test  Contact information.

HTML markup

Screenshot example




HTML markup

If you do not want a fixed navbar, remove class navbar-fixed




Main Slider with Thumbnails

HTML markup

If you do not want a fixed navbar, remove class navbar-fixed


Main slider with thumbnails

Main slider with thumbnails

Team Box

HTML markup


Team box

Team box

Team Popup

HTML markup


Team popup

Team popup

External Documentations

The following sources and files have been used to build up this theme

  1. Paypal Shop
  2. Isotope
  3. Magnific Popup
  4. nstSlider
  5. Pace
  6. Selectize
  7. Slick
  8. Bootstrap

jQuery Paypal HTML Shop

All the needed informations about this plugin you will find HERE


Test comes with extended Galleries options, which allow you to manage all galleries and image in one place. Galleries are custom post types, where you can add multiple images, which then can be used for the

Slider VC item

Creating Gallery

To create new Gallery, navigate to Galleries > Add New

Add new Gallery

Add new Gallery

For new gallery you can define:

  • Title (required),
  • Tags (optional),
  • Images (recommended),

No doubt, the most important are images. Here you can Upload new images from you computer or select images from Media library – one or multiple (hold CTRL or SHIFT to select more that one image).

Gallery with images

Gallery with images

For every gallery you can:

  • reorder images with drag and drop tool,
  • remove images from gallery with x sign
  • add new images from media library or computer.

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Slider Gallery

You can present your images as a simple slider. From the list select Slider. When you click a tab Custom Gallery in a slider settings you’ll see option to select a gallery, which should be displayed as a slider.

Notice: you have three options for images in Select:

  • none – image won’t be displayed,
  • select all – all images from the gallery will be displayed (all changes, such as adding/removing image, will be applied in slider gallery),
  • custom select – only selected images will be displayed.
Slider gallery

Slider gallery


Test comes extended Galleries options, which allow you to manage all galleries and image in one place. Galleries are custom post types, where you can add multiple images, which then can be used almost everywhere on your page.

Creating Gallery

To create new Gallery, navigate to Galleries > Add New

Add new Gallery

Add new Gallery

For new gallery you can define:

  • Title (required),
  • Tags (optional),
  • Images (recommended),

The most important are of course images. You can Upload here new images from you computer or select images from Media library – one or multiple (hold CTRL or SHIFT to select more that one image).

Gallery with images

Gallery with images

For every gallery you can:

  • reorder images with drag and drop tool,
  • remove images from gallery with x sign
  • add new images from media library or computer.

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Slider Gallery

You can present your images as simple slider. From available components list select Slider. In tab Custom Gallery in slider settings you will see option to select gallery, which should be displayed as slider.

Notice: you have three Select options for images:

  • none – image won’t be displayed,
  • select all – all images from the gallery will be displayed (all changes which you will do for gallery, like adding/removing image will be applied in slider gallery),
  • custom select – only selected images will be displayed.
Slider gallery

Slider gallery

Image Grid

Another shortcode to display images uploaded to galleries in Image Grid – it works analogously to Slider element, but instead of slides, images are displayed in 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns.

Image grid

Image grid

Portfolio Gallery

We didn’t forget also about standard gallery – which displays featured images of all created Portfolio Items (Portfolio Items > Add New). You can display it with Gallery element.

You will find here number of settings to change:

  • Portfolio type
  • Columns number
  • Filter (if Masonry portfolio type used)
  • Title
  • Category – If you want to display items from only one category
  • Blog index button text
  • Limit
Portfolio gallery

Portfolio gallery

Gallery shortcode

Test comes with extendedgallery shortcodeshortcode, which allow you to show all of yours galleries in one place. using this shortcode you will have acess to several option to set:



  • Columns (3 or 4) set the number of images show for each gallery
  • Before date – text set before the date
  • Before author – text set before author
  • Limit – number of galleries show on the page
  • Show meta? (yes/no)
  • Show description? (true/false)
  • Show author? (true/false)
  • Show title? (true/false)
  • Custom class – adding custom class allows you to set diverse styles in css to the element
  • Skip X elements – allows to skip X elements from collection
  • Order – order in which data should be fetched
  • Order by – order in which data should be fetched
  • Post id
  • Exclude post id
  • Post slug – filter by slug
  • Post parent id – filter by Parent ID
  • Category name – name of category to filter
  • Tag name (slug)
  • Keyword search


Test comes extended Galleries options, which allow you to manage all galleries and image in one place. Galleries are custom post types, where you can add multiple images, which then can be used almost everywhere on your page.

Creating Gallery

To create new Gallery, navigate to Galleries > Add New

Add new Gallery

Add new Gallery

For new gallery you can define:

  • Title (required),
  • Tags (optional),
  • Images (recommended),

The most important are of course images. You can Upload here new images from you computer or select images from Media library – one or multiple (hold CTRL or SHIFT to select more that one image).

Gallery with images

Gallery with images

For every gallery you can:

  • reorder images with drag and drop tool,
  • remove images from gallery with x sign
  • add new images from media library or computer.

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Header gallery

Each page has number of options to change header appearance. For the header you can select images with Parallax or Kenburns effect, background Video or Simple image.
If you would like to display images as Kenburns , you can do it with one of Galleries. Just select, which Gallery should be display here.

Header gallery

Header gallery

Slider Gallery

You can present your images as simple slider. From available components list select Slider. In tab Custom Gallery in slider settings you will see option to select gallery, which should be displayed as slider.

Notice: you have three Select options for images:

  • none – image won’t be displayed,
  • select all – all images from the gallery will be displayed (all changes which you will do for gallery, like adding/removing image will be applied in slider gallery),
  • custom select – only selected images will be displayed.
Slider gallery

Slider gallery

Import demo content

The fastest and easiest way to import our demo content is to use our Theme Options 1-click Demo Importer. Our importer will import all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, theme options, assigned pages, and more. We recommend this approach on newly installed, fresh WordPress installation.

1-Click Demo import will not replace content like posts, pages, portfolio, etc. It will also not delete current menus but configure our demo menus, it will replace theme options. So if you have created posts, pages or portfolio content before import, there is no need to be afraid of losing them.

To import our demo content, please see the steps below:

  • Step 1 – install and activate plugins listed in Recommended Plugins message
    Recommended plugins

    Recommended plugins

    and WooCoomerce plugin if you would like to use shop functionalities.

  • Step 2 – setup Media thumbnails sizes in Settings > Media to our recommended values:
    • Thumbnail size: {thumbnail_size}
    • Medium size: {medium_size}
    • Large size: {large_size}

If you are using WooCommerce product images sizes in WooCoomerce > Settings > Products

  • Step 3 – navigate to Appearance > Theme Options > General – 1-click Demo Import
  • Step 4 – click the Import demo content button with multipage or onepager version.
    1 click to import demo content

    1 click to import demo content

  • Step 5 – it can take a few minutes to import everything. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it loads, you will see message indicating success.

Learn more:

Common errors with “1-Click Demo Import”

Installation via Administration Panel

If Test files are downloaded from your Themeforest account, you can start an installation using WordPress administration panel.

Once you’ve logged in to your administration panel go to Appearance > Themes. Depending on your version of WordPress, you’ll see Add New or two other tabs: Manage Themes and Install Themes.

Themes section

Themes section

Here you can find instructions how to proceed with 3.9.0 and lower versions of WordPress.


If you’re using newer version, follow steps below to install the theme:

    • Step 1 – click on

      Add New

    • Step 2 – choose Upload Theme option to upload .zip file
      Upload theme

      Upload theme

    • Step 3 – choose {theme}.zip from you computer.
    • Step 4 – once file is chosen click Install Now
      Install theme now

      Install theme now

    • Step 5 go to Appearance > Themes and Activate Test
    • Step 6 – After activating Test, you will be sent to Theme Installation Instruction steps. By following this steps you will be asked to install required plugins, activate them, import demo content (required) and install sample of WPL content.


Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

If you get the following question message when installing Test.zip file via WordPress, it means that you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP or call your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.

Woocommerce options

In WooCommerce panel you are able to edit the following options:

  1. Social icons settings:
    • show/Hide
  2. Single product layout:
    • standard,
    • full-width
Single product page options

Single product page options


Generating and using API key in theme

Google Maps V3 no longer supports keyless access so you need to get a key for every (referrer-)domain which has never had a Google Map on it before. You can generate new API key or use the one you’ve already created.

How to generate my API key?

To generate API key you just need to click GET A KEY and follow the directions.

Alternatively, follow these steps to get an API key:

  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. Create or select a project.
  3. Click Continue to enable the API and any related services.
  4. On the Credentials page, get a Browser key (and set the API Credentials).
  5. Note: If you have an existing Browser key, you may use that key.
  6. To prevent quota theft, secure your API key following these best practices.
  7. (Optional) Enable billing. See Usage Limits for more information.

In the Google API Console, you can also look up an existing key or view a list of enabled APIs.

For more information on using the Google API Console, see API Console Help.

Where I should add the generated API key ?

Depending on the theme you are uisng, this option can be find in the Theme options section in the WordPress Dashboard or in the Customizer of the theme.

If the theme you bougth is customized with the use of the Customizer:

The API key can be added in the Customizer on path Google Maps API > Config

Adding API key in Customizer

Adding API key in Customizer

If the theme you are using is custimze with use of the Theme option in WordPress Dashboard:

The API key can be added in the Theme Options section on path Appearance > Theme Options > General > Main

Adding API key in theme options page

Adding API key in theme options page

Max Mega Menu Common issue

When you are using the Max Mega Menu plugin in Test for the first time the mobile menu isn’t showng up?  The issue could be:

  1. Disabled Max Mega Menu
    Go to the Appearance > Menu and in The Max mega Menu Settings check if the Enable option is selected.

    max Mega Menu Settings

    max Mega Menu Settings


  2. Responsive Breakpoint
    Go to the Mega Menu > Menu Themes and check if the Responsive Breakpoint of the menu is set to 767px

    MMM Responsive Breakpoint

    MMM Responsive Breakpoint


Theme Setup

Content structure

Content structure

Major Test content structure can be divided in six sections:

  • Main navbar
  • Newsletter
  • Latest Posts
  • Brands
  • Widgets

Main Navbar

Main Navigation can be created with help of the Theme Customizer. More information of the options used for creating the menu you will find in the Main Navbar section of this documentation.

Page Content

There are several types of pages included in Test for example:

is generated from custom post types created in sections: Events, Team Members, Testimonials, Distributors

Pages with standard content for example:

  • About us
  • What we grow
  • Distributors

are created with Visual Composer elements.


About us page

About Us page

About Us page

 About us – shortcodes content

About us – shortcodes content

‘What we grow?’ page

What we grow page

What we grow page

What we grow - shortcode content

What we grow – shortcode content

How to create items that will be show in the Produce Availability Shortcode you will find in the create item for this page.


Distributors page


Distributors map

Distributors map

Distributor content - shortcode content

Distributor content – shortcode content




Newsletter is on of the elements tha will be wisible on all Default Template pages. This element is created with the use of Contact 7 plugin. If you find using this plugin difficult please check the documentation created by the authors of this plugin.

Look of the Newsletter can be customized via Customizer > Pages > Newsletter options.




  • Show newsletter box,
  • Select newsletter Contact Form – Choose contact form you want to use
  • Newsletter input title,
  • Background ratio,
  • Background height,
  • Background image,
  • background image mobile

Latest Posts

Latest Posts

Latest Posts

Simillar to Newsletter will be visible on Default template pages. The latest options can be only shoiw or hide on the site, there is no option to customize them on the site.

Latest Posts

Latest Posts




Brands option will let you show the logos of the companys you are working with. This section will be shown on all pages created with the use of the default template.

This section can be customize in the Customizer, just go to the Pages > Brands



To create gallery: 

All the information how to create a gallery you will find in the Galleries part of the documentation.

Footer and post footer section (Widgets)

Footer and Post footer

Footer and Post footer

The Footer and post Footer of the theme can be set in Test via Content of the sidebar can be setup via Widgets section.

Footer widgets

Footer widgets

On demo page in Main Navigation Sidebar you’ll find the following widgets:
CT – copyright
CT – Simple Gallery Widget
Custom Menu

About page

This is a default template page with two type shortcodes used in the content.

About Us page

About Us page

Shortcode used for the content:

  1. Section Header
    • Header level
    • Header: choose the header text
    • Custom class
  2. Info box
    • Header: choose header for the created info box
    • Content: content of the shortcode
    • Type: you can choose the position of the image
    • Image: you can add your own image in the Info box
    • Custom class

The header content can by customize with the use of Page title row options that can be found on the bottom of the page.

Page title row options

Page title row options


Creating Tours & Events page

This page is generated using Event Template. Event template display created Events.

Tours & Events content

Tours & Events content

Events item are custom post types, which can be created via Events section.

Add new Event item

Add new Event item

Event items FF

Event items

For new Event item  you can define:

  1. Title (required),
  2. Tags (optional),
  3. Categories (optional),
  4. Order attribute (optional),
  5. Featured Images (recommended),
  6. Gallery(optional),
  7. Events settings(optional),
    • Date,
    • Time,
    • Location,
    • Button URL,
    • Button label,
    • URL to map,
    • Description
  8. Socials-meta

All Event product can be displayed on page with Event Template, which can be defined in pages options.

You can setup the way of displaying menu via Appearance > Customize section.


This page is generated using Testimonial Template. Testimonial Template display created Testimonials.

Information how to create Testimonial item you will find in THIS section of the theme.

Information how to custom this page you will find HERE.

The header content can by customize with the use of Page title row options that can be found on the bottom of the page.

Page title row options

Page title row options

Using Product CSV Import Suite

Please remember that Product CSV Import Suite isn’t part of the Size Guide for Woocommerce plugin. If you wish to use this feature you need to buy it first.


After updating the plugin to version 2.1  WooCommerce Product Size Guide is compatible with Product CSV Import Suite

Using CSV you will be able to export the content of your size guide items and then open them using office software like Open Office or Microsoft Exel.

After opening the file you will be able to change the content of imported tables by (for example) attaching products to new categories.
Below you can check step-by-step instruction how to use this new feature from exporting product Size guide tables to importing them after adding your custom changes.


1.Go to WooCommerce > CSV Import Suite and in Export Products tab choose Export Products – this way you will get .csv file with all of the product information.

Exporting Size Guide content

Exporting Size Guide content

2. Open the .csv file using office software you have installed on your computer.

3. Please find AO columnt with the meta:_ct_selectsizeguide here you will find which products ( you will find products name in first column ) are attached to which size guide (ID numbers in the meta:_ct_selectsizeguide)

AO column

AO column


To add size guide to product you need to get the Size Guide ID to do that please:

1.  Go to the Size guides and choose the size guide you want to add by choosing Edit

Choose SG

Choose SG

2. In the SizeGuide slug you will find a number – this is the ID we are looking for!

Size Guide ID

Size Guide ID

3. Go back to the downloaded file and add the ID to the product you want to use this Size Guide and save the changes in the file.

Adding new ID

Adding new ID


1. The last step is Importing the files with your changes – Go to WooCommerce > CSV Import Suite and in Import Products tab choose Import Products

2. Choose the option Choose File and add the file with your changes

Adding the file

Adding the file

3. Hit the Upload file and import button and it is done!

Visual Composer for FoodTruck

WARNING!! Remember to convert content used on your site to Visual Composer shortcodes before activating the plugin. HERE you will find information how to do it.


Test can be easily customized with Visual Composer.

Simply drag and drop elements to build your page content. We prepared components which will help you determine main structure of the webpage – easily set up backgrounds, colors and styles for whole sections as well as lots of various smaller components which you can freely put wherever you want.

You arleady created your site using FoodTruck shortcodes instead of visual composer? – Please check How to convert old shortcodes to VC

How to start?

We recommend you to use row as essential element of page structure.



You can edit following row attributes:

Click pen to open edition tools

Click pen to open edition tools

  1. Row stretch:
      • Default
      • Strech row
      • Strech row and content
      • Strech row and content (no paddings)
      • Foodtruck full width 100% – we reccomend to use this version of row instead of Strech row and content (no paddings) for better performance of the page.
    Foodtruck Full Width 100% Row option

    Foodtruck Full Width 100% Row option

      • Foodtruck wide style – recommended to use when creating three boxes section like on BurgerLover home page
    ThreeBoxes section

    ThreeBoxes section BurgerLover

  2. Column gap
  3. Header alignment
  4. Full height row
  5. Equal height
  6. Contet position – the position can be set to Default, Top, Middle and Bottom
  7. Use Video background – use YT video as a background of this section
  8. Parallax – use Parallax as a background
  9. Css Animation
  10. Row ID –  if you want to use section for scroll-to-section navigation
  11. Disable Row
  12. Extra class name – add extra class name for
  13. Additional inline style – if you want add inline custom CSS styles for element

Once your section row is created you can choose number of columns in section, their width and optionally offset value.

Section grid

Section grid

If you want to create full_width element you need to choose 1 column greed in section and set it as full_width element.

Click pen to edit column

Click pen to edit column

Full width column

Full width column

Once you set up your section – you can put inside it as many components as you want.

Learn more:

For more information about Visual Composer, please check articles below:
How to install Visual Composer
Visual Composer demo
Visual Documentation

Converting content to VisualComposer

From version 5.0 and greater {theme} is compatible with Visual Composer Plugin.

As a new user of this theme you don’t need to convert the theme content – Foodtruck 1-click demo content will create the pages using VC shortcodes.

If you created your site some time ago this is how your Page shortcode looks like:

Old Foodtruck Shortcode

Old Foodtruck Shortcode

To convert old shortcodes to Visual composer shortcodes please go to Appearance > Theme Options > General – Visual Composer

WARNING: Before you start doing anything, create a backup copy of the file


VC converter

VC converter

Option no.1

As you can see on the image above you can choose to convert:

  1. post – check to convert all created post content
  2. page – check to convert all the page content
  3. product – check to convert all the WooCommerce plugin product content
  4. ct_size_guide – check to convert all the SizeGuide plugin item content
  5. view360 – check to convert all created View360 items content
  6. ct_product – check to convert content of the Menu items
  7. event – check to convert content of the Event items content
  8. faq – check to convert faq items content
  9. timeline – check to convert timeline items content

After checking all the types you want to convert hit the Click to convert selected. When the process is finished you can go back to your pages and start using Visual Composer to custom your pages 🙂

You don’t need to convert types of posts in which you didn’t add shortcode content.

Option no.2

Using this option you are able to convert pages or single shortcodes. You just need to:

  1. Copy the shortcodes from your post (make sure you don’t cut part of the shortcode)
  2. Paste the shortcode to the textarea of the converter
  3. Hit the Click to convert contents button.
  4. After you will have converted shortcodes you can copy and past the code.
    Visual Composer code

    Visual Composer code

  5.  Switch from Classic Mode to Backend Editor and Voilà! You are now using Visual Composer shortcodes. Now you can click Update to save the changes.
    VisualComposer Shortcode

    VisualComposer Shortcode

Remember that this option will be working for Foodtruck content only!

This conversion will not work for different themes shortcodes.


Gallery columns don’t fit in the row

After converting your site or by creating the gallery from scratch this is how the effect of your work can look like:

Broken gallery

Broken gallery

This problem can be solve easily by going to the Column Settings and by removing from the first column in General Tab col-sm-6 that is added to the Extra class name as you can see below:

Removing extra class name

Removing extra class name

Creating Header

The header can be created in each Section on the page by adding in the Section Settings  text to the Header (2).

Adding heder

Adding heder

The header have 9 styles that can look different depending on the theme flavor you will be using. You can also choose to don’t use any of the style for the header by choosing the blank option (1).

Header style

Header style

Header styles (Burger Lover):

Header style

Header style

THEME HEADER SIX header also requires to set in Section Settings option
Curved_header to yes
Curved header

Curved header

Creating two part header (Seabreeze)

To part header

Two part hader

Two part header like the one you can find in Seabreeze flavor, can be created by adding to header text vertical bar in place where you want the text to break.

Adding vertical bar

Adding vertical bar

Adding Promo Codes

Before using Promo Codes remember to enable this option by setting promo_codes to true. When the option is enabled the field will be visible in the Shopping Cart.

Enabled Promo Code option

Enabled Promo Code option


You can define new Promo Codes using following markup:


Promo Codes (examples) Discount value DESCRIPTION
“discount30%” “30%” Customer will get discount equal to 30% of the full price
“discount300$” 300 Customer will get discount equal to 300 in the currency which is used in the shop

Creating promotional codes you need to remember that the codes that your clients will use, need to be a string value in the script.
The discount value for the Promo Codes can be set as a string (it has to end with %) or as a number.

Adding Wishlist

In {Plugin} you have two options to show the wishlist option for your products


By adding this default markup to your product page:

Default Wishlist

Default Wishlist


By activating small cart wishlist (when small cart wishlist is activated default option for the wishlist even if added will be ignored)



Wishlist in small cart

Wishlist in small cart

Shipping Options

Before using Shipping Options remember to enable this option by setting shipping_options to true. When the option is enabled the field will be visible in the Shopping Cart like in the image below.


Shipping option in cart

You can defined new Shipping Options with the following markup:

Shipping option Cost DESCRIPTION
“Standard Mail” 20 To the prices  for products in cart will be added 20 in the currency which is used in the shop
“Express Mail” 50 To the prices for products in cart will be added 50 in the currency which is used in the shop

Theme Flavours (Delimondo 2.0)

As you can see on our Demo page Test comes with {variations} variations.

To switch between the flavours follow this steps:

  • Step 1: Activate the Customize option by going to Appearance > Customize
  • Step 2: In Customize go to  Delimondo 2.0 – style option > Motive colors
  • Step 3: Choose the flavour you want to use and save changes
    Choosing theme variation

    Choosing theme variation

And it’s ready to customize! In analogous way you can install every child theme.


Food Truck Overview

Below you can find our general project overview. We believe that this will help you start your page setup and make things much easier.
Check our table of descriptions below. On the left you will find elements, sections or groups and on the right we put certain place, where you can edit it. Page content elements can be created through shortcodes. Underneath you will find descriptions how to find proper shortcode in Shortcode Generator.

General overview

General overview

What element is that? – Where I can edit this?

1. Header socials Appearance > Theme Options > Socials
2. Left menu Appearance > Menus //create a new menu and with Theme Location: Sticky left
3. Logo Appearance > Theme Options > General – Standard logo
4. Right menu Appearance > Menus //create a new menu and with Theme Location: Sticky right
5. Google Map Shortcodes > Contact > Google maps // wrap it [third_column][..][/third_column] to receive the same map width
6. Photo Shortcodes > Images > Full Width Photo // wrap it [third_column][…][/third_column] to receive the same map width
7. Tweets Shortcodes > Contact > Twitter
8. Blackboard Shortcodes > Boxes > Blackboard // wrap it [third_column][…][/third_column] to receive the same map width
9. Chapter header Shortcodes > Chapter // Parameters: header_style=”1″ bg_image_src=”1″
10. Chapter content – product slider Shortcodes > Sliders > Product slider // at the bottom of slider item additional  shortcode: Boxes > Price tag
11. Header – top line Shortcodes > Typography > Header // parameters: style=”2″ line=”top” top_line_style=”1″ bottom_line_style=”1″
12. Header content Header style 2
13. Header Shortcodes > Typography > Header // parameters: style=”4″ 
14. Products Shortcodes > Product > Products // parameters: tag=”recommended” limit=”3″
15. Header – bottom line Shortcodes > Typography > Header // parameters: level=”4″ line=”bottom”
16. Menu chapter Shortcodes > Chapter // chapter is divide to three columns with following structure:[third_column][…][/third_column]



17. Menu item Shortcodes > Product > Menu // parameters: cat_name=”starters” category_image=”sandwich”
18. Menu item Shortcodes > Product > Menu // cat_name=”beverages-2″ category_image=”drink”
19. Header – bottom line Shortcodes > Typography > Header // parameters: level=”4″ line=”bottom”
20. Event Shortcodes > Boxes > Event box // parameter: slug=”breafast-club-chelsea-center” // to add multiple events use: Shortcodes > Events
21. Events chapter Shortcodes > Chapter // parameters: id=”events” top_margin=”80″ header=”JUST STOP ..” header_style=”1″ bg_image_src=”3″
22. Easy box Shortcodes > Boxes > Easy box // divided to two columns:


[half_column][polaroid_slider][/half_column] // Shortcodes > Sliders > Polaroid Slider

23. Story chapter Chapter parameters: id=”story” ornament=”yes” chapter_pattern_style=”2″ background_image_repeat=”yes” header=”WHO IS …” header_style=”1″ bg_image_src=”4″ // image parameters: alt=”logo-inline” align=”center”
24. Gallery chapter Chapter parameters: id=”gallery” bg_image_attachment=”scroll” top_margin=”75″ chapter_pattern_style=”2″ header=”THE GALLERY” header_style=”1″ bg_image_src=”5″
25. Gallery group Shortcodes > Gallery > Gallery group
26. Header with link [header level=”4″ style=”3″ line=”bottom” bottom_line_style=”1″]
STUMBLED BY AND TAKE A GOOD SHOT OF US? [link email=”true” link=”mail@truck.food”]PLEASE SEND IT TO US[/link]
27 Chapter contact with Easy box Chapter parameters: id=”contact” top_margin=”75″ chapter_pattern_style=”2″ header=”WE WOULD ….” header_style=”1″ bg_image_src=”6″]

Easy box style=”full”

28 Contact form Shortcodes > Contact > Contact form // available parameters: [contact_form header=”Email Us” label_name=”Name” label_email=”E-mail” label_message=”Message” placeholder_name=”enter name” placeholder_email=”enter e-mail address” placeholder_message=”your message” buttontext=”Send” success=”Thank you!” fail=”An error occured. ” mailto=”mail@mail.com” subject=”subject” easy_box=”no”]

//wrap in [five_twelfths_column][…][/five_twelfths_column]  to get the same form width

 29. Newsletter slider Shortcodes > Contact > Newsletter // available parameters: [newsletter header=”Our newsletter” placeholder_email=”your email adress” buttontext=”Send” success=”Thank you!” fail=”An error occured. ” mailto=”mail@mail.com” subject=”subject” class=”custom-class”]content[/newsletter]

//wrap in [five_twelfths_column][…][/five_twelfths_column] to get the same form width

30. Google map Shortcodes > Contact > Google map // parameters: location=”Marine Ave. New York, NY” custom_marker=”Burger Road.1224, Marine Ave. New York, NY”

Footer Structure

Footer elements

Footer elements

Max Mega Menu

Enabling Max Mega Menu for Theme Location

Test navigation menu can be built with Max Mega Menu plugin, which allows you to create expanded Mega Menu.

Once plugin is activated, you can go to the Appearance > Menus > Create a New Menu or used one created before.

On the left hand you should see a Max Mega Menu Settings box like the one below. Check the “Enable” checkbox and choose from the Theme option  “{MegaMenu_Style}” and click Save, your menu will now be converted into a Mega Menu for the relevant Theme Location and will be using style dedicated for Test

(WARNING:The image below is only an example of the options used for Max Mega Menu. Depending on the theme, they can be different.)


Max Mega menu Settings

Max Mega menu Settings

The basic setup for Max Mega Menu has been completed!!

If you are looking for more information about using Max Mega Menu plugin please go to the official Max Mega Menu Documentation site.


Create pages Test WP

To create a new Page follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – select Pages > Add New
  • Step 2 – add Title
  • Step 3 – add content – we recommend you to create page content using Visual Composer or by modifying demo content
  • Step 4 – choose page attributes:
    Page attributes

    Page attributes

    • Parent – if you want to create subpage
    • Template – you can choose one of defined page templates:

      Template settings

    • Page order
  • Step 5 – click Publish to make your page public.

Learn more:

WordPress Pages

Revolutions Slider

Test is fully compatible with Revolution slider version that comes with Theme package avaliable on Envato Market


How to install plugin?

Revolution Slider is included in Test package – so you don’t have to do anything more than click install and activate.

Creating a new Slider

Information hot to create custom Slider can be find in Plugin Documentation.

Common questions:

How to update the plugin when it was packaged with your theme? 

Purchase Code isn’t working

Estato Plugin

REMEMBER: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Estato WP – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.


Plugin dedicated for Estato WordPress Theme that will allow you number of custom features like:

Visual Composer

REMEMBER: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.


Test can be easily customized with Visual Composer.

Simply drag and drop elements to build your page content. We prepared components which will help you determine main structure of the webpage – easily set up backgrounds, colors and styles for whole sections as well as lots of various smaller components which you can freely put wherever you want.

How to start?

We recommend you to use row as essential element of page structure.


What we grow page


You can edit following row attributes:

Click pen to open edition tools

Click pen to open edition tools

– General tab – 

  1. Row stretch:
    • Default
    • Strech row
    • Strech row and content
    • Strech row and content (no paddings)
  2. Column gap – Gap between columns.
  3. Full height row – If checked Yes, row will be set to full height.
  4. Equal height – If checked Yes, column height will be equal to the longest column height.
  5. Content position – the position of the content can be set to Default, Top, Middle and Bottom.
  6. Use Video Background – If checked, video will be used as row background.
  7. Parallax – Use Parallax as a background.
  8. CSS Animation – How the content of the row is animated.
  9. Row ID –  If you want to use section for scroll-to-section navigation.
  10. Disable row – If checked, the row won’t be visible on the public side of your website.
  11. Extra class name – Add extra class name for the row.

    General Tab of Row Settings

– Design Option – How the row would look/designed.

  • Border color
  • Border style
  • Border radius
  • Background
  • Box Controls

    Design Tab of Row Settings


Once your section row is created you can choose number of columns in section, their width and optionally offset value.

Section grid

Section grid

Learn more:

For more information about Visual Composer, please check articles below:
How to install Visual Composer
Visual Composer demo
Visual Documentation

Creating Blog post for Test

No matter which method you use to display your blog posts, first thing you need to do is create them.

Test offers several blog post types:

  • Standard
  • Aside
  • Image
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Quote
  • Link
  • Gallery
Post formats

Post formats

Follow the steps below to create a blog post

  • Step 1 – navigate to Blog Posts in your WordPress admin.
  • Step 2 – click on Add New to make a new post. Create a title and insert your post content in the editing field. You can use any of our shortcode elements inside the post.
    Add New PostIf you want to use some additional fields, choose them from screen options at the top of the screen.

    Screen Options

    Screen Options

  • Step 3 – add Categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.
  • Step 4 – add Tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.
  • Step 5 – for a single image, click the Featured Image box, select an image and click Set Featured Image.
  • Step 6 – for a Gallery, use Image Gallery (VisualComposer element) , each image will be a slide in the gallery slideshow. Gallery can be created by adding images from Media gallery or by adding Externa links of the images that will be used.
  • Step 7 – for a Video post, use Vide Player (VisualComposer element) and paste the direct video url from Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion and more.
  • Step 8 – for Audio post, use Vide Player (VisualComposer element) and paste the direct video url from Soundcloud, Mixcloud and more.
  • Step 9 – for Quote use WordPress Blockquote option (Shift + Alt + Q) 
  • Step 10 – for Link use WordPress Insert/edit link (Ctrl + K) option 
  • Step 11 – create an excerpt – Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts


  • Step 9 – once you finished, click Publish to save the post.

Menu setup

Depending on which version of content arrangement you choose, you can create onepager or multipage navigation menu.

To create navigation menu dedicated to multipage websites, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Navigate to Appearance > Menus

    Manage your menus

  • Step 2 – Click on create a new menu, enter menu Name and click on Create Menu button
    Add new menu

    Add new menu

  • Step 3 – From the right side choose pages that you want to add to your menu and click on Add to Menu. Once menu items are added, you can reorder or nest them via drag and drop tool. Remember to click Save Menu when you finish to keep your changes saved.
    Add Page to menu

    Add Page to menu

  • Step 4 – You can easily rename every menu item in item details.
    Rename your menu items

    Rename your menu items

  • Step 5 – Optionally you can add to menu other items, like Links or Categories
  • Step 6 – Check your menu as Main menu to set one of available location.
    Primary navigation

    Primary navigation

    1. Main Menu – will be visible on top of each page
      Main menu Example

      Main menu Example

    2. Mobile menu – this menu will be visible on mobile devices (in Test this menu is created without MaxMegaMenu plugin)
      Mobile menu example

      Mobile menu example

  • Step 7 (optional) – Enable Max Mega Menu for Theme Location
    Max Mega menu Settings

    Max Mega menu Settings

  • Step 8 – Always click Save Menu after providing any changes

Menus can be also shown in widgets section of Dashboard. After creating the menu you want to use, go to Appearance > Widgets and set the menu on your site using Custom Menu widget like in the example below.


Set menu as a widget

Set menu as a widget

Menu added to the site via widget

Menu added to the site via widget

Estato Customize

Test comes with an advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of the theme elements in one place. If you want to use it, navigate to Appearance > Customize

Test Customizer

It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, such as:

  • Style
  • Widgets
  • Header
  • Footer
  • Blog
  • Single blog post
  • Portfolio
  • Faq
  • Template pages
  • Properties page
  • Single agent page
  • Agent page

You will also find the main style settings:

  • General
  • Colors
  • Header Image
  • Background Image

In General you can turn off/on preloader on the site, check onepager option if you want to have onepager site (more info about onepager site HERE).

General settings

General settings

In  Test Color section you can choose colors used in the theme

Color settings

Color settings

In Header Image section you can edit logo on the site

Header Image settings

Header Image settings

Customize option will also give you option to set image as a background for the theme:

Background Image settings

Background Image settings


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Onepager setup Test

REMEMBER: To be able to fully use Onepager Feature you need to check the onepager option in Customize section General

Test has the ability to make one page site with a scrolling to sections menu. Most sites are traditionally setup with individual pages, each page with its own content. One page site allows you to put all the content on one page, and the menu items will link to each different section of the page. Think of it as a full site but all on one page. Please read below for information on how to set this up.

Create A New Page With Your Content And Anchor Points

    • Step 1 – Navigate to the Pages section of your admin and click Add New.
    • Step 2 – Create page with all sections. Each section should begin with [chapter] shortcode or any other html element with unique id, for example :
    • Step 3 – 2. In Appearance > Menus create new main menu (using Custom Links option), where URL will be section id with “/#” sign, for example : /#services or /#about.
Add new menu item

Add new menu item

Menu items

Item details

And your onepager menu is ready. Remember to choose Theme Location Primary Navigation to your menu.

Creating your Onepager Menu you can also use Max Mega Menu plugin to be able to recreate the style of the menu used on Estato WP demo site. More information about this plugin you will find HERE.


Header settings

Header settings

In Header content tab you can define the following settings:

  1. Header behavior
    • Scroll Up Both
    • Scroll Up Menu
    • Scroll Up TopBar
    • Fixed both – Menu & TopBar – menu and TopBar fixed to the top when scrolling
    • Hide Menu – menu hidden when scrolling, TopBar will be fixed to the top
    • Fixed Menu – menu fixed to the top when scrolling (if TopBar is displayed it will be hidden after scrolling)
  2. Header type
    • Equal TopBar and Navbra
    • Small TopBar, big NavBar
  3. TopBar – Check if you want to display TopBar
    TopBar section

    TopBar section

  4. TopBar motive – choose color TopBar pattern
    • Light motive
    • Dark motive
  5. TopBar motive – choose to display login on text in TopBar
    • Text
    • Login option
  6. Text in TopBar – write text to display in TopBar
  7. E-mail adress in TopBar – add e-mail adress that will be visible in the TopBar
    E-mail adress in TopBar

    E-mail adress in TopBar

  8. Search in TopBar
    Search option avaliable in TopBar

    Search option avaliable in TopBar

  9. Bottom line – check Yes if you want to display bottom line
  10. Border at menu – check Yes if you want to show border at top menu
  11. Button in NavBar – add or hide button
    Button in TopBar

    Button in TopBar

  12. Button title – add text visible in the button
  13. Button link – add link to were you want the button to lead to
  14. Open link in new window – check Yes to display button link in new window



All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on



In Footer content tab you can define the following settings:

Footer settings

Footer settings

Footer section

Footer section

  1. Footer display – check Yes if you want to display footer
    Footer - 4 columns/dark motive

    Footer – 4 columns/dark motive

  2. Footer color
    • Light Motive
      Footer Light motive

      Footer Light motive

    • Dark Motive
  3. Background image – set background image for footer.
  4. Number of footer columns
    • One column
    • Two columns
    • Three columns
    • Four columns
  5. Post footer display – check Yes if you want to display post footer on site
    Post Footer - 2 columns

    Post Footer – 2 columns

  6. Number of post footer columns (will work only if the Post footer display opion will be checked)
    • One column
    • Two columns


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Index Blog page

Blog settings

Blog settings

In Blog content tab you can define the following settings for Blog Index page.:

Blog Index

Blog Index

  1. Display blog sidebar – Check Yes if you want to display sidebar with widgets on blog page.
    Blog Index page - sidebar right

    Blog Index page – sidebar right

  2. Place to display sidebar – Chose place for blog sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Display breadcrumbs – Check Yes if you want to show them on the top of the blog page
    Breadcrumbs from Blog index page

    Breadcrumbs from Blog index page

  4. Display head section blog – Check Yes if you want to display head section on the blog page
    Head section for Index page

    Head section for Index page

  5. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  6. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  7. Background image – select image to display in head section
  8. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  9. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  10. Head height
  11. Parallax ratio
  12. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  13. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Single blog post

Single Blog post settings

Single Blog post settings

In Blog content tab you can define the following settings for Blog single page.:

Single blog pages

Single blog pages

  1. Display blog sidebar – Check Yes if you want to display sidebar with widgets on blog page.
    Single blog post - sidebar right

    Single blog post – sidebar right

  2. Place to display sidebar – Chose place for blog sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Display breadcrumbs – Check Yes if you want to show them on the top of the blog page
    Breadcrumbs from Blog single post

    Breadcrumbs from Blog single post

  4. Display head section in blog – Check Yes if you want to display head section on the blog page
    Head for Blog Single post section

    Head for Blog Single post section

  5. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  6. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  7. Background image – select image to display in head section
  8. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  9. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  10. Head height
  11. Parallax ratio
  12. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  13. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link
  14. Tags after post – check Yes if you want to show tags after post
  15. Social share – check Yes if you want to show social share
  16. Social share – check social icons you want to show on your post page
  17. Post author info – check Yes if you want to show information about the author of this post
  18. Display comments after post


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on



Portfolio settings

Portfolio settings

In Portfolio content tab you can define the following settings for Portfolio Index page.:

Portfolio Index page

Portfolio Index page

  1. Display sidebar – check Yes to display sidebar
  2. Place to display sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
    Breadcrumbs from portfolio index page

    Breadcrumbs from portfolio index page

  4. Display head section – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
    Head Section from Portfolio Index

    Head Section from Portfolio Index

  5. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  6. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  7. Background image – select image to display in head section
  8. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  9. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  10. Head height
  11. Parallax ratio
  12. Parallax vertical offset
  13. Parallax horizontal offset
  14. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  15. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Import demo content

The fastest and easiest way to import our demo content is to use Theme Options 1-click Demo Importer. It will import all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, theme options, assigned pages, and more.

We recommend this approach on a newly installed WordPress. It will replace  the content you currently have on your website. However, we create a backup of your current content in (Tools > Backup). You can restore the backup from there at any time in the future.

Backup option

Backup option

To import our demo content, please follow the steps below:

Theme installation instructions

Theme installation instructions

  • Step 1 – install and activate plugins listed in Theme installation instructions message {woo_compatibility}
  • Step 2 – in dashboard go to Unyson and make sure that Backup & Demo Content extansion is activate
  • Step 4 – navigate to Tools where after activating the Unyson extansion Demo content Install option will be avaliable
  • Step 5 – choose import option you want to use from avaliable options {unysone_import}
  • Step 6 – wait untill the content will be installed
    Installing new content

    Installing new content

Importing can take a few minutes. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it will be loading, you will see message with indicating progress.


In Faq content tab you can define the following settings for Faq page.:

Faq settings

Faq settings

Faq Index page

Faq Index page

  1. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
    Breadcrumbs from index faq page

    Breadcrumbs from index faq page

  2. Display head section in faq – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
    Head section for index

    Head section for index

  3. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  4. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  5. Background image – select image to display in head section
  6. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  7. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  8. Head height
  9. Parallax ratio
  10. Parallax vertical offset
  11. Parallax horizontal offset
  12. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  13. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link
  14. Faq page title – create title for main FAQ page
  15. Faq page slug – create FAQ page slug (remember to rebuild permalinks after changing it)


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Unyson plugin

REMEMBER: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Estato WP – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.

Getting started

Unyson is a framework for WordPress that facilitates development of a theme. This framework was created from the ground up by the team behind ThemeFuse from the desire to empower developers to build outstanding WordPress themes fast and easy. This documentation is heavily modified by createIT to ensure all custom extensions are well documented.

This documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of WordPress. If you haven’t, please start by reading WordPress Documentation.

Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 4.0 or greater
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater


Unyson is included in Test package – so you don’t have to do anything more than click install and activate.

You can also install the plugin manually:

  1. Upload the unyson folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Unyson plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
  3. Configure the plugin by going to the Unyson menu and activating the following extensions:
    • Custom options type
    • Estato FAQ
    • Estato Portfolio
    • Visual Composer
    • Estato Testimonials
    • Estato Plugin
    Unysone Extensions

    Unyson Extensions


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software. Unyson inherits the General Public License (GPL) from WordPress.


Available Sidebars

While widget areas typically occur in webpage sidebars, a theme can place widget areas in many places on a page. For example, besides the usual sidebar locations, the Test theme has a widget area in the footer of every page.


The content of the sidebars will depend on what widgets are added to that said sidebar. You can add by dragging a widget inside the sidebar to which you want that widget to show.

Sample on adding widget to sidebar


To add a widget on other areas on the page other than the sidebars, you can use the Wigetised Sidebar element. Just set the type of sidebar you would like to show.


This is a list of sidebars available for Test

  1. Primary Sidebar
  2. Page Sidebar
  3. Header left column
  4. Footer column 1
  5. Footer column 2
  6. Footer column 3
  7. Footer column 4
  8. Post Footer column 1
  9. Post Footer column 2
  10. Blog Sidebar 1
  11. Single sidebar 1
  12. Property Show Bottom
  13. Profile Show Top
  14. Property Listing Top
  15. Profile Listing Top
  16. WPL Hidden
  17. Property Listing Bottom
  18. Footer Widgets Area
  19. Max Mega Menu Widgets

These are sample images for the sidebars:

Header left column

Blog sidebar 1


Activating plugins

Test comes with number of custom features like:

  • Portfolio items
  • FAQ items
  • Testimonials
  • Test custom shortcodes
  • SASS compiler

For the correct operation of Test you have to install and activate them for Test:

After activating Test you will also get the information about all of theplugins that you should or can install and activate for the full experience of the Theme.  You can find this information on path Appearance > Theme Installation.


Also the information about all required plugins that should be installed and activated you will find in WordPress dashboard on path Appearance > Theme Installation

Theme installation instruction

Theme installation instruction

With these plugins your custom post types will be saved in your admin panel, even if you change your WordPress theme.

Notice: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.

Install plugin

Install plugin

Realtyna WPL Basic – Test

What is WPL?

WPL (WordPress Property Listing) is a great plugin for real estate agents and agencies. It is the most feature-rich, flexible, scalable and extendable WordPress plugin for creating Real Estate websites / portals.

Test Compability

Test comes with the Realtyna WPL Basic version but the theme is also fully compatible with the WPL Pro version. HERE you can check all the differences betwen WPL Basic and WPL PRO version to decide if you want to use the bundled version or rather buy the Pro version of the plugin.

Plugin installation

WPL is one of the requested to insall plugin and it should be installed after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning. After it installation this plugin will be automatically activated.

Due to plugin bug it need to be activated individually

Reinstalling the plugin:

If you are using multisite or you are having blog on your site and want to reset the site you won’t be able to correctly activate WPL plugin then. To use the plugin again you will need to reinstall the plugin, to do so please go to the plugins folder in your WordPress and remove the plugin folder from there. After doing that you will be able to install and use this plugin again.

How does the WPL shortcode wizard work?

WPL has a feature for generating shortcodes automatically based on your configuration. You can find it on the WordPress editor:

WPL shortcode wizard

WPL shortcode wizard

After clicking on the [W] icon, you will see the below wizard:


WPL View options

WPL View options

This wizard can generate Property Listing, Property show (single property page), Profile/Agent Listing, Profile/Agent Show, My Profile and the Widget Shortcode (PRO members). You can select one of these shortcodes using the “View” option.

Configure options

Configure options

Each Shortcode (“View” option) has its own configuration form. You can set the configuration form if needed and click on “insert” to see the generated shortcode into your post/page content.

Add Shortcode to WordPress editor

Add Shortcode to WordPress editor

If you are using VisualComposer plugin to use the WPL shortcodes on page, you can add them to the Text block shortcode:

Visual Composer view

Visual Composer view

Available shortcodes

  • Property Listing allows you to show the list of properties to site visitors with pagination, sort options. You can add different types of property listings: a menu for showing sale properties or rental properties, specify the default page size and default sort type, etc
  • Property Show allows you to add property to your site page.
    To check all available listings, please navigate to WPL > Listing Manager page in your admin panel. Click Edit next to the listing you would like to add:

    Edit Properties

    Edit Properties

  • Profile/Agent Listing is used for creating a profile listing view. It is used to list the agents. Enter the following settings to shortcode wizard: Layout, User Type, Target Page, Page Size, Order by and Order settings
  • Profile/Agent Show is used to display the profile of a specific user/agent.
    1. Select Profile/Agent Show from the View drop down.
    2. Set up layout by selecting option from Layout drop down.
    3. On the next step choose user you would like to add to the page.
    4. Select target page for your user link:
    5. My Profile is used to display the profile form of a user/agent in frontend. Select My Profile from the View drop down. Click Insert button. In order to change profile information, open WPL > My Profile page in your WordPress admin panel. Here you can change agent name, upload photo, change contact details.

Avaliable Templates

What are Test Templates?

If you are not interested in downloading the whole content via Unyson demo import, but still want to use some of the pages from the demo you can use the VisualComposer Templates option.

How to use them?

  1. Create new page going to Pages > Add New 
    Add New Page

    Add New Page

  2. Go to Visual Composer Backend Editor and choose Templates option.
    Templates options

    Templates options

  3. Choose from My Template tab one of the templates you want to use and click add template
    Avaliable templates

    Avaliable templates

  4. The Template content will be added to the page. Now you can click Publish and it’s done! Or you can start editing content of your page.

Avaliables Types

  1. Contatc Us
  2. Home V1 – Portal slider
  3. Home V2 – Portal Map
  4. Home V3 – Portal Map (Light)
  5. Home V4 – Real Estate Agency
  6. Home V5 – Property Slider
  7. Home V6 – Simple Onepager
  8. Home V7 – Onepager Video
  9. Home V8 – Side Map
  10. Privacy Policy
  11. Terms and Conditions

Template avaliable via slug

a) Maintenance – can be used by creating empty page with maintance slug

Faq item

Creating FAQ Item:

To create new FAQ elements, navigate in WordPress dashboard to FAQ > Add New

Add new Faq item

Add new Faq item

For new FAQ item  you can define:

  1. Title – add FAQ question,
  2. Editior container – add answer for the question,
  3. FAQ Categories (optional) – assign to arleady existing category or add new one.  
Creating FAQ item

Creating FAQ item

Creating FAQ Categories

Categories are very convenient way to organize your faq items, that can be added to more than just one category.

To create new FAQ category, navigate in WordPress dashboard to  FAQ > Faq Categories

Add new Faq Category

Add new Faq Category

For new FAQ item  you can define:

  1. Name
  2. Slug

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

FAQ category

FAQ category

Portfolio item

Creating Portfolio Item:

Portfolio item

Portfolio item

To create new Portfolio elements, navigate in WordPress dashboard to Portfolio items > Our projects

Add New Portfolio item

Add New Portfolio item

For new Portfolio item  you can define:

  1. Title,
  2. Editior container (images visible on portfolio item page) – content visible in the Editior container is added with use of Add Media option,
  3. Portfolio Categories (optional)assign to arleady existing category or add new one.  
  4. Tags (optional)
  5. Featured Image (viisble on ‘Our Projects’ page)
  6. Portfolio setings
    • Client
    • Client website
    • Details
    • Start date
    • End date
  7. Multilangual Content Setup – check box to make ‘Portfolio items’ translatable (Avaliable only when WPML plugin is in use)

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Creating Portfolio Item

Creating Portfolio Item

Creating Portfolio Categories

Categories are very convenient way to organize your porfolio items, that can be added to more than just one category.

To create new Portfolio category, navigate in WordPress dashboard to  Portfolio items > Portfolio Categories

Creating new Portfolio Categories

Creating new Portfolio Categories

For new FAQ item  you can define:

  1. Name
  2. Slug
FAQ category

FAQ category

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Realtyna Information

Data structure – dodaje: Pola do bazy danych takie jak:

-Property types  można dodawac nowe –  http://prntscr.com/el1myq (Category sa dodawane do search boxa i do nowego property) http://prntscr.com/el1o8l

– Listing type: metoda oddania mieszkania komuś http://prntscr.com/el1oc9 http://prntscr.com/el1omn

– Unit Manager: http://prntscr.com/el1p5i Unit type takie jak $ czy cm.

-Sort options: Czym sortujemy (to jest wykorzystywane w Shortcode listingu)

-Room types: dodajesz nową pozycje do bazy danych – typ pokojów (wykorzystywane przy tworzeniu nowego property) http://prntscr.com/el1q42


Flex – to wszystko jest wykorzystane przy tworzeniu nowego property lub usera .


Add listing – https://todo.createit.pl/projects/124?modal=Task-5136-124

Location – dodajemy nowe stany/państwa i tak dalej 



Customowe: ustawienie realtyny


Activity Manager: –  typy listingów


Notyfication – ? (DOKUMENTACJA)



User menager– pokazuje wszystkich userów: – Tworzymy ich do Userów: http://prntscr.com/el1ubh  Dodawanie opcji usermagerowi: http://prntscr.com/el1v1w

My profile – profil osoby zalogowanej (mój)


Listing manager – to-do



http://karolinajestnajlepsza.pinky.createit/wordpress/ – wszystko to sa customowe shortcody do Realtyny


http://karolinajestnajlepsza.pinky.createit/wordpress/property-page-v1/26-Villa-Oklahoma-4-Bedrooms-2-Bathrooms-USD20000/ – nasz shortcide: Property show (p) 


http://karolinajestnajlepsza.pinky.createit/wordpress/properties-page-listing/ – Propoerties search http://karolinajestnajlepsza.pinky.createit/wordpress/properties-page-listing/ + Agents listing


Mieszkanko nowe: http://prntscr.com/el1z5l















Test custom shortcodes for WPL

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for VC that are used to show content created in WPL plugin. Below you will find short information about this VisualComposer elements:

Agency Box

Agency Box look

Agency Box look

This element have single tab with option to customise the way how the agency box will be shown. This item let you show all the information and the logo used by the Agency.

Agency box Settings

Agency box Settings

  • ID  – it can be checked in WPL in User Manager section by:
    • a) Choose User Manager from WPL section
      Going to User Manager

      Going to User Manager

    • b) Copy one of the WPL’s user id to the Agency box Settings
      Avaliable ids

      Avaliable ids

  • Style  – choose the style of the element
      1. Light
        Light version

        Light version

      2. Dark
        Dark version

        Dark version

    To set the background Parallax image for this element please go to the General tab in Row Settings option and add the image via Image option (2) from your Media Library, Set the Parallax type to Simle (1) and set Parallax speed to 1.5 (3)

    Row Settings

    Row Settings

Agents listing

Agents listing look

Agents listing look

This element have two tabs with option to customise the way how the multiplies profiles of the agents will be visible on the site.

Agents Listing Settings

Agents Listing Settings

  • Title – set the title for this section
  • Image Width – set the width of the image
  • Image Height – set the width of the image
  • CSS Class – add custom css class
Sort and limit
  • Order by
    1. First Name
    2. Country
    3. State
    4. Properties count
  • Order  – set the order of the agents
    1. Ascending
    2. Descending
  • Limit – set limit of the agents visible on the site

Profile Box

Profile Box

Profile Box – Dark

Profile Box Settings

Profile Box Settings

This type of element will let you show all the information about the WPL User chosen by its id. Profile Box have avaliablw two options to custom this element:

  • Default profile id – it can be checked in WPL in User Manager section by:
    • a) Choose User Manager from WPL section
      Going to User Manager

      Going to User Manager

    • b) Copy one of the WPL’s user id to the Profile box Settings
      Avaliable ids

      Avaliable ids

  • Style – this element have 2 avaliable styles:
    Profile Box - Light

    Profile Box – Light

    1. Dark
    2. Light –  this version is using white color for the font and borders, so it won’t be visible on default VC Row background. The background of this element can be changed by
      • a) Click on Edit Row option
        Edit Row options

        Edit Row options

      • b) Go to General tab and choose background color via Background option to make the text visible
      • Item Settings for Row

        Item Settings for Row

      • c) In General Tab, set Row stretch to Stretch row to make the background color full width
      • Row Settings

        Row Settings

Properties map with searchbox

Properties map with searchbox

Properties map with searchbox

Properties map with searchbox Settings

Properties map with searchbox Settings

This element have sigle tab with option to customise the way how the map will be shown on the site:

  1. Custom map Style – use one of custom maps styles avaliable on Snazzy Maps site (this option is not compatible with Map Type control)
  2. Custom map height – enter map height (in pixels or leave empty for responsive map)
  3. Zoom value – set custom zoom value, eg. 10. Please note the map will automatically expand to show all markers.
  4. Map Type control
    • Theme default
    • Roadmap
    • Satellite
    • Hybrid
    • Terrain
  5. Scale control – choose between Yes/No
  6. Google Maps search control – choose between Yes/No
  7. My position control – choose between Yes/No (Works only with https)
  8. Use custom markers for this map –  choose between Yes/No
  9. Use custom markers for this map –  choose between Yes/No. This way you can add your own custom markers from Media library. Another way to add your custom markers is via Realtyna. This markers can be added on path WPL > Data structure > Listing Types. You will be able to add there your own markers and  assing them to Listing type
    Using Realtyna markers

    Using Realtyna markers

By Properties map element you will display a map with markers showing all of the estate locations. The information of the location can be added on path  WPL > Add Listing > Adress Map by changing  location of the marker. You can also edit the location of already existing property by going to WPL > Listing Managere > Edit > Adress Map. 

Setting Location of property

Setting Location of property

Properties map

Properties map

Properties map

Properties map Settings

Properties map Settings

This element have 2 tabs with option to customise the way how the map will be shown on the site:

  1. Custom map Style – use one of custom maps styles avaliable on Snazzy Maps site (this option is not compatible with Map Type control)
  2. Custom map height – enter map height (in pixels or leave empty for responsive map)
  3. Zoom value – set custom zoom value, eg. 10. Please note the map will automatically expand to show all markers.
  4. Map Type control
    • Theme default
    • Roadmap
    • Satellite
    • Hybrid
    • Terrain
  5. Scale control – choose between Yes/No
  6. Google Maps search control – choose between Yes/No
  7. My position control – choose between Yes/No (Works only with https)
  1. Use custom markers for this map –  choose between Yes/No. This way you can add your own custom markers from Media library. Another way to add your custom markers is via Realtyna. This markers can be added on path WPL > Data structure > Listing Types. You will be able to add there your own markers and  assign them to Listing type
    Using Realtyna markers

    Using Realtyna markers

By Properties map element you will display a map with markers showing all of the estate locations. The information of the location can be added on path  WPL > Add Listing > Adress Map by changing  location of the marker. You can also edit the location of already existing property by going to WPL > Listing Managere > Edit > Adress Map. 

Setting Locations of property

Setting Locations of property

Properties mini listing

Give you option to show list of properties created in WPL plugin on path WPL > Listing Manager

Latest listing transparent

Latest listing transparent

Properites mini listing settings

Properites mini listing settings

This element have 4 tabs with option to customise the way how the list of the properties will be shown:

  1. Title (avaliable for Latest listing and Latest listing transaprent)
  2.  Template
    Property mini listing templates

    Property mini listing templates

    • Mini listing (1)
    • Latest listing (2)
    • Latest listing transparent (3)
  3. View more text – add link that for View more
  4. View more link – add link that for View more
  5. CSS class – add custom css class you want to use to style this element
Filter Properties
  1. Kind (only avaliable option: Property) 
  2. Listing – choose which listing will be shown
    • All
    • For sale
    • Fo Rent
    • Vacation rental
    • You can add your own custom
  3. Property type – choose visible types
    • All
    • Office
    • Apartment
    • Land
    • Villa
    • You can add your own custom
  4. Listing IDs (Comma Separated) – add which properties will be shown based on the ID
  5. Random – randomize visible list
  6. Only Featured – choose between Yes/No
  7. Only Hot Offer – choose between Yes/No
  8. Only Open House – choose between Yes/No
  9. Only Foreclosure – choose between Yes/No
Sort and Limit
  1. Order by – give you option to order the list by:
    • Add date
    • Listing ID
    • Built up Area
    • Price
    • Pictures
  2. Order
    • Ascending
    • Descending
  3. Number of properties – set number of visible properties visible on single page
  1. Enabled – choose between Yes/No
  2. Title – button visible inside the button
  3. Link
  4. Size – avaliable 4 button sizes
    • Default
    • Extra small
    • Small
    • Large
  5. Style – avaliable 8 buttons style
    • Estato Default
    • Estato Primary
    • Estato Success
    • Estato Info
    • Estato Warning
    • Estato Danger
    • Estato Dark
    • Estato Link
  6. Transparent Estato Style – choose between Yes/No
  7. Custom CSS class – add custom css class you want to use to style this element

Properties listing

Properties listing example

Properties listing example

Give you option to show list of properties created in WPL plugin on path WPL > Listing Manager

Properties listing settings

Properties listing settings

This element have 4 tabs with option to customise the way how the list of the properties will be shown:

  1. Title – set title for the list
  2. Type listing view – choose between two views:
    • Grid


    • List


  3. CSS Class – add custom css class you want to use to style this element
  4. View more text – change text that will be shown for view more link
  5. View more link – add link that for View more
  6. Columns count in grid view – set number of columns avaliable for grid view
  7. Show additional options
    • Sort options and pagination
    • Sort options
    • Pagination
    • None
  8. Boxes size
    • Big
    • Small
Filter Properties
  1. Kind (only avaliable option: Property) 
  2. Listing – choose which listing will be shown
  3. Property type – choose visible types
  4. Listing IDs (Comma Separated) – add which properties will be shown based on the ID
  5. Random – randomize visible list
  6. Only Featured – choose between Yes/No
  7. Only Hot Offer – choose between Yes/No
  8. Only Open House – choose between Yes/No
  9. Only Foreclosure – choose between Yes/No
Sort and Limit
  1. Order by – give you option to order the list by:
    • Add date
    • Listing ID
    • Built up Area
    • Price
    • Pictures
  2. Order
    • Ascending
    • Descending
  3. Number of properties – set number of visible properties visible on single page

Properties search

Property search

Properties search

With this element used on your site you will be able to search for the estates avaliable on your site. Below you will find information how to customize this elements.

This element isn’t customizable via Visual composer, all the changes to this element can be added by WPL options that can be found on path Appearance > Theme Settings > Searchbox

Avaliable search fields

Avaliable search fields

For Searchbox you will be able to set:

  1. Title – title visible for your searchbox
  2. Kind – type of item it will be search from
  3. Layout – choose from two of avaliables layouts
    • default
    • simple
  4. Target page – set the target page in which the Search will be looking for the estates
  5. Css Class – you can add custom css class that can be used for adding custom style for this element
Search Fields configuration

Search Fields configuration

After clicking View Fields option in the main section (1) you will see all the fields that will be visible in the Searchbox. To customize the look of this element you can remove (2) already added fields, add new one (3), choose type of data (4) you can use and range of the data (5). At the end when you are happy with all the fields you used you can change order (6).

All the changes you will made will be saved automatically.


Template pages

In Template pages content tab you can define the following settings for template pages: Terms & Conditions,  Private Policy, Contact Us:

Template pages settings

Template pages settings

Faq Index page

Faq Index page

  1. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
    Breadcrumbs from index faq page

    Breadcrumbs from index faq page

  2. Display head section in template pages – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
    Head section for index

    Head section for index

  3. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  4. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  5. Background image – select image to display in head section
  6. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  7. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  8. Head height
  9. Parallax ratio
  10. Parallax vertical offset
  11. Parallax horizontal offset
  12. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  13. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Single property page

In Single property page content tab you can define the following settings for Single Property element: Single property element

Single property page Customizer

Property single page

Property single page

  1. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
    Breadcrumbs from agent single page

    Breadcrumbs from agent single page

  2. Display head section – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
    Head section for property single agent page

    Head section for property single agent page

  3. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  4. Head section title – Title to display in head section.
  5. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  6. Background image – select image to display in head section
  7. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  8. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  9. Head height
  10. Parallax ratio
  11. Parallax vertical offset
  12. Parallax horizontal offset
  13. Video url – Will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  14. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link
  15. Displays infos – Displays the information about the Images/Video if there is any.
  16. Publish info – display info about publish date
    Publish info

    Publish info

  17. Update info – check Yes if you want to show update date
    Update info

    Update info

  18. Report abuse link – check Yes if you want to show abuse link
    Report abuse link

    Report abuse link

  19. Report Abuse page – choose page to which user will be send, after clicking ‘report abuse’ link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Single agents pages

Single agents page settings

Single agents page settings

In Single Agent page content tab you can define the following settings for Agents Index page.:

Agent single page

Agent single page

  1. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
    Single agent's breadcrumbs

    Single agent’s breadcrumbs

  2. Display head section – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
    Head section from agent single page

    Head section from agent single page

  3. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Kenburns
  4. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  5. Background image – select image to display in head section
  6. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  7. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Ken burnshead section type will be selected
  8. Head height
  9. Parallax ratio
  10. Parallax vertical offset
  11. Parallax horizontal offset
  12. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  13. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Homepage Settings

In Static Front Page content tab you can define which of the created Pages will be used as a site Home page and which page will be used as a Blog page (avaliable for static page option).

Homepage Settings

  1. Front page display
    • Your latest posts – latest posts will be shown on the Front page
    • A static page – Home page and Blog index page will be chosen from list of static pages.
  2. Front page – avaliable if A static page option is chosen, set page that will be shown as a Front page
  3. Posts page – avaliable if A static page option is chosen, set page that will be shown as a Posts page


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Calculator landing page

In Calculator landing page content tab you can define the following settings for Calculate Loan template page.:

Calculator landing page settings

Calculator landing page settings

  1. Background image – Image for background in landing page
  2. Section height
  3. Background image for second column – Image for second column in landing page
  4. First title
    First title text example

    First title text example

  5. Second title
    Second title text example

    Second title text example

  6. Text – text use for landing page
    Text example

    Text example


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Here you will find information how to create contact form visible on this site.

Faq Page

FAQ page

FAQ page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Test is generated by the theme from Faq items. This type of page can be created by going to Appearance > Customize > Faq and adding there the slug and title the page will use.

Adding Faq slug and title

Adding Faq slug and title

Single portfolio

In Single portfolio content tab you can define the following settings for single portfolio page.:

Single Portfolio settings

Single Portfolio settings

Portfolio single page

Portfolio single page

  1. Display sidebar – check Yes to display sidebar
  2. Place to display sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Display breadcrumbs – check Yes if you want to display breadcrumbs in top of the page
  4. Display head section – check Yes if you want to display header in top of the page
  5. Head section type
    • Parallax
    • Video
    • Ken Burns
  6. Mobile background image – select the image that will be displayed on mobile devices
  7. Background image – select image to display in head section
  8. Second background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  9. Third background image – this image will be visible only if the Kenburns head section type will be selected
  10. Head height
  11. Parallax ratio
  12. Parallax vertical offset
  13. Parallax horizontal offset
  14. Video url – will only work when the head section type is set to Video
  15. Video file type
    • Mp4 direct link
    • Webm direct link


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Creating portfolio page

Portfolio page of Test is built using Visual Composer. Theme is supporting 3 version of this page:

  • 3 Columns
  • 4 Columns
  • 6 Columns

The Visual Composer Backend editor of the page look like this:

Portfolio page in Backend editor

Portfolio page in Backend editor

Adding row

Row Settings: After adding new Row to the page in the General option please change Row stretch option to Stretch row and content as on example below:

Row Settings - General

Row Settings – General

after switching to Design Options Tab set padding and border value for this element and add Background image (optional)

Row Settings - Design Options

Row Settings – Design Options


  1. Text Block – Go to general tab and Add content to the Text tab:
    Text Block settings

    Text Block settings


  2. Post Masonry Grid – Set options as below if you wish to recreate the look of ‘our Projects’ from Test:
    • General 
      General tab

      General tab

      1. Data source – Ct-portfolio (setting this option images will be taken from Portfolio item),
      2. Total items – choose number of elements that will be visible on the site,
      3. Display Style – Show all,
      4. Show filter – Yes
      5. Grid elements per row – choose 3, 4 or 6 Elements per row,
      6. Gap – 30px
      7. Initial loading animation – Default
      8. Extra class name – add ct-vcMasonryGrid–portfolio class to have the same style of the portfolio like on Test demo
    • Data Settings – no changes added
    • Filter 


      1. Filter by – Portfolio Categories(ct-portfolio-taxonomy),
      2. Style – Filled
      3. Default title – All,
      4. Alignment – Center,
      5. Color – Sky,
      6. Filter size – Large
    • Item Design 
      Item Design

      Item Design

      1. Grid element template – Masonry grid: Overlay with rotation
    • Design options 
      Design options

      Design options

      1. Css box – margin-bottom: 20px;

Page Attributes

To be able to use Customize options dedicated for Portfolio page, please choose Our projects from Template.

Portfolio template

Portfolio template

Contact forms

Contact forms in Test are created with the use of Contact Form 7 Plugin. Below you will find information how to recreate Contact forms used in our theme by adding the correct markup for the Form section of this plugin.

Contact form markup added to Form

Contact form markup added to Form

If you never before used this plugin I suggest you to check Getting Started with ContactForm 7.

Calculate Loan

This contact form come with two color versions, than can be achieved by adding custom css class to Inner column Settings in VisualComposer when creating page with form:

Adding custom class

Adding custom class

  1. Dark version (with custom class ct-contact-claculatorFormContainer)
    Calculator loan dark

    Calculator loan dark

  2. Light version (no custom class)
    Calculator loan light

    Calculator loan light

Calculator can be recreated by using this markup for contact form:

Feel Free to Contact Us

Feel free to contact us

Feel free to contact us

To recreate this contact form please use:



Newsletter form

Newsletter form

To recreate this Newsletter form please use:



This is a contatc form that will let you recived e-mails from user that want to Subscribe your site.

Footer contact form

Footer contact form

To show your contatc form in footer, go to Appearance > Widgets by adn you can add there ContactForm7 shortcode to Text widget

Adding footer contact form

Adding footer contact form

To recreate the look of this contact form please use this markup:

Send us a Message

Contact form on map

Contact form on map

Markup used for this contact form:

To display this contact form on a map, you need to create two Rows Like on the image below.

Creating section

Creating section

and add :

    1. ct-contact-map–Container custom class for Google map Row
    2. ct-contact-formContainer ct-contact-multiPage custom class for Contact form Row
Adding custom CSS class

Adding custom CSS class


Creating Agent single page (Agent’s profile)

On Agent page you can show information about one of your property agents and all estates attached to them with the use of single WPL shortcode.

Creating Agent profile:

By default, WordPress users are not WPL users. This provides you better managerial supervision for distinguishing between the agents and the basic users such as subscribers, authors, etc.

You can activate users in WPL simply by going to WPL > Use Manage and then clicking on the “Tick” or “Plus” icon. For specifying user access and limits you should click on the “Edit” icon, change the settings and save it.

Activate User in WPL

Activate User in WPL

If you don’t know how to create a new WP user account please check this link.

Each agent has their own profile page and they can edit the information to be shown on the “Agent Activities” or “Listing Details” page. Uploading a profile picture and company logo is highly recommended so it is good to request that your agents upload their pictures.

Agent's profile settings

Agent’s profile settings


Do not forget to click on the finalize button after filling the profile page.


Theme Settings

Theme Settings is an option that will allow you to set basic options that can be crucial when creating your Estate page. Theme Settings can be found in Dashboard on path Appearance > Theme Settings that contains 3 Tabs:

Theme Settings

– General –

  • Cut property descriptions after x character – The limit for the number of characters used in the description for a property.

    General tab

– Pages –

  • Agent Profile page – allow you to choose Agent profile page and extra style it with Customise options
  • Agent listing page – allow you to choose Agent listing page and extra style it with Customise options

    Pages tab

– Searchbox – option that will allow you to set the searchbox.

  • Title – set title for the Searchbox
  • Kind – set the kind from the avaliables options
  • Layout – layout type (only simple avaliable)
  • Target page – page where this searchbox will be shown
  • CSS Class – add custom class to style the element

    Searchbox tab


How to configure the Searchbox for Test

To configure the Searchbox, follow these steps:

    • Step 1 – Navigate in Dashboard to Appearance > Theme Settings > Searchbox tab.
    • Step 2 – Click the View Fields buttton, the Search Fields Configurations will pop-up.

      Searchbox Tab

    • Step 3 – Here you will see all the fields that will be visible in the Searchbox.

      Fields in the Searchbox

    • Step 4 – To customize the look of this element you can:
      • Remove already added fields – Click on the X button on top of the field that you want to remove.


      • Add new one – Click on the tabs on top to choose the categories of fields you want to add. You can see the fields at the bottom. Drag the field that you want and drop it at the center.

        Add New Fields

      • Choose type of data – The data type of what the field will use to search.

        Data Type

      • Add range of the data – This could be used if the data type option is numerical. Setting the range in number.

        Data Range


    • Step 5 – You have the option to change the order of the fields at the right side by drag and drop.

      Fields Order

All the changes you will make will be saved automatically.

Test custom shortcodes

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for VC that are used to show content created in Test. Below you will find short information about this VisualComposer elements:

Button for Estato

This theme come with VC item that gave you option to create buttons that can be used in the theme.

Buttons for estato item

Buttons for Estato

Icon Box for Estato

Icon Box example

Icon Box example

Below you will see all the avaliable options that can or need to be set to use IconBox for Estato element on page:

Icon Box for Estato Settings

Icon Box for Estato Settings


    • Number of icons – you can set here number of icons visible in row (1, 2, 3, 4). We recommend to use one Pricing tables for Estato element in single row to get the best effect using this element.
    • Motive – choose color style used for this element
      1. Dark
      2. Light
    • Title – Set the title for this element
Icon Box for Estato Settings

Icon Box for Estato Settings

Column 1, Column3, Column 3, Column 4  (number of columns tab depends on the nuber of tables set in General tab)

    • Title
    • Icon
    • Description
Icon Box for Estato settings

Icon Box for Estato settings

Button  (add button under Icon Boxes) 

    • Buttn enable
    • Button title
    • Button link
    • Button size
    • Button style
    • Trabsparent Estato Style for button? – check Yes to tur on the option
    • Custom CSS class for button

Create Icon Box example like on the Icon Box example image:

To create a Icon Box section with a background static image:

    • Step1: Create a row section
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2 :  Choose the Edit row option (1) and in the General tab add the background image (2) from Media library gallery.


      Adding background image

      Adding background image

    • Step3: Add Icon Box For Estato by clicking  in Row and choosing it from Add Element options


      Adding Icon Box for Estato

      Adding Icon Box for Estato

    • Step4: Set the shortcode options as you wish.

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.

Image carousel

Image carousel example

Image carousel example

Below you will see all the avaliable options that can or need to be set to use Image carousel for Estato element on page:

Image carousel Settings

Image carousel Settings


    • Title
    • Display navigation – check Yes to show the navigation of the carousel
    • Items count – number of images that wil shown at once on the desktop (this option will not work the mobile version of the carousel)
    • Pagination – check Yes pagination to show it.
    • Autoplay – check Yes to show pagination
    • Images – add images from Media Library or Upload Files from your computer

Latest Posts

Latest Posts

Latest Posts

You can custom this element using options from the settings option below.

Latest posts settings

Latest Posts settings


    • Title
    • Limit
    • Custom class
    • Order
      1. Ascending
      2. Descending
    • Order by
      1. Date
      2. ID
      3. Author
      4. Title
      5. Slug
      6. Modifier
      7. Order by parent id
      8. Random order
      9. Order by Page order
Latest Posts settings

Latest Posts settings


    • Button enabled
    • Button title
    • Button link
    • Button size
      1. Default
      2. Extra Small
      3. Small
      4. Large
    • Button style
      1. Estato Default
      2. Estato Primary
      3. Estato Success
      4. Estato Info
      5. Estato Warning
      6. Estato Danger
      7. Estato Dark
      8. Estato Link
    • Transparent Estato Style for button?  – check Yes to remove button background color
    • Custom CSS class for button

Promo Section

Promo section

Promo section

Creating your own promo section you can choose options as below:

Promo Section settings

Promo Section settings


    • Background color
    • Image
    • Promo text
    • Promo text color
Promo Section settings

Promo Section settings

Button 1, Button 2, Button 3

    • Button enabled – check Yes to show the button
    • Button title
    • Button link
    • Button size
      1. Default
      2. Extra Small
      3. Small
      4. Large
    • Button style
      1. Estato Default
      2. Estato Primary
      3. Estato Success
      4. Estato Info
      5. Estato Warning
      6. Estato Danger
      7. Estato Dark
      8. Estato Link
    • Transparent Estato Style for button – check Yes to remove button background color
    • Custom Css class for button

How to achieve full width Promo Section:

    • Step1: Create a row section
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2 :  Choose the Edit row option (1) and in the General tab set the Row strech option (2) to Strech row and content.
    • Row stretch options

      Row stretch options

    • Step3: Add Promo Section item to the row and set the options as you wish.
      Add Promo Section

      Add Promo Section

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.


Pricing tables for Estato

Pricing Tables for Estato

Pricing tables for Estato

Below you will see all the avaliable options that can or need to be set to use Pricing tables for Estato element on page:

Pricing tables for Estato Settings


    • Title – here you can set the title visible over the tables
    • Number of tables – you can set here number of tables visible in row (1, 2, 3, 4). We recommend to use one Pricing tables for Estato element in single row to get the best effect using this element.

Column 1, Column3, Column 3, Column 4  (number of columns tab depends on the nuber of tables set in General tab)

Pricing tables for Estato Settings

Pricing tables for Estato Settings

    • Title (1)
    • Value (2)
    • Subvalue (3)
    • Tag (4)
    • Features (5)
    • Button enabled (6) – check Yes to show button
    • Button title
    • Button link
    • Button size
      1. Default
      2. Estra Small
      3. Small
      4. Large
    • Button style
      1. Estato Default
      2. Estato Primary
      3. Estato Success
      4. Estato Info
      5. Estato Warning
      6. Estato Danger
      7. Estato Dark
      8. Estato Link
    • Transparent Estato style for button? – check Yes option if you want the transparent style
    • Custom CSS class for button – set your custom class to style the button





Below you will see all the avaliable options that can or need to be set to use Twitter in your Test template:

Twitter settings

Twitter settings

    • Title – set the title for header
    • Simple style?
      1. No
      2. Yes
    • username – twitter username
    • customer key
    • customer secret
    • token
    • token secret
    • limit – limit of visible tweets
    • Tweets per slide
    • follow us button – follow us button label (leave blank to hide it)
    • new window? – Yes/No
    • parse url
      1. plain text
      2. short link
      3. display link
    • parse media
      1. plain text
      2. short link
      3. display link
      4. expened link
    • parse url id? – Yes/No
    • parse hashtag? – Yes/No
    • embed images? – Yes/No
    • size of embeded images?
      1. thumb
      2. small
      3. medium
      4. large
    • tweet length limit
    • cache results for X seconds – cache Twitter feeds for better performance

The information how to generate twitter keys and tokens can be find here.

Create Twitter section with background image

To create a twitter account with a background static image:

    • Step1: Create a row section
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2 :  Choose the Edit row option (1) and in the Design Options tab add the background image (2) from Media library gallery.
    • Adding background image

      Adding background image

    • Step3: Add Twitter item to the row and set the options as you wish.
    • Adding Twitter

      Adding Twitter

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.


Scroll Sections

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This item will let you create a page menu to let the user move between the section page.

Scroll Section Settings

Scroll Section Settings

The only option avaliable in settings is Section names that will let you create menu links for custom sections. This shortcode is used on Terms & Conditions page of Estato WP theme.

To recreate this look on your own follow these few easy steps:

Step1: Add row to your page and change the Row Layout to 1/4 + 3/4. This way you will be able to add Scroll Section and the content to different columns and set them next to each others.

Row Layout

Row Layout

Step2: Add any content you want to the columns on the right.

Adding content

Adding content

Step3: Add an ID to each Inner Row Settings section you want your menu to be able to move to. Remeber: Each created ID must be unique, and it is valid as w3c specification: link (Must not have spaces)

Adding Row ID

Adding Row ID

Step4: Add Scroll Section Settings item to the columns on the right and for the Section names use the same names as the one used for the Row’s id.

Add Section Names

Add Section Names

Remember: to make this element work correctly you must copy the exact same names as used in the ID and add them in the same order as they are set in the right section.


Faq page created with the use of shortcode

Faq page created with the use of shortcode

FAQ Settings

FAQ Settings

FAQ shortcode will let you show all the created FAQs items on the site. This version of FAQ don’t have menu like the one created via Customize options, but it will let you add other content on the same site unlike the customize one.

Testimonials slider

Testimonial slider

Testimonial slider

Testimonial slider will gave you an option to show people testimonials on your site

How to create testimonial?

To create testimonial go to Testimonials > Add New where you will be able to create a new item.

Creating new testimonial item you will be able to add followig:

Creating testimonial item

Creating testimonial item

    • Title (A)
    • Content (B)
    • Author (C)
      1. Name
      2. Company
    • Featured Image (D)

After adding all infortmation to testimonial item remember to click the Update buton.

Adding Testimonial Slider

Testimonial slider Setting

Testimonial slider Setting

Testimonial slider settings:

    • Style of slider
    • Additional title – check Yes if you want to display title
    • Title
    • Order
      1. Ascending
      2. Descending
    • Order by
      1. Date
      2. ID
      3. Author
      4. Title
      5. Slug
      6. Modifier
      7. Order by parent id
      8. Random order
      9. Order by Page order
    • Limit – set the limit of the testimonials visible on the site (not more than 6)

How to achieve  the look of this section like on Test demo: 

To create testimonial slider from the demo follow steps below:

    • Step1: Create a row section
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2 :  Choose the Edit row option (1) and in the General tab set the Row strech option (2) to Strech row and content.
    • Row stretch options

      Row stretch options

    • Step3: Go to Design Options tab and set Background color of choice. The one used in our demo is: #60a7d4
    • Choose background color

      Choose background color

    • Step4: Add Testimonial slider item to the row and set the options as you wish.
      Add testimonial slider

      Add testimonial slider

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.

Creating Property page

Property pages created via Test will give you option to show page containing all the needed information about your property like property description, features, appliances, address map and much more. Below you will find information how you can create this pages on your own.

Property page Version 2

Property page Version 2

Both of Property pages visible on Test demo (Version 1 and Version 2), can be divided into two Estato elements Single Property and Property mini listing. Here we will concentrate on all the information what option need to be set to recived same look on the page. If you wish to find more information about the Test shortcodes using information from WPL plugin please check Custom Realtyna shortcode section, where you will find more information about Single Property and Property mini listing elements.

Property page version 1

This version contains full width map with the slider of the property’s image and sidebars.

Version with Sidebar

Version with Sidebar

To create this variation of the page follow steps below:

    • Step1: Go to Pages > Add New and create new page and make sure that the Template you are using is Default Template, or use already created page that is using the same Template.
      Page Attributes

      Page Attributes

    • Step2: Create a row section on your page.
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2: Add Single Property (1) element to the row and in the Settings options set ID (2) of the property you want to show (where to find ID?)  and choose Full width map as a Property template (3).
    • Adding Single Property

      Adding Single Property

    • Step3 :  Create a second row like before but this time in General tab set Strech row for Row strech (1) option. For Design Options add 40px for top margin (2) and set the Background (3) color to: #f3f3f3
    • Row stretch options

      Row stretch options

      Design Options

      Design Options

    • Step4: Add Properties mini listing element to row. After accessing Properties mini listing Go to the General (1) tab and set Latest listing transparent as a Template (2) for this element. with this Template option you can also add Title (3) that will be visible on the site.
      Add Properties mini listing

      Add Properties mini listing

    • Adding mini listing Settings

      Adding mini listing Settings

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.

Property page version 2

Full width map version

Full width map version

This version of the property contains full width map with the slider of the property’s image. To create this variation of the page follow steps below:

    • Step1: Go to Pages > Add New and create new page and make sure that the Template you are using is Default Template, or use already created page using the same Template.
      Page Attributes

      Page Attributes

    • Step2: Create a row section on your page.
      Add Row section

      Add Row section

    • Step2: Add Single Property (1) element to the row and in the Settings options set ID (2) of the property you want to show (where to find ID?)  and choose Full width map as a Property template (3).
      Adding Single Property Settings

      Adding Single Property Settings

    • Step3 :  Create a second row like before but this time in General tab set Strech row for Row strech (1) option. For Design Options add 40px for top margin (2) and set the Background (3) color to: #f3f3f3
    • Row stretch options

      Row stretch options

      Design Options

      Design Options

    • Step4: Add Properties mini listing element, to the just created row. After accessing Properties mini listing go to the General (1) tab and set Latest listing transparent  for Template (2) for this element.
      Property mini listing Settings

      Property mini listing Settings

Remember to Update the changes on the page to save them.

Where to find ID?

The ID that can be used for Single Property element can be found in WPL on path WPL > Listing Manager where you will find list of all the estate added to the WPL. After choosing the property you want to show click Edit button After entering Add/Edit Property you will find Listing ID that can be used in the Single Property Element.

Searching for ID

Searching for ID


Activating plugins

Test comes with number of custom features like:

  • Backup & Demo content
  • FAQ,
  • Portfolio,
  • Breadcrumbs,
  • Team,
  • Testimonials
  • Shop Locator

For the correct operation of Test you have to install and activate them for Test:

After activating Test you will also get the information about all of theplugins that you should or can install and activate for the full experience of the Theme.  You can find this information on path Appearance > Theme Installation.


Also the information about all required plugins that should be installed and activated you will find in WordPress dashboard on path Appearance > Theme Installation

Theme installation instruction

Theme installation instruction

With these plugins your custom post types will be saved in your admin panel, even if you change your WordPress theme.

Notice: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.

Install plugin

Install plugin

Disrupt Customize

Test comes with an advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of the theme elements in one place. If you want to use it, navigate to Appearance > Customize



It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, such as:

  • Navigation
  • Blog
  • Single blog post
  • Shop
  • Portfolio
  • Footer
  • Widgets

You will also find the main style settings:

  • General
  • Page Head
  • Header Image


General settings

General settings

This style setting customize option will let you to:

  1. Choose the motive and accent motive color for your theme
    motive and accent motive color

    motive and accent motive color

  2. Check onepager option if you want to have onepager site (more info about onepager site HERE)
  3. You can choose if you want to use a preloader  and what Image will be visible when the page will be loading.
    Loading example

    Loading example

Header Image

In Header Image section you can edit logo on the site

Header image settings

Header image settings


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Disrupt custom shortcodes

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for VC that are used to show content created in Test. Below you will find short information about this VisualComposer elements:

Button for Disrupt

This theme come with VC item that gave you option to create buttons that can be used in the theme.

Disrupt buttons

Disrupt buttons

This item contains many variation that will let you create button that will suit you best.

Button Settings

Button Settings


  • Button enabled – check Yes to enabled the button
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
    1. Default
    2. Extra Small
    3. Estato Success
    4. Small
    5. Large
  • Button style
    1. Accent Motive
    2. Dark
    3. Dark Separated
    4. White
    5. White Separated
    6. Transparent
  • Use Custom colors for button – check Yes to be able to choose button text and button background custom color

Contact Box

Contact Box

Contact Box

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Contact Box Settings - Boxes

Contact Box Settings – Boxes

Box 1, Box 2, Box 3

  • Box info – add the bar information
  • Subtitle – add subtitle text
  • Icon
  • Background color
  • Text color
  • Box Link – add link to the box
Contact Box Settings - Box

Contact Box Settings – Box


  • Bar info – add the bar information
  • Icon
  • Background color
  • Text color
  • Bar Link – add link to the bar (optional)

Styled Google Maps

Styled Google Maps

Styled Google Maps

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Styled Google Maps Settings

Styled Google Maps Settings


  • Address – set adress of the marker on the map
  • Lattitude
  • Longitude
  • Custom map height – set height of the map
  • Zoom
  • Map Market – set image for the marker
  • Map style code – use style from snazzymaps for the map.

Icon Box

Icon Box

Icon Box

Icon Box Settings

Icon Box Settings


  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Number of icon rows: (1 or 2 )
  • Style
  • Icon color
  • Icon title color
  • Icon subtitle color
Icon Box Settings 2

Icon Box Settings 2

First Row Icons, Second Row Icons (avaliable 6 in each row)

  • Icon 1
  • Title 1
  • Description 1
  • Description uppercase 1 – Check Yes to make all the description text uppercase

Image carousel

Image carousel

Image carousel

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Image carousel settings

Image carousel settings


  • Layout
    1. One
    2. Two
  • Columns count – from 1 to 10
  • Navigation – check Yes to show navigation
  • Autoplay – check Yes to turn on autoplay
  • Autoplay speed – set delay for the autoplay in (ms)
  • Speed [ms]
  • First row images – choose image for the first row
  • Images labels – set the label for each image (visible after hover)

Image Features

Image Features

Image Features

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Image Features settings

Image Features settings – General


  • Layout
    1. Image on the left
    2. Image on the right
  • Style
    1. Motive Light
    2. Motive Dark
    3. White
Image Features settings

Image Features settings

Feature 1, Feature 2, Feature 3, Feature 4

  • Feature type
    1. None (skip this feature)
    2. Text
    3. Line
    4. Icon
    5. Line and icon
    6. Button
  • Pointer line offset
  • Pointer icon offset
  • Line width
  • Icon
  • Icon title
  • Icon subtitle

Image gallery

Image gallery

Image gallery

Image gallery settings

Image Gallery Settings


  • Columns count  – choose how many images will be added to single column (from 1 to 5)
  • Images – choose the images from the ones added to Media Gallery

Link to section

Link to section

Link to Section

Link to Section Settings

Link to Section Settings


  • Section to scroll to
  • Text label
  • Motive
    1. Light
    2. Dark
    3. Motive

Promo Icons

Promo Icons

Promo Icons

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Promo Icons settings

Promo Icons settings – General


  • Style
    1. Transparent
    2. Vertical
    3. Horizontal
  • Custom CSS class – add custo class to style the element
Promo Icons settings - Icons

Promo Icons settings – Icons

Icon 1, Icon 2, Icon 3, Icon 4, Icon 5, Icon 6

  • Icon – set the icon for the button
  • Image – set the backgroun for the icon box
  • Icon color
  • Icon text color
  • Button enabled
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
  • Button style
  • Button icon – avaliable for separated style buttons only
  • Use custom colors for button? – check Yes if you wish to create button with custom colors
  • Button text custom color
  • Button background custom color

Promo Section

Promo Section

Promo Section with e-mail input

Promo Section Settings

Promo Section Settings


  • Background color
  • Image
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Layout
    1. Buttons
    2. Email input
Promo Section Settings 2

Promo Section Settings 2

Email input (when Email input chosen in Layout option)

  • Email input Contact Form id
Promo Section Settings 3

Promo Section Settings 3

Button 1, Button 2 (when Buttons input chosen in Layout option)

  • Button enable – Check Yes to enable
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
    1. Default
    2. Extra Small
    3. Estato Success
    4. Small
    5. Large
  • Button style
    1. Accent Motive
    2. Dark
    3. Dark Separated
    4. White
    5. White Separated
    6. Transparent
  • Button icon (for separated style buttons)
  • Use custom colors for button? – Check Yes to use
  • Button text custom color
  • Button background custom color

Where to find Email input Contact Form ID? 

Open the settings page for Contact Form 7, and then open the contact form you want to add. Each contact form has its own shortcode. Just copy the ID from the contatc form and use for Email input Contact Form id.

Contact form ID

Contact form ID

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials Settings

Disrupt Socials Settings


  • Style
    1. Rounded motive
    2. Runded black
    3. Footer motive
  • Tooltip position
    1. Bottom
    2. Top
    3. Right
    4. Left
    5. Hidden tooltip
  • Open links in new tabs? – check Yes to enable the option
  • Custom CSS class – add custom css class to style the Socials
  • Facebook link, Twitter link, Instagram link, Pinterest link, Vkontakte link, Linkedin link, Rss linkn – add full link address to your social account




List Settings

List Settings

  • Title
  • List of features – create a list of features by adding them with a comma separated




Video Settings

Video Settings

  • Video – add the ID of the video you want to show on your site
  • Host – choose between Youtube and Vimeo video
  • Laptop Background – check yes if you want the video to be shown in a laptop background

Where to find ID of your Video? 

    • Youtube – It is very simple to find your YouTube video ID. First, go to the YouTube webpage. Look at the URL of that page, and at the end of it, you should see a combination of numbers and letters after an equal sign (=). This is the code you need to enter into your YouTube stack.
    • Vimeo
      1. To find your Video ID, go to the Vimeo page and find the video you want to put on your website.
      2. Once it is loaded, look at the URL and look for the numbers that come after the slash (/).
      3. This number is the Video ID and what you will use in your stack settings.

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section Settings

Woo Promo Section Settings


  • Background color
  • Title text
  • Title text color
  • Subtitle text
  • Subtitle text
  • Show product number select – Check Yes to show
  • Show product variations – Check Yes to show
  • Enter product id
Woo Promo Section Settings 2

Woo Promo Section Settings 2


  • Button enabled
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
    1. Defaukt
    2. Extra Small
    3. Small
    4. Large
  • Button syle
    1. Accent motive
    2. Dark
    3. Dark separated
    4. White
    5. White separated
    6. Transparent
  • Button icon (for separated style buttons)
  • Use custom color for button – Check Yes to show
  • Button text custom color: (avaliable only when Use custom color for button is checked)
  • Button backgroun custom color: (avaliable only when Use custom color for button is checked)

Where to find product ID? 
A WooCommerce Product ID is sometimes needed when using shortcodes, widgets and links. To find the ID, go to Products button and hover over the product you need the ID for. The product ID number is displayed.

Product with ID

Product with ID




Faq Settings

Faq Settings


  • Title
  • Subtitle

Shop locator

Shop Locator

Shop Locator

Shop Locator Settings

Shop Locator Settings

Avaliable option that can be set via this shortcode:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Small icon cluster
  • Medium icon cluster
  • Big icon cluster

Team display

Testimonial slider

Page Header

Page header

Page header

In  Test page header section you can custom your site by all the avaliables options like:

  1. Display page header – let show page header on all of the pages
  2. Display page header in main page (avaliable only when Display page header is checked)
  3. Display breadcrumbs  (avaliable only when Display page header is checked)
  4. Head section type – you will be able to choose from:
    • Static
    • Parralax
    • Video
    • Kenburns
  5. Mobile background image
  6. Background image
  7. Second background image
  8. Third background image
  9. Head height
  10. Parallax ratio
  11. Video url
  12. Video file type

This customize option will let you set global options for the header of your site pages taht can be accessed from Pages button. They will only work when in pages the Header Options section will be set to Head settings: Use global customizer settings. Also you can set header options for each of the pages by the Head settings instead.

Header options settings for page

Header options settings for single page


In Footer content tab you can define the following settings:

Footer settings

Footer settings

Footer and pos footer

Footer and pos footer

  1. Footer display – check Yes if you want to display footer section on the website
  2. Number of footer rows – choose the number of rows visible in the footer section (One row, Two rows)
  3. Footer logo – check if you want to display logo in footer
  4. Logo image – set the logo
  5. Post footer display – check yes you want to display post footer
  6. Number of post footer rows – choose the number of rows visible in the post footer section (One row, Two rows)


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Index Blog page

Blog settings

Blog settings

In Blog content tab you can define the following settings for Blog Index page.:

Blog Index

Blog Index

  1. Display blog sidebar – Check Yes if you want to display sidebar with widgets on blog page.
    Blog Index page - sidebar right

    Blog Index page – sidebar right

  2. Place to display sidebar – Chose place for blog sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Social share – Check Yes to display social share icons after post, that will let you share post on this social platforms
    Socials visible after post

    Socials visible after post

  4. Social Share – avaliable social share icons you can use
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Reddit
    • Digg it
    • Linkeding
    • Google +
    • Pinterest


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Single blog post

Single blog post settings

Single blog post settings

In Blog content tab you can define the following settings for Blog single page.:

Single blog page

Single blog page

In Single blog post content tab you can define the following settings for Blog Index page.:

  1. Display blog sidebar – Check Yes if you want to display sidebar with widgets on blog page.
    Blog Index page - sidebar right

    Blog Index page – sidebar right

  2. Place to display sidebar – Chose place for blog sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Tags after posts – Check Yes to display tags after post
  4. Social share – Check Yes to display social share icons after post, that will let you share post on this social platforms
    Socials visible after post

    Socials visible after post

  5. Social Share – avaliable social share icons you can use
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Reddit
    • Digg it
    • Linkeding
    • Google +
    • Pinterest
  6. Display comments after post – Check Yes if you want to activate comments on blog
    Display comment section

    Display comment section


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on



Shop settings

Shop settings

In Shop content tab you can define the following settings for shop page.:

Shop Index page

Shop Index page

  1. Display shop sidebar – check Yes to display sidebar
    Shop sidebar

    Shop sidebar

  2. Place to display sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Display shop small cart – check Yes if you want to display shop small cart
    Small shop cart (activate)

    Small shop cart (activate)


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on



Portfolio settings

Portfolio settings

In Portfolio content tab you can define the following settings for Portfolio Single page.:

Portfolio Single page

Portfolio Single page

  1. Display portfolio sidebar – check Yes to display sidebar
  2. Place to display sidebar
    • Left side
    • Right side
  3. Social share – Check Yes to display social share icons after post, that will let you share post on this social platforms
    Portfolio socials

    Portfolio socials

  4. Social Share – avaliable social share icons you can use
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Reddit
    • Digg it
    • Linkeding
    • Google +
    • Pinterest


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on Save & Publish button


Estato contents

Disrupt’s forms

Contact forms in Test are created with the use of Contact Form 7 Plugin. Below you will find information how to recreate Contact forms used in our theme by adding the correct markup for the Form section of this plugin.

Contact form markup added to Form

Contact form markup added to Form

If you never before used this plugin I suggest you to check Getting Started with ContactForm 7.

Contact form

Contact form

Contact form

Contact form can be recreated by using this markup for contact form:

Footer – newsletter

Footer newsletter

Footer newsletter

To recreate this contact form please use:

In our demo this form is added to the Footer second column in first row widgets via adding this contatc form shortcode to text widget as you can see on the image below:

Adding contact form to widget

Adding contact form to widget


Promosection – newsletter

This contact form can be recreated by using PromoSection shortcode. More information about it, you will be able to find in the Disrupt custom shortcodes section by adding there Contact form ID.

Adding ID to Promo Section shortcode

Adding ID to Promo Section shortcode

Promosection newsletter

Promosection newsletter

To recreate this Newsletter form please use for the contact form:

Disrupt Plugin

REMEMBER: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Estato WP – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.


Plugin dedicated for Disrupt WordPress Theme that will allow you number of custom features like:

  • portfolio items,
  • faq items,
  • testimonials,
  • Disrupt WP custom VisualComposer shortcodes
  • Disrupt WP shortcodes for WPL


Unysone plugin

REMEMBER: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Estato WP – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.

Getting started

Unyson is a framework for WordPress that facilitates development of a theme. This framework was created from the ground up by the team behind ThemeFuse from the desire to empower developers to build outstanding WordPress themes fast and easy. This documentation is heavily modified by createIT to ensure all custom extensions are well documented.

This documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of WordPress. If you haven’t, please start by reading WordPress Documentation.

Minimum Requirements
  • WordPress 4.0 or greater
  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater


Unyson is included in Test package – so you don’t have to do anything more than click install and activate.

You can also install the plugin manually:

  1. Upload the unyson folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Unyson plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
  3. Configure the plugin by going to the Unyson menu and activating the following extensions:
    Unysone Extensions

    Unyson Extensions (example)


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software. Unyson inherits the General Public License (GPL) from WordPress.


Opal Hotel Room Booking

Opal Hotel Plugin is a user-friendly booking plugin built with woocommerce that allows you to integrate a booking/reservation system into your WordPress website.

Under this link you find documentation how to use the plugin: Opal Hotel Room Booking documentation

Activating plugins

Test comes with number of custom features like:

For the correct operation of Test you have to install and activate them for Test:


After activating Test you will also get the information about all of theplugins that you should or can install and activate for the full experience of the Theme.  You can find this information on path Appearance > Theme Installation.


Also the information about all required plugins that should be installed and activated you will find in WordPress dashboard on path Appearance > Theme Installation

Theme installation instruction

Theme installation instruction

With these plugins your custom post types will be saved in your admin panel, even if you change your WordPress theme.

Notice: Plugin must be installed and activated right after you install and activate the Test – otherwise you might be encountered problems with correct theme functioning.

Install plugin

Install plugin (example)

Siver Customize

Test comes with an advanced customizer, which allows to edit most of the theme elements in one place. If you want to use it, navigate to Appearance > Customize



It will display a panel with tabs corresponding to all theme sections, such as:

  • Navigation
  • Blog
  • Single blog post
  • Shop
  • Portfolio
  • Footer
  • Widgets

You will also find the main style settings:

  • General
  • Page Head
  • Header Image


General settings

General settings

This style setting customize option will let you to:

  1. Choose the motive and accent motive color for your theme
    motive and accent motive color

    motive and accent motive color

  2. Check onepager option if you want to have onepager site (more info about onepager site HERE)
  3. You can choose if you want to use a preloader  and what Image will be visible when the page will be loading.
    Loading example

    Loading example

Header Image

In Header Image section you can edit logo on the site

Header image settings

Header image settings


All changes made with customizer will only be applied when you click on


Siver custom shortcodes

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for VC that are used to show content created in Test. Below you will find short information about this VisualComposer elements:

Siver avaliable shortcodes

Siver avaliable shortcodes

Button Siver

This theme come with VC item that gave you option to create buttons that can be used in the theme.

Siver buttons

Siver buttons

This item contains many variation that will let you create button that will suit you best.

Button settings

Button settings


  • Button title – set the text that will be visible in the button
  • Button size
    1. Default
    2. Extra Small
    3. Estato Success
    4. Small
    5. Large
  • Button style
    1. Motive
    2. Motive dark hover
    3. Motive transparent
    4. Motive transparent, dark text
    5. Light
    6. Light dark hover
    7. Light transaprent
    8. Light transparent, dark text
  • Full width button? – check Yes to make the button full width
  • Button link

Styled Google Maps Settings

Styled Google maps settings

Styled Google maps settings

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Styled Google Maps Settings

Styled Google Maps Settings


  • Adress – set the adress of the location you want to show on your map via map marker
  • Lattitude – will work only when Adress will not be set
  • Longitude – will work only when Adress will not be set
  • Custom map height – set custom height of the map (px)
  • Zoom – set the zoom of the map (by deafult it is set to 11)
  • Map marker – add the image that will be used as a marker on the map
  • Map style code – use style from snazzymaps for the map.

Siver Header

Siver Header

Siver Header

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Siver Headers settings

Siver Headers settings


  • Header type – set the type of the header. The colors that are part of this type will work only when there will be no color set in the settings
    1. Center dark
    2. Center light
    3. Left aligned – light
    4. Left aligned – dark
    5. Left aligned type 2 – light
    6. Left aligned type 2 – dark
  • Header level – set the level use for header
    1. h1
    2. h2
    3. h3
    4. h4
    5. h5
    6. h6
  • Header title
  • Header title font size (px)
  • Header title color
  • Header subtitle title
  • Header subtitle font size (px)
  • Header subtitle color
  • Header top margin (px)
  • Header bottom margin (px)




Iconbox settings

Iconbox settings


  • Number of icons – it can be set from 1 to 4
  • Style
    1. Small Left Aligned
    2. Small Right Aligned
    3. With Background Left Aligned
    4. With Background Right Aligned

Icons 1 (you can set the number of icons to 4)

  • Title – set the title used in the iconbox
  • Text – enter a subtitle
  • Icon – choose an icon that will be used for the iconbox

Iconbox Big Style

Iconbox big style

Iconbox big style



You can customise this element with options visible below:

Image carousel settings

Image carousel settings


  • Layout
    1. One
    2. Two
  • Columns count – from 1 to 10
  • Navigation – check Yes to show navigation
  • Autoplay – check Yes to turn on autoplay
  • Autoplay speed – set delay for the autoplay in (ms)
  • Speed [ms]
  • First row images – choose image for the first row
  • Images labels – set the label for each image (visible after hover)

Image Features

Image Features

Image Features

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Image Features settings

Image Features settings – General


  • Layout
    1. Image on the left
    2. Image on the right
  • Style
    1. Motive Light
    2. Motive Dark
    3. White
Image Features settings

Image Features settings

Feature 1, Feature 2, Feature 3, Feature 4

  • Feature type
    1. None (skip this feature)
    2. Text
    3. Line
    4. Icon
    5. Line and icon
    6. Button
  • Pointer line offset
  • Pointer icon offset
  • Line width
  • Icon
  • Icon title
  • Icon subtitle

Image gallery

Image gallery

Image gallery

Image gallery settings

Image Gallery Settings


  • Columns count  – choose how many images will be added to single column (from 1 to 5)
  • Images – choose the images from the ones added to Media Gallery

Link to section

Link to section

Link to Section

Link to Section Settings

Link to Section Settings


  • Section to scroll to
  • Text label
  • Motive
    1. Light
    2. Dark
    3. Motive

Promo Icons

Promo Icons

Promo Icons

You can customise this element with options visible below:

Promo Icons settings

Promo Icons settings – General


  • Style
    1. Transparent
    2. Vertical
    3. Horizontal
  • Custom CSS class – add custo class to style the element
Promo Icons settings - Icons

Promo Icons settings – Icons

Icon 1, Icon 2, Icon 3, Icon 4, Icon 5, Icon 6

  • Icon – set the icon for the button
  • Image – set the backgroun for the icon box
  • Icon color
  • Icon text color
  • Button enabled
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
  • Button style
  • Button icon – avaliable for separated style buttons only
  • Use custom colors for button? – check Yes if you wish to create button with custom colors
  • Button text custom color
  • Button background custom color

Promo Section

Promo Section

Promo Section with e-mail input

Promo Section Settings

Promo Section Settings


  • Background color
  • Image
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Layout
    1. Buttons
    2. Email input
Promo Section Settings 2

Promo Section Settings 2

Email input (when Email input chosen in Layout option)

  • Email input Contact Form id
Promo Section Settings 3

Promo Section Settings 3

Button 1, Button 2 (when Buttons input chosen in Layout option)

  • Button enable – Check Yes to enable
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
    1. Default
    2. Extra Small
    3. Estato Success
    4. Small
    5. Large
  • Button style
    1. Accent Motive
    2. Dark
    3. Dark Separated
    4. White
    5. White Separated
    6. Transparent
  • Button icon (for separated style buttons)
  • Use custom colors for button? – Check Yes to use
  • Button text custom color
  • Button background custom color

Where to find Email input Contact Form ID? 

Open the settings page for Contact Form 7, and then open the contact form you want to add. Each contact form has its own shortcode. Just copy the ID from the contatc form and use for Email input Contact Form id.

Contact form ID

Contact form ID

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials

Disrupt Socials Settings

Disrupt Socials Settings


  • Style
    1. Rounded motive
    2. Runded black
    3. Footer motive
  • Tooltip position
    1. Bottom
    2. Top
    3. Right
    4. Left
    5. Hidden tooltip
  • Open links in new tabs? – check Yes to enable the option
  • Custom CSS class – add custom css class to style the Socials
  • Facebook link, Twitter link, Instagram link, Pinterest link, Vkontakte link, Linkedin link, Rss linkn – add full link address to your social account




List Settings

List Settings

  • Title
  • List of features – create a list of features by adding them with a comma separated




Video Settings

Video Settings

  • Video – add the ID of the video you want to show on your site
  • Host – choose between Youtube and Vimeo video
  • Laptop Background – check yes if you want the video to be shown in a laptop background

Where to find ID of your Video? 

    • Youtube – It is very simple to find your YouTube video ID. First, go to the YouTube webpage. Look at the URL of that page, and at the end of it, you should see a combination of numbers and letters after an equal sign (=). This is the code you need to enter into your YouTube stack.
    • Vimeo
      1. To find your Video ID, go to the Vimeo page and find the video you want to put on your website.
      2. Once it is loaded, look at the URL and look for the numbers that come after the slash (/).
      3. This number is the Video ID and what you will use in your stack settings.

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section

Woo Promo Section Settings

Woo Promo Section Settings


  • Background color
  • Title text
  • Title text color
  • Subtitle text
  • Subtitle text
  • Show product number select – Check Yes to show
  • Show product variations – Check Yes to show
  • Enter product id
Woo Promo Section Settings 2

Woo Promo Section Settings 2


  • Button enabled
  • Button title
  • Button link
  • Button size
    1. Defaukt
    2. Extra Small
    3. Small
    4. Large
  • Button syle
    1. Accent motive
    2. Dark
    3. Dark separated
    4. White
    5. White separated
    6. Transparent
  • Button icon (for separated style buttons)
  • Use custom color for button – Check Yes to show
  • Button text custom color: (avaliable only when Use custom color for button is checked)
  • Button backgroun custom color: (avaliable only when Use custom color for button is checked)

Where to find product ID? 
A WooCommerce Product ID is sometimes needed when using shortcodes, widgets and links. To find the ID, go to Products button and hover over the product you need the ID for. The product ID number is displayed.

Product with ID

Product with ID




Faq Settings

Faq Settings


  • Title
  • Subtitle

Shop locator

Shop Locator

Shop Locator

Shop Locator Settings

Shop Locator Settings

Avaliable option that can be set via this shortcode:

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Small icon cluster
  • Medium icon cluster
  • Big icon cluster

Team display

Testimonial slider

Siver forms

Contact forms in Test are created with the use of Contact Form 7 Plugin. Below you will find information how to recreate Contact forms used in our theme by adding the correct markup for the Form section of this plugin.

Contact form markup added to Form

Contact form markup added to Form

If you never before used this plugin I suggest you to check Getting Started with ContactForm 7.

Page contact

Contact form

Contact form

Contact form can be recreated by using this markup for contact form:

Footer – newsletter

Footer newsletter

Footer newsletter

To recreate this contact form please use:

In our demo this form is added to the Footer second column in first row widgets via adding this contatc form shortcode to text widget as you can see on the image below:

Adding contact form to widget

Adding contact form to widget

Creating new property in admin panel

Below you will learn how to create a new Property item in {theme}

    • To start creating this element please go to WPL > Add listing in your WordPress Dashboard.
      Add lisitng

      Add lisitng

    • Choose Basic Details and add there information about the new property like title, description, type, price, number of rooms, etc. Information like Meta description and Meta keywords will be added automatically.
      Adding basic information about the property

      Adding basic information about the property

    • The next step will be moving to Features tab where you can add your property features like additional rooms, jacuzzi or swimming pool.
      Features details

      Features details

    • In Appliances, specify all the appliances that are avaliable for your property like Refrigirator or TV.
      Appliances checklist

      Appliances checklist

    • Moving to Adress Map you will be able to add the property address that then will be shown on the map.
      Adress Map

      Adress Map

    • If you want to add information what is in the property neighbourhood in the Neighbourhood section.
    • You can show how the property look by adding images in Image Gallery.
    • If you wish to attach any files or video please go to Video and Attachments tabs
    • You can also select options from the Spacialties tab

After all the information are added click on Finalize, so all the  changes will be saved. To check the result on your website Properties page.



Installation via Administration Panel

If Test files are downloaded from your Themeforest account, you can start an installation using WordPress administration panel.

Here you can find instructions how to proceed with 4.7.0 and lower versions of WordPress.If you’re using newer version, follow steps below to install the theme:

  • Step 1 – Once you’ve logged in to your administration panel, go to My Sites > Network Admin.

    Network Admin

  • Step 2 – Then click on Themes > Add New, you will be directed to a page where you can choose available themes.

    Add New Theme

  • Step 3 – Once directed to the page, on the upper left side of the screen click on Upload Theme button.
  • Step 4 – Choose the {theme}.zip file from your computer, then click Install Now.

    Upload Theme and Install

  • Step 5 – Click on My Sites then go to Appearance > Themes and Activate Test.

    Activate Estato

  • Step 6 – After activating Test, you will be sent to Theme Installation Instruction steps. By following this steps you will be asked to install required plugins, activate them, import demo content (required) and install sample of WPL content.

    Theme Installation Instructions

Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

If you get the following question message when installing Test.zip file via WordPress, it means that you have an upload file size limit. Install the theme via FTP or call your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.


Import demo content

The fastest and easiest way to import our demo content is to use the Theme Options Demo Content Install. It will import all pages and posts, several sample sliders, widgets, theme options, assigned pages, and more.

We recommend this approach on a newly installed WordPress. It will replace the content you currently have on your website. However, we create a backup of your current content in (Tools > Backup). You can restore the backup from there at any time in the future.

To import our demo content, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Install and activate plugins listed in Theme Installation Instructions message.
  • Step 2 – In Dashboard go to Unyson and make sure that Backup & Demo Content Extensions is activated.


  • Step 3 – Navigate to Tools > Demo Content Install, where after activating the Unyson Extensions, Demo Content Install option will be available.


  • Step 4 – Choose the import option you want to use from the available options.
  • Step 5 – Wait until the content will be installed.

    Importing can take a few minutes. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it will be loading, you will see message with indicating progress.
Properties Listing Demo

Demo Properties Listing is not automatically added by the demo.

For you to get the demo Properties Listing, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Navigate your Dashboard to WPL > Settings and look for Sample Properties.
  • Step 2 – Click on the Add Sample Properties button to add sample properties. Wait until download is finished.
  • Step 3 – Once the loading icon is gone, the download is done. You will see the sample properties in WPL > Listing Management.


Creating Testimonials

To create a Testimonial go to Testimonials > Add New, where you will be able to create a new Testimonials item.

When creating a new Testimonials item you will be able to add the following:

  • A) Title
  • B) Content
  • C) Author
  • D) Featured Image

After adding all of the information to the Testimonials item, remember to click on the Publish button.


Create pages in Test WP

To create a new Page in Test follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – In Dashboard, navigate to Pages > Add New. You will be directed to a page where you can add details on the page.
  • Step 2 – Add the Title of the page.
  • Step 3 – Add content – we recommend you to create page content using Visual Composer or by modifying demo content.
  • Step 4 – Choose page attributes.

    • Parent – If you want to create this page as a subpage.
    • Template – You can choose one of defined page templates
    • Order – The order of the page.
  • Step 5 – After adding all the contents of the page, click on the Publish button.

Create Page using Visual Composer

When using Visual Composer to add content, you have 2 Editor options, the Backend Editor and Frontend Editor.

Backend Editor

Frontend Editor

In adding contents to the page, there are many options to choose from. Some of the options are:

  • Elements – You will be able to choose elements that are needed and used on the page.
  • Text Block – This is where you add Text to the page.
  • Template – Use a premade template for the layout of the page.
  • Row – An area where you can add elements.



Create Blog post for Test

No matter which method you use to display your blog posts, first thing you need to do is create them.

Test offers several blog post formats:

Follow the steps below to create a blog post:

  • Step 1 – Navigate to Blog Posts > Add New on the Dashboard.
  • Step 2 – Create a title and insert your post content in the editing field. You can use any of our shortcode elements inside the post. If you want to use some additional fields, choose them from Screen Options at the top of the screen.
  • Step 3 – Add Blog Categories on the right side. Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts, think of these as general topics. Categories are hierarchical, so you can add sub-categories. Sub-categories are made when a Category is added to a Parent Category . To assign it to the post, check the box next to the Category name.
  • Step 4 – To add Tags, write the Tags at the textbox below the Blog Categories. Tags are meant to describe specific details of your posts. They are the micro-data that you can use to micro-categorize your content. Tags are not hierarchical. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.
  • Step 5 – For a single image, click the Featured Image box, select an image and click Set Featured Image.

To add more than one image, use Image Gallery (Visual Composer element) , each image will be a slide in the gallery slideshow. Gallery can be created by adding images from Media gallery or by adding External links of the images that will be used.

  • Step 6 – To post video, use Video Player (Visual Composer element) and paste the direct video URL from Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion and more.
  • Step 7 – to post audio, use Video Player (Visual Composer element) and paste the direct audio URL from Soundcloud, Mixcloud and more. 
  • Step 8 – For Quotation, use WordPress Blockquote option (Shift + Alt + Q) 
  • Step 9 – For Links, use WordPress Inser/edit link (Ctrl + K) option 
  • Step 10 – Create an excerpt – Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. Learn more about manual excerpts.
  • Step 11 – Once finished, click Publish to save the post.




Create Portfolio Page

Portfolio page of Test is built using Visual Composer. Theme is supporting 3 version of this page:

  • 3 Columns
  • 4 Columns
  • 6 Columns

The Visual Composer Backend editor of the page look like this:

To create a new portfolio page follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Create new page, then add row using the Visual Composer. 
  • Step 2 – Click on Edit this row icon in the row created, then the Row Settings will pop-up. Under General tab, change the Row stretch to Stretch row and content.
  • Step 3 – After, click on Design Options tab, where set padding and border values for this element can be changed and add Background image (optional).
  • Step 4 – Click on the Add Element icon at the center of the row created. Add a Text Block inside the row, the Text Block Setting will pop-up. 
  • Step 5 –  In the Text Block Setting’s General tab, Click on the Text tab under Text. Delete the default content in the Text Block and replace it with :

    Then save changes.

  • Step 6 – Set options as below if you wish to recreate the look of ‘our Projects’ from Estato:

Add a Post Masonry Grid inside the same row from Add Elements, the Post Masonry Grid Setting will pop-up.

  • Step 7 – Change the following information in Post Masonry Grid Setting.

    General Tab

    • Data source – Ct-portfolio (setting this option images will be taken from Portfolio item)
    • Total items – choose number of elements that will be visible on the site
    • Display Style – Show all
    • Show filter – Yes Grid elements per row – choose 3, 4 or 6 Elements per row
    • Gap – 30px
    • Initial loading animation – Default
    • Extra class name – add ct-vcMasonryGrid–portfolio class to have the same style of the portfolio like on Test demo

    Item Design Tab

    • Grid element template – Masonry grid: Overlay with rotation

    Design Options Tab

    • Css box – margin-bottom: 20px

Portfolio Item

Create Portfolio Item
Portfolio item

Portfolio item

To create new Portfolio item, navigate in WordPress dashboard to Portfolio items > Add New

For new Portfolio item  you can define:

  1. Title,
  2. Editor container (images visible on portfolio item page) – content visible in the Editor container is added with use of Add Media option,
  3. Portfolio Categories (optional)assign to already existing category or add new one.  
  4. Tags (optional)
  5. Featured Image (visible on ‘Our Projects’ page)
  6. Portfolio settings
    • Client
    • Client website
    • Details
    • Start date
    • End date
  7. Multilingual Content Setup – check box to make ‘Portfolio items’ translatable (Available only when WPML plugin is in use)

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Creating Portfolio Item

Creating Portfolio Item

Creating Portfolio Categories

Categories are very convenient way to organize your porfolio items, that can be added to more than just one category.

To create new Portfolio category, navigate in WordPress dashboard to  Portfolio items > Portfolio Categories

Creating new Portfolio Categories

Creating new Portfolio Categories

For new FAQ item  you can define:

  1. Name
  2. Slug
FAQ category

FAQ category

After every modification click on Update to keep your changes saved.

Create FAQ Item

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Estato is generated by the theme from FAQ items.

To create a new FAQ item, navigate in WordPress dashboard to FAQ > Add New.

For new FAQ item you can define:

  • Title – The FAQ’s question should be written as the title.
  • Editor container – where the answers for the question is added.
  • FAQ Categories (optional) – assign to preexisting category or add a new one.
  •  Once done, click on Publish button.

Create Agent Single Page (Agent’s Profile)

On Agent page you can show information about one of your property agents and all estates attached to them with the use of single WPL shortcode.

By default, WordPress users are not WPL users. This provides you better managerial supervision for distinguishing between the agents and the basic users such as subscribers, authors, etc.

You can activate users in WPL simply by going to WPL > User Manager and then clicking on the “Tick” or “Plus” icon. For specifying user access and limits you should click on the “Edit” icon, change the settings and save it.

Activate User in WPL

Activate User in WPL

If you don’t know how to create a new WP user account please check this link.

Each agent have their own profile page and they can edit the information to be shown on the “Agent Activities” or “Listing Details” page. Uploading a profile picture and company logo is highly recommended so it is good to request that your agents upload their pictures.

Agent's profile settings

Agent’s profile settings


Do not forget to click on the finalize button after filling the profile page.


Creating New Property in Admin Panel

To create a new Property item in Test, follow the steps:

Note: All information that has an (*) is required.

  • Step 1 – To start creating this element, please go to WPL > Add listing in your WordPress Dashboard. The page Add/Edit Property will show.
  • Step 2 – In the Basic Details tab, add the information about the new property that will be useful and important. Information like Meta description and Meta keywords will be added automatically.
  • Step 3 – In the Features tab, add the property features.
  • Step 4 – In the Appliances tab, specify all appliances that are available in the property.
  • Step 5 – In the Address Map tab, add the property’s address that will be shown on the map.
  • Step 6 – The Neighbourhood tab is where you can add information about the important landmarks in the property’s neighbourhood.
  • Step 7 – You can add images of the property in the Image Gallery tab.Add details about the image that is added for the property.
  • Step 8 – If you wish to attach a video or file, go to Video and Attachments tabs. You can also select options from the Specialties tab.

  • Step 9 – After all the information are added click on Finalize, so all the changes will be saved.


Listing Manager

In the Listing Manager, you can Edit, Publish, Delete Temporarily, Restore, and Delete Permanently a Property Listing.

  1. Edit

    To edit Listing Information, follow the steps:

    Step 1 – Navigate to WPL > Listing Manager in your WordPress Dashboard. The page Property Manager will show.

    Step 2 – Choose the Property Listing that you would like to change the information and click the Edit button. 

    Step 3 – The Add/Edit Property page will show. You can Edit the information that you want to change. After changing all the information, click Finalize to save. 


  2. Published

    The Published button is to change a status of a listing from Unpublished to Published.

  3. Trash

    The Trash button can change a listings status to Unpublished and store it in a Recycle Bin like state where you have the option to Restore the said listing.

  4. Purge

    The Purge button can delete the listing permanently.

Where to find Listing ID

The Listing ID that can be used to locate a Property Listing  is found in WPL > Listing Manager where you can find the list of all the properties added to the WPL.


Choose the Property Listing that you want to show and click the Edit button. The Add/Edit Property page will show.


In the Add/Edit Property page you will find Listing ID in the Basic Details tab.


Creating Property Page

Property pages created via Test will give you options to show a page containing all the needed information about your property.


The Property page visible on Test demo, can be divided into two Test elements Single Property and Property mini listing. Here we will concentrate on all the needed information and what options to be set to receive the same look on the page.


If you wish to find more information about the Test shortcodes using information from WPL plugin please check Test Custom shortcode for WPL section, where you will find more information about Single Property and Property mini listing elements


Below you will find information on how to create this pages on your own:

  • Step 1 – Go to Pages > Add New and create a new page, make sure that the Template you are using is Default Template, or use already created page that is using the same Template.


  • Step 2 – Create a row section in the page, then add a Single Property element inside the row.


  • Step 3 – Click on the Edit Single Property option and the Single Property Settings will pop-up. 


  • Step 4 – In the Single Property Settings, set the Listing ID of the property that will be shown in the page and set the Property template to Full width map. To find the Listing ID, click here


  • Step 5 –  Create a second row, click on the Edit this row option on the 2nd row created. In the General tab, change the Row Stretch to Stretch row


  • Step 6 – In the Design Options tab, add 40px for top margin and set background color to: #f3f3f3


  • Step 7 – Add a Properties mini listing element inside the 2nd row. The Properties mini listing Settings will pop-up. In the General tab, set the Template to Latest listing transparent. A Title can also be added in this element option where it is visible on the site.


  • Step  8 – After doing the steps, click on Publish button to save the page.


Create Page with Multiple Listing

To create a page with Multiple Listing the same as the sample above, follow steps:

  • Step 1 – Create new page by navigating to Pages > Add New.


  • Step 2 – Create row then change Custom Layout of the row to 1/2 + 1/2.


  • Step 3 – In the left side row, add a Properties Search element.


  • Step 4 – In the same row, add a Properties Listing element.  The Properties listing Settings will pop-up.


  • Step 5 – In the Properties listing Settings, set the Type listing view to List and add a Title for the list, then click Save changes button to save.


  • Step 6 – Now on the right side row, add a Properties map element. The Properties map Settings will pop-up.


  • Step 7 – In the Properties map Settings, you can change the details inside the settings. In the Icon tab you have the option to change the icon for the Map marker.


  • Step 8 – Once steps are done, click Publish to save the page.


Translating {Plugin} to Different Languages using WPML Plugin

To use this option, you need to have installed (WordPress Multilingual Plugin) WPML plugin, which you can buy here.

This plugin isn’t part of the {Plugin} bundle, to use this function you must have the WPML plugin.


Translating Text Content

To be able to fully integrate the translation functionality of WPML plugin:

  • Once you have installed the WPML plugin, go to WPML > Translation Management. Choose the Multilingual Content Setup tab and click on Use the translation editor radio button then save.

    Multilingual Content Setup tab

  • Scroll down and look for Custom Fields Translation. Click Show system fields to show all available fields.
  • Look for the Size Guide custom field. Then click the Translate radio button beside the custom field.

    Custom Fields

    Custom fields will show when activated/used in the site.
  • When you have done all this, go to WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual. You will see all the products available. Choose a product and click on the Plus Sign (+) on the language you would like to add a translation to.

    WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual

  • You will see the Original (English) version of the text content of the product item and an area to add the translation of the language you chose.

    Product Translator

  • Add the translation as you see fit, then click the Save button.


How translate the button

Adding separate size guide label with different languages can be integrated to this plugin.

To make a {Plugin} Label with a different language, follow the steps:

  • Step 1 –  In WooCommerce > Settings > Size guide settings, Add the label that will be used for the {Plugin} button/link. This will be used later to label what language is going to be used.


  • Step 2 – In WPML > String Translation, look for the button/link associated with the {Plugin}, then set the labels for other languages used in the theme.


  • Step 3 – Once done, click on Save. The result would be like this:


Create Sample of Shortcode Elements

Create Sample Icon Box

To make Icon Box the same as below, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Create a row section.
  • Step 2 Click on Edit Row option, in the Design Options Tab add the background image from the Media Library.
  • Step 3 – Add Icon Box for Test element inside the row created using the Add Element option.
  • Step 4 – Set the elements options as you wish.
  • Step 5 – Once satisfied with the result, click on Publish button to save.

Create Sample Promo Section

To make a full width Promo Section, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Create a row section. Click on the Edit Row option, the Row Settings will pop-up. In the General Tab change the Row stretch to Stretch row and content.
  • Step 2 – Add Promo Section element inside the row created.
  • Step 3 – Set the options as you like.
  • Step 4 – Once satisfied with the result, click on Publish button to save.

Create Sample Twitter Section with Background Image

To create a Twitter Section with a static background image, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Create a row section then click on the Edit row option.
  • Step 2 – In the Design Options tab of the Row Settings, add the background image from the Media Library or Upload an image.
  • Step 3 – Add Twitter Element to the row and set options as needed.
  • Step 4 – Once satisfied with the result, click on Publish button to save.

Create Sample Scroll Sections

To create a Scroll Section the same as the one above, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Add row to your page and change the Row Layout to 1/4 + 3/4. This way you will be able to add Scroll Section and the content to different columns and set them next to each other.
  • Step 2 – Add any content you want to the columns on the right.
  • Step 3 – Add an ID to each Inner Row Settings section you want your menu to be able to move to. Remember: Each created ID must be unique, and it is valid as w3c specification: link (Must not have spaces)
  • Step 4 – Add Scroll Section Settings item to the columns on the right and for the Section names use the same names as the one used for the Row’s id.
  • Step 5 – Once satisfied with the result, click on Publish button to save.

Remember: to make this element work correctly you must copy the exact same names as used in the ID and add them in the same order as they are set in the right section.

Create Sample Testimonial slider

To recreate the same slider on your own, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Create a row section, then click on the Edit row option.
  • Step 2 – In the General tab, set the Row stretch option to Stretch row and content.
  • Step 3 – Go to Design Options tab and set the Background color of your choice. The one used in our demo is : #60a7d4
  • Step 4 – Add Testimonial slider element inside the row created. Set the options as you like.
  • Step 5 – Once satisfied with the result, click on Publish button to save.



Test Custom Shortcodes

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for (Visual Composer) VC that are used to show content created in Test. Below you will find short information about this Visual Composer elements:

  • Button for Test

  • This theme comes with VC element that give you the option to create buttons that can be used in the theme.
  • These are how the buttons using the Button for Test element looks like:
  • Icon Box for Test

    Below you will see all the available options that can/need to be set to use Icon Box for Test element on a page:

  • – General Tab – 
    • Number of icons – you can set here number of icons visible in row (1, 2, 3, 4). We recommend to use one Pricing table for Test element in single row to get the best effect using this element.
    • Motive – Choose color style used for this element: Light or Dark
    • Title – Set the title for this Icon Box.
  • – Columns Tab – (number of columns tab depends on the number of icons set in General tab)
    • Title – Title for the icon inside the Icon Box.
    • Icon – Choose an Icon to present.
    • Description – Description of the icon.
  • – Button Tab – (Add Button under Icon Boxes)

For sample in creating Icon Box, see “Create Sample Icon Box” below.

  • Image Carousel

    Below you will see all the available options that can/need to be set to use Image carousel for Test element on page:

    • Title – Title for the Image Carousel in the page.
    • Display navigation – Check Yes to show the navigation of the carousel.
    • Items count – Number of images shown at once on the page (this option will not work on the mobile version of the carousel)
    • Pagination – Check Yes pagination to show it.
    • Autoplay – Check Yes to make the carousel move automatically.
    • Images – Add images to be shown in the carousel from the Media Library or Upload Files from your computer.

    Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

  • Latest Posts

This will show the latest posts posted in the blog. You can custom this element using options from the Latest Posts settings as shown below:

– General Tab – 

    • Title – Title for the posts.
    • Limit – Number of blog posts inside the Latest Posts.
    • Custom class
    • Order – How the posts order looks.
      • Ascending
      • Descending
    • Order by How the posts are ordered.

– Button Tab –

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

  • Promo Section

To create your own promo section, you can choose options as below:

– General Tab – 

    • Background color  – Set the background color of the Promo Section.
    • Image – Image for the promo.
    • Promo text – Describing the promo.
    • Promo text color  Text color of the Promo Text.

– Buttons Tab – (Maximum of 3 buttons which can be disabled if not used.)

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

For sample in creating Promo Section, see “Create Sample Promo Section” below.

  • Pricing Tables for Estato

Below you will see all the available options that can/need to be set to use Pricing tables for Test element on page:

– General Tab – 

    • Title – Set the title visible above the pricing tables.
    • Number of tables  You can set the number of tables visible in row (1, 2, 3, 4). We recommend to use one Pricing tables for Estato element in single row to get the best effect using this element.

– Columns Tab – (number of Columns tab depends on the number of tables set in General tab)

    • Title – Title of the pricing listed.
    • Value – Value of the pricing listed.
    • Subvalue – Another value to compare with the value of the listing.
    • Tag – A tag to make it unique.
    • Features – Descriptions and features of the item listed.
    • Button enabled – check Yes to show button.
    • Button title – Title of the button inside the listing.
    • Button link – Where the button is linked.
    • Button size – Button attribute.
    • Button style – Button attribute.
    • Transparent Test style for button? – Check Yes option if you want the transparent style.
    • Custom CSS class for button Set your custom class to style the button.

    Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

  • Twitter

Below you will see all the available options that can or need to be set to use Twitter in your Test theme:

Twitter Settings

    • Title set the title for header
    • username – twitter username
    • customer key
    • customer secret
    • token
    • token secret
    • limit – limit of visible tweets
    • Tweets per slide
    • follow us button – follow us button label (leave blank to hide it)
    • new window? – Yes/No
    • parse url
    • parse media
    • parse url id? – Yes/No
    • parse hashtag? – Yes/No
    • embed images? – Yes/No
    • size of embedded images?
    • tweet length limit
    • cache results for X seconds – cache Twitter feeds for better performance.

The information how to generate twitter keys and tokens can be found here.

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

For sample in creating Twitter Section with Background, see “Create Sample Twitter Section with Background Image” below.

  • Scroll Section

This element will let you create a page menu to let the user move between the section page.

The only option available in Scroll Sections Settings is Section names that will let you create menu links for custom sections. This element is used on Terms & Conditions page of Test WP theme.

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

For sample in creating Scroll Sections, see “Create Sample Scroll Sections” below.

  • FAQ

FAQ element will let you show all the created FAQs Items on the site. This version of FAQ doesn’t have a menu like the one created via Customise options, but it will let you add other contents on the same site unlike the customise one.

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

  • Testimonials slider

Testimonial slider will gives you an option to show people Testimonial Items that are made on your site.

Testimonial slider Settings

    • Style of slider – This would depend on the style/color of the background of this slider.
    • Additional title – Check Yes if you want to display title.
    • Title – Title of the slider.
    • Order – The order in which the testimonials are shown.⦁ Order – The order in which the testimonials are shown.
    • Order by – The order of the testimonial that are shown.
    • Limit – Number of testimonials shown.

Remember to Publish/Update the changes on the page to save them.

For sample in creating Testimonial slider on a page, see “Create Sample Testimonial slider” below.

Test custom shortcodes for WPL

With Test comes many custom shortcodes for (Visual Composer) VC that are used to show content created in WPL plugin. Below you will find short information about this Visual Composer elements:

  • Agency Box

    This element have a single tab with options to customise the way the agency box will be shown. This element lets you show all the information and the logo used by the Agency.

– Agent ID – it can be checked in WPL in User Manager section by navigating to: WPL > User Manager . Copy one of the WPL’s user Id to the Agency box Settings.

– Style – choose the style of the element: Light or Dark


  • Agents Listing

    This element have two tabs with options to customise the way how the multiple profiles of the agents will be visible on the site.

    – General Tab –

    • Title – set the title for this section
    • CSS Class – add custom css class


    – Sort and Limit-

    • Order by – Set the order of the agents.
    • Order – Set how the order of the agents are shown.
    • Limit – Set limit of the agents visible on the site

    Sample Agent Listing

  • Profile Box

    This element will let you show all the information about the WPL User chosen by its ID. Profile Box have two available options to customise this element.

    – Default profile id – it can be checked in WPL in User Manager section by navigating to: WPL > User Manager . Copy one of the WPL’s user Id to the Agency box Settings.

    – Style – choose the style of the element: Light or Dark

  • Properties map with searchbox

    This element will let you show all the information about the WPL User chosen by its ID. Profile Box have two available options to customise this element.

    • Custom map Style – Use one of custom maps styles available on Snazzy Maps site (this option is not compatible with Map Type control).
    • Custom map height – Enter map height (in pixels or leave empty for responsive map).
    • Zoom value – Set custom zoom value, eg. 10. Please note the map will automatically expand to show all markers.
    • Map Type control
    • Scale control – Choose between Yes/No
    • Google Maps search control – Choose between Yes/No
    • My position control – Choose between Yes/No (Works only with https)
    • Use custom markers for this map – choose between Yes/No. This way you can add your own custom markers from Media library. Another way to add your custom markers is via Realtyna. This markers can be added on path WPL > Data structure > Listing Types. You will be able to add there your own markers and assing them to Listing type.

By Properties map element you will display a map with markers showing all of the estate locations. The information of the location can be added on path WPL > Add Listing > Address Map by changing location of the marker. You can also edit the location of already existing property by going to WPL > Listing Manager > Edit > Address Map.

  • Properties mini listing


    This element gives the option to show a mini list of properties created in WPL plugin on path WPL > Listing Manager.This element have 4 tabs with options to customise how the list of the properties will be shown.

    – General Tab –

    • Template – 1) Mini listing  2) Latest listing  3) Latest listing transparent 
    • View more text – Add text that’s for View more.
    • View more link – Add link that’s for View more.
    • CSS class – Add custom CSS class you want to use to style this element.

    – Filter Properties –

    • Kind (only available option: Property)
    • Listing – choose which listing will be shown
    • Property type – choose visible types
    • Listing IDs (Comma Separated) – add which properties will be shown based on the ID
    • Agent id the id of the agent assigned.
    • Only Featured – choose between Yes/No
    • Only Hot Offer – choose between Yes/No
    • Only Open House – choose between Yes/No
    • Only Foreclosure – choose between Yes/No

    – Sort and Limit –

    • Order by – Gives you option on the order of the listing.
    • Order – Gives you the option on how the listing is shown.
    • Number of properties – Set number of properties visible on a single page.

    – Buttons –

    • Enabled – Choose between Yes/No
    • Title – Button visible inside the button
    • Link – Set a link for the button.
    • Size – Button sizes
    • Style – Buttons style
    • Transparent Test Style – Choose between Yes/No
    • Custom CSS class – Add custom CSS class you want to use to style this element
  • Properties listing

    This element gives the option to show list of properties created in WPL plugin on path WPL > Listing Manager.

    This element have 3 tabs with options to customise how the list of the properties will be shown.

  • – General –
    • Title – Set title for the list.
    • Type listing view – Choose between two views : Grid or List



    • CSS Class – Add custom css class you want to use to style this element
    • View more text – Change text that will be shown for view more link
    • View more link – Add link that for View more
    • Columns count in grid view – Set number of columns avaliable for grid view
    • Show additional options
    • Boxes size
  • – Filter Properties –
    • Kind (only available option: Property)
    • Listing – Choose which listing will be shown
    • Property type – Choose visible types
    • Listing IDs (Comma Separated) – Add which properties will be shown based on the ID
    • Agent id
    • Random – Randomise visible list
    • Only Featured – Choose between Yes/No
    • Only Hot Offer – Choose between Yes/No
    • Only Open House – Choose between Yes/No
    • Only Foreclosure – Choose between Yes/No
  • – Sort and Limit –
    • Order by – Gives you option on the order of the listing.
    • Order – Gives you the option on how the listing is shown.
    • Number of properties – set the number of properties visible on a single page.
  • Properties search

    With the use of this element on your site, you will be able to search for estates available on your site. Below you will find information how to customise this elements.

    This element isn’t customisable via Visual composer, all the changes to this element can be added by WPL.

    For more information on How to Customize the Searchbox, click here.

Onepager setup in Test

Test has the ability to make a One Page site with a scrolling to sections menu. Most sites are traditionally setup with individual pages, each page with its own content.


One page site allows you to put all the content on one page, and the menu items will link to each different section of the page. Think of it as a full site but all in one page. Please read below for information on how to set this up.


REMEMBER: To be able to fully use Onepager Feature you need to check the onepager option in Appearance > General > Onepager



To create a Onepager site using Test, follow these steps:


  • Step 1 – Navigate to the Pages section of your Dashboard and click Add New.
  • Step 2 – In the new page, use the Backend or Frontend editor to create a row.


  • Step 3 – Use the row in making sections in the section menu. Click on the Edit this row option in every row section you create and look for Row ID. The Row ID will serve as the anchor of the menu. Make sure that the ID is unique to that row.


  • Step 4 – You can change the General and Design Options as you see fit for your site.
  • Step 5 – Add the contents in the rows. You can add Text and Elements inside the rows. Click on Publish button to save.

    You can see in the sample above that each row has different Row IDs.


  • Step 6 – Set this page as the Front Page by navigating to Settings > Reading > Front page display. Click on A static page option then select the page for the onepager then click on the Save Changes button.


  • Step 7 – To make the Menu for the Onepager, navigate in the Dashboard Appearance > Menus. Look for create a new menu, add the Menu Name then click on the Create Menu button.


  • Step 8 – You will see options on what to put inside your new menu. Look for Custom Links in the options. If you don’t see that option, at the upper-right side of the page you will see Screen Options option, click on that and you will see options with check boxes. Check the box beside Custom Links.


  • Step 9 – Using the Custom Links option, write the row section’s Row ID inside the URL textbox and the name of the link inside the Link Text textbox. Then Click on the Add to Menu button. After adding all the navigation menu, Click on Save Menu to save.


  • Step 10 – Click on the Manage Locations option, change the Main menu to the menu that was made for the onepager. Click on the Save Changes to save.
  • Step 11 – Go back to the Edit Menu option, Look for the Max Mega Menu Settings then check on Enable and change Theme option to EstatoStyle Onepager. Change other options as you see fit then click the Save Menu button.
You can see the changes on the Front Page of the site.

How to Update Bundled Plugins

Bundled Plugins are plugins that comes with the theme when you buy it. Since the plugins are bundled with the theme, updates for the plugins are provided once the theme itself is updated.

Update a Bundled Plugin

When you update a theme and a plugin needs to be updated, you will see a notice at the top that a plugin could be updated.


You can also check for updates in your Dashboard by navigating to Plugins > Installed Plugins.

Follow these steps to update:

  • Step 1 – Update the theme first in the Dashboard by navigating to Appearance > Themes then update the theme.
  • Step 2 – Once the theme is updated, check if there are available updates for the plugins.
  • Step 3 – If there are updates available, you will see a notification on top of the page or go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and follow the instruction to install updates.


Update Error for WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider plugins (Update package not available)

If you get this error, try these troubleshooting methods first:

  • Go to Appearance > Installed Plugins, refresh the page and try again.
  • If it doesn’t work, try disabling/deleting the plugin, this is to ensure that there aren’t any issue with plugin’s update. Once disabled/deleted, try to re-run/install the plugin.
  • If you still get the error message that the update package is not available, its probably because your server permissions are set to strict and you’ll need to alter your server settings or update the plugins via FTP.
  • If issue still persist, click here for support.


Automatic Updates

Automatic updates are done if the plugin is purchased separately from the plugin developer. There are premium features that you can get if you purchase the plugin from the developer.

However, it’s not required to purchase the plugin for the theme to work since the plugins are bundled with the theme.


Note : Only use the version of the plugin we provided with the theme to prevent any issues with your site, since it is the version that is tested with the theme.

How to Activate Purchased Plugins

Note : It’s not required for you to purchase the plugin separately, it is included with the theme for free and we will update it as needed by the theme. However, if you already own a license or prefer to purchase it, you can follow the steps below to enter your purchase code.


This sample is for purchased WPBakery Page Builder(formerly Visual Composer):


  • Step 1 – Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  • Step 2 – look for WPBakery Page Builder and click on Setting option.
  • Step 3 – The WPBakery Page Builder Settings page will show, then look for the Product License tab.
  • Step 4 – Click on the Activate WPBakery Page Builder button, you will be directed to another page. Follow the instructions to activate.


Note : Only use the version of the plugin we provided/recommend with the theme to prevent any issues with your site, since it is the version that is tested with the theme.



All of our items comes with free support. Free support is limited to questions regarding the themes features or problems. We provide premium support for code customisation or third-party plugins.

For issues and concern, you can reach us through these support methods:


  • E-mail – support@createit.pl
  • Help Desk Click here to go to our support website. Just click on the Submit Ticket button and follow instructions to create a ticket.
  • Forum Comment/Post on the product you have issues/queries in ThemeForest or CodeCanyon websites.


    Before You Post on a Forum

    We urge you to follow the steps below, before you post a new topic on the forum, to speed up your request. It’s in everyones interest and will benefit in making the entire forum more efficient:

    • Step 1 – Always check the Documentation and the Knowledgebase Section. Most questions are already answered in those areas.
    • Step 2 – If your question hasn’t been brought up on the forum, please post a new topic. Always be as specific as possible. Creating a topic requires entering the live URL to your home page or page that shows the issue in question. It also has bars for WP and FTP login info, which aren’t required, however, providing us with your login information can save a lot of time for both of us. Login credentials are securely stored and accessible only by our support staff.
    • Step 3 – We usually answer questions in 24 hours on working days. However, if you don’t get any answer within 72 hours bump up your question or send us an e-mail.


For all support methods, you will receive confirmations and replies on your queries through e-mail or by tracking your ticket which you will also get through e-mail. To track your ticket, please click here.


Once we reply to your query, each ticket will be open for 7 days without a reply from you. On the 6th day without a reply, an e-mail will be sent to notify you of the ticket’s inactivity. To make the ticket active again, you simply need to reply or follow the steps in the e-mail. If you won’t make the ticket active within 7 days, on the 8th day the ticket will automatically be closed.


Our support hours10:00 AM – 6:00 PM UTC +1 on Monday to Friday.

Theme Translator

Each of our Themes could be translated by using translation editor like: Poedit.

To translate the theme, it will need a POT (Portable Object Template) file to work.

POT is generated from theme files and contain all phrases from the theme that can be translated to a different language.

*In Estato WP the file is called estato-theme.pot and the path to it is estato > language instead.




The translation editor will create PO (Portable Object) and MO (Machine Object) file from the theme POT file. The only file we are able to edit is the PO file.

In the PO file, we are saving both English and the translations for this phrases. All translations you created are added there. Saving the changes there will also update the MO file that is used by the theme.


How to translate theme using Poedit 

    • Copy the estato_theme.pot file from /wp-content/themes/estato-theme/language/. Paste it on the desktop of your computer.
    • Using the Poedit application, open the PO file that is on the desktop.


    • The PO file will be opened by Poedit application. Click on the “Create new translation” button to start creating your translation.


    • You will be ask what language to translate the file into, choose the language as to what you need.
    • You will see at the Poedit application that at the left side are the Source Text (English words) and at the right side are the Translations.
    • When you click on a word from the source text, at the very right side you will see Translation Suggestions for the word that was clicked.
    • Click on the best of the suggested translations of the word. The suggested translation will show at the Translations side.


    • Click on a word from the source text one by one and translate.
    • Once done translating the words on the Source text, save the file.
    • When saving a file, “ct_theme-” should be added to the default file name.

    • Once saved, it will create a PO and MO file.
    • Copy the PO and MO file to the WordPress language directory located at /wp-content/languages/themes/.


    • In your WP, activate estato theme. Once activated, navigate your dashboard to Settings > General.
    • You will see the General Settings of your site. To activate the translation, look for the Site Language and select the one that you like.


  • After selecting the site language, click the Save Changes button and a loading icon will show. Once the loading icon disappear, the translation should be done.

For more information on how to translate a theme using Poedit, click this link.

Change image size in a single listing page

To change the size of the image shown in the single listing page:

Single Listing Page Sample before changing the size.

  • Step 1 – In your Dashboard, navigate to WPL > Activity Manager. You will be directed to the Activity Manager page.
  • Step 2 – In the Activity Manager page, you will see the all the activity created. Look for the Gallery of the listing, then click on the edit button.
  • Step 3 – The Modify Activity will pop-up.

    1. Change the option of Resize to Yes.
    2. Change the Image width & Image height as you prefer.

    Note: Resize must be set to Yes for the image to change its size.

  • Step 4 – Once the changes are done, click on the Save button.

Sample Result After Image Size Change

Translate using the WordPress Settings

WordPress can change the language of the words that are found in the PO and MO files located in the language directory. If the words are not found in the PO and MO files, it will stay the same and won’t be translated.


To change WordPress language, navigate your WP Dashboard to Settings > General.

You will be directed to the General Settings page. In this page, you have options to change the format of the time, date, email, tagline, etc,.


To change the language, look for Site Language. Change the language to what you would like, then click Save Changes to save and a loading icon will show. Once the loading icon is gone, WP should have changed its language.

Translate WPL (Realtyna)

WPL already have language files in its folder. It can be found on this path: /wp-content/plugins/real-estate-listing-realtyna-wpl/languages.

You can find the PO and MO files of the available languages that WPL have provided.

To translate WPL in WordPress, copy the PO and MO file of the language you would like to use. Then Paste the file in the WP language folder, path: /wp-content/languages/plugins.

To active the language translation, follow Translate using WordPress Settings tutorial.

For Languages that are not found in the WPL Language Folder


If the language you would want to translate your WPL is not found in the WPL language folder, you can make a new PO and MO file using Poedit.


To use Poedit, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 – Install Poedit software on your computer.
  • Step 2 – Copy a PO file of the default language used by WPL (e.i. wpl-en_US.po), and rename it.
  • Step 3 – Using the Poedit software, open the renamed PO file and then translate the strings.
  • Step 4 – Once done translating the strings, save the file. Once saved, it will create a PO and MO file.
  • Step 5 – Copy the new PO and MO file to the WordPress language directory, then change the language of WP to activate.



Pages for Test

In Pages panel you are able to edit the general options for the Pages and the Map.

Pages Customizer

Pages Customizer

  1. General

    • Comments
    • Show breadcrumbs
    • Comment form
    • Show titles on pages
    • 404 page – Sub header
    • 404 page – Header


  2. Map

    • Show section header
    • Section header image
    • Section sub header
    • Section header
    • Enter location
    • Map height
    • Button label
    • Top header
    • Bottom header
    • Top content
    • Bottom content
    • Map section background image
    • Map ornament left
    • Map ornament right
    • Map ornament middle
    • Show socials
    • Show information text
    • Hide information text


Notice: – settings above are by default applied for all your pages. Though you can also customize them for each page separately with Header and Navbar settings – you will see this option during page content edition.

Header and navbar settings

Header and navbar settings

Map Section Translation

To use this option, WPML Plugins must be activated. This plugin is not part of the theme plugin bundle package. Click this Link to get this plugin.

Activate the following plugins:

  • sitepress-multilingual-cm
  • wpml-string-translation
  • wpml-translation-management

To add translation for the map of this theme using WPML, follow these steps:

  • Step 1 –  Navigate to WPML > String Translation page and scroll down the page. Just click “Translate texts in admin screens” to proceed. 
  • Step 2 – Look for “theme_mods_delimondo2” and click the text to expand its available option.
  • Step 3 –  In this demo, we will just translate the following text: show image and let’s get in contact. Just check the following and apply the changes. 
  • Step 4 – Click on the Apply button at the bottom of the page to save.
  • Step 5 – After saving the changes, go to String Translation page.
  • Step 6 – Choose admin_text_theme_mods_delimondo2.
  • Step 7 – Click “translations” link and put the translated text then save your changes.
  • Step 8 – Go to Home page and choose Polish (or the language you made a translation). 
  • Sample result


Translating SizeGuide to different language using POT file

POT is generated from plugin files and contain all phrases from the plugin that can be translated to a different language. The POT file for this plugin is ct-size-guide.pot, and it can be found on path /wp-content/plugins/ct-size-guide/lang/

The translation can be created by a translation editor like Poedit or one of the free to use WordPress plugins like Loco Translate. This way you will be able to create PO (Portable Object) and MO (Machine Object) file from the plugin POT file. But the only file we are able to edit is the PO file. In the PO file, we are saving both English and the translations for this phrases. All translations you created are added there. Saving the changes there will also update the MO file that is used by the plugin.

How to translate plugin using Poedit


  • Install a translation editor from this site Poedit on your computer.

  • Choose the ct-size-guide.pot file to translate.

  • You will be asked what language to translate the file into. Choose the language you wish to translate to:

  • Click on a word from the source text one by one and translate.

  • Once done translating the words in the Source text, save the file.

  • When saving a file, ct-size-guide- should be added to the default file name.

  • Once saved, it will create a PO and MO file.

  • Copy the PO and MO file to the WordPress language directory located at /wp-content/languages/plugins or /wp-content/plugins/ct-size-guide/lang

  • To activated the created translation please, navigate your dashboard to Settings > General.

  • You will see the General Settings of your site. To activate the translation, look for the Site Language and select the one that you like.

  • After selecting the site language, click the Save Changes button and a loading icon will show. Once the loading icon disappears, the translation should be done.

For more information on how to translate a plugin using Poedit, click this link.

How to translate plugin using Loco Translate

To translate the English text used in our SIze Guide plugin please follow steps below:

  • Install and activate the plugin Loco Translate
  • Then from your Dashboard Go to Loco Translate > Plugins where createIT Size Guide Plugin plugin can be chosen.
  • Go to the Advanced tab and set there where you will be able to set the path to POT file: lang/ct-size-guide.pot click Save config button.
  • Go back to Overview tab and click the + New language button.
  • Then on the next screen, a Country dropdown list will appear, Select The language you want the texts to be translated. e,g: Polish and continue.
  • On the next screen, all the English text strings that are inside the plugin will be listed. Select text string from the Source text list and then Add your translated text in the text area below and click save.

  • To activate the created translation please, navigate your dashboard to Settings > General.
  • You will see the General Settings of your site. To activate the translation, look for the Site Language and select the one that you like.
  • After selecting the site language, click the Save Changes button and a loading icon will show. Once the loading icon disappears, the translation should be done.

For more information please follow created by developers Guides and Tutorials which can be found here: LINK.


Adding Size Guide to other pages.

From version 3.5 of the WooCommerce Product Size Guide, available is an option to add the SG tables outside the Single product page. It can be achieved by using Shortcode provided by the plugin.

These shortcodes can be found in the WordPress Dashboard on path Size guides > All size guides

Size guides shortcodes

If the page is using WPBakery Builder the shortcode can be added as a text in Text Block Settings.


postid = 102 // Is the ID of the SG that will be used

button=true // This parameter allows to show the SG as a button (true) or will simply add the table to the page (false)

button_value =”” // When left empty the button will be named Button/link label + SG title. The user also can separately set the text for each button by adding the text between ” “

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